30 Day Shred - Started TODAY 7/28/12



  • GodivaBeauty
    GodivaBeauty Posts: 4 Member
    Starting today!!!
  • celinag96
    celinag96 Posts: 7 Member
    im starting today!!
  • snickelfritzzz
    day3 level 1 .......OMG!!! does anyone else have sore arms and legs or is it just me ? my legs are so sore it hurts to sit to pee lol but I'm gonna keep going good luck everyone
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Level 1 day 4 done! Finally getting past the worst of the soreness, I think everyday a different part of it gets me.
  • amohamy
    amohamy Posts: 30
    Started using myfitnesspal again today, used it for like a week or something last year. Today is day 10 of level one for me! I seem to have damaged either my ACL/LCL though which means I should rest but it only really hurts when I do jumping jacks (so I just put more weight onto the opposite leg) And side lunges which I try and push through. I've felt like I'm going to die pretty much all the way through level one bar 1 day where I fooled myself into thinking I was finding it easier. My endurance has got better though, but I'm still finding jump rope a killer!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Level 1 day 3 (yesterday) and 4 (today) complete. Really wanted to stop at Taco Bell on the way home from work and then come home and crash.... instead I had a nutritious dinner did JM 30DS and took out the trash... now I can crash.
  • thistimesucess
    thistimesucess Posts: 169 Member
    I'm up to day 7 level 1 and the press ups and arm raises still kill me. Part of me is tempted to try level 2 after 10 days but the other part of me thinks it looks way to scary and I shod keep on level 1 till I master it. Either way - since I've been doing it the weight has just even falling off me. That may be because I've ust got back into Mfp after a month off but I'm inclined to think that 30 day shred has more to do with it.
  • amohamy
    amohamy Posts: 30
    Just wanted to motivate those of you who have just started by saying I've finished level 1 today, lost 3lbs and 6 1/2 inches overall! And that's whilst eating not too great. YOU CAN DO IT! :happy:
    Gonna start eating properly as of today, so hopefully my results will be even better next time.
  • ahmommy
    ahmommy Posts: 316 Member
    Level 1 day 5 done! Used weights today so feel it in my arms more. I need to get the nerve up to try proper pushups instead of modified. I'm giving myself a rest day tomorrow and maybe Saturday, as that is my usual pattern. I'm worried I'll have trouble getting back into it on Sunday, though.
  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    Did day 3 last night.. Still sore, but getting beter
  • fitandstrongmommy
    fitandstrongmommy Posts: 81 Member
    I started on Monday July 29th. The second day I was really sore and wasn't sure I could do the whole thing. Last night not as sore except for my arms, elbow area I had to put the weights down and do it without weights. I am using 10 pound weights I know that is high but it was all I had. My plan is to do 1 week of level one - 2 weeks of level 2 and then 1 week of level 3. I have neve been able to stick with a home work out before. Motivation will be something I will need.
  • celinag96
    celinag96 Posts: 7 Member
    level 1 day 1 done. only 29 more days to go!! i know i can do it!
  • _beautiful_disaster_
    I'm starting it next week! :)
  • icesk8ermom
    icesk8ermom Posts: 82 Member
    Day 2 Level 1....sore shoulders I think my weights are too heavy at least for the overhead raises!

    I have been having MAJOR issues with calve cramps; the jumping rope is brutal for me because my calves tend to hurt by then but have very minimal stopping maybe 2 5 second rests on jump rope section.

    I tried to start a week ago but struggled really bad with the cramping. So I waited and continued to do major stretching; holding the stretch longer with few reps as well as adding sitting in the sauna daily for 15 minutes or so with stretching. Additionally I added iron to my calcium/magnesium and potassium supplements per the doctor’s recommendation and seem to be doing better. (I was so bad I couldn't even last 1 minute on the treadmill jogging and yes I drink plenty of water 8 or more per day)

    If my darn calves would stop cramping I think I would be ready for level 2 but for now I will have to stay put.

    ***Those on level 2 how intense are the calve workouts?

    ****What size of weights are you using? I started with 5lbs and think I was a bit optimistic as I struggled to get through the first weight section (overhead presses) followed by the push-ups.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Day 5 done.. not too bad.. I need to up the weights for the chest press.
  • nelsonma
    nelsonma Posts: 5 Member
    k i am in.. what do i do
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    I started 30DS (2nd round) Friday 7/27. I'll start Level 2 Saturday (:
  • aliciamae24
    So I was going to do this every day this week (Weds was day 5 on level one for me), but Thursday I decided to crank up the intensity and do her BFBM instead. I was also going to finish out the week with day 6 of 30DS, but I am SO sore today after that, that I've decided to take a break LOL. Back to it Monday, though, and hopefully I'll be on level 2 by Weds!
  • celinag96
    celinag96 Posts: 7 Member
    i did day 2 today! its the cardio portion that kills me!! but i made it. I'm going to do it every day except Sunday and let that be my rest day.Wish me luck!!
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Day 6 level 1 - check.