Got really mad at the supermarket today

SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
OK so I know it's none of my business what's in someone else's cart but I'm in the checkout line with nothing to do but wait and I'm just looking through the lady's cart next to me kind of thinking well that's not overly healthy, but not thinking much over it. so I glance at the woman herself and she has a little girl in a tutu, she's about maybe 7 years old and she is GROSSLY overweight. So I glance back at the cart again, now I have a purpose.

Here's what I see.

2 pints of full fat coffee icecream
about 6 cans of spaghettiO's
a big back of potato chips (NOT baked)
3 boxes of macaroni and cheese (full fat Kraft)
a 24 pack of bottled water (which would be fine if not for what was below that)
a 24 pack of regular pepsi
and a 24 pack of mountain dew.

I didn't say anything, didn't even acknowledge it, but really, if that's what this woman is feeding her child, I feel like this is borderline child abuse. This kid is going to have serious mental hurdles to climb once the other kids lay into her with the fat jokes. And lets be honest, they WILL start to fire off the fat jokes sooner or later.

I was SO angry. In this day and age, with nutrition information everywhere, really?


  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    I've got to be honest, I'm right there with you.
    I just turned 20 a few days ago... that's basically what my parents fed me until I was 13. And when I was a teenager, I had no clue how to cook, so I resorted to those kinds of foods.
  • That's enfuriating! I get so angry with parents who feed their kids such crap; it's almost like the parent is not even giving his/her child a chance! Kids have to eat what they're given, and if they are given fast food, Coke, and high sodium/fat on a regular basis, that's setting them up to be unhealthy and possibly overweight. I can understand why you wouldn't say anything though, that would have caused a scene.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yep, it's terrible. I ate horribly as a child, and I'm still trying to let go anger from it. I agree it's bordering on abuse and neglect, and maybe not even bordering. (ducking down as the flame war begins)

    I was at Burger King the other day (I was on a road trip and desperate, and I have been punished by it and made my peace with my terrible choice :tongue: ) and they were advertising a side of macaroni and cheese as part of their "smarter choices for kids" menu. Refined carbs, chemically orange goo and preservatives smarter?

    Really? Really?

    I have a relative whose children have never eaten a fruit or vegetable. Never. Terrifying. I was on a visit this summer, and one of the kids (I think she's around eight. . .it's not a relative I'm close with) said "I'm hungry!", so I pulled a pear out of my bag and handed it to her. God is my witness, she asked me "what is this thing?" :noway:
  • keiko
    keiko Posts: 2,919 Member
    OK, I admit it, when I'm bored waiting in line I do look at what other people are buying. I'm amazed at the amount of junk food and pre-packaged food people will spend money on.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Yep, it's terrible. I ate horribly as a child, and I'm still trying to let go anger from it. I agree it's bordering on abuse and neglect, and maybe not even bordering. (ducking down as the flame war begins)

    I was at Burger King the other day (I was on a road trip and desperate, and I have been punished by it and made my peace with my terrible choice :tongue: ) and they were advertising a side of macaroni and cheese as part of their "smarter choices for kids" menu. Refined carbs, chemically orange goo and preservatives smarter?

    Really? Really?

    I have a relative whose children have never eaten a fruit or vegetable. Never. Terrifying. I was on a visit this summer, and one of the kids (I think she's around eight. . .it's not a relative I'm close with) said "I'm hungry!", so I pulled a pear out of my bag and handed it to her. God is my witness, she asked me "what is this thing?" :noway:

    As I'm reading this, I'm thinking about my dinner last night. Which was DELICIOUS. It was broiled chicken, broccoli, and spaghetti squash sautéed with a little bit of kens light Italian dressing, chopped garlic, and some EVOO. Really, it was easy, heck it is even easier if you buy a roasted chicken from the supermarket. Incredibly healthy, and not overly expensive either. Plus it takes about 15 minutes total to make (once you broil the chicken, which we do in advance). Is this type of stuff REALLY that hard? I would have loved this as a kid!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i think you are being really judgemental. that is not a full cart of groceries for family for a day, let alone a week. those could possibly be snacks or replenishing the pantry or for special occasions (like, i don't know, NEW YEAR'S EVE). you have no idea what this women has at home in the manner of fresh fruits or veggies, or what her child is eating.

    **edited for spelling
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    My heart poors out to these kids. We all know that they will struggle and it is a HARD STRUGGLE for most of their life....

    On another note though, I do make wise choices and pack my children's own lunches so I know they are getting quality healthy food. Veggies, fruit, and protein in every lunch. My girls eat what I do, wheat pasta, low sodium everything, water, etc.... But when given the choice out side of our home they will still go for brownies, cookiees, take out, etc....... I think part of it is just, this is what they see.... School lunches alone are HORRIBLE!!!!!!

    Make me glad I am Sadie and Autumn's mom!!! I know they get what they need and will grow up makeing wiser choices
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    OK, I admit it, when I'm bored waiting in line I do look at what other people are buying. I'm amazed at the amount of junk food and pre-packaged food people will spend money on.

    I felt so bad for the little girl who has NO idea the world of hurt she is in for. I wanted to grab her and take her home and say "don't worry hon, I'll fix you right up."

    My wife grew up overweight, in weight watchers by 12, still has issues with her weight, still has days where she gets visibly angry with me if she's having a bad day and I mention food and/or exercise, it really ends up dominating their life for a long time. It's almost like torture.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    oops, double post
  • i was not raised on veggies or fruits. it makes me sad now. im trying new things all the time. both of my parents hate tomatoes, i tried a tomato by itself not in anything for the first time when i was like 15? carrots for a snack was unheard of. i remember when i was a teenager going to family christmas and my cousins attacked the veggie tray popping olives and celery and me and my sister looked at them like they were aliens. we wouldnt touch that stuff with a ten inch pole. but ive learned and tried things and im getting better. i still have a problem with fruit bc of its textures so i make fruit smoothies for breakfast. love veggies tho :) im defenitely not raising kids like that
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    i think you are being really judgemental. that is not a full cart of groceries for family for a day, let along a week. those could possibly be snacks or replenishing the pantry or for special occasions (like, i don't know, NEW YEAR'S EVE). you have no idea what this women has at home in the manner of fresh fruits or veggies, or what her child is eating.

    spaghettiO's and mac and cheese for new years eve? What parties do you go to?

    and besides, you can say that all you want, but this woman was obese, AND the child was obese. If it's hormonal or chemical, then that stuff probably shouldn't be anywhere near either of them, and if it's not, then there's just plain no excuse anyway.

    and yeah, you're damn right I'm being judgmental, I make no excuse for that. Sorry, but I'm not one to be oblivious to situations. At some point you need to be aware of the environment you are in, or else the problems going on around you are your own fault as much as everyone else.

  • I have a relative whose children have never eaten a fruit or vegetable. Never. Terrifying. I was on a visit this summer, and one of the kids (I think she's around eight. . .it's not a relative I'm close with) said "I'm hungry!", so I pulled a pear out of my bag and handed it to her. God is my witness, she asked me "what is this thing?" :noway:

    Not exactly a laughing matter, but that last comment made me laugh! :happy:

    As a trainer, I find it so hard sometimes not to say something, but then I remind myself that it's not my place to say something. (unless they come to me as a client!) But it's everywhere. Have you ever really looked at the people in line at fast food chains? They're exactly the people that should not be eating there! Well, really, no one should be, but you know what I mean.
    I try to shop at a small market instead of the grocery store, except for the necessary items I can't get at the market. And even then, my basket at the grocery store gets filled with tofu and soy products!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    well, i go to a typical party i suppose - 12+ adult and just as many kids (maybe more). my kids don't get to drink soda, but my friends' kids do. mac and cheese and canned spagetti's is super simple and easy when you are cooking for kids whose tastes you don't normally know.

    i'm so glad that people like you judge how 'obese' people eat. i'm sure it makes them feel very secure and not at all demeaned.

    i love going out with a friend that is much heavier than i am. i will order the fattiest, gooeyist mess and she will have a salad, dressing on the side. whenever the order comes out, they always place the huge meal in front of 'the fat girl'. gotta love that.
  • I have two young boys (5 and 7) who are very active in sports and sometimes I feel like a bad mom because they aren't allowed to eat like their friends! Snacks are fruit, 2% cheese, yogurt, and low fat granola bars. The only chips in the house are baked and I spend the extra money on things like 100 calorie packs of cookies for their lunches to help with portion and calorie control. They even eat multi-grain sandwhich thins instead of normal kid bread for sandwiches! And they do get to have "yummy" food on occasion for holidays and such, but the point is that they can't make the choices about which foods they should be eating. That's MY job as their mother. I am here to teach them and lead them down the path of healthy eating and portion control. So to fill a cart full of crap food when you are raising a child is unfair to that child. So fine, celebrate New Year's with some yummy snacks like real chocolate chip cookies and doritos, but throw some fruit in the mix!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    well, i go to a typical party i suppose - 12+ adult and just as many kids (maybe more). my kids don't get to drink soda, but my friends' kids do. mac and cheese and canned spagetti's is super simple and easy when you are cooking for kids whose tastes you don't normally know.

    i'm so glad that people like you judge how 'obese' people eat. i'm sure it makes them feel very secure and not at all demeaned.

    i love going out with a friend that is much heavier than i am. i will order the fattiest, gooeyist mess and she will have a salad, dressing on the side. whenever the order comes out, they always place the huge meal in front of 'the fat girl'. gotta love that.

    I was obese for much of my 30's so yeah, I judge how obese people eat, because I ATE like an obese person (an obese person that doesn't have a medical cause mind you). So what your saying is, because they might be offended, I'm not allowed to disapprove, in my own head, of what they are feeding their kids? Mind you, they CANNOT be ashamed of what I am thinking, nor did they know I had any judgement.

    So in other words, you're trying to tell me how to think.

    If I had said something to her, then I could see someone's anger. But you're doing the same thing you're saying I did! Except I SPARED the object of my anger from the harsh words, where as you came out and tried to demean me for it.
  • kdh24
    kdh24 Posts: 6
    OK, I admit it, when I'm bored waiting in line I do look at what other people are buying. I'm amazed at the amount of junk food and pre-packaged food people will spend money on.
  • kdh24
    kdh24 Posts: 6
    SHBoss1673 ~ how do you make spaghetti squash in 15 mins? Please tell me! I love that stuff but it takes me like an hour to bake it. I'm new here so if you could contact me directly with your reply I'd appreciate it, since I don't know if I will see your reply here. But if that's not possible, no worries! :)

  • Trav
    Trav Posts: 2,022
    OK so I know it's none of my business what's in someone else's cart but I'm in the checkout line with nothing to do but wait and I'm just looking through the lady's cart next to me kind of thinking well that's not overly healthy, but not thinking much over it. so I glance at the woman herself and she has a little girl in a tutu, she's about maybe 7 years old and she is GROSSLY overweight. So I glance back at the cart again, now I have a purpose.

    Here's what I see.

    2 pints of full fat coffee icecream
    about 6 cans of spaghettiO's
    a big back of potato chips (NOT baked)
    3 boxes of macaroni and cheese (full fat Kraft)
    a 24 pack of bottled water (which would be fine if not for what was below that)
    a 24 pack of regular pepsi
    and a 24 pack of mountain dew.

    I didn't say anything, didn't even acknowledge it, but really, if that's what this woman is feeding her child, I feel like this is borderline child abuse. This kid is going to have serious mental hurdles to climb once the other kids lay into her with the fat jokes. And lets be honest, they WILL start to fire off the fat jokes sooner or later.

    I was SO angry. In this day and age, with nutrition information everywhere, really?

    Hey man that was my cart....hahaha just messin
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    just because you were obese does not mean every obese person eats like you ate.

    as i said before, you have NO IDEA how this women feeds herself or her child. one grocery cart full of crap does not mean she always shops (or eats) like that. when i go to a party, it is usually potluck. someone brings some crap and someone else brings some crap and someone else brings some 'healthy' options, etc. based on the little that was in this cart, i think you are rushing to judgement that she 'borderline abuses' her child/ren.

    even if she does buy like that/eat like that all the time, judging her is not going to make her life or her child's life easier. i think people who used to be overweight are way more harsh on the currently overweight than anyone else.

    i am not telling you you have to change your mind on WHAT you think. but i do think it is silly of you to expect everyone to applaud you for your self-righteous thoughts; all i am doing is pointing out you may be wrong in your assessment of her.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    OK so I know it's none of my business what's in someone else's cart but I'm in the checkout line with nothing to do but wait and I'm just looking through the lady's cart next to me kind of thinking well that's not overly healthy, but not thinking much over it. so I glance at the woman herself and she has a little girl in a tutu, she's about maybe 7 years old and she is GROSSLY overweight. So I glance back at the cart again, now I have a purpose.

    Here's what I see.

    2 pints of full fat coffee icecream
    about 6 cans of spaghettiO's
    a big back of potato chips (NOT baked)
    3 boxes of macaroni and cheese (full fat Kraft)
    a 24 pack of bottled water (which would be fine if not for what was below that)
    a 24 pack of regular pepsi
    and a 24 pack of mountain dew.

    I didn't say anything, didn't even acknowledge it, but really, if that's what this woman is feeding her child, I feel like this is borderline child abuse. This kid is going to have serious mental hurdles to climb once the other kids lay into her with the fat jokes. And lets be honest, they WILL start to fire off the fat jokes sooner or later.

    I was SO angry. In this day and age, with nutrition information everywhere, really?

    Hey man that was my cart....hahaha just messin

    Sounded like what I ate all through college, when I was obese.
    I didn't KNOW how to eat any better.
    I didn't KNOW how many calories I needed, or how many I was intaking.
    To the mom's defense, she probably is oblivious at how many calories she is packing into her own diet and her daughters.
    The kid was in a tutu, so I imagine Mom thought the dance class was good exercise for her.

    I'm not saying that she should be excused, but at the same time, ignorance means she simply doesn't realize what she is doing. Yes, we all know "fruits and veggies are healthy", but if your veggies are cooked "the Southern way", they are swimming in grease or butter. Unknowingly, you would be taking in tons of calories and fat, all while thinking you are doing something good eating your veggies.
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