Some of you are just plain RUDE



  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    You need to APPLAUD them for taking the step to be healthy.

    I don't need to do anything. I don't ask you to validate my decisions and my actions and my choices. Why the heck would I need to do that with you? Or anyone else for that matter?I've taken ownership of my decisions and choices and as such I get to own my successes and my failures. If you are asking for advice, and I share my advice, you, as the asker, should be prepared to hear something that doesn't jive with your world view. Usually, people like myself who have been here for a long time and learned a lot of hard lessons are willing to share our experiences, only to get shot down, disrespected and told "but that would never work for me!" then disregarded. It's rare that the snarky responses precede the good advice and imminent rebuttal.

    Also, your post is exceedingly RUDE and condescending. How about removing the massive tree branch in your own eye before looking for the splinter in mine, k?
  • Bajiggity
    Bajiggity Posts: 88 Member
    Danger Will Robinson!

    I :heart: you so much!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member

    There is so much ridiculousness on this thread, and I would love to tell one person in particular who thinks she's coming across as super awesome that she actually sounds like a complete idiot, but...

    I'd rather just hug this dog.
  • kloser2kona
    kloser2kona Posts: 15
    looks like your post has attracted a great deal of the rude pr!c*s here, they will follow wherever you go.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I have gotten to the point where I don't want to read the forum's anymore because some of you are just RUDE.

    What makes you think you can treat someone like they are stupid?

    Forums are like that. Some people use them to get attention from their "shocking" comments. Some use them for attention for their bodies. Some use them for dialog attention. You just have to sift though what you don't want and take in what you do. Almost *ever* forum will have some touch of this.

    Find people you like and stalk them around and interact with them. Ignore the rest.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    In before the lock on yet another complaint about how mean people can be. Fight rudeness with rudeness and they will cancel each other out by bursting into sparkly rainbow colored unicorns.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    @ Bannedword --- Being snide (as you are in your post) is against the policies of this site. If you can't be positive, be quiet.

    Bossy. My favorite kind of rude.
  • SadKitty27
    SadKitty27 Posts: 416 Member
    You need to APPLAUD them for taking the step to be healthy.

    I don't need to do anything. I don't ask you to validate my decisions and my actions and my choices. Why the heck would I need to do that with you? Or anyone else for that matter?I've taken ownership of my decisions and choices and as such I get to own my successes and my failures. If you are asking for advice, and I share my advice, you, as the asker, should be prepared to hear something that doesn't jive with your world view. Usually, people like myself who have been here for a long time and learned a lot of hard lessons are willing to share our experiences, only to get shot down, disrespected and told "but that would never work for me!" then disregarded. It's rare that the snarky responses precede the good advice and imminent rebuttal.

    Also, your post is exceedingly RUDE and condescending. How about removing the massive tree branch in your own eye before looking for the splinter in mine, k?

    You win the thread :drinker:
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I have gotten to the point where I don't want to read the forum's anymore because some of you are just RUDE.

    What makes you think you can treat someone like they are stupid?

    People have legitimate questions that need thoughtful answers. You may have lost 50 pounds and be in the best shape of your life but that does not give you the right to talk down to someone. Where are you manners?? I don't care if this is your 50th time answering the same question. Don't be a prick about it. Some are new to this site and don't want to go through the million pages of topics that are posted. For a lot of people this is there first time trying to get healthy, they may not know that you shouldn't eat less than 1200 calories. You need to APPLAUD them for taking the step to be healthy. If you have some criticism, say it nicely. Don't say things like "you're stupid" or "I did that back when I was a naive idiot" or other sarcastic blows. People come here for support and advice. You can give your advice is a nice way.

    Pretty sure this site is for motivation and support. Let's make sure we keep it that way. Keep it classy, people. Keep it classy.

    End rant

    Thank you!!! People on here are a-holes. Guess they forget what it's like to just start out.

    Well, several times I've tried to be helpful by posting what worked *for me* and been attacked.
    A lot of times people simply don't want to hear what worked, because they don't want to hear it. Get over it, I'm not going to say you're doing great for eating pizza and pop tarts.

    What's wrong with pizza and pop tarts? IIFYM

    Somehow I just knew that was coming.
  • Lovely_at_any_size
    Lovely_at_any_size Posts: 94 Member
    I have gotten to the point where I don't want to read the forum's anymore because some of you are just RUDE.

    What makes you think you can treat someone like they are stupid?

    People have legitimate questions that need thoughtful answers. You may have lost 50 pounds and be in the best shape of your life but that does not give you the right to talk down to someone. Where are you manners?? I don't care if this is your 50th time answering the same question. Don't be a prick about it. Some are new to this site and don't want to go through the million pages of topics that are posted. For a lot of people this is there first time trying to get healthy, they may not know that you shouldn't eat less than 1200 calories. You need to APPLAUD them for taking the step to be healthy. If you have some criticism, say it nicely. Don't say things like "you're stupid" or "I did that back when I was a naive idiot" or other sarcastic blows. People come here for support and advice. You can give your advice is a nice way.

    Pretty sure this site is for motivation and support. Let's make sure we keep it that way. Keep it classy, people. Keep it classy.

    End rant
    I guess I have not ran into the problem with rude people yet and I have been using this site since January.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I agree....some people forget that they were once the ones looking for advice, then the drop 50lb and go all diva like....shame some peoples attitudes cant reflect on the inside what they become on the outside.

    The reason those successful people have that attitude is because that attitude is what is takes to succeed.

  • FitterStrongerHappier
    FitterStrongerHappier Posts: 65 Member
    Ya know - Rudeness is relative. Many times when people say things that are against what we feel or believe, it can be taken as Rude. Sometimes it's blatent, sometimes it's just someone who passionately believes in something differently than you do. Been doing this for over a year now (which isn't much compared to some - but a lot longer than others) - and what I've found is, there is NO 'one size fits all'.

    Better to find what works for you (operative term is is 'works') - not just what you 'believe' - but what actually 'WORKS' long term. Then, once you figure it out, the highly opinionated posts of others won't bother you so much, because you won't feel so sensitized and a bit lost in trying to figure it out.

    Until then, it's best to put on a suit of armor, because until you work out your own pathway and figure out what manner you want to use to lose the weight (preferably healthily), you're going to be putting yourself out there for positive and negative responses. No different than walking into a room full of strangers and saying "Do you like my hair cut?" you're going to get a wide variety of responses, some sneers, and some helpful. People are people - the internet is interaction without reservation, because people don't have the concerns they may have responding the same way in real life.

    Think about it - most people know it is easier to type something down, than it is to say it. Less chance of lash back. What's the worst that could happen? They get their hand slapped by a moderator. Not like someone is going to punch them in the face. LOL.

    It's a challenging thing, learning what will work for you. Best to read and learn as much as you can, and plan on being in it for the long haul (full body armor in the beginning), because it won't happen overnight.

    Good luck :)
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    one friday while bored at work i posted something of the same nature....18 pages later of people telling me off.....oy.....people are crazy....some of the forum posts here are like train wrecks....some are motivational, informative, others just sad.....
    if people are being mean for fun, yikes....what kind of miserable pathetic lives do you think they have?

    well crap I am at 8 pages now. HOWEVER, I have received 15 new friend requests and 6 personal messages thanking me. So guess its a pretty darn good day.

    Happy Friday, everyone!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    You need to APPLAUD them for taking the step to be healthy.

    I don't need to do anything. I don't ask you to validate my decisions and my actions and my choices. Why the heck would I need to do that with you? Or anyone else for that matter?I've taken ownership of my decisions and choices and as such I get to own my successes and my failures. If you are asking for advice, and I share my advice, you, as the asker, should be prepared to hear something that doesn't jive with your world view. Usually, people like myself who have been here for a long time and learned a lot of hard lessons are willing to share our experiences, only to get shot down, disrespected and told "but that would never work for me!" then disregarded. It's rare that the snarky responses precede the good advice and imminent rebuttal.

    Also, your post is exceedingly RUDE and condescending. How about removing the massive tree branch in your own eye before looking for the splinter in mine, k?

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    If you are offended by these boards you should definitely avoid pregnancy boards!

    When people get rude it's usually because they offered helpful advice (that actually works) and it was ignored. People come here seeking validation of why something failed them instead of why they failed at it. The successful people are the ones who did the research, took the advice and had patience. The people who get offended ask for advice, never take it and are impatient.

    If you don't like it move on or avoid the boards.
  • Zilla100
    Zilla100 Posts: 137 Member
    well crap I am at 8 pages now. HOWEVER, I have received 15 new friend requests and 6 personal messages thanking me. So guess its a pretty darn good day.

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    Make that 7 personal thank you messages. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Can't we all just get along and be happy and supportive and all that ****....

  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member

    I don't know what's going on here but I am so glad that this gif has come into my life.

    me too!! I'm attracted and repulsed at the same time...what does that mean???
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    one friday while bored at work i posted something of the same nature....18 pages later of people telling me off.....oy.....people are crazy....some of the forum posts here are like train wrecks....some are motivational, informative, others just sad.....
    if people are being mean for fun, yikes....what kind of miserable pathetic lives do you think they have?

    well crap I am at 8 pages now. HOWEVER, I have received 15 new friend requests and 6 personal messages thanking me. So guess its a pretty darn good day.

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    why don't you try this... the next time you seem somebody being rude, why not address that specific person right then and there for it, instead of leveling an open accusation of rudeness at the entire community at some later date/time?

    i'd still like to see a specific example or two of what you are complaining about, but you have failed to provide any. i am doubtful that such examples exist, but if they do it would be worthwhile knowing who exactly the rude people are so that i can avoid them in the future.

    if you're getting grief for this thread, it's for those 2 reasons.
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