Angelina Jolie- double mastectomy



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Just wondering why the media is portraying her as such a huge hero for doing this? Cuz she's a celeb? You'd think its an obvious choice to make..although I couldn't imagine how mentally hard it would be to go through that.

    My mom died of breast cancer...does that mean my sis will most likely get it? I think both sides of my family have dealth with some form of cancer.

    That is the point of getting tested for BRCA. It's expensive but insurance may pay for it depending on the wording of the policy. And I hate to break this to you, but men can and do get breast cancer, and the risk is higher if you carry the BRCA gene mutation.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Full Body Goosebumps.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    Interesting point of view from this article:

    "Brave or deluded? If Angelina wanted to set a more honest example, she would not behave like Lara Croft. She would slow down, take time to recuperate and nurture herself back to full strength over a period of months.

    To imply, as she has done, that it is possible to bounce back in a few days places an unfair burden on those women who struggle physically and mentally in the aftermath of such major and life-changing surgery.

    Instead of the sympathy and understanding they deserve from bosses, colleagues, friends and family, there is a worry they will now be expected to ‘bounce back’ in a few days, too.

    I’ve no doubt Angelina is sincere in her devotion to her children, but the best thing she could do for them — and for all families in the same position — is to acknowledge what a traumatic ordeal she has been through and take time off work to rest and recover and just be a mum. I, for one, would admire her all the more.[/i}
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Interesting point of view from this article:

    "Brave or deluded? If Angelina wanted to set a more honest example, she would not behave like Lara Croft. She would slow down, take time to recuperate and nurture herself back to full strength over a period of months.

    To imply, as she has done, that it is possible to bounce back in a few days places an unfair burden on those women who struggle physically and mentally in the aftermath of such major and life-changing surgery.

    Instead of the sympathy and understanding they deserve from bosses, colleagues, friends and family, there is a worry they will now be expected to ‘bounce back’ in a few days, too.

    I’ve no doubt Angelina is sincere in her devotion to her children, but the best thing she could do for them — and for all families in the same position — is to acknowledge what a traumatic ordeal she has been through and take time off work to rest and recover and just be a mum. I, for one, would admire her all the more.[/i}

    There is no doubt that she is still in pain but the course of her surgeries was over a 3 month period. She didn't go public until after the final phase of reconstruction...

    "She wrote that her experience involved a three-step process. On February 2, the actress had a procedure that increases the chance that the nipple can be saved. Two weeks later, she had major surgery where the breast tissue was removed and temporary fillers were put in place. Nine weeks later, she described undergoing "reconstruction of the breasts with an implant."

    I'm guessing she didn't want to bright light to herself until after all of her surgeries were complete. She is going to be very uncomfortable for a while. I'm no Angelina fan, by any means, but I think because of the exposure that she has to the public and her millions of fans, I think it was a great thing for her to discuss it. I hope that with her sharing her experience, it will help save lives.
  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Just wondering why the media is portraying her as such a huge hero for doing this? Cuz she's a celeb? You'd think its an obvious choice to make..although I couldn't imagine how mentally hard it would be to go through that.

    My mom died of breast cancer...does that mean my sis will most likely get it? I think both sides of my family have dealth with some form of cancer.

    You and your sister should both be tested. My great grandfather had breast cancer, as well as my male second cousin. They are going to test my 3 sons when they become teenagers. Also, even if you don't get it, you can have the gene and pass it to your children...I got the BRCA gene from my father.