Clueless people in the gym



  • ajv1985
    ajv1985 Posts: 149 Member
    If it seriously gets to you, you can always try approaching people, asking about their goals, and offering a few good tips that you have learned along the way. I wouldn't mind a cute and/or buff guy approaching me and offering me some guidelines for weight lifting. I am new to lifting and absolutely clueless about the exact moves that I need to be doing to obtain the body I want.

    But that method would only work on people such as myself who are willing/eager to learn and need a knowledgeable fitness buddy. With others, you might end up with a cold shoulder or black eye.

    I would def. help you squat :laugh: :wink: :love:
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    And THAT's why I don't go to the torture


    Rude and unnecessary.

    Some gyms have some very judgmental members- that's who I would call ignorant. Who are they to judge someone else's level of fitness or knowledge. If they have a problem with it, help them out or keep their mouths shut. It can be rather intimidating for newbies and particularly women in the free weights section when those kind of people are nearby and leering.

    Having said that, to the original commenter: you have every right to be there as anyone else. And it's not a torture chamber- it will be what you make of it. Get in there, make the best of it, and don't be afraid to ask questions to the staff- that's what they're there for.

    ETA: Not everyone in the gym is like that. I'm particularly friendly/receptive and attempt to be helpful to other members.

    Think you misunderstood. Its ignorant for her to throw this post as an excuse to not put in the effort to go to the gym and learn. I am guessing that by her torture chamber comment that it wouldn't matter if the gym was full of understanding and helpful people, it wouldn't alter her opinion. I dont believe my comment was rude or unnecessary, just stating how it comes off. Besides I can safely say I do my part to help and make my gym a more comfortable place for all skill levels.

    BTW: I have the absolute most respect for women who lift with free weights because they dont listen to the stupidity about becoming the Hulk after lifting.

    I believe there are other ways to get fit, and my ticker proves it. I have no objection to people going to the gym, but that sort of exercise doesn't appeal to me. I enjoy my choices, you are free to enjoy yours. Just don't expect me to join in with yours, and I won't make you come to zumba.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    mazdauk: Congrats on your success but there was no need to bash other people's workout strategy by calling it a 'torture chamber' we all get it that everyone achieves their goals differently. Just because you don't like it, doesn't give you the right to insult it...
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Were the other nine people deadlifting?

    If so, I hope you took notes.
  • jreza173
    jreza173 Posts: 1
    I dont think it should be your concern how other people are working out as long as they are trying. It does bother me when people use their cell phones in the gym making you wait longer for a machine because they are too busy texting or chatting on the phone. Especially during busy periods on the cardio machines when someone is barely working out because they are busy talking on the phone. Leave the phones at home.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member

    I believe there are other ways to get fit, and my ticker proves it. I have no objection to people going to the gym, but that sort of exercise doesn't appeal to me. I enjoy my choices, you are free to enjoy yours. Just don't expect me to join in with yours, and I won't make you come to zumba.

    Hmmmm not entirely sure that your ticker says anything about fitness at all. Weight loss yes but fitness no

    Diet to lose weight, exercise for fitness. Well that's the way it should be anyway

    Normal weight does not automatically equal fit
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Good on these people for actually going to the gym & being proactive. I know people can be annoying but....................

    And the texts in between perhaps they have an important job or kids or something?
  • margieo1983
    margieo1983 Posts: 45 Member
    How do you know they are texting and not just changing their Pandora station, or selecting other music, or even logging their sets?