Senior Golden Sneakers~~~~For June~~~~~



  • viliberty1957
    I am sorry to be sending bad news...but bad news happens! I will be going into the Sacred Heart Hospital on Tuesday morning for more cancer surgery. It is to remove a tumer from my abdomen, and as much of the tissue around it as possible. Then I will have chemo, hoping the chemo will put it into remission. I am OK with this except for how it will affect others that I love. Thank you for your prayers.

    I won't be posting for awhile. Thanks for everything.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Irene I am so sorry to hear your bad news, ou go in next Tuesday? i am praying that everything I turn out fine for you. . I have been in the hospital 4 times this past year and it is no fun. This last time they said i was having a heart attack But after all the test and 7 dsys later they did not find anything wrong with me, II did have some more chest pains a couple weeks ago. but I call my doctor for her to send me some heart burn med and have not had any more problems. Take care Irene And here is wishing you the best.Love Marie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I will keep you in my prayers. :flowerforyou: Just stopped in for a sec to read posts, and didn't want to miss replying ASAP.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Irene, I am sorry to hear your health news.....I know you will summon all your emotional resources to walk through the treatments one day at a time.......I will continue to think positive thoughts for your health and your outlook......
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Irene, I too wanted to post and let you know that you will be in my prayers. Keep positive and take care of yourself. Remember you have friends here and family that loves you. :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Irene -- You continue to be in my prayers. You have a great attitude and know that your family and friends will support you. When you feel able to, please keep in touch. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all.

    ate out of the garden yesterday. fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and pimento sheese sandwich And jerry is in the dog house. He pulled up the good cucumbers because it did npt have any blooms on it after he pick 3 real nice ones. I had him to pulled up the bitter ones. so he thought he might as well et the other one because it did not have any blooms. I wish I was still able to get out there. He does not fertlize , Just water things. my back just want let me. I dropped another lb. I think after this week I will just weight once a week Look like my rose on my ticker is getting a lot closer. to the half way mark/YIP< YIPThis is my lowest weigh on MFP

    I will get a new server on my PC this morning.

    Have a wonderful day..

    Irene my thought are with you. Please take care.
    Love Marie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie -- Way to go, my friend!! You are doing great. I did go to WW last night and again stayed the same. Again, I am ok with that but going to work harder this week!!

    Take care everyone. Irene, you are in my thoughts. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla I atayed the sme for 2 days in a row. but now it is coming off. So i am going to weigh just once a week noe at least just record it once a week I have to wieght for my doctor every morning.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Good Morning,

    Everyone except me and my husband are still sleeping so I thought I would pop in and say hello. Great America was fun, long day but fun. Last night we had game night and had a really good time. Today we are going to the pool since it is supposed to be 90 today. The boys are behaving, Zack the younger one is very hyper active, but we are dealing. :laugh: It is great having my daughter and her family here, it just feels good. :heart:

    I walked over 9 miles at GA but my eating habits are off. :sad: I know I will really get back to my normal healthy eating once they are gone, but I think I better watch all these snacks we are eating. :drinker:

    Hope you are all doing okay, I don't have time to address you individually but don't be like me, keep following your plan and keep exercising and eating healthy.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I am sorry to be sending bad news...but bad news happens! I will be going into the Sacred Heart Hospital on Tuesday morning for more cancer surgery. It is to remove a tumer from my abdomen, and as much of the tissue around it as possible. Then I will have chemo, hoping the chemo will put it into remission. I am OK with this except for how it will affect others that I love. Thank you for your prayers.

    I won't be posting for awhile. Thanks for everything.

    You are a strong woman of faith and I'm sure that will get you through.:flowerforyou: I lift you up in prayer and ask God to give you the strength to deal with this journey one day at a time!:love:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: We have a beautiful day today......Jake has gone to Seattle for the day for a business meeting so he's missing this great day for golf and working in the yard but he did manage to play golf Monday, Wednesday and Thursday (the first time he's played two days in a row in years).....the girls and I had a lovely time at the dog park for over an hour......I wore short sleeves and no hat or gloves........the bad part about the good weather is that the park is full of people, dogs, scooters, skateboards, bicycles, and lawn mowing equipment that are a a distraction to the dogs....we are appreciative all winter of the the peace and quiet and privacy

    :flowerforyou: the lack of heat and sunshine have made my seed planting disappointing....many of the sunflowers and some of the marigolds have started coming up but after three weeks with no signs of germination by the pumpkin seeds, I bought new seeds and started over....I also planted some California poppy seeds

    :flowerforyou: I watched a show on TV this week called "Extreme Poodles" about a competition for poodles groomers who used colored dye and pretty extreme cutting to make their poodles look like a camel, a snake, a lion, and a roller derby girl.....the groomers were talented and the dogs looked happy but I couldn't imagine putting my dogs through something like that

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you've done an amazing job of high energy grandma must be hard to keep your healthy eating habits with all that going on...a friend was telling me about all the grocery shopping she was doing in anticipation of her grandchild's arrival on Sunday and she said that she didn't know what to buy to drink so I suggested water.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, congratulations on your latest weight loss....your garden veggies sound yummy

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, staying at the same weight is always better than gaining

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I'm cheering long distance for your success in training and then your success in the triathlon

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, the 50 pounds lost on your ticker looks amazing.:bigsmile:

    I've enjoyed having the house to myself all afternoon but now I'm ready for Jake to get home but her probably won't be here for another four hours.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Saturday!!

    The pool was great and we got to enjoy for a few hours before the biggest storm I have seen in a very long time came through.
    It was quite scary with very high winds and tons of rain!!!:glasses: The parents went out later, so I made dinner and then we played some Wii and watch the last Harry Potter movie. Marisa, the 5 year old is in awe of her "cousins", she didn't remember them and is having so much fun with them. I have to tell you these boys are very patient with their little cousin and spend hours entertaining her. :bigsmile: All three are adopted, so there must be some kind of bond there.:heart:

    Tonight we are going to a wedding, but first getting my hair done and then my daughter and I will go for pedicures. :blushing:

    I did work out yesterday and played in the pool somewhat so I did burn some calories. :tongue: I ordered the chicken dinner for the wedding, so except for the wine, I am hoping not too many calories will be consumed today.:noway:

    Talk to you soon.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    :heart: Hi everyone! Sorry I have been so absent. It seems like it was a busy week, busy for this retired gal anyway. I have been trying to stay more focused on my WW program but today was a bust. Maybe I am preparing for tomorrow. I am cooking so I should be able to control what I eat. I am doing Prime Rib roast on the BBQ. To be honest, the boys are doing the grilling. We will also have corn on the cob, not enough room on the grill so I will cook it in the house. I likely will make a salad, maybe some potatoes (better be, I think they are Dave's favorite food). For dessert I am making a strawberry trifle which should be easier on the diet than a cake. I won't say no if the boys offer to bring a salad.
    Next week we are having a retreat for work on Tuesday so it will be a longer than usual day but then I won't work Thursday. We are thinking about going to Edmonton for a few days sometime within the next month. Neil always looks forward to his holiday. Dave is still working on our boat so it looks less and less likely that it will get in the water this summer. Next summer for sure.

    Marie -- Is this the weekend your son is here? I hope you are having a great time.

    Barbie -- Glad it is nice enough to be in shirtsleeves. Enjoy the sun. We had a nice day today but (always a but!) the mosquitoes are terrible after all the rain. Our neighbours resident purple martins are not keeping up!! They are so little but they leave the same itchy result when they bite.

    Sandy -- That family of yours is keeping you young!! How nice to be sitting around enjoying a movie with the grands. Can't think of anything nicer. I hope it is in my future!!

    To everyone else, have a great weekend. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I thought I would drop in and let you guys know I am alive and kicking .Gayla Bruce wont be down till the 19 of JULY. he has to be in MO for a wedding party on the 18 a wedding party the The groom parents are hqvibg this one, Somwhere between St. louis and
    Springfield.So he will get up the next morning and drive down here in his little blue mustange Don't know if I can get in it or not.

    Irene you are still in my prayers.

    Jerry and I went out to eat last ningt for fathers day. And I cooked a roast in the crock pot for today.[ Jerry did the dishes.Yeah

    These garden all Depend on the weatherBarbiecat. It gets too hot around here in the summer and not enough rain.

    I deleted my grand son and granddaughter off o my facebook account today. They just used to many foul langage so what I don't know the better off I am/ My kids was not raised like that. At least not around me..It really shows how ignorant thy are. This is Kathy and ricky son and daughter kids. Blaine and Mandy.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    Have been busy all day with Father's Day activities. Just posted my dinner, did ok until dessert. :blushing: Chocolate Dream Cake was more like a nightmare.:grumble: :noway: Did have strawberries with it. Apparently, I will need to make a hot date with the Gazelle when I get home tonight.


    Just wanted to say. Sorry you had to delete the young 'uns from your Facebook "family." Maybe it will wake them up to what is appropriate and what isn't. If they don't care what their grandmother can see, they might want to consider that potential employers and co-workers can see inappropriate material if they happen to search for either of them. If either wants to advance their career, they will need to clean things up quick or risk losing out.

    Hope everyone had a good Sunday, and Happy Day to all the dad's...hmm, guess that would be Jeffrey and Jake, wouldn't it?

    So long for now.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi folks! I hope Jeffrey and Jake had a great Father's Day. I think we did ok here. Our youngest had to leave a little early as it was his first summer hockey game tonight. Crazy guys starting on Father's Day. I got up early to make breakfast for a change. I am tired now so will likely be in bed before midnight which wouldn't be a bad thing at all!! The best part of today was the sun shone all day long. My garden is looking good so far. Even my two potatoes are coming along. I guess they like all this rain.

    Marie -- Sorry I got the dates mixed up, still a visit to look forward to. Some of the 'activity' on Facebook can be a bit much.

    Barb -- That thought goes through my head as well, about the Facebook discussions. I have a couple of young 'friends' who bad mouth their employers and place of employment all the time. I hope it doesn't come back and bite them in the rear!

    Hope Jeffrey and Jake had a very Happy Father's Day.

    Irene, you are in my thoughts.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: I don't know if Jake deleted or hid his granddaughter on Facebook because of her bad language, but I know he was outraged and disappointed by her behavior.

    :flowerforyou: Jake had a great Fathers Day.....his son called in the morning, his daughter e mailed him (she had already sent a fabulous card filled with photos) and the cats and dogs treated him like he was the king.....I was gone most of the day so he got to watch a movie he liked and when I got home I watched the rest of the US Open Golf tournament with him....while I was gone I shopped at a grocery store out of town that has several favorite items that our local stores don't carry so I had a treat for him when I got home....I had made pumpkin apple soup for him so he that to eat while I was gone and at bedtime he made popcorn for himself and the dogs.....this morning he played golf......I ate out with my friends at a Vietnamese restaurant and ate sensibly (veggie and tofu Pho and a veggie spring roll with peanut sauce)

    :flowerforyou: warmer weather today but I still needed a jacket to go to the dog park:laugh:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Here it is Tuesday already!! We have been busy, busy, busy!!! We went to a wedding on Saturday and it was was just wonderful. The vows were said outside (it was hot) but the reception was inside (thank goodness), we ate, drank and danced. I danced so much that when I weighed myself in the morning I had lost weight. :laugh:

    Have not been doing great on exercise and watching my calories, but at least I am not gaining. Of course with all that we are doing I am getting another kind of exercise so every little bit helps. My daughter and her husband celebrated 24 years of marriage yesterday and to celebrate they went back to the college where they met t( The University of Illinois) to revisit all the places they used to go. They spent the night in Champayne and will be back tonight for pizza and cards. They leave tomorrow after going to my DIL for breakfast. (Dutch Babies) It was a great visit without any incident, the boys have been great with the 5 year old and everyone seemed to have a lot of fun. :heart:

    We are having very hot weather with storms off and on. The weather has been co-operating with us for our day time activities.
    which mainly are water related.

    I hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected and will be back soon.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello every one.Remember I am not posting JulySeniors Sneakers. Hope one of you take over I will still be around Can't get rid of me that easy. I am having too much trouble with my computor I don't think it is my computor I think it is just me.Well time to go fixed me a bite to eat.See you g uys later.
