Fast Food Meal Builder



  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Good grief no wonder Americans are FAT!! In the time it takes to go to the Fat Food Outlet, purchase and consume the meal, you could stop at the supermarket buy the makings for a decent meal, cook and eat it. Thus improving you nutrition for the day - less fat, sodium and calories, more necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs. Stop being so lazy! If I can do it working full time, with a family, then anyone can.

    My mother gets paid at the beginning of the month, buys groceries and we start to run out by the middle of the month. Both my parents work full time and when they get home, they prefer to go eat than make food or go out and have to buy food. I offer to go out and buy groceries but they rather go out. I make food when I can at home, but when we run out of food here, its go eat with my parents or don't eat. My parents make the money, and I have no decision over what is to be eaten. If you have a problem with this, too bad. I feel bad for people like you that just bash others on a whim. My family has always been one to go out than stay home and make food, kudos to you if you are different, I won't bash you about it though. If you really think going out to a super market, walking around the entire thing, coming home putting up groceries, and then having to make the food is easier than going somewhere eating and coming back home, you are mistaken. The point is not being lazy, the point is this is what you are saying is the same thing and not as tire some as the other. ^^

    Sounds like you need to plan ahead better.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Good grief no wonder Americans are FAT!! In the time it takes to go to the Fat Food Outlet, purchase and consume the meal, you could stop at the supermarket buy the makings for a decent meal, cook and eat it. Thus improving you nutrition for the day - less fat, sodium and calories, more necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs. Stop being so lazy! If I can do it working full time, with a family, then anyone can.

    My mother gets paid at the beginning of the month, buys groceries and we start to run out by the middle of the month. Both my parents work full time and when they get home, they prefer to go eat than make food or go out and have to buy food. I offer to go out and buy groceries but they rather go out. I make food when I can at home, but when we run out of food here, its go eat with my parents or don't eat. My parents make the money, and I have no decision over what is to be eaten. If you have a problem with this, too bad. I feel bad for people like you that just bash others on a whim. My family has always been one to go out than stay home and make food, kudos to you if you are different, I won't bash you about it though. If you really think going out to a super market, walking around the entire thing, coming home putting up groceries, and then having to make the food is easier than going somewhere eating and coming back home, you are mistaken. The point is not being lazy, the point is this is what you are saying is the same thing and not as tire some as the other. ^^

    Sounds like you need to plan ahead better.

    Sounds like you need to get that stick out of your butt. ^^ I am planning ahead, planning ahead for my fast food meal. Have a problem with that? Might as well eat **** :D
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    I think the documentary Fat Head that was made in response to Super Size me pretty much shows that you can eat at fast food and lose weight and still be healthy. He had all his blood chemistry improve after his experiment...what did he do? Mostly reduce the carb intake...his calorie intake was moderate, definitely within his TDEE, the show is worth watching...funny

    I do eat fast food sometime because I am rarely home. But I try to make choices to go to places where I know how they cook the food. Cooked oil has free radicals that attack your immune system and lead to disease. So while I am ok eating at fast foods occasionally I am pretty picky about what I eat and try to opt for healthier choices though I have to say I have been known to do a few re-feed cheat days entirely in McD just because I wanted to...and dam the consequences.

    With that said I always eat less of the carbs than served to keep the calorie and sugar/grain intake down. This means if a taco is made with two tortillas I only eat one. I only eat half of the bun, if any. I often do not eat cheese and opt for mustard or ketchup instead of that mayo crap sauce that is like a zillion calories per tablespoon and made with trans fat. blech

    With that said here are some places I go and how I order:

    Flame Broiler - they don't use oil to cook their meat and they steam their veggies. I order the works and ask for half the rice and extra veggies...LOTS of lean protein.

    Pick up Stix - Every thing they make can be steamed in water, and you can pick and chose what sauces and veggies...

    Habit Burger - a new place that flames their meat. Really fresh and really good and fairly fast.

    San Sai's Sushi - it is sushi, meat and salads - little oil, lots of protein and veggies -enough said

    Subway/Submaria- On days I let myself eat wheat this is always a good choice...lots of veggies and lean meat and low cal dressings to add on. Op for no cheese. IF you want to skip the bread the salad is always an options.

    Taco Bell - yeah I said it...I don't do this too often because of the cooked oils and processed stuff in the food but there fresco menu is really great and cheap

    In-N-Out - protein style, with no cheese, extra veggies and meat. OMG good

    Rubio/Wahoos - fish tacos made without the batter--lots of good options here

    El Pollo Loco - Flame broiled chicken, lots of salad options, lots of good things here...yeah baby

    You can make it work if you have to, just make good choices
  • gonnamakeanewaccount
    gonnamakeanewaccount Posts: 642 Member
    Good grief no wonder Americans are FAT!! In the time it takes to go to the Fat Food Outlet, purchase and consume the meal, you could stop at the supermarket buy the makings for a decent meal, cook and eat it. Thus improving you nutrition for the day - less fat, sodium and calories, more necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs. Stop being so lazy! If I can do it working full time, with a family, then anyone can.

    My mother gets paid at the beginning of the month, buys groceries and we start to run out by the middle of the month. Both my parents work full time and when they get home, they prefer to go eat than make food or go out and have to buy food. I offer to go out and buy groceries but they rather go out. I make food when I can at home, but when we run out of food here, its go eat with my parents or don't eat. My parents make the money, and I have no decision over what is to be eaten. If you have a problem with this, too bad. I feel bad for people like you that just bash others on a whim. My family has always been one to go out than stay home and make food, kudos to you if you are different, I won't bash you about it though. If you really think going out to a super market, walking around the entire thing, coming home putting up groceries, and then having to make the food is easier than going somewhere eating and coming back home, you are mistaken. The point is not being lazy, the point is this is what you are saying is the same thing and not as tire some as the other. ^^

    Sounds like you need to plan ahead better.

    Sounds like you need to mind your own business. OP wasn't asking for advice.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Good grief no wonder Americans are FAT!! In the time it takes to go to the Fat Food Outlet, purchase and consume the meal, you could stop at the supermarket buy the makings for a decent meal, cook and eat it. Thus improving you nutrition for the day - less fat, sodium and calories, more necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs. Stop being so lazy! If I can do it working full time, with a family, then anyone can.

    My mother gets paid at the beginning of the month, buys groceries and we start to run out by the middle of the month. Both my parents work full time and when they get home, they prefer to go eat than make food or go out and have to buy food. I offer to go out and buy groceries but they rather go out. I make food when I can at home, but when we run out of food here, its go eat with my parents or don't eat. My parents make the money, and I have no decision over what is to be eaten. If you have a problem with this, too bad. I feel bad for people like you that just bash others on a whim. My family has always been one to go out than stay home and make food, kudos to you if you are different, I won't bash you about it though. If you really think going out to a super market, walking around the entire thing, coming home putting up groceries, and then having to make the food is easier than going somewhere eating and coming back home, you are mistaken. The point is not being lazy, the point is this is what you are saying is the same thing and not as tire some as the other. ^^

    Sounds like you need to plan ahead better.

    Sounds like you need to mind your own business. OP wasn't asking for advice.

    looool wrong person :D
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    Bro who cares what a scientist says in his study...rob riches walks the walk and looks the part (top fitness model), ill trust him and you trust that guy.

    Logic fail.

    Would you believe this guy then?

  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Some people, I really.....Thanks to the nice ones around here, your small presence is acknowledged. ~.~
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Good grief no wonder Americans are FAT!! In the time it takes to go to the Fat Food Outlet, purchase and consume the meal, you could stop at the supermarket buy the makings for a decent meal, cook and eat it. Thus improving you nutrition for the day - less fat, sodium and calories, more necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs. Stop being so lazy! If I can do it working full time, with a family, then anyone can.

    My mother gets paid at the beginning of the month, buys groceries and we start to run out by the middle of the month. Both my parents work full time and when they get home, they prefer to go eat than make food or go out and have to buy food. I offer to go out and buy groceries but they rather go out. I make food when I can at home, but when we run out of food here, its go eat with my parents or don't eat. My parents make the money, and I have no decision over what is to be eaten. If you have a problem with this, too bad. I feel bad for people like you that just bash others on a whim. My family has always been one to go out than stay home and make food, kudos to you if you are different, I won't bash you about it though. If you really think going out to a super market, walking around the entire thing, coming home putting up groceries, and then having to make the food is easier than going somewhere eating and coming back home, you are mistaken. The point is not being lazy, the point is this is what you are saying is the same thing and not as tire some as the other. ^^

    Sounds like you need to plan ahead better.

    Sounds like you need to mind your own business. OP wasn't asking for advice.

    Then maybe she shouldn't have posted on a forum (where people give advice and opinions)
  • xLovelyx87
    xLovelyx87 Posts: 26 Member
    Yes we all know fast food is bad but once in while its ok we're human, I've even eaten like crazy over 2500 calories but I've lost weight and kept off so bottom line is as long as we're aware and the weight is off who cares how u eat... I eat pizza,wings,rice, bread, pasta oh no I'm a lazy fat bum lol come now
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member

    There was nothing that asked for your opinion, nothing that asked for your advice. You came onto a thread asking for alternative lower calorie fast food options. Btw, how was your 900 calorie entire days worth a food? Seems about as healthy as baby puke. I hear that quality is good.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    Yes we all know fast food is bad but once in while its ok we're human, I've even eaten like crazy over 2500 calories but I've lost weight and kept off so bottom line is as long as we're aware and the weight is off who cares how u eat... I eat pizza,wings,rice, bread, pasta oh no I'm a lazy fat bum lol come now

    Its not the quantity that is bad, but the quality.
  • Maharet
    Maharet Posts: 4 Member
    i went grocery shopping the other day and of course as is tradition we bought out food. we're too lazy to buy groceries, put them away and then take some back out to then spend another 30-40 min cooking. not to mention the clean up. LAZY as hell. lol

    we went to WABA Grill and i had a Steak Salad for 290 Cal's. didn't really use the dressing (on the side) and ordered an avocado, but i only had about a slice. it was actually so much food i couldn't finish it. i used it as one of my snack blocks later that night.

    i went to coffee bean and had a 5cal machiatto. not the starbucks sugary funky machiatto. just a frothy expresso.

    it's not worth it to me to go to mcdonalds and eat a burger and fries. of course you can eat at a deficit wherever you go if you do it right, but in the end it's just bad for your heart. and you'll feel it when you get older.

    i refuse to think that i can go to mcdonalds and have anything truly healthy. unless i take the bun out and order a small garden salad and water. no other way. it's a nice idea, but not for me.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Yes we all know fast food is bad but once in while its ok we're human, I've even eaten like crazy over 2500 calories but I've lost weight and kept off so bottom line is as long as we're aware and the weight is off who cares how u eat... I eat pizza,wings,rice, bread, pasta oh no I'm a lazy fat bum lol come now

    Its not the quantity that is bad, but the quality.


    This study basically backs up what I’ve been saying for years: a single fast food meal, within the context of a calorie controlled diet, is not death on a plate. It won’t destroy your diet and it won’t make you immediately turn into a big fat pile of blubber. And, frankly, this can be predicted on basic physiology (in terms of nutrient digestion) alone. It’s just nice to see it verified in a controlled setting.

    It’s not uncommon for the physique obsessed to literally become social pariahs, afraid to eat out because eating out is somehow defined as ‘unclean’ (never mind that a grilled chicken breast eaten out is fundamentally no different than a grilled chicken breast cooked at home) and fast food is, of course, the death of any diet. This is in addition to the fact that apparently eating fast food makes you morally inferior as well. Well, that’s what bodybuilders and other orthorexics will tell you anyhow.

    Except that it’s clearly not. Given caloric control, the body’s response to a given set of nutrients, with the exception of blood lipids would appear to be more determined by the total caloric and macro content of that meal more than the source of the food.

    In terms of the hormonal response, clean vs. unclean just doesn’t matter, it’s all about calories and macros.

    Which is what I’ve been saying all along.
  • Mmmmona
    Mmmmona Posts: 328 Member
    i went grocery shopping the other day and of course as is tradition we bought out food. we're too lazy to buy groceries, put them away and then take some back out to then spend another 30-40 min cooking. not to mention the clean up. LAZY as hell. lol

    we went to WABA Grill and i had a Steak Salad for 290 Cal's. didn't really use the dressing (on the side) and ordered an avocado, but i only had about a slice. it was actually so much food i couldn't finish it. i used it as one of my snack blocks later that night.

    i went to coffee bean and had a 5cal machiatto. not the starbucks sugary funky machiatto. just a frothy expresso.

    it's not worth it to me to go to mcdonalds and eat a burger and fries. of course you can eat at a deficit wherever you go if you do it right, but in the end it's just bad for your heart. and you'll feel it when you get older.

    i refuse to think that i can go to mcdonalds and have anything truly healthy. unless i take the bun out and order a small garden salad and water. no other way. it's a nice idea, but not for me.

    And for what you paid, you could have probably made 5 meals at home. But whatever, to each their own.
  • iiwish
    iiwish Posts: 36 Member
    I eat Wendy's at my school twice a week and I always get
    a 6 piece nuggets and
    a small chili

    it's about 500 calories and keeps me full for a lot of the day.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Good grief no wonder Americans are FAT!! In the time it takes to go to the Fat Food Outlet, purchase and consume the meal, you could stop at the supermarket buy the makings for a decent meal, cook and eat it. Thus improving you nutrition for the day - less fat, sodium and calories, more necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs. Stop being so lazy! If I can do it working full time, with a family, then anyone can.

    My mother gets paid at the beginning of the month, buys groceries and we start to run out by the middle of the month. Both my parents work full time and when they get home, they prefer to go eat than make food or go out and have to buy food. I offer to go out and buy groceries but they rather go out. I make food when I can at home, but when we run out of food here, its go eat with my parents or don't eat. My parents make the money, and I have no decision over what is to be eaten. If you have a problem with this, too bad. I feel bad for people like you that just bash others on a whim. My family has always been one to go out than stay home and make food, kudos to you if you are different, I won't bash you about it though. If you really think going out to a super market, walking around the entire thing, coming home putting up groceries, and then having to make the food is easier than going somewhere eating and coming back home, you are mistaken. The point is not being lazy, the point is this is what you are saying is the same thing and not as tire some as the other. ^^
    You don't owe anyone an explanation.
    And I just wanted to add that it certainly takes less time to get fast food than it does to go to the store, get groceries, and come home and cook!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Why not just eat dog puke or baby ****? I hear cardboard has the same nutritional value and way less calories.
    so dramatic. Why not just stay out of a topic that you clearly have nothing to contribute? Is it that hard for some people?
  • stockn1
    stockn1 Posts: 2 Member
    Okay, so yep I was pretty rude. It's not the right forum. A bad case of typing before thinking, after a bad day. I don't think fast food is "bad" just very overused.

    Try a TANK, Lean Green Salad (greens, orange slices, beetroot, feta, almonds and pumpkin seeds)- with extra chicken 290 - 390 cals

    OR sushi 5 pieces (nah not really this just doesn't fill you up)

    Sorry burgers and french fries just don't do it for me.
  • HotrodsGirl0107
    HotrodsGirl0107 Posts: 243 Member
    920 calories sounds like a large amount of calories for one meal unless its a strategic re-feed or an earned cheat meal... For a regular breakfast, lunch or dinner my calories are usually half that. If it were me at Wendy's I would go with the grilled chicken sandwich, fruit and a water.

    This...I can't fathom using more than 75% of my calories for the day on one meal. I'd make it a grilled chicken sandwich and skip the chili and the soda. I'm reading horrible things about the sweeteners in diet sodas.

    My dinners alone are over 1000 calories most of the time. Even when i was losing i had plenty of calories to have a large meal. I chose not to drastically restrict calories to lose. I mean do you really think everyone has the same calorie goal as you?
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Good grief no wonder Americans are FAT!! In the time it takes to go to the Fat Food Outlet, purchase and consume the meal, you could stop at the supermarket buy the makings for a decent meal, cook and eat it. Thus improving you nutrition for the day - less fat, sodium and calories, more necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbs. Stop being so lazy! If I can do it working full time, with a family, then anyone can.

    My mother gets paid at the beginning of the month, buys groceries and we start to run out by the middle of the month. Both my parents work full time and when they get home, they prefer to go eat than make food or go out and have to buy food. I offer to go out and buy groceries but they rather go out. I make food when I can at home, but when we run out of food here, its go eat with my parents or don't eat. My parents make the money, and I have no decision over what is to be eaten. If you have a problem with this, too bad. I feel bad for people like you that just bash others on a whim. My family has always been one to go out than stay home and make food, kudos to you if you are different, I won't bash you about it though. If you really think going out to a super market, walking around the entire thing, coming home putting up groceries, and then having to make the food is easier than going somewhere eating and coming back home, you are mistaken. The point is not being lazy, the point is this is what you are saying is the same thing and not as tire some as the other. ^^

    Sounds like you need to plan ahead better.

    Sounds like you need to get that stick out of your butt. ^^ I am planning ahead, planning ahead for my fast food meal. Have a problem with that? Might as well eat **** :D

    Good for you! Ignore the sanctimonious pricks who think you can only eat salad to lose weight. You've lost almost 60lbs and found a way to live your life without cutting things out. It's people like you who sustain their weight loss for life. The salad eaters generally quit after 2-3 months and gain back more than they started with.

    Keep doing just what you're doing. You'll be fine.
