Clueless people in the gym



  • Kpablo
    Kpablo Posts: 355 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere.

    Remember at one point you didn't know everything.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Dorian Yates used the smith machine as part of his regular routine.

    He wasn't successful at all.

    I guess yuo have the same or better size and definition as Dorian Yates. What is your definition of successful?

    Dorian Yates also used steroids as a regular part of his routine.

    Poor choice of examples.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    Meh, I was lazy and didn't read every post, but I wanted to add something here. I have an app that I use to track my lifts. So if I stop between sets and get on my phone, it's not b/c I'm texting, it's b/c I'm either updating my sets, or checking the weights for my next sets.

    Just sayin' random generalizations are not always correct.

    1. What app is that?

    2. I don't know how "normal" gym's work, we have a company gym which is all I know. Normally, do you get a tour and "this is how you use this machine" tutorial when you join somewhere? Or are you just on your own?
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member

    1. What app is that?

    I use Fitocracy. It keeps track of all of your previous lifts, workouts, and tracks personal bests
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    Meh, I was lazy and didn't read every post, but I wanted to add something here. I have an app that I use to track my lifts. So if I stop between sets and get on my phone, it's not b/c I'm texting, it's b/c I'm either updating my sets, or checking the weights for my next sets.

    Just sayin' random generalizations are not always correct.

    1. What app is that?

    2. I don't know how "normal" gym's work, we have a company gym which is all I know. Normally, do you get a tour and "this is how you use this machine" tutorial when you join somewhere? Or are you just on your own?

    Some places do and some don't. It really depends on the facility.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member

    1. What app is that?

    I use JEFit and then also update Fitocracy, but I do that later on.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    Everyone starts somewhere.

    Remember at one point you didn't know everything.
    Agreed. I'm starting NROL4W tonight and have only done a little lifting. Most newbies feel awkward enough being over there to begin with, and if they knew you were judging them like that, they would probably give up and stop trying to better themselves.

    Maybe ask if they want a spotter, then you can help with form by sneaking it in? If they say no and aren't in your way, just learn to ignore them. It's not going to hurt you. :ohwell:

    P.S. Not trying to be rude. I know it's hard to tell online and might come off that way.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I use both machines and free weights - whatever I feel like doing.

    And if the other people are not in my way, I don't really care if they do things "right" or are texting or whatever.

    Me too.

    And I have to use the Smith machine even though I don't like it that much. My gym has no squat racks.
  • smoootka
    smoootka Posts: 67 Member
    I have a better about you worry more about yourself and your workout, rather than anyone else's...just a thought.

    Lol! This is the same thing I was thinking...

  • bwright9752
    bwright9752 Posts: 125 Member
    I went out for a run last night and was totally amazed at how many people I passed who had no idea how to run. One guy had some sort of beast on a rope with him and he was stopping at every bush and metal thing sticking out of the ground so the beast could smell and then pee on them.
    An older couple was even trying to run while holding hands, it must be very hard because they were moving very slow, maybe they were actually walking.
    I saw a few kids on two wheeled contraptions that allowed them to move really fast but I wouldn't consider it running.
    There were a lot of other people out there who had no idea how to run and it was obvious because they weren't doing it the exact same way I was.
    Too bad they aren't as smart as me because they will never reach my goals doing things their way.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    And THAT's why I don't go to the torture


    Rude and unnecessary.

    Some gyms have some very judgmental members- that's who I would call ignorant. Who are they to judge someone else's level of fitness or knowledge. If they have a problem with it, help them out or keep their mouths shut. It can be rather intimidating for newbies and particularly women in the free weights section when those kind of people are nearby and leering.

    Having said that, to the original commenter: you have every right to be there as anyone else. And it's not a torture chamber- it will be what you make of it. Get in there, make the best of it, and don't be afraid to ask questions to the staff- that's what they're there for.

    ETA: Not everyone in the gym is like that. I'm particularly friendly/receptive and attempt to be helpful to other members.

    I agree, and I do try to be helpful to anyone who asks. I never say no to a request to spot someone, for example. I'm not perfect and don't know everything, but I tried to make sure I knew the basics and would ask someone if I didn't.

    that said, where do I draw the line? There have only been a few times where I've interrupted someone during a workout to comment, and that was because they were doing "deadlifts" with very heavy weights and a completely rounded back and were really putting themselves in danger. And when that guy blew me off I grabbed a nearby trainer and asked him to watch this guy, he did and screamed "oh my god" and ran over to try to show him the correct way to do it. Said guy, of course, ignored us both and continued on the path to a slipped disc. So at the end of the day, trying to help didn't work.

    Some people's kids. You can't help those who won't help themselves... the staff SHOULD be paying attention to people like that- but I know a lot of PTs who paid $50 for their "certs" and are flipping clueless.

    My stance is geared toward those who ARE just starting out- I'm not new to the gym, I know what I'm doing, and I'm strong- and I STILL get a little nervous walking into the free weights area for the simple fact that I'm more often than not the only woman in there. There are those who ARE clueless... staring at a machine, pulling levers trying their darndest to figure out how to adjust it, or how the dang thing works... THOSE are the people I smile at (though I tend to smile at everyone like a dopey moron because I'm a little bit of a dopey moron :-) ) and offer encouragement/advice to given even the slightest prompt. The goose-monkey repeatedly deadlifting 500lbs two inches off the ground with a rounded back? I pretty much know better. I'll offer a tip here and there to the guys I see around all the time (if it's form, and they know me/respect me as a lifter) but otherwise, I go about my own business.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I went out for a run last night and was totally amazed at how many people I passed who had no idea how to run. One guy had some sort of beast on a rope with him and he was stopping at every bush and metal thing sticking out of the ground so the beast could smell and then pee on them.
    An older couple was even trying to run while holding hands, it must be very hard because they were moving very slow, maybe they were actually walking.
    I saw a few kids on two wheeled contraptions that allowed them to move really fast but I wouldn't consider it running.
    There were a lot of other people out there who had no idea how to run and it was obvious because they weren't doing it the exact same way I was.
    Too bad they aren't as smart as me because they will never reach my goals doing things their way.

  • tellascott
    tellascott Posts: 54
    That's exactly why I won't go to a gym, I am deathly afraid of people judging me and critiquing me when I am trying to get fit. I would rather do it alone at home where I know no one can laugh at me or criticize me. I don't even like the fact my neighbors may be able to see me since my exercise machines are outside on the deck since they don't work well in the house with 4 animals.
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    I will judge you if you don't put away your equipment after you are done using it. Everything else gets a pass.
  • Gwyn1969
    Gwyn1969 Posts: 181 Member
    Duplicate post.
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    I am not sure why you feel you have the right to judge people on a public forum or period for that matter. My trainer had me do the smith machine just last week. Why don't you encourage people at the gym instead of putting them down. At least they are there!! Good for you for being the God of the gym. How other people workout at the gym is really none of your business...unless you have something to learn from them.

    I agree that we should just let people do their thing in the gym - I mean, hey at least they're out there and making an effort to better themselves. People will learn things on their own.

    That said, for you to pay a trainer to put you in the Smith machine is a disservice to you. Your trainer should know better, it is is their profession.

    I have some problems with my lower back that keep creeping up. When I went to the doctor about it he told me to only work with machines so I can protect my back. My suspician is that this has something to do with it. Which actually was another point I wanted to make to the I am...a 38 yo women, 130 lbs. in pretty good shape and I am using machines, doing body weight lunges and very low weight on deadlifts...All just to build some muscle and protect my back. No one knows why I do those things and should never judge me..I really don't want to be crippled because people perceive that I have a lack of effort in the gym.

    ETA - I still can't figure out how to reply to a quote. The paragraph starting with "I have some problems with my lower back" is a response to the comment about the trainer should know better.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I will judge you if you don't put away your equipment after you are done using it. Everything else gets a pass.

    Agree 100%. The quarter-squatter I referred to in the OP walked away from the squat rack with the bar fully loaded.
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    I dont give a crap what other people are doing in the gym. The only annoyance is people sitting around in power racks doing sweet FA when racks are so limited in the gym.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    I will judge you if you don't put away your equipment after you are done using it. Everything else gets a pass.

    Agree 100%. The quarter-squatter I referred to in the OP walked away from the squat rack with the bar fully loaded.

    I don't really care what people do to be honest. I just hate two things really. First, the guys that come in and act like a bunch of bad-*kitten* and do like 1/4 squats, 1/4 OHP's, etc. Those guys are ridiculous. I hate anybody that doesn't unrack their **** whether it's 405lbs or 95lbs, put your crap away I'm not your father. LOL
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    OK, rant over.