Girls wear certain clothes when they are looking



  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    It's true. But I dress to attract attention from other Chics. Not sexual attention like trying to hook up with them. But when another woman compliments my outfit it does way more for my ego than some dude hitting on me.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I'd have to read the script then, but want to point out that this:
    One of the panellists, a comedienne called Ruby Wax, just suggested that women who wear certain clothing are inviting sexual attention. That their purpose is to attract sexual attention. The clothing was not specified, but she mentioned shaving one's legs and wearing high heels.

    and this:
    It was formulaic; shaved legs, heels, means that the women is hoping to attract a sexual partner. The implication is that if the woman receives attention that she wasn't after then she should have worn something else.

    Are not the same thing.

    If the argument was the old 'well if she wasn't wearing that outfit she wouldn't have been sexually assaulted' well then yes, that's idiotic. However, wanting to be seen as attractive, even sexually attractive, is NOT the same thing as wanting to find someone to sleep with you.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I'd have to read the script then, but want to point out that this:
    One of the panellists, a comedienne called Ruby Wax, just suggested that women who wear certain clothing are inviting sexual attention. That their purpose is to attract sexual attention. The clothing was not specified, but she mentioned shaving one's legs and wearing high heels.

    and this:
    It was formulaic; shaved legs, heels, means that the women is hoping to attract a sexual partner. The implication is that if the woman receives attention that she wasn't after then she should have worn something else.

    Are not the same thing.

    If the argument was the old 'well if she wasn't wearing that outfit she wouldn't have been sexually assaulted' well then yes, that's idiotic. However, wanting to be seen as attractive, even sexually attractive, is NOT the same thing as wanting to find someone to sleep with you.

    The implication was mine. That is the way with implications.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    The clothing was not specified, but she mentioned shaving one's legs and wearing high heels.

    1) I wore heels one time on one day of my life (I'm 41) - I had to wear them as part of a bridesmaid ensemble.

    2) I shave my legs every single day, even if I don't plan on leaving the house or seeing another living person

    By my anecdotal evidence, this expert's opinions are a bunch of nonsense! :laugh:
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    It's true. But I dress to attract attention from other Chics. Not sexual attention like trying to hook up with them. But when another woman compliments my outfit it does way more for my ego than some dude hitting on me.

    Hey good... of never mind. its just going to pale in compassion to the mental image of girls hitting on you.

    For the record it doesn't matter with some girls what they wear. I'm going to take it as wanting sexual attention no matter what. Jeans with paint spatters and tee shirt, or half of bikini. Yup, I'm just going to jump to conclusions. At least you know its not what you decided to wear that makes the difference.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    The clothing was not specified, but she mentioned shaving one's legs and wearing high heels.

    1) I wore heels one time on one day of my life (I'm 41) - I had to wear them as part of a bridesmaid ensemble.

    2) I shave my legs every single day, even if I don't plan on leaving the house or seeing another living person

    By my anecdotal evidence, this expert's opinions are a bunch of nonsense! :laugh:

    I refer you to Carlton's comment above.
  • mrdexter1
    mrdexter1 Posts: 356 Member

    By my anecdotal evidence, this expert's opinions are a bunch of nonsense! :laugh:

    expert !!!! ???

    Ruby wax is American and a comedian !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Quote studies please beez. To back up your assertion that women who shave their legs and wear heels are looking for sex.

    So, the converse is also true? Women who don't shave their legs and who wear flats are discouraging sexual attention?

    Wait. Women shave their legs? Since when?

    I need to talk to my wife.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I dress for the type of attention I want in any given scenario. Unless I'm doing sport or something where practicality takes priority over appearance, of course I dress based on what I want people to think. Because they can see me. Unless I walk around with a large mirror or crane my head in an unnatural way at all times, I'm not usually getting a great self-visual. Why would I style myself purely for the only person who can't see me?
  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    Ah, Carlton.

    I wish I had seen your post earlier.
    There, there. It's ok. This thread will either ignite into a ball of flames, become hysterically funny because prostitution is definitely funny, or it will suddenly get no more replies. All are acceptable. :happy:
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    Can't say I agree.
    I shave my legs everyday, not to be 'more attractive' but because I think it's gross otherwise... :P
    & heels make me taller (I'm a shorty so extra height from heels make me on more of a level with other people!)

    I don't think it's strictly true, I TRY to look good everyday because it makes ME feel better about myself. A confidence thing, if you will. I don't do it to attract any kind of 'sexual' attention.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Can't say I agree.
    I shave my legs everyday, not to be 'more attractive' but because I think it's gross otherwise... :P
    & heels make me taller (I'm a shorty so extra height from heels make me on more of a level with other people!)

    I don't think it's strictly true, I TRY to look good everyday because it makes ME feel better about myself. A confidence thing, if you will. I don't do it to attract any kind of 'sexual' attention.

    So you put no more care and effort at all into your appearance when you're going out than when you're having a lazy day at home by yourself?
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I could really care less what women wear....but I get absolutely IRATE when someone is wearing a skimpy top to show off their "goods" then get all offended when I stare.

    I really can't help it, I HAVE to stare!
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I have just watched an episode of Q and A (Australian panel show addressing current affairs).

    One of the panellists, a comedienne called Ruby Wax, just suggested that women who wear certain clothing are inviting sexual attention. That their purpose is to attract sexual attention. The clothing was not specified, but she mentioned shaving one's legs and wearing high heels.

    Wait. There are people out there who don't want sexual attention?
  • QueenGyn
    QueenGyn Posts: 106
    Quote studies please beez. To back up your assertion that women who shave their legs and wear heels are looking for sex.

    So, the converse is also true? Women who don't shave their legs and who wear flats are discouraging sexual attention?

    Wait. Women shave their legs? Since when?

    I need to talk to my wife.

    I have never shaved my legs but wear high heels almost everyday. :laugh:
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Ruby Wax
    File Under: Zero Credibility


    Why would you think that Comedian is trying to be credible?
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    I didn't know she was just fluff. She was on Q and A, after all!
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Quote studies please beez. To back up your assertion that women who shave their legs and wear heels are looking for sex.

    So, the converse is also true? Women who don't shave their legs and who wear flats are discouraging sexual attention?


    I'm not even going to waste my time. Read (gulp!) the Mating Mind by Geoffery Miller if you want your studies. However, I can tell your mind is completely closed, so no study will convince you.

    I bet you love wearing lip stick huh?
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Quote studies please beez. To back up your assertion that women who shave their legs and wear heels are looking for sex.

    So, the converse is also true? Women who don't shave their legs and who wear flats are discouraging sexual attention?


    I'm not even going to waste my time. Read (gulp!) the Mating Mind by Geoffery Miller if you want your studies. However, I can tell your mind is completely closed, so no study will convince you.

    I bet you love wearing lip stick huh?

    Please don't think that I expect you to waste your time.

    Miller posits that evolution has been driven less by survival characteristics (who can kill the mammoth/survive the famine) and more by attractive characteristics (the sexy beast has the babies). I suppose you extend this to infer that women who shave their legs and wear high heels are doing their best to ensure they pass on their genetic heritage.

    This argument ignores culture. I might love wearing lipstick, but if my culture decides that lipstick is naff then I am babyless. Attractive characteristics change in human culture.
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    I may or may not shave my legs when I go out... I'm not the type to take someone home the first time I meet them so it tends to be outfit dependent anyway. Too much trouble to do it every day and my hair doesn't grow that fast.

    I rarely wear high heels.

    But I do tend to try to dress in an outfit that makes me feel Sexy when I'm out and hope to meet a guy. If I'm going out with my friends I may want to look good but would be okay if the out fit was more cute than sexy.

    And when I go out dressed like I am in my profile picture I expect comments, cat calls, but don't intend to really truly consider anyone I meet dressed like that...all they can see is boobs anyway.

    That said, dressed Sexy, cute, or like my profile picture, I reserve the right to set straight anyone who sees the way I'm dressed as an invitation to touch anything they aren't invited to touch...