Coffee is not breakfast.



  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    I have to admit, i'm guilty of this one. I don't tend to eat breakfast- not because i think it will help me lose weight, but just because i really don't seem able to face food of any sort until at least 11am. I get up at 7am every day and as soon as i get up I MUST have a coffee with a small amount of semi-skimmed milk. If i don't, i find it hard to function (also, i enjoy it)

    I understand both sides of this debate. Breakfast is important whether trying to lose weight or not, but personally, i feel sick if i even think about eating first thing, though i do give it a try sometimes.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Coffee is totally breakfast. I have my coffee in the morning and usually don't eat solid food for at least 2 hours after I get up...often I don't have my "breakfast" until noon. Most of the time I just don't have an appetite in the early morning.

    The problem I used to have is that I wouldn't eat much during the day and then in the late afternoon/evening i'd go to town on food. Perhaps that is one of the problems your friend is having. If she isn't losing, point her to MFP and tell her to start logging her foods and counting her calories. It doesn't really matter *when* she eats, it's the amount she is eating that is probably the problem. Tell her to get out and get some activity, too, if she doesn't work out on a daily basis-it might help her "jump start" things.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    The he'll it ain't. Ha
    It is for me.
  • epmck11
    epmck11 Posts: 159 Member
    I'm not that big of a guy and I've lost like 20lbs in the last few months by drinking coffee first thing in the morning and then not eating until 2-4pm or so. If only I ate breakfast to "jump start my metabolism" I could've lost 40lbs!

    Or, there's no such thing as jump starting your metabolism and eating breakfast is irrelevant as long as you consume the same amount of calories.
  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    I have difficulty eating or drinking anything first thing.
    I've usually been up for about an hour before I'll have a drink (generally water or coffee), and it's a while after that before I can face food without feeling nauseous.

    I love food, but I see little point in forcing myself to eat when I don't want to because it doesn't satisfy me and an hour or so later I'll go looking for something else to eat so I can enjoy that. I just end up eating twice as much.

    Whatever works best for you as an individual, I suppose.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    I feel horrible if I eat in the morning. I've tried every single suggestion or advice I've ever got, and didn't like any of them one bit. A few months go I've decided to simply stop eating in the morning because it makes me feel sick, period. It's rather simple - I love food, but I don't enjoy it first thing in the morning. Since I already have only so much calories to work with, no point in wasting them on food I don't enjoy.
  • bubmaster
    each to their own :smile:
  • vintagesquirrel
    Coffee is a perfectly acceptable breakfast. I haven't eaten breakfast in years. Only drank it in some form or another.
  • SugarNtheRaw
    SugarNtheRaw Posts: 191 Member
    Breakfast is the most important (And my favorite) meal of the day. I grew up with my Grandparents, who were old school, and breakfast was always a big to-do. I rarely remember eating cereal until I was in my teens years, and by that time I told Nana (Papa had passed away by this time) that she didn't have to stand in front of a hot stove, and that I'd just eat Cheerios. :heart: breakfast, and Nana still kicks *kitten* :happy:
  • mikejacobs1958
    For most of my life, I haven't eaten breakfast, normally up early for a run then off to work, but I do have some fruit before lunch time.

    Admittedly once a month I will treat myself to a huge fry up, consisting of all the "bad" things..... bacon, eggs, sauasage & beans etc around Brunch time.

    Black coffee and water keeps me going !
  • andrewlazenby
    Coffee isn't breakfast.

    Coffee is awesome breakfast!

    This.... Coffee is vital. If I do not consume it in the morning I will have my first "cardio event" of the day as I go medieval on anyone around me. Burns calories, but draws an awful lot of attention.

    On a serious not, when I bike commute to work I generally only have a single cup with cream and sugar to wake up and then bike hard for 1 hour to work. There I will eat a light breakfast or a PBJ sammich to refuel... I love breakfast....a little to much so I avoid it.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Everyone is different when it comes to breakfast. Personally, if I don't eat breakfast I turn into a raging hellbeast within an hour or two. And coffee is disgusting to me any time of day. If your friend is having problems with weight, it's probably because she's not eating right throughout her day, not necessarily because of her morning coffee routine. But she might want to give real food (something small with protein maybe) a try in the morning. It might work for her...:flowerforyou:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Personally, I always eat breakfast, but my mom doesn't and she doesn't have a weight problem.

    Your co-worker is probably eating too much for her level of activity regardless of when she is eating.
  • beccag28
    beccag28 Posts: 43 Member
    It's probably not a big deal either way. For me Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day! I prefer having a small dinner and big breakfast :-) maybe I'm on my own with that one haha
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    Coffee is usually my breakfast! I have to force myself to eat in the mornings. I won't get hungry until like 11.

    And no, you don't "need" breakfast. Just keeps you satiated and more likely not to binge later.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    This comes down to personal preference and nothing more... There is no timing of meals or jumping starting anything.... That being sad I personally have my morning coffee with about 800 (calories) of its little friends.... LOL I eat between 3200-3400 calories a day so I prefer to get my day started with a big breakfast (I workout in the mornings) plus I am a type 2 diabetic so after fasting all night, My body is ready for a shot of anything to get my blood sugars up.... But it really comes down to what works best for you... Best of Luck...
  • ToBeThin_12
    I always just have coffee. It fills me and gives me energy so I don't see the point in adding food.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    perhaps but it isn't breakfast without coffee.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Maybe she can't eat while she drinks coffee. I can't. If I'm having coffee then its coffee by itself and I'll eat a few hours later.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Lots of coffee is the ultimate breakfast.

    How many calories do heart palpitations burn?