'No, I don't date BIG girls'



  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I think that people definitely have personal preferences, some more conscious than others. You can't fake attraction especially in the long term. It's probably harder to stomach when it comes to traits such as being "big" as opposed to not being attracted to a "blond".

    In the end, you can't control what people like and don't like. I do believe, however, that if that person is directly telling you why they're not interested in you, than they should at least have the decency to be polite.
  • nytius
    nytius Posts: 173 Member
    I.........like big butts and i can not lie - Sir Mix-A-Lot

    Quoted for respect :)

    My two cents:

    I don't know that stating you think big girls are lazy is a statement on preference. Just saying, looks like everyone jumped on the "you like what you like" band wagon but I'm pretty sure its not about liking fit girls. What's wrong with just turning someone down generally? To me only a douche would say you're lazy and funky and it shows because your big. That's not non-PC. That's douche speak. I equate that with the "you're black so *insert stupid stereotype*". I certainly have a preference but it doesn't define everything. I mean to me its kind of idiotic to say all of your other qualities are negated because of your big head, eyes set to wide apart or some mess like that. But that's me, if you generally don't date big women that's just preference. If you happen to see a woman you are not attracted to wink at you and you assume all kinds of things based on how she looks and decide to tell her so...that's ignorance.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member

    In the end, you can't control what people like and don't like. I do believe, however, that if that person is directly telling you why they're not interested in you, than they should at least have the decency to be polite.

    jesus, on here you cant even respond to a thread "no i dont date big girls" and be honest without all sorts of negativity !!!!

    In the real world you take your life in your own hands even when you reject a woman politely as it stirs incredable anger and negativity towards you..
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I have and will continue to date all different types of women. I love them big, small, tall, short,etc.
  • ichoose2believe
    ichoose2believe Posts: 108 Member
    You don't like it - smile, nod and move on. Thats what I do.
  • marionmmm
    marionmmm Posts: 61
    I have rarely been attracted to a woman based solely on her looks. I don't want to date carnival side show fat lady, but I'm a lot more interested in a woman that is comfortable with her own appearance. That is sexy. And, by the way, it is rarer than one would think.

    There are a lot of people that project a confident air without feeling it. That's unfortunate.

    I want a self suffiient, confident person. One that doesn't need me to bolster her, but wants me by her side.

    Already found her 25 years ago. She can operate just fine without me in her life, but chose me to be with her. I am sure I could live my life without her, as well, but I couldn't imagine doing so.

    Ya, that's why the date, marry, etc threads ARE TRULY BAFFLING!

    I only think "what you people have never dated or married someone crazy?!"

    If Kate Upton wanted to date me, but liked to argue over senseless nonsense I would have nothing to do with her.
    I could think of something to do with her. Dated plenty of crazy girls and they are very good at one thing ;)


    Hi I'm Crazy
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    You know what I love in a man? A nice big nose. I love big noses and I cannot lie. I really dislike small noses. I also hate nose hair. If a guy looks like a party favor when he sneezes, I just really am not attracted to that. I have been rejected for reasons just as superficial. I think people only get offended if they are on the receiving end of such preference.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I don't date skinny guys. Am I now a bad person for not doing that?
  • lfergurson1
    lfergurson1 Posts: 137 Member
    we all have our preferences I go for personalities more than people my bf is 310 and 6'3 dont get me wrong I want him to be leaner he does have alot of muscle though.Hes black after my divorce because my kids are all caucasian people were shocked and all I could think is how small minded. Oh well people do what they wanna do. There are great men who wouldnt date a really thin woman. You just have to wait for yours love. :)
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Everyone has a preference...there are guys that date big girls...that particular person just wasn't one...I don't think it's rude...its honest...if you don't like big girls don't date them. Im a big girl trying to become a fit girl,but have never been offended nor would I be offended by a man who would not want to date me based on my size (his loss) ...if you don't like corn chips don't eat it.
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    Who really says that nowadays?

    It really bothers me when some, and I repeat, some guys think 'big girls' are nasty, stinky, lazy, and whatever other degrading adjective comes to mind. Seriously, those kind of guys need to get over that thought because it makes them look like a cocky, dumb, *kitten*.

    What are your feelings about that?

    Did some guy legit tell you that he didnt' date big girls for all the reasons you listed up there? Because if not it kind of seems to me that YOU'RE the one who feels that way and you're trying to let it out some how. In my opinion when you put words into somone else's head or thoughts it's just echoing what you think so maybe you should take a step back and learn to love who you are for who you are and not worry about what some guys think. Sure some guys like skinny girls, some guys like girls with huge boobs, some like them with little ones, and some guys like big girls. You can't change that about people. It's all in how they see a person, how they feel when they see that person. I think this really boils down to you need to boast your self esteem and make yourself love who you are before you even worry about what SOME guys say. Just my thoughts
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I think no matter what your personal preferences are, it's always best to just be polite and say you're not interested. No need to blame it on any physical features even if that is the reason. If a guy isn't interested in me, it's fine, I don't need to know if it's because of my body or hair or whatever. Outer appearances are too much a matter of taste for me to get upset about. What matters is that you like yourself. If you don't, it's time to try and change what you don't like. :)
  • chantelp89
    chantelp89 Posts: 590 Member
    Are we not allowed to have a type or preference? I mean, I like tall men and girls with nice titties
  • thisdarkpassenger
    thisdarkpassenger Posts: 76 Member
    "Big" girls do it best. It's truly their loss and they don't know what they're missing. I bet after an hour with me they'd "date" "big" girls ;)
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    I think if you are basing any major part of your mate selection on something as fleeting as physical attraction you are already dooming yourself to an unhappy relationship. Physical attraction should be a nice to have not a deal breaker.

    A big part of what I consider to be involved in a "relationship " with someone is a rocking sex life.. So if the thought of having sex with someone does not appeal to me due to a physical trait that is already a 'bad relationship' why would I even set myself up for that?

    I mean great if your idea of a "relationship " does not involve sex but for me not finding someone even a little attractive physically IS a deal breaker if ever there was one :p
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Years ago I was having a cigarette outside a bar and I noticed a guy making the eyes at me. His friend saw him checking me out and "whispered" something like "Dude, but she's so much bigger than you!". The part that annoyed me wasn't that the friend called me fat, as that was nothing I hadn't heard before, but it was the fact that the guy was showing obvious attraction towards me and his friend tried to talk him out of approaching me because of my weight. Like, why should the friend even care if his buddy wants to hit on me? I wasn't interested in the dude at all, but yeah that really irked me.

    I think that illustrates the reason why a lot about people make statements about not wanting to "date fat chicks". They aren't saying it to themselves, they are saying it to their peers/society/whoever they think really cares about who they date, regardless of who they are really attracted to. And if they truly aren't into big girls, that's their preference, but there is a difference between having a preference and putting it on a bumper sticker or making it your motto.
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member
    The world is full of sensitive mind readers.
    I also don't get offended by people that aren't attracted to "big girls". I don't feel attracted to me when I'm fat, either.
    At least he was kind enough to use a euphemism.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member
    "Big" girls do it best. It's truly their loss and they don't know what they're missing. I bet after an hour with me they'd "date" "big" girls ;)

    always one !!!!!

    and you shot yourself in the foot already be them big or thin.....!

    what goods an hour ??????????????
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    "Big" girls do it best. It's truly their loss and they don't know what they're missing. I bet after an hour with me they'd "date" "big" girls ;)
    Yaa, I have heard that one before..and was left totally disappoint
  • thisdarkpassenger
    thisdarkpassenger Posts: 76 Member
    "Big" girls do it best. It's truly their loss and they don't know what they're missing. I bet after an hour with me they'd "date" "big" girls ;)

    always one !!!!!

    and you shot yourself in the foot already be them big or thin.....!

    what goods an hour ??????????????

    Always one WHAT? and shot myself in the foot? Your comment makes no damn sense. And I was saying, give me an hour (or less) and I could change their mind about "big" girls.