Clueless people in the gym



  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    That's exactly why I won't go to a gym, I am deathly afraid of people judging me and critiquing me when I am trying to get fit. I would rather do it alone at home where I know no one can laugh at me or criticize me. I don't even like the fact my neighbors may be able to see me since my exercise machines are outside on the deck since they don't work well in the house with 4 animals.

    Hire a trainer for a few sessions to show you the mechanics of weight lifting and You Tube is really good as well.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    1. Smith machines are good for inverted rows and pull-ups if eveything else is taken.
    2. Sometimes I text between sets - so what? All I'd be doing otherwise is sitting there judging people.
    3. If I'm not texting, then I'm looking around the gym. Sometimes judging people on form/exercise choice (good and bad). I like doing it it give me ideas of new things to try.
    4. It's human nature to be curious and, yes, to judge other people (positive and negative). You all do it, don't deny it.
    5. If you let 3 or 4 stop you from going to the gym then you're going to fail, not only there but in life more generally. You can't let what other people think stop you from doing what you want.
    6. If you're wearing weight gloves and never pick up anything heavier than a 2kg weight then I will judge you, sorry can't help myself (see point 4).
    7. If the only thing you do all workout is variations on biceps curls and you do them by swinging your body then I will judge you (see point 4).
    8. I would actually be willing to help and assist anyone who asked for it at the gym but won't approach random strangers because in my experience these advances are unwelcome. I do help friends who ask
    9. I am well aware that I am not perfect but do take the time to educate myself in relation to fitness and health.
  • urbanplum
    urbanplum Posts: 188
    Yup, judgements like this keep me out of the gym too.
  • art3mislecter
    art3mislecter Posts: 57 Member
    And this is why many people-- myself included-- don't like to go to the gym. I know I don't know what I'm doing. And I'm working on that. In the meantime, I focus about half of my energy on working out, and the other half wondering if someone is watching and thinking that I look like a moron.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I try my best to learn form. I use free weights and there is also one machine that I choose to use. On some lifts I lift heavy, on other lifts I lift heavy for me but it's nothing impressive (I don't care as much and don't work at progression as hard on one of my lifts). I have great results and I know what is working for me. I have my own plan and I do that. Perhaps some people might think something of it. But, I don't care. This works for me and what I want to achieve and what I will stick with and what helps me with my own past injuries and issues. Also, when you see someone, you are only seeing them that day. That may be leg day or booty day. Or they may be sick and going anyway to do something lighter.
  • KhinoHoang
    KhinoHoang Posts: 59
    If it was that easy, everyone would be jacked AF.

    If you want to rant, do it with your meathead buddies who feel the same. Why would you do it on a forum of support? Instead of just ranting, why don't you point out some common mistakes people make at the gym, and offer people on here tips about how to do things properly? At least make the thread useful, is what I'm saying.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I noticed the other day as I was working out that of the 10 or so people I saw lifting weights, only eight of them (myself included, of course) appeared to have any idea as to what they were doing. By this I mean using proper form, avoiding machines, etc. Seems to me like my gym could be doing their members a favor by just stationing a trainer over there whose job is to show people how to do things correctly in order to avoid injuries and loss of motivation because they aren't getting the results they expect.

    I've done a lot over the years to try to educate myself on how to do things right in terms of form, and I think that is why I've only been injured twice in 20 years of gym time. Seeing people get all fired up about squating their body weight and then doing about 1/4th of the squat motion and calling it a set can be kind of annoying after a while.

    Also, every Smith machine should be taken outside and put out of its misery.

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    OK, rant over.

    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    << texts, crunches numbers on my iPhone, and basically stands around for 2-4 minutes between sets, depending on exercise. Also does my best to ignore everyone else unless they're struggling and then offers help. Clearly doing it wrong.

    Edit: Does not grammar much, meh . . .

  • LAhoneybunqueen
    LAhoneybunqueen Posts: 2 Member
    Wow, high and mighty here. If you're so stressed out about other people's form why don't you take YOUR precious time to show them something. FOR FREE, because that's obviously what you're expecting someone else to do. Wouldnt it be nice if EVERYONE showed up to the gym and knew EXACTLY what was right, proper and correct. Man we need more of you in this world.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Was this solved? Does everyone in the gym know what they are doing now?
  • GTOgirl1969
    GTOgirl1969 Posts: 2,527 Member
    I'm not new to fitness, but I am new to the gym. I would appreciate someone giving me tips on form...I'm just too shy to ask!
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm not new to fitness, but I am new to the gym. I would appreciate someone giving me tips on form...I'm just too shy to ask!

    Are you doing some sort of exercises?
  • johned63
    johned63 Posts: 306 Member
    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    OK, rant over.



    I stream my music and log my workouts so I can view my progress over time. I fail to see what the issue is with that or why logging my reps in between each set is a problem for anyone. I don't talk on it so who exactly does it hurt that I pick it up between sets and switch to a new playlist or log my reps?
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I already dont go to the gym because i dont know what im because of people like even MOAR afraid to go :happy: :brokenheart:
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I use both machines and free weights and have seen good progress using both. I am getting the results I want and that's what's important to me. They may not be the results YOU want me to have, but I could give a crap what anyone else wants. Just worry about your own workout. :flowerforyou:
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    I don't give a f**k what you think about my gym workout... I pay for it, just like you. Friggin Nosey Nellie, stay in your own lane!
  • ajv1985
    ajv1985 Posts: 149 Member
    Now , the people that swing their arms around recklessly with dumb bells in their hands make me want to tell them to go home before they hurt themselves or someone else, educate yourself before picking up a weight!!!!

    Oh and the curl monkeys crack me up :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • 1horseygirl1
    1horseygirl1 Posts: 98 Member
    I went out for a run last night and was totally amazed at how many people I passed who had no idea how to run. One guy had some sort of beast on a rope with him and he was stopping at every bush and metal thing sticking out of the ground so the beast could smell and then pee on them.
    An older couple was even trying to run while holding hands, it must be very hard because they were moving very slow, maybe they were actually walking.
    I saw a few kids on two wheeled contraptions that allowed them to move really fast but I wouldn't consider it running.
    There were a lot of other people out there who had no idea how to run and it was obvious because they weren't doing it the exact same way I was.
    Too bad they aren't as smart as me because they will never reach my goals doing things their way.

    I love this<3

    Going to the gym when you are still out of shape is tough. I have only been going a month and am very grateful for the help and advise of the trainers that are around but it is still hard to ask. Fortunately my fear of hurting myself is stronger than my pride.

    I really don't have time to watch everyone else while I am working out because I am giving it all I have.

    Maybe you need to challenge yourself a little more so you don't have to occupy yourself with everyone else failing.
  • ApocalypticFae
    ApocalypticFae Posts: 217 Member
    If it seriously gets to you, you can always try approaching people, asking about their goals, and offering a few good tips that you have learned along the way. I wouldn't mind a cute and/or buff guy approaching me and offering me some guidelines for weight lifting. I am new to lifting and absolutely clueless about the exact moves that I need to be doing to obtain the body I want.

    But that method would only work on people such as myself who are willing/eager to learn and need a knowledgeable fitness buddy. With others, you might end up with a cold shoulder or black eye.
  • PhattiPhat
    PhattiPhat Posts: 349 Member
    I noticed the other day as I was working out that of the 10 or so people I saw lifting weights, only eight of them (myself included, of course) appeared to have any idea as to what they were doing. By this I mean using proper form, avoiding machines, etc. Seems to me like my gym could be doing their members a favor by just stationing a trainer over there whose job is to show people how to do things correctly in order to avoid injuries and loss of motivation because they aren't getting the results they expect.

    I've done a lot over the years to try to educate myself on how to do things right in terms of form, and I think that is why I've only been injured twice in 20 years of gym time. Seeing people get all fired up about squating their body weight and then doing about 1/4th of the squat motion and calling it a set can be kind of annoying after a while.

    Also, every Smith machine should be taken outside and put out of its misery.

    And don't even get me started on people who text between sets in a gym that has only two squat racks.

    OK, rant over.

    First world problems.