Worst Wedding You've Ever Attended



  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I was single. He was staring at me...then we danced....then he kissed me ( i may have been a leeetle tipsy)....then i see his wife coming over....

    I got the biggest slap of my life...and i didnt even know he was married!!
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    Tacky, money-seeking "games" will leave a bad taste in a guest's mouth.

    "Goldfish insurance" had to be the worst thing I've ever seen. I went to an engagement party/fundraiser with my sister. In addition to a silent auction and various paid dances, the tackiest element was something called "goldfish insurance". Someone brought a bowl full of live goldfish, and they would periodically draw a guest's name out of a hat. The "winner" had to pay for the priviledge of NOT swallowing a goldfish. If they refused, other guests were expected to cough up to buy the fish a reprieve. :angry: That's offensive for so many reasons.

    These next two stories aren't about money-grabbing, but they might help you avoid some painful moments.

    My mom and I attended a friend's bridal shower when I was about 12. Nobody told my poor Mom that they had, ahem, "hired help" for entertainment.

    We attended a farm wedding when I was little. The only thing I remember about it was the all-night mosquito attack. :explode: :mad:
  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    I was single. He was staring at me...then we danced....then he kissed me ( i may have been a leeetle tipsy)....then i see his wife coming over....

    I got the biggest slap of my life...and i didnt even know he was married!!

    :blushing: Oops
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    There was an Eric Clapton song that I requested not to be played either, can't think of the name off hand, but it was a song that I seemed to hear at every single wedding that I've been to.

    Was it "Wonderful Tonight"? That song is incredibly annoying and you were right to ban it!

    The only song that could possibly be worse than that is "Layla", which is about Clapton pining for another man's wife!
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I didnt go to it... but my "friends" wedding... I heard alllll about

    -First oopsy was the invites going out and only inviting certain people from certain friend groups...
    There were a group of 9 of us all friends at college, 3 invited all day, 3 just to the evening her so called best friend was demoted to this catagory :o!, and 2 of us not at all...
    -Second oopsy - 3 hen dos... 1 for college friends, 1 for church friends, 1 for family and family friends... problem with this... isnt the hen do so people dont turn up at the wedding and go "who the hell are you?"
    -Third... Inviting people to the hen do who werent invited to the wedding... why would they want to go?!
    -Fourth - her wedding wasnt particularly large wedding and yet at the ceremony they used microphones and had it being projected onto a big screen at the front of the church... like it was some sort concert or something... weird and unnecessary

    I cant think of anything that isnt just taste about the reception

    Not really relevant but something that keeps bugging me about her photos on facebook her dress strap kept falling off her shoulder and showing her bra strap, its even like it in the professional photos, I'd be devastated to find that on nearly all my photos after :( make sure someone has a pin/safetypin/ needle and cotton!

    (haha if you havent guessed I'm not the biggest fan of the "friend" whose wedding it was, shes not a very nice person....)
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    oh... and just read the post about songs....
    my uncles 2nd wedding one of the first songs played was "sweet caroline" his first wife had been called caroline... not making it worst wedding ever but rather a cringey moment!
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I was single. He was staring at me...then we danced....then he kissed me ( i may have been a leeetle tipsy)....then i see his wife coming over....

    I got the biggest slap of my life...and i didnt even know he was married!!
    why is she slapping YOU? mad cow.
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I went to my "lovely" sister-in-laws wedding. She is a little on the large side and wore the most horrendous pink satin dress with a pink veil and tiara and her hair was meant to be blonde but was actually yellow. For anyone who lives in the UK and watches the soap "Eastenders" I cannot stress enough how much this woman looks like Ian Beale. Anyway, she walks down the aisle and I burst into silent uncontrollable giggles, I had to hold my 6 month old son in front of my face to hide my laughter.

    The food tasted like cardboard, there was pizza that was just pure dough and not much else, the groom is quite well off so we thought they would have had a better caterer! They even had a wedding list for John Lewis with over £2000 worth of gifts that they wanted, considering this was both of their 3rd marriages, I found it a tad cheeky..

    I sat at a table with my Husband, other sister-in-law, mother and father in-law and some others, not once did she come over to say hello, not even to her sister who travelled 40 miles to show up.

    A thoroughly nasty piece of work who refers to my son as "That baby" and tried to split me and my Husband up.. At least I got a giggle out of it.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I am probably going to be offending people with my decisions. My fiancé and I did a lot of research and realized there is no way we would be able to afford a traditional wedding with an open bar. <snip>

    We said screw it. We are getting married on a beach in the Bahamas while on a cruise and we will invite everyone. This way the people who come will be the people who really want to be there for us. We are going to upset some people who want to be there but won't be able to go but if they really do love us, they will be happy for us and won't judge us for it. Our guest list is going to be a fraction of what it would be with a traditional wedding and the cost per person is much much less so we won't have to go into debt to do it this way.

    No flames here. Lost of people choose destination weddings.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    this thread just serves to convince me that i should never get married.

    it's a huge amount of money to feed & entertain a bunch of people who will spend more time complaining about the food & booze, being catty about the dress & music, and ticking off every faux pas they see than they will actually celebrating my union.

    the whole thing is just one big old ball of ugly.
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    There was an Eric Clapton song that I requested not to be played either, can't think of the name off hand, but it was a song that I seemed to hear at every single wedding that I've been to.

    Was it "Wonderful Tonight"? That song is incredibly annoying and you were right to ban it!

    The only song that could possibly be worse than that is "Layla", which is about Clapton pining for another man's wife!

    Yeah, I think that was it!! Also, "Last Dance" was another...Gloria Estiban (Spelling??). Can't stand that song any more either..
  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    I'm astonished at how many of these aren't about breaches of etiquette on the part of the bride, but actually rude and ungrateful guests.

    You're not at the wedding to be feted to your standards; you're there to celebrate a union between two people.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    this thread just serves to convince me that i should never get married.

    it's a huge amount of money to feed & entertain a bunch of people who will spend more time complaining about the food & booze, being catty about the dress & music, and ticking off every faux pas they see than they will actually celebrating my union.

    the whole thing is just one big old ball of ugly.
    I'm astonished at how many of these aren't about breaches of etiquette on the part of the bride, but actually rude and ungrateful guests.

    You're not at the wedding to be feted to your standards; you're there to celebrate a union between two people.

    Exactly my sentiments.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    WOW I guess I broke most ettiquette rules. We had open bar at my reception and everyone was drunk, my cousin was dancing on top of the table. But my husbands groomsmens said it was the best wedding they ever attended LOL!!! 25 years later they still talk about how much fun they had!!!

    Oh my wedding did start on time!! I made sure of that LOL!!
  • LAMAnRLA91909
    A wedding doesn't have to be expensive. My husband and I planned our wedding and the total cost was less than $2,000 (includes my dress, shoes, our rings, the food, decorations, etc.) I have never been one for elaborate or fancy things. We had over 150 people at the wedding and reception. I wanted our wedding to be special and non-stressful (which it was). We did not have any stress whatsoever. We got married in a church and the reception was in the fellowship hall, so we could not have any music or dancing (no one complained). All I saw during the wedding and reception were a lot of smiling faces. Our wedding may not be ideal to some but to my husband and me, it was perfect.

    I've never been to any bad weddings, but I have been to one heck of a doozy wedding. The bride just found out she was pregnant and wanted to get married as soon as possible. She called her aunt to ask if she would help with the wedding. Her aunt said she would be more than happy to do it then asked "When and where?" To which the bride to be answered, "Friday night at your house." The wedding was held in the living room (which wasn't very big), the furniture was pushed to the side to make room for the bride and her escort to make their entrance. The preacher said, "Dearly beloved we are here to attend the funeral of...." then realized he meant wedding. He explained that he performed the wedding ceremony of his daughter and even though it was a wedding it felt like a funeral to him. He felt as though he was losing his daughter. During the part in which the preacher asked, "Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" The bride's step-dad just stood there. I was close enough to tap him and whisper, Her mother and I." He said, "Oh yeah, what she said." The preacher said, "And what did she say we didn't hear it." The step-dad said, "Her mother and I." I whispered, "Yes! Finally!" At the reception (which was held in the kitchen), the bride and groom wanted to toast each other with a glass of punch. Another person and I demonstrated how to interlock the elbows to take the first sip. They interlocked the elbows perfectly but then tried to drink out of each other's glasses. I said, "No, you drink out of your own glass. To which they both said, "Oh!" They twisted the arms once again (they looked like a pretzel). A few of the guests and I walked out of the house and laughed so hard we were in tears. It is a wedding I will never forget.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    There was an Eric Clapton song that I requested not to be played either, can't think of the name off hand, but it was a song that I seemed to hear at every single wedding that I've been to.

    Was it "Wonderful Tonight"? That song is incredibly annoying and you were right to ban it!

    The only song that could possibly be worse than that is "Layla", which is about Clapton pining for another man's wife!

    Yeah, I think that was it!! Also, "Last Dance" was another...Gloria Estiban (Spelling??). Can't stand that song any more either..
    Both terrible songs!

    My no-play (or I'll rip your eyes out) list included both of those, along with "Celebration", "We are Family", "Mony Mony", "I will survive", the Hokey Pokey, Ducky Dance, the Macarena, the Hustle, the "Grease Medley", and I'm sure some others that I've succesfully blocked out and would be happy to never hear again....
  • SquidandWhale
    SquidandWhale Posts: 259
    this thread just serves to convince me that i should never get married.

    it's a huge amount of money to feed & entertain a bunch of people who will spend more time complaining about the food & booze, being catty about the dress & music, and ticking off every faux pas they see than they will actually celebrating my union.

    the whole thing is just one big old ball of ugly.
    I'm astonished at how many of these aren't about breaches of etiquette on the part of the bride, but actually rude and ungrateful guests.

    You're not at the wedding to be feted to your standards; you're there to celebrate a union between two people.

    Exactly my sentiments.

    I always planned of hying off to the original Las Vegas: Gretna Green.
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    We spent a small fortune on our wedding - but it was the best day of my life. And it was the best freaking party EVER!

    Our friends are still talking about it now - people were still dancing when the sun came up.

    BO HOO to all those who sneer at people who "waste" money on big weddings and preach that weddings lose meaning unless they are small.

    Ours was HUGE but everyone cried their eyes out at our personalised vows - it couldn't have been more meaningful if there was 10 people versus the 250+ who came to the ceremony.

    I wouldn't change a single second of it. Best use of several thousand pounds of our own hard earned money ever!!
  • doronajay
    doronajay Posts: 222 Member

    We said screw it. We are getting married on a beach in the Bahamas while on a cruise and we will invite everyone. This way the people who come will be the people who really want to be there for us. We are going to upset some people who want to be there but won't be able to go but if they really do love us, they will be happy for us and won't judge us for it. Our guest list is going to be a fraction of what it would be with a traditional wedding and the cost per person is much much less so we won't have to go into debt to do it this way.

    No flames here. Lost of people choose destination weddings.

    Destination weddings are boss. Just went to one on the Big Island. Everyone danced barefoot on the beach, a pig was roasted, cocktails were plentiful. It was breathtakingly beautiful. The next morning, everyone went out together for the day to tour the island, eat, drink, and celebrate. Rinse/repeat for the entire weekend. It was very memorable, and it didn't break the bank for the bride and groom.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    I am probably going to be offending people with my decisions. Me and my fiance did a lot of research and realized there is no way we would be able to afford a traditional wedding with an open bar. (open bar is the standard here and my fiance refused to have a wedding without an open bar) Also, I have a huge family and am expected to invite people I am not even close with just because they are family. People would show up for the free food and drinks without really caring about me or my fiance and thinking that they are doing me a huge favor by going out of their way to show up...I figured doing it this way I would just end up being really upset with how the wedding ended up turning out.

    We said screw it. We are getting married on a beach in the Bahamas while on a cruise and we will invite everyone. This way the people who come will be the people who really want to be there for us. We are going to upset some people who want to be there but won't be able to go but if they really do love us, they will be happy for us and won't judge us for it. Our guest list is going to be a fraction of what it would be with a traditional wedding and the cost per person is much much less so we won't have to go into debt to do it this way.

    My husband and I did this also..except we went to Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Still going strong 14 years later..