Soldier beheaded in streets of london....



  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    And we certainly do have kids shooting kids within gangland Britain. However if guns were commonplace we'd have more of it.

    Oh, right! As if someone who really wanted a gun couldn't get one...*sigh* guns are commonplace everywhere. Not everyone is a gun toting hooligan who wants to shoot and hurt everyone else, though.
  • raspberrytartgirl
    raspberrytartgirl Posts: 51 Member
    guns are not the problem its the person who used the weapons that is the problem. most of your people who use guns are normal citizens they don't go out shooting people. the guy is an islamic extremists and has a lot of hate. hate+ gun= a deadly combination.

    in the end he will have to give an account for his actions. nobody gets away with anything . he will get his due.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member

    And we certainly do have kids shooting kids within gangland Britain. However if guns were commonplace we'd have more of it.

    Oh, right! As if someone who really wanted a gun couldn't get one...*sigh* guns are commonplace everywhere. Not everyone is a gun toting hooligan who wants to shoot and hurt everyone else, though.

    I can honestly say I wouldn't even have a clue how to go about getting hold of one! You must hang out with some shady folk :)
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Saw this on the news , absolutley horrifying! Poor Poor man , going about his ways when this happens, feel so sorry for his family!

    I say bring back the days of torture, I have heard there is an appeal against the police who shot the guys who had murdered the soldier for ' heavy handedness ' .. whether or not thats true is another matter , but our justice system is f**ked up!

    The prime minister of Oz has the right idea!

    If you are referring to that so called 'speech' that is doing the rounds on facebook, it is completely fabricated. Google it. That speech does the rounds all the time (whenever the right wingers want to have a go at immigrants) with different names and different countries. It's rubbish.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    thats not terrorism, thats a guy with a machete.

    BAGHDAD — A wave of car bombings and shootings hit cities in Iraq late Sunday and on Monday, killing at least 76 people and wounding more than 250, medical and security officials said. Some news agency reports put the overall toll even higher, at 86 or more dead.


    no threads about that tho eh.

    Thank you, thoughts exactly, the exact same crimes and tragedies (often times, way worse) all over the third world and elsewhere are not immediately reported as stinking terrorist threats and the like...something smells really fishy here, what is this leading up to I wonder hmmmmm?!
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    No, we don't have mass shootings here, kids shooting kids, kids shooting up schools etc and we don't wish to have it either.

    We certainly do have mass shootings:


    And we certainly do have kids shooting kids within gangland Britain. However if guns were commonplace we'd have more of it.

    3 over a long period of time, it's not a regular occurrence was my point.
    What pisses me off is that it has been called an "Extremist attack"...when the nutter in Norway (Christian) gunned down a load of people, why wasn't this deemed as "Extreme"? seems pretty extreme to me...
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Too bad there was not an armed citizen nearby who could have helped this poor man.

    because everyone carrying guns would be a great help!

    um...YES it would!

    No really, it wouldn't. We don't want our children murdering each other with the toys that Mommy thought would be a good idea, and we don't want mass school/ hospital/ university shootings.
  • emergencytennis
    emergencytennis Posts: 864 Member
    Saw this on the news , absolutley horrifying! Poor Poor man , going about his ways when this happens, feel so sorry for his family!

    I say bring back the days of torture, I have heard there is an appeal against the police who shot the guys who had murdered the soldier for ' heavy handedness ' .. whether or not thats true is another matter , but our justice system is f**ked up!

    The prime minister of Oz has the right idea!

    What do you mean by "bring back the days of torture"? Do you mean that Western democracies should torture people they think might have information about terrorists? Or do you mean that people convicted of terrorism should be tortured?

    Either way you are dead wrong. If the West stands for anything it stands for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I refer you to article 5:

    No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

    I am really interested to hear what Julia Gillard's idea is as I haven't a clue. Please please let me in on it.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    We don't want guns here thank you.

    We don't need more innocent deaths.

    It was a horrific tragedy by a couple of lunatics, we also don't need the likes of the EDL trying to capitalise on this poor mans death to escalate things into a race war.

    Indeed. Imagine if the EDL had rocked up to their protest in Woolwich last night all carrying guns. I expect we'd be hearing of a lot more deaths this morning.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    No, we don't have mass shootings here, kids shooting kids, kids shooting up schools etc and we don't wish to have it either.

    We certainly do have mass shootings:


    And we certainly do have kids shooting kids within gangland Britain. However if guns were commonplace we'd have more of it.

    3 over a long period of time, it's not a regular occurrence was my point.
    What pisses me off is that it has been called an "Extremist attack"...when the nutter in Norway (Christian) gunned down a load of people, why wasn't this deemed as "Extreme"? seems pretty extreme to me...

    its been called a terrorist attack, by an extremist, because the murderer said he did it in the name of allah.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Too bad there was not an armed citizen nearby who could have helped this poor man. Lord have mercy.

    We don't have any armed citizens - guns (rifles) are only allowed for hunting/sporting purposes, are owned under licence and have to be kept locked in a strong box when not in use.

    The best chance would have been one of the motorists who'd passed by to have a crack at running them down.

    And this!

    Everyone having guns historically isn't a good idea....

    You are misinformed. There are many countries where the per capita ownership of guns is very high and the murder rate is extremely low. These two criminals used a car and knives as their weapons. What is your point? A well-armed citizen could have stopped this tragedy.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    No, we don't have mass shootings here, kids shooting kids, kids shooting up schools etc and we don't wish to have it either.

    We certainly do have mass shootings:


    And we certainly do have kids shooting kids within gangland Britain. However if guns were commonplace we'd have more of it.

    3 over a long period of time, it's not a regular occurrence was my point.
    What pisses me off is that it has been called an "Extremist attack"...when the nutter in Norway (Christian) gunned down a load of people, why wasn't this deemed as "Extreme"? seems pretty extreme to me...

    its been called a terrorist attack, by an extremist, because the murderer said he did it in the name of allah.

    Ah right, not seen any footage of him saying that, will wait for that one.
  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Too bad there was not an armed citizen nearby who could have helped this poor man. Lord have mercy.

    We don't have any armed citizens - guns (rifles) are only allowed for hunting/sporting purposes, are owned under licence and have to be kept locked in a strong box when not in use.

    The best chance would have been one of the motorists who'd passed by to have a crack at running them down.

    And this!

    Everyone having guns historically isn't a good idea....

    You are misinformed. There are many countries where the per capita ownership of guns is very high and the murder rate is extremely low. These two criminals used a car and knives as their weapons. What is your point? A well-armed citizen could have stopped this tragedy.

    Nope, many more innocent people would have been killed in the crossfire. And then the EDL would have come down with more guns and started shooting all the black and asian people they could see. Way to start a war.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    Too bad there was not an armed citizen nearby who could have helped this poor man. Lord have mercy.

    We don't have any armed citizens - guns (rifles) are only allowed for hunting/sporting purposes, are owned under licence and have to be kept locked in a strong box when not in use.

    The best chance would have been one of the motorists who'd passed by to have a crack at running them down.

    And this!

    Everyone having guns historically isn't a good idea....

    You are misinformed. There are many countries where the per capita ownership of guns is very high and the murder rate is extremely low. These two criminals used a car and knives as their weapons. What is your point? A well-armed citizen could have stopped this tragedy.

    There are also many countries with moronic gun laws where innocent people including children in SCHOOL are getting gunned down on a scarily regular basis.
    My point is that this is a sad event, incredibly rare in my country and dishing out guns to any old imbecile is an incredibly bad idea, in my opinion of course.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Why was the soldier alone? In my military experience, we were often in pairs or larger groups. What took the police so long? I am so sad for the soldiers family.

    It took the police long because they weren't armed, they had to wait twenty minutes for a trained armed response team. Such a tragedy.

    No it didn't:

    Asst Comm Byrne also addresses the issue of how long it took police to respond to the Woolwich attack. "We first received a 999 call from the public at 14:20hrs stating a man was being attacked, further 999 calls stated that the attackers were in possession of a gun. We had officers at the scene within 9 minutes of receiving that first 999 call. Once that information about a gun or guns being present was known, firearms officers were assigned at 14:24hrs. Firearms officers were there and dealing with the incident 10 minutes after they were assigned, 14 minutes after the first call to the Met."

    From the BBC. They don't have firearms officers sat around at every small police station waiting to be mobilsed. 10 mins from alert to attendance is pretty good work (imagine to traffic in the surrounding area)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    No, we don't have mass shootings here, kids shooting kids, kids shooting up schools etc and we don't wish to have it either.

    We certainly do have mass shootings:


    And we certainly do have kids shooting kids within gangland Britain. However if guns were commonplace we'd have more of it.

    3 over a long period of time, it's not a regular occurrence was my point.
    What pisses me off is that it has been called an "Extremist attack"...when the nutter in Norway (Christian) gunned down a load of people, why wasn't this deemed as "Extreme"? seems pretty extreme to me...

    its been called a terrorist attack, by an extremist, because the murderer said he did it in the name of allah.

    Ah right, not seen any footage of him saying that, will wait for that one.

    at what i read, how true it is i dont know.
  • VeganSurfer
    VeganSurfer Posts: 383 Member
    No, we don't have mass shootings here, kids shooting kids, kids shooting up schools etc and we don't wish to have it either.

    We certainly do have mass shootings:


    And we certainly do have kids shooting kids within gangland Britain. However if guns were commonplace we'd have more of it.

    3 over a long period of time, it's not a regular occurrence was my point.
    What pisses me off is that it has been called an "Extremist attack"...when the nutter in Norway (Christian) gunned down a load of people, why wasn't this deemed as "Extreme"? seems pretty extreme to me...

    its been called a terrorist attack, by an extremist, because the murderer said he did it in the name of allah.

    Ah right, not seen any footage of him saying that, will wait for that one.

    at what i read, how true it is i dont know.

    I'm sure it will be revealed soon, I just saw what most of us did, the ITV report of the guy talking about "women witnessing this" "your government doesn't care"
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    That is terrible. Sadly, there is too much violence/evil in the world. People regurlarly turn up quartered in Mexico due to drug wars.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    To VeganSurfer, you won't see any footage of them shouting about Allah because any footage they have of this, is where they were attempting to behead the soldier and is far too distressing for the general public.

    Also, to people trying to criticise the British Police force, saying the armed responses were late (yes, they were, but besides the point) - stop looking for other people to blame for this poor guys death.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    My point is that this is a sad event, incredibly rare in my country and dishing out guns to any old imbecile is an incredibly bad idea, in my opinion of course.

    You would be surprised how intelligent some mass murderers are/have been...labelling anyone as an imbecile...oh man this thread is already full of stupid generalisations in any is not guns that kill people, people kill people. If and when any kind of **** hits the fan, what the hell are people going to defend themselves with? I can tell you now, I have weapons, they may not be guns, but if I ever had to use them, they would be used, believe me!

    I am not sure what this incident is leading to, but it will lead to some government action. That we the people will nod and say yes to, yet again...*sigh*
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