Senior Golden Sneakers~~~~For June~~~~~



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beth Feb 24, 1971
    Doodlesll---March 12, 1940
    Sandy---March 10, 1942
    Barbiecat ---March 25, 1946
    Birdie---March 30, 1948
    Barbs----April 6, 1954
    Elli---May 16, 1952
    Jersey [ toby } May 18,1946
    Neil June 12
    Phoebe---July 26
    Sandie--Aug. 1st.
    Jeffrey---Sept. 25, 1953
    Jake---Oct., 10, 1945
    Marie---Nov. 7, 1930
    Gayla---Nov. 20, 1949

    Happy birthday Neil. To a very special friend. Did your mom bake you a cake?

    viliberty --Sept 18

    Look like
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beth Feb 24, 1971
    Doodlesll---March 12, 1940
    Sandy---March 10, 1942
    Barbiecat ---March 25, 1946
    Birdie---March 30, 1948
    Barbs----April 6, 1954
    Elli---May 16, 1952
    Jersey [ toby } May 18,1946
    Neil June 12 :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Phoebe---July 26
    Sandie--Aug. 1st.
    Jeffrey---Sept. 25, 1953
    Jake---Oct., 10, 1945
    Marie---Nov. 7, 1930
    Gayla---Nov. 20, 1949
    viliberty --Sept 18

    Look like today is Neil birthday. Did your mom bake you a cake. Havent't heard anything about it yet.
    We all love you.:heart::heart: :heart: Happy birthday to youThanks for being such a sweet guy.!!!!!!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Today is only the 5th. You have Neil's birthday in your list as the 12th, but I am sure he won't mind two celebrations:wink::drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Ahh, Marie, you are so sweet! I will tell Neil you said Happy Birthday. He has been talking about his birthday since the calendar changed. We always take him out to The Keg for his birthday. I think that is a restaurant chain in the the U.S. as well as here. Once he found something good he stuck with it! If they ever take his favorite Chicken dish off the menu he will be very disappointed. We used to take each of them out for their birthdays, it was easier than looking for gifts for these young adults. But. . . the restaurant for 7 has begun very costly so now we only go out for Neils' birthday. I figure he doesn't have anyone else to take him out to dinner and he likes it so much so why not. Neil's favorite birthday cake is a Dr. Pepper cake. Unfortunately it does taste quite a bit like Dr. Pepper (not a good thing in my view). I am not sure if we will just have cake at the restaurant or if I am baking a cake. He has actually lost a few pounds. He isn't steady enough to stand on the scale but I can tell by his clothes.

    Wow, what an all over post. No, I am not drinking!! Neil is heading into his 3rd week of being my sweet guy. He had one day where he was agitated about something that someone had done or said to him but it never amounted to anything. He just obsessed for awhile and it was over. Life is good.

    Take care everyone. Gayla :heart: :flowerforyou:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Barbs, Well look like I look at the calendar wrong again. When you are retire and as old as I am one day is just like another. So Neil had an early birthday greetings. I am sure he wont mind. I just now got my day streighten out from Mem. day and now the 4th of july is coming up I will have another week of gettin my days mixed up. JUly the 4th is on a sunday so i shouldn't have too much trouble that week. I have 2 calandars about 3 1/2 feet from my chair and i can't really read it from here.

    Jerry got some of my problems on my Pc fixed. it is still slow, I have all day so thats was no problems irratating but at least it will let :flowerforyou: me post without losing it. And where I could not copy and paste the address on the top line. It will do that now. Will wonders never cease.. He went to school about 15 years ago when he got laid off from his job to lear Pc but it did not intrest himAnd still don't.

    :flowerforyou: babiecat. Have a good time I know you will. Its always good to get out with the girls.
    i woke up and could not get back to sleep now I am getting sleeply. So good nite all

    :flowerforyou: jeffrey have a good run.
    :flowerforyou: Beth, It did not get as hot as they said it would. It did reach 100 yesterday ho

    Good nite Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Good Morning,

    Bryanna's Dance Showcase is early afternoon and my sister is coming at 11:00 to see Daisy before the show so this is just to say hi. :flowerforyou:

    After a couple of days of rain today is beautiful, I am grateful. :heart:

    Marie, I get confused with my days of the week also when we have a holiday. :laugh: Holidays always feel like Sundays so it does confuse us at times. I am glad Jerry fixed some of your computer problems, I wish he could fix the sound on one of my software applications. :laugh:

    Gayla, how wonderful that Neil is being so disciplined, maybe he knows his birthday is close. :bigsmile:

    Barb, still busy with job and parents?

    I better get a move on, I am a slow mover in the morning. :yawn:

    Have a great Sunday!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandy Daisy is the star attraction at you house and slso on this thread, such a sweet little girl. Not so little anymore.She says she is a big girl now.

    Good luck to Bryannon the showcase, today. be thinking about her. But KNOW SHE WILL DO GOOD..

    Alice is due out soon,We are going to Cheddard's sure hope I am a good girl there. It open at 10:30 AM and by 11:00 it ia pack. especially on Sunday.She is bring her lap top to see if the height is right for me.before we buy one. But I csn live with this one since it quit losing my post.And now I can get the address move up to the address box Just show you what a loose connection can do.

    Good luck girls on the Showcase.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The line dance workshop was amazing....I learned new dances and danced many old favorites at the open dance sessions....I could have danced later than we stayed (10PM) but my friends were tired and they were playing dances we didn't know......I went back to the motel and did yoga before bedtime and a few of the gut 'n' butt exercise to help my back stretch and a result, I woke up this morning full of energy and ready to greet the day.

    :flowerforyou: When I called Jake last night he let me talk to Brandy and Sasha so they wouldn't miss me so much......they were so excited when I got home this morning. We didn't waste time this morning, just got up, ate the free breakfast at the hotel and headed for home so we were here by 10AM so I have my whole day for home projects and maybe to practice some of the new dances I learned.........there's a marathon run originating at the park where the off leash dog park is, so I won't take the girls over there until afternoon when the run should be over and things should be back to normal.

    :flowerforyou: Jake says hi to everybody.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, does Bryanna have professional aspirations with her dance or is it a hobby and fun thing for her?

    :flowerforyou: Marie, when I taught first grade we always talked about the date and the weather each morning....since I've been retired, I've been like you, confusing the date, except that I'm usually late and find myself apologizing to friends for sending their birthday greetings late :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday was warm and sunny and I was indoors all is cloudy but no rain so far and sort of warm (over 60 degrees) so I may get out and work in the yard if it doesn't rain.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Happy Sunday!! Just checking in. :bigsmile: I haven’t read most of the post:blushing: but will try to later.:wink:

    Yesterday I went to the store to do clothes shopping and I couldn't believe what I was fitting into!! :bigsmile: I use to be an 18 - 16 and now my jeans are a 10! I was so excited!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    When I came home and showed my younger daughter, she insisted on taking before and after pictures with her phone camera. :blushing: The only problem was,,,,that my BIG clothes were my small clothes from August because I gave all the original BIG clothes away.:noway: Yet, the "small clothes" were so big now that I took the pictures with them.:bigsmile:
    Then my daughter insisted that I put on my new size 10 capris and size Med shirt...and take more pictures.:blushing:
    It might sound like I'm bragging but I simply forget how much of a differance 47 lbs makes.:noway:
    So when she downloads them onto the computer, I'll share them with you!:bigsmile:
    I found that looking at Barbie and some of the other women's before pictures was very encouraging especially when I was along with feeling please about showing you....I hope to give encouragement to anyone who needs it!:wink:

    Believe me, when I started last August, I was very determined .......but knew my past history with weight loss. :grumble: But taking it just one day at a time, exercising, getting up....when I screw up....tracking food and ...drinking tons of water's hard for me to believe that I've stuck with it for 10 months!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    If I can do it ANYONE CAN DO IT!!!!!!

    So hang in there if you're struggling. :wink: I STILL struggle....:angry: but the difference is....I GET UP AND KEEP GOING!!!

    Have a great Sunday and remember we can only make a difference……today!!!:flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbie it sounds like you did indeed had a good time. i am glad . Alice and I had a nice time too we went out and had Mexican food. Went over my limit. but tomorrow is a new day.And I didn't drop any chili over my new T-shirt. Huh ray. Wasn't gonna let a drop get away from me
    We went shopping too I had a gift card to used up soon. but didn't find anything i particlary like..

    My pc is working fine now. Next week end it may not be. I didn'e care for Alice lap top.

    Gotta go and get me a big glass of water.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Glad you had a good time out and about and that your pc is behaving itself. It must have heard you talking about replacing it!!:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Glad you had a good time at your line dance marathon. I am afraid that between my balance and my two left feet, I would not do well at that activity.

    My mom is back to doing her own thing and able to get around as well as she was before her fall. They both go to exercise classes and use the equipment and the indoor pool where they live, so they are doing well. I am continuing to do most of their food shopping, as it is a very slow process for them to get around the store. My dad gets a backache from standing on the cement floor in the store.

    Yesterday I did their shopping, and it works out well when I go because there is a great produce market not far from where I live. Prices are often better than the grocery store and the fruits and veggies are great. I spent almost $20 in there just for them. They do eat healthy, thanks to my mom, but my dad HAS to have his fried potatoes and his ice cream to be happy!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I hope Neil has a wonderful birthday dinner, along with the rest of you. I am glad he is maintaining an even keel in his reactions to life and the things he can't control. That has to make things easier for you.:flowerforyou:

    Congratulations!! All your hard work is paying off. I will be glad to see size 10, but it probably won't be 'til the end of the summer. At least I am not gaining, but my lousy record of exercise is keeping me from making much progress. Walking doggies and not doing anything else apparently works for maintaining, but not for losing.:ohwell:

    It is raining here again. Have to go and try to do something productive with my day.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: I don't know how to get a photo in the main part of the message, :huh: so I'll put my new picture as my profile picture. If you go into my photos, you'll see me last August wearing the pink blouse. I couldn't even button it.....:noway: so I wore it layered.:grumble: Then an updated picture of me in the same pink blouse and the capris that I couldn't even get over my hips last summer. :blushing: Slimmer feels better than any cookie ever tasted!!!:laugh:

    Hopefully tomorrow I can catch up on posts, I've had company all weekend. Got to get back to my daughter and grandchildren!

    Have a of the day!:flowerforyou:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan!! We did have a wee little sprinkle but not even enough to bring me inside. I am pooped!! I spent the whole day outside working on my garden beds. I dug them all up, weeded them and planted them. I left half of one bed for strawberries, hope to pick some up tomorrow. Tomorrow afternoon if the rain stays away I plan to get some flowers into my plantars on the deck, 14 of them. I am not planning for anymore than that but hope to soon get my front flower bed planted as well. I sure hope summer isn't just one day! :bigsmile:

    Birdie -- You are looking fabulous! Proud of you.

    Barb -- I hope your rain goes away soon as well. It sure is nice to see the sun.

    Barbie -- Sounds like you had a fun time dancing. You are full of energy.

    Marie -- How nice to spend the day with your daughter. You can tell her I think she is one terrific daughter!

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Birdie How great you look. My oh my can't get over it. You look fantastic.

    PROUD OF YOU that is what it is all about>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Did some quick map looking and it appears that big natural gas explosion is south and west of where you are. What a shame about the people caught in it. Imagine it is all over the news down there. We are watching CNN, and there is additional news online already about it.

    Keep well.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Yes It was sort of Southeswest of us.But they got it out now. You never know what will happen next. in this world.

    Well back to the sewing shop tomorrow. Hopfully they will find the problem with my machine.
    Jerry and I went to a veggies stand today and got some nice tomatoes. squash. cucumbers, and red bell peppers and peaches So next year we will not plant anything our cucumbers are bitter.Thiink I will get a hot tub put in there. At least look into it.

    Hope everyone had a nice day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Birdie, you look amazing, what a difference 47 pounds make. I can't even tell you how proud I am of you,but more importantly how proud you should be of yourself. Your rock and I am proud to know you!!!!

    Marie, sorry but I didn't know anything about any gas explosion but am happy to hear you are okay. Problems with the machine again? What the heck is going on? Fresh vegetables sound great, but I do not plant any vegetables only flowers.

    Gayla, glad you finally got to do your planting, and hope the weather cooperates and lets you get it all done.

    I went to my granddaughters end of the school year picnic and it was bitter sweet since they are closing our Catholic school after 50 years. She will go to kindergarten at a new Catholic school in the fall but her pre school teacher taught my 15 year old granddaughter so it was sad.

    After the picnic I took her to the pool, made dinner after that and just got back from the park. Busy days and lots more to follow.

    Have a great evening,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: the line dance workshop was so great that today I signed up for a five day workshop in September.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, sad news about your granddaughter's school closing.......the school I taught in for a long time closed after over 50 years and we held a big memory event attended by a lot of people from all the 50 was very sad.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, you look great in your new picture......47 pounds is a big deal and worth celebrating.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, glad to hear about your sunshine and your planting

    :flowerforyou: Barb, is your weather any better? We had enough sun for Jake to play golf and for me to take the dogs to the park about 11 AM and by the time we all got home it was raining again.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, your day with your daughter sounded great

    it's late, I just wanted to say hi :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I am glad you had some time to enjoy the sun. It was overcast here early in the day, but cleared off for good about 3p, and was beautiful. Doggies got to walk in the sunshine, and I went shopping tonight with my friend Linda, and we drove home with the moonroof open.

    BTW, I bought a size SMALL henley shirt at Kmart and I can get into it now, so it is obviously a "big" small. :laugh: :laugh: But I'll take it anyway!!:drinker: :drinker:

    It is late, so long for now

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A very late good night to you all. I am working tomorrow so if I get here it will likely be late again.
    Stay well. Gayla :heart: