giving up alcohol



  • prosato1229
    prosato1229 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm giving up alcohol to lose weight! I don't eat a ton, but when I drink I binge eat and one night CAN throw off my whole week (or two weeks) of weight loss.

    I haven't read the whole thread, but if anyone wants to add me to try to try to kick this habit, I'd love the support and motivation!
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    I quit on drinking alcohol like beer,hard liquor & wine,, so that i can achieve my goal fast,, to be healthy also ;)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,682 Member
    I gave up drinking at 28. Partied myself out. Can honestly say I don't miss it. I may have one or two beers a year (usually with pizza) and am not a fan of wine. I would attribute this with why I've pretty much keep my weight in check for all these years. That's not to say that one can't have it in there lifestyle........................I'm just happy that I can do without it and eat more food instead.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Valdus92
    Valdus92 Posts: 25 Member
    I have absolutely no morality when it comes to drinking. I mean this, if not for the calories and just flat out gut alcohol gives me- I would probably be intoxicated all the time. That being said I simply count the calories on my diet or use it exercise calories net.
  • KY2022runner
    KY2022runner Posts: 72 Member
    I have to say since I have gotten into my mid-twenties and my body can't handle the booze like it used to. I pay for it if i drink too much and that has been some motivation.

    But, getting rid of my beer gut has been motivation too. Although, I think pizza was a major contributor to the gut as well, but I think everything in moderation is ok... except crack. Crack is whack!
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    I have not had any on day12 no smokes either ....I avoid my triggers until I'm strong enough to be around it and not be tempted...I have been taking Liver Detox pills to clean out my body and take a multi vitamin and I take 1000mg of Vitamin C which helps a TON! I did the same thing as you and can relate.I get really bad anxiety afterwards now that I quit I feel so much better and can breathe good loving it:happy:
  • doug_pierce
    doug_pierce Posts: 255
    I used to be a big drinker. In January I had a medical issue, and while I was working through it, I avoided alcahol completely for a couple of months. I found that I really liked being sober. My head cleared-up and my focus improved. I now drink occasioinally, but the gaps between drinking are getting longer. Last night was the third time I drank since mid-June. I've found that taking one of your 6 MFP meals and making it just for drinks is useful. That way you can easily see how many calories are coming from alcahol.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    hi ive gone nesrly two weeks without alcohol, i normally drink once a week but binge drink and pay for it for days on end and my fitness and eating go out the window!!!
    my family and friends are always drinking at social events or on weekend
    has anyone else given up alchol? was it hard

    please share your experiences with me thank you

    I finally got tired of 'drinking' my calories so I just up and quit.
  • So_Much_Fab
    So_Much_Fab Posts: 1,146 Member
    Starting July 15 I wanted to make a whole bunch of changes all at once to kind of 'reboot' myself and get back in the game. One of those changes was no drinking for 4 weeks. At the time, I was drinking more than I would care to admit.

    Since then I've had wine ONE night and expect to finish my 4 weeks without having another drink. It's been surprisingly easy.

    I gave up smoking too. :drinker:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Alcohol is expensive and overrated. I've more or less cut it out, and I have no regrets.
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    I've given it up completely for almost 3 months now. I like the taste of it, and wasn't really getting drunk that often, but even without drinking too much - often just a glass or two of wine would give me a headache. And eventually I was like "what I'm I doing this to myself for anyway?" I was a little worried when I was going out with friends who I knew would all be drinking, or when I went to a concert last week -things like that. But as it turns out - I'm more awake (drinking just makes me tired faster!) and I've had just as much or more fun at these events sober than I ever did when I was drinking. And I feel great the next morning instead of feeling dehydrated and crappy.

    And it's a relief to not have to worry about who is driving.

    So now, I pretty much wonder why I didn't quit drinking earlier.
  • angtimms
    angtimms Posts: 13
    This is a really interesting thread. It depends how much you like/enjoy alcohol to say how hard it will be to give up. Like many things with weight loss, it's do you want the instant enjoyment of several glasses of wine (or whatever your tipple is) or the long term benefits avoiding it will bring you? Personally, I find it hard to drink in moderation because I love red wine, gin and tonic and cocktails and I love the social aspect of it, which here, we grow up with.
    A couple of years ago I gave up drinking entirely for 6 months, I stopped in order to quit smoking, which I managed for a year and a half. In that time I also lost all the weight I am trying to lose again now! I started drinking again moderately. Moderately became regularly, while drinking on holidays my resolve slipped and after 18 months I started smoking again. Ignoring the scales for a year I'm back to square one. Off the cigarettes and alcohol for just over 2 weeks, I've lost almost 8lbs, I feel 100 times better physically and even more so emotionally, can I keep it up? I don't know but I'm gonna try!
    Whatever you decide - to give up entirely or drink in moderation - good luck! :)
  • briley76
    briley76 Posts: 41 Member
    I have absolutely no morality when it comes to drinking. I mean this, if not for the calories and just flat out gut alcohol gives me- I would probably be intoxicated all the time. That being said I simply count the calories on my diet or use it exercise calories net.

    If that's true, you need some serious help. Not to mention this is the dumbest **** I have ever heard. When you consume alcohol, your body completely shuts down the fat burning process, and only burns alcohol until it's gone. It also ceases ALL protein synthesis, so if you drink after exercising or lifting, it makes your workout effort a complete waste of F*&king time.
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    I love to drink, even though I know it impedes my weight loss.

    Moderation is hard, though, I'll admit.

    Add me; I'd love the support.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    When I don't drink, I do much better with staying on track with my diet and exercise. When I get lazy and drink more often than I should, I can easily find excuses to eat what I want and sit on the couch rather than exercise, often wasting months of hard work. So I try not to drink. I love both wine and beer, so it can definitely be challenging.
  • jillyk89
    jillyk89 Posts: 240 Member
    Hardest thing ever. I'm young and love to party but I've really cut back because of so many calories!!
    Just blaze instead ;-) hahah
  • winelover18
    I've just posted a friend request in 'Introductions' for this very reason OP (and it looks like I'll have to shameless bump it later). I would say I am probably alcohol dependent. Addiction is such a subjective thing but, I don't have to drink first thing, I don't get withdrawals, I'm not hiding it etc. But, I DO drink too much when I do drink. I can go a week without fine but, then I'll have a bottle of red one evening, which then leads to a bottle and a half the next evening and the same for the consecutive two or three days and then I stop again for a while.

    I'm 4' 10" and can down two bottles of red and not get 'drunk' and suffer no hangover. That's probably not good. Thing is, although I don't get hungover, I am more lethargic, less motivated, lower in mood etc on the day after I have had alcohol. On the flip side, the longer I stay alcohol free the higher my mood, motivation and energy levels get.

    It's become a bit of a 'no brainer' really. I am stopping for a while, as of today and I am determined to go as long as I can without. For the sake of my 'beer' belly.

    That's totally me as well. The huge bummer for me is that I SELL WINE FOR A LIVING! Great profession to be in when you want to cut alcohol out of your diet, eh? I also have to visit restaurants and go to happy hours to try to network with buyers, etc. Tasting wine is part of my everyday life, so I don't believe I could ever 100% give it up.

    I'm 5'6" and 125lbs, and it used to take 3+ drinks or glasses of wine for me to get drunk. I've noticed that after drastically cutting back my alcohol consumption to 1 drink a day, and then 1 drink every other day has really helped me feel better in the mornings and less lethargic.

    I drink lots of water in between drinks now, especially when out, and will opt for a vodka + soda or a light beer instead of heavier drinks. It's fun having less alcohol tolerance now in the sense that it's cheaper when going out (less drinks you need!) and you get a happy buzz with much less.

    Good luck to everyone with cutting back or cutting out alcohol! It's a pain in the rear sometimes, especially if you work in the industry, but doable. Serious kudos to those who have done it :)
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    Gave up drinking probably at 22, spent 18-22 drinking 2 nights a week, getting in fights, being a nob, eating loads of crap just being a nuisance really.

    Now 24, I drink OCCASIONALY (holidays, birthdays, old friends nights out) - I never stopped because of weight loss though, I sstopped because of the above and because.. lets be honest - we all get to a point where we get so drunk and we are still doing things, but we are not aware, and that ISNT the real you, and the whole concept behind it is just ridiculous, lol
  • Sassyandsexymommy
    Sassyandsexymommy Posts: 6 Member
    Stopped drinking the glass a wine during the week. And now trying to stop on the weekends. When I drink, I eat, a lot. I spend all week trying to undue the damage I do on the weekend.