Husband ordering pizza



  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member

    So ... If I take two slices of bread and put some cheese, meat and veggies between them, it might be a healthy meal. But if I put cheese, veggies and meat on top of bread and bake it, the nutrients magically disappear?

    You're so much smarter than I am. Will you be my nutrition guru?
    This is a healthy meal to you?
    two slices of bread and put some cheese, meat and veggies between them

    PS, dont forget that veggies is processed, that bread is processed, that meat is processed... so yea, where is this healthy? ms guru?
    The veggies are processed????? LMFAO

    You're adorable.

    are you being ignorant on purpose to assume that tomato sauce, used in making pizza isnt processed?
    1. Tomatoes are a fruit - specifically, they're a member of the berry family. An old Supreme Court case involving interstate commerce had them classified as a vegetable for tax purposes, which helped create the confusion on this, though why it persists is beyond me.

    2. Do you think diced tomatoes (readily available on pizza in most locales) are processed? What about fresh sliced onions, or peppers, or eggplant? If yes, why? If no, then what happens to them when they go into a pizza oven on top of some complex carbs from grains and a tomato (fruit) base with some cheese that transmogrifies them from healthy food into garbage?

    first off, you are being moronic... the pizza was a regular pizza, not a fresh slice veggie pizza.

    2nd... tomato sauce, is not diced tomatoes... it is can after can of processed tomato sauce. in other words... pumped full of preservatives and sodium.

    so please, if you do this to fool yourself, cool, but stop blowing smoke up peoples *kitten* about how processed foods are so amazingly healthy for you.
    Thanks for the insult; it's an interesting retort to being asked to respond intelligently. Second, who specified what "this pizza" is, or what defines "regular pizza"? Third, you're aware that not every pizza place makes their pizza sauce the same way, right? And that, for some of them, they're not using ingredients "pumped full of preservatives and sodium"? Or. . . do you have the exhaustive list of all the recipes for pizza joints to back up your claims? Finally, I said nothing about "processed foods are so amazingly healthy for you." I have yet to see any reputable study that indicates that eating them in moderation is horrible for you, but that's not the same sentiment. I'm sure you know that, with your self-described education. :flowerforyou:

    LOL @ you. A regular slice is a regular slice.. not a veggie slice. Thanks for pointing out early that you are a troll. And yes.. every pizza place is not making homemade sauce.. in fact ill take the leap that 99.9 dont. they buy red pack or some other huge distribute of sauce and they add spices to that to make it to their taste.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Do not eat 1500 calories of pizza. Save some calories for beer.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    LOL @ you. A regular slice is a regular slice..

    So, just cheese, tomato, some herbs, and pizza dough? Doesn't sound like it's horrendous IIFYM.
  • lina1131
    lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
    For the love of everything holy, eat the damn pizza.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    You know, my wife keeps trying to order Pizza with mushrooms on it, YUCK !! So now we order two pizzas and then have leftover pizza for lunch a couple of days. Sometimes I'll even heat up a slice in a dry non-stick pan and cook a sunnyside up egg on top of it for breakfast. Comes out to about 300 calories for breakfast which is just fine.

    The secret is to not eat an entire pizza at one setting...
  • jball1954
    jball1954 Posts: 29 Member
    Eat the pizza, count it in your calories, don't worry about it. Do good tomorrow!
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Take it from an old timer. You can "diet" and still live your life. My Fitness Pal has forever changed my life and how I approach my daily menu choices. Lasting weight loss can only come from learned moderation. I admire your desire to "stay on track" all the time but the fact is you will have to learn to treat yourself without throwing in the towel...especially when you have a family. Try instead to schedule pizza night so you can work it into your daily allowance of calories. The you can enjoy a slice of pizza with your family without the guilt. I do the same when I plan to eat out---I adjust the rest of my day to allow the expected extra calories. I usually know where I'm going ahead of time and plan what I am going to order. Instead of hurting me it helps me to maintain my calorie/fat plan and still enjoy my life. Your husband may also be a little more controlled if he knows you can plan your menu rather than exclude or forbid yourself certain items. It makes husbands and children nervous when mommy starts "dieting". Be patient and realistic about your meals and you will succeed. I am nine months in and totally satisfied to eat this way for the rest of my life. "Diets" don't work, total food restriction and deprivation doesn't work, you have to build a "living plan" that you can work with to reach your goals and keep it off forever. I wish I had discovered that many years ago--but never too late to make a lasting change in me. Good luck.
  • Way2slk
    Way2slk Posts: 48 Member
    this is what caught my attention in just 2 slices of papa murphys cowboy pizza. All of these carbs and fats and the sodium. Hopy **** I was killing myself. and that was just two slices. I found a substitue if have to have pizza. there are recipes with cauliflower as the crust. Pretty good and is good for me too. I don't feel guilty and I get the pizza craving taken care of. I just had to make a decision..... is that slice of pizza worth risking all of the good I have been doing? I have to think of the long term here, so I have made the decision to really try to be good.
    Calories 674
    Total Fat 32.8g
    Sat. Fat 15.2g
    Cholest. 73.6mg
    Sodium 1,883mg
    Carb. 61g
    Fiber 1g
    Sugars 14.8g
    Protein 33.2g
    hang in there and I KNOW I am gonna slip and fall but I am really trying. I am trying not to put myseld in situations where my weak willed self can't say... "OK I can have jsut one." I am an addict and I can't just do one slice. it turns into 3 or 4 and then I am screwed. I just stay away and not tempt myself. Chat soon
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    first off, you are being moronic... the pizza was a regular pizza, not a fresh slice veggie pizza.

    2nd... tomato sauce, is not diced tomatoes... it is can after can of processed tomato sauce. in other words... pumped full of preservatives and sodium.

    so please, if you do this to fool yourself, cool, but stop blowing smoke up peoples *kitten* about how processed foods are so amazingly healthy for you.

    Oh dear god!! Do the big scary preservatives and the blender somehow negate all the vitamins and minerals found in a tomato?

    What happens when the tomatoes go inside an air tight tin can??

    They look like they've still got plenty of nutrients to me . . .
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    For the love of everything holy, eat the damn pizza.

  • Way2slk
    Way2slk Posts: 48 Member
    Here is a great recipe for Seafood Gazpacho. It is fantastic.
    makes 8 cups
    28 ounce can of Italian plum tomatoes diced
    1 cup of snappy tom or bloody mary mix
    1/2 cup English cucumber, peeled and chopped
    1/2 cup of green pepper
    1/2 cup chopped onion
    1 cup of beef broth
    2 teaspoons of olive oil
    1 tablespoon minced garlic whole cloves
    1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
    1/2 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
    1/2 teaspoon salt
    1/2 teaspoon crushed basil
    1/2 pound cooked shrimp meat

    in a large glass bowl, combine all ingredients except shrimp chill at least 2 hours. Just before serving add the shrimp

    Approximate nutritional content per cup

    Total calories 76 calories
    [ ]Fat 2 grams
    [ ]Percentage of calories from fat 23 percent
    [ ]Carbohydrates in: 8 grams
    [ ]protein: 8 grams
    [ ]Cholesterol: 55 milligrams
    [ ]Sodium: 592 milligrams
    [ ]Dietary fiber: 1 gram
  • totalsham
    totalsham Posts: 217 Member

    Oh dear god!! Do the big scary preservatives and the blender somehow negate all the vitamins and minerals found in a tomato?

    What happens when the tomatoes go inside an air tight tin can??

    They look like they've still got plenty of nutrients to me . . .

    Please educate yourself....

    3 Reasons to Avoid Canned Vegetables

    For convenience, coming home after a tough day's work, throwing your briefcase on the chair and opening up canned vegetables to cook in the pan with some other quick-cooking ingredients seems just great. Canned vegetables may not be such a great idea, though. Consider the following three reasons to ditch the cans and opt for frozen or fresh vegetables instead.
    1. Bisphenol A (BPA)

    Bisphenol A worries health practitioners because of its possible link to serious health problems. BPA is an industrial compound, but food manufacturers use BPA to protect food from metal corrosion and bacteria. BPA may affect neural development in fetuses. BPA is also linked to endocrine disorders, heart disease and cancer. Canned foods have high amounts of BPA that some study groups find unacceptable.

    One group of scientists discovered levels of BPAs in canned foods that were 200 times the level proclaimed by the U.S. government as safe. Research also shows that BPA leaches from the liner into the food of canned goods. In a study's random sampling of 50 cans from the U.S. and Canada, researchers found BPA in 46 of the 50 food products. The highest level was found in a can of green beans.
    2. Sodium

    You need not worry about the sodium content of fresh vegetables, but canned vegetables pose a sodium risk if you are on a low-salt diet for health reasons. Check the ingredients of canned vegetables because they carry high levels of sodium. Fortunately, food manufacturers, in response to consumer awareness about sodium, have responded with reduced-sodium varieties. Unfortunately, not all canned vegetable products have low-sodium versions that you can find easily in stores.

    One state health agency concerned about the amount of sodium in commercial food took a look at canned tomatoes to illustrate the difference. The agency found that regular canned tomatoes had 15 times as much sodium as reduced-sodium canned tomatoes. Still, you can salvage your cans of vegetables by rinsing the food from the can first in water before putting the veggies in the pot, oven, pan or microwave. That will remove some of the salt content.
    3. Sulfites

    Sulfites are sulfur-based compounds added to food as preservatives. They are found in canned vegetables. About one out of 100 people is sensitive to sulfites, and reactions can be deadly. Sensitivity varies from person to person, but the reaction manifests itself in respiratory problems. Signs of a bad reaction develop in just 15 minutes to a half-hour after eating foods with sulfites.They take the form of shortness of breath or wheezing.

    Food labels on canned vegetables may not say "sulfites" per se, but look for any of these ingredients which have sulfites in them: sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite or sodium sulfite.

    Although these are three strong reasons to avoid canned vegetables, vegetables in general are the right choice for healthy eating. The perspective recommended by nutritionists is easy to live by: choose fresh or frozen vegetables first and canned vegetables second. A university study found that fiber and key vitamins in vegetables that underwent the canning process were not compromised as a result of canning. Just limit your use of canned vegetables if you are concerned about BPA, and look for reduced-sodium choices too.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I'm a husband and I ordered pizza and wings tonight
  • sherrin567
    sherrin567 Posts: 13
    Eat the pizza. You're staying within your calories. Isn't the whole point about being able to sensibly indulge in what you want on occasion? Plus when did pizza become bad?
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Its really up to you.

    If you want to loose weight practice the shake your head diet.

    When someone offers you food like pizza shake your head to the left then the right several times.

    Boils down to will power, do you want to lose or do you want to eat pizza? Your choice. The more you choice losing the easier it gets.

    Also don't eat back calories.. I can't see how you'd lose eating back 1500 cals.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG.

    This person is suggesting that eating one or two pieces of pizza will completely ruin you. if it fits into your calorie goal, by all means have some! Pizza isn't a "bad" food. Pizza can be high in fat, carbs and even sugar, but there is nothing BAD about eating fat, carbs and sugar. Just as long as you stay withing your goals.

    Second of all, ABSOLUTELY eat back you exercise calories, ESPECIALLY if you burned 1,500 in a workout! You shouldn't net less than 1200 a day, anyway.

    PLEASE do not listen to the above person, as they so very clearly have no idea what they are talking about. They are encouraging very restrictive habits that are not sustainable or healthy, which promote bingeing, and the "I screwed up, I can't do it I give up" vicious cycle.

    Want the pizza? Have the pizza.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member

    Oh dear god!! Do the big scary preservatives and the blender somehow negate all the vitamins and minerals found in a tomato?

    What happens when the tomatoes go inside an air tight tin can??

    They look like they've still got plenty of nutrients to me . . .

    Please educate yourself....

    3 Reasons to Avoid Canned Vegetables

    For convenience, coming home after a tough day's work, throwing your briefcase on the chair and opening up canned vegetables to cook in the pan with some other quick-cooking ingredients seems just great. Canned vegetables may not be such a great idea, though. Consider the following three reasons to ditch the cans and opt for frozen or fresh vegetables instead.
    1. Bisphenol A (BPA)

    Bisphenol A worries health practitioners because of its possible link to serious health problems. BPA is an industrial compound, but food manufacturers use BPA to protect food from metal corrosion and bacteria. BPA may affect neural development in fetuses. BPA is also linked to endocrine disorders, heart disease and cancer. Canned foods have high amounts of BPA that some study groups find unacceptable.

    One group of scientists discovered levels of BPAs in canned foods that were 200 times the level proclaimed by the U.S. government as safe. Research also shows that BPA leaches from the liner into the food of canned goods. In a study's random sampling of 50 cans from the U.S. and Canada, researchers found BPA in 46 of the 50 food products. The highest level was found in a can of green beans.
    2. Sodium

    You need not worry about the sodium content of fresh vegetables, but canned vegetables pose a sodium risk if you are on a low-salt diet for health reasons. Check the ingredients of canned vegetables because they carry high levels of sodium. Fortunately, food manufacturers, in response to consumer awareness about sodium, have responded with reduced-sodium varieties. Unfortunately, not all canned vegetable products have low-sodium versions that you can find easily in stores.

    One state health agency concerned about the amount of sodium in commercial food took a look at canned tomatoes to illustrate the difference. The agency found that regular canned tomatoes had 15 times as much sodium as reduced-sodium canned tomatoes. Still, you can salvage your cans of vegetables by rinsing the food from the can first in water before putting the veggies in the pot, oven, pan or microwave. That will remove some of the salt content.
    3. Sulfites

    Sulfites are sulfur-based compounds added to food as preservatives. They are found in canned vegetables. About one out of 100 people is sensitive to sulfites, and reactions can be deadly. Sensitivity varies from person to person, but the reaction manifests itself in respiratory problems. Signs of a bad reaction develop in just 15 minutes to a half-hour after eating foods with sulfites.They take the form of shortness of breath or wheezing.

    Food labels on canned vegetables may not say "sulfites" per se, but look for any of these ingredients which have sulfites in them: sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite or sodium sulfite.

    Although these are three strong reasons to avoid canned vegetables, vegetables in general are the right choice for healthy eating. The perspective recommended by nutritionists is easy to live by: choose fresh or frozen vegetables first and canned vegetables second. A university study found that fiber and key vitamins in vegetables that underwent the canning process were not compromised as a result of canning. Just limit your use of canned vegetables if you are concerned about BPA, and look for reduced-sodium choices too.

    So, we should worry because Bisphenol A might be a problem, sodium is an issue for people with specific medical issues, and some people are sensitive to sulfites.

    Well, I don't bother worrying about maybes. If I did, I wouldn't eat anything. Just about every food item has been linked to some health issue somewhere. Part of the problem is that so many correlations end up being indirect and not causal.

    I think we probably know if we have been diagnosed with any of the issues that require a low-salt diet. If you have been, then you should know to avoid most pre-packaged food. If not, have fun with the salt now and again.

    I think we probably also know if we're sensitive to sulfites. Kind of hard to live in the US, at least, and not eat something that's been preserved with them at some point. Again, have a sensitivity, stay away. Don't, enjoy.

    None of this addresses the original question. Do you think that all of the nutrients go *poof* when foods are canned?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    ...for continued defense of pizza.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member

    Oh dear god!! Do the big scary preservatives and the blender somehow negate all the vitamins and minerals found in a tomato?

    What happens when the tomatoes go inside an air tight tin can??

    They look like they've still got plenty of nutrients to me . . .

    Please educate yourself....

    3 Reasons to Avoid Canned Vegetables

    For convenience, coming home after a tough day's work, throwing your briefcase on the chair and opening up canned vegetables to cook in the pan with some other quick-cooking ingredients seems just great. Canned vegetables may not be such a great idea, though. Consider the following three reasons to ditch the cans and opt for frozen or fresh vegetables instead.
    1. Bisphenol A (BPA)

    Bisphenol A worries health practitioners because of its possible link to serious health problems. BPA is an industrial compound, but food manufacturers use BPA to protect food from metal corrosion and bacteria. BPA may affect neural development in fetuses. BPA is also linked to endocrine disorders, heart disease and cancer. Canned foods have high amounts of BPA that some study groups find unacceptable.

    One group of scientists discovered levels of BPAs in canned foods that were 200 times the level proclaimed by the U.S. government as safe. Research also shows that BPA leaches from the liner into the food of canned goods. In a study's random sampling of 50 cans from the U.S. and Canada, researchers found BPA in 46 of the 50 food products. The highest level was found in a can of green beans.
    2. Sodium

    You need not worry about the sodium content of fresh vegetables, but canned vegetables pose a sodium risk if you are on a low-salt diet for health reasons. Check the ingredients of canned vegetables because they carry high levels of sodium. Fortunately, food manufacturers, in response to consumer awareness about sodium, have responded with reduced-sodium varieties. Unfortunately, not all canned vegetable products have low-sodium versions that you can find easily in stores.

    One state health agency concerned about the amount of sodium in commercial food took a look at canned tomatoes to illustrate the difference. The agency found that regular canned tomatoes had 15 times as much sodium as reduced-sodium canned tomatoes. Still, you can salvage your cans of vegetables by rinsing the food from the can first in water before putting the veggies in the pot, oven, pan or microwave. That will remove some of the salt content.
    3. Sulfites

    Sulfites are sulfur-based compounds added to food as preservatives. They are found in canned vegetables. About one out of 100 people is sensitive to sulfites, and reactions can be deadly. Sensitivity varies from person to person, but the reaction manifests itself in respiratory problems. Signs of a bad reaction develop in just 15 minutes to a half-hour after eating foods with sulfites.They take the form of shortness of breath or wheezing.

    Food labels on canned vegetables may not say "sulfites" per se, but look for any of these ingredients which have sulfites in them: sulfur dioxide, potassium bisulfite, potassium metabisulfite or sodium sulfite.

    Although these are three strong reasons to avoid canned vegetables, vegetables in general are the right choice for healthy eating. The perspective recommended by nutritionists is easy to live by: choose fresh or frozen vegetables first and canned vegetables second. *A university study found that fiber and key vitamins in vegetables that underwent the canning process were not compromised as a result of canning.* Just limit your use of canned vegetables if you are concerned about BPA, and look for reduced-sodium choices too.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    You have 1500 cals remaining. Why wouldn't you eat the pizza?
    ^^^ yeah, I don't get it? You could probably have 3 pieces and not go said you already had two meals and a snack...not understanding the issue.
  • irishblonde2011
    irishblonde2011 Posts: 618 Member
    Is this a i want to eat pizza but want a bunch of strangers on the Internet to tell me it is ok post? :wink: