Seniors Golden Sneakers Club January 2010



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Because I am an the Office Manager in an Accounting Office...... Tax Season is very hectic. :noway: I will be working 6 day a week (Sundays off) and between 48 - 60 hrs.! Yikes! :noway: But the overtime in great!!! :flowerforyou:
    So I may be MIA more than usual

    My weekend was not perfect but was the best I could do, not feeling well, not being able to exercise and preparing for company yesterday I was a little sloppy but for the most part focused. :ohwell:
    It is hard to stay within the calories when you don't exercise because your choices are so much more limited. (Only low calorie foods so you can keep within the 1200 calories) :ohwell:

    Today I went on my treadmill for an hour:flowerforyou: so I can get back on track and have a perfect food day! :happy:

    Welcome to all the new people on this thread. I pray it helps you all as much as it has helped me! :love:

    Got to get ready for work...not sure when I'll have time to check in :laugh: but will try!

    Have a great day all!!!!
    BirdieM :heart:
  • getnhealthy101
    Thank you all for the welcomes! I just found my way back in here! I"m still learning my way around this site too! I was trying to post remarks in the old topic and finally realized that it was locked! I had a momment of "well, duh!" Any way, I've been logging into several different groups, but it's almost too much to keep up with. I would like to make this my group so that I can actually keep up with your postings and get acquainted. I'm 56 years old, I have about 70 pounds to lose. Last year I topped out at 225, managed to get down to 208 by healthier eating, and that's where I started out here with this site. I work a sedentary job and it has made getting exercise a challenge, but I am committed and yesterday, I had some great luck! I found a treadmill at a thrift store which I purchased really cheap! And, I also found a quality bike. So I have all the tools and I'm looking forward to this challenge. Hope to get to know you all better. I am feeding off your successes! :drinker:
  • Hazard
    Hazard Posts: 14
    Hi All,
    Just checking in before I start MY Christmas De-decorating. I've also spent most of the morning on the phone doing organizing for my 50th HS Reunion. Really - it used to be so much fun to plan these things. But ... I have to say, some of my classmates are getting a little crotchety, opinionated and negative. Have any of you found that w/ old friends?

    Gayla - being an old nurse and now psychologist, I am interested in Neil's diagnosis. Did you tell us? At any rate, I hope he has a bed now, and will get dx'd properly and get help.

    Irene & GetnHealthy ... keep coming!

    Marie - you're a big Cowboys fan, huh? Well, I was a fair-weather Viking fan UNTIL Brett Favre came on the scene. He is SO much fun to watch. They consider him quite the senior - at 40!

    Sandy - say hi to my fellow Minnesotan, your daughter, when she arrives. I love Chicago.

    Barb - what great NY's stories. I also liked Sandydur's idea for watching the ball fall from *whereever at 8pm and being cozy in bed by midnight. VERY clever.

    Birdie - sinus infections are the worst! My DH used to get them all the time, til he had sinus surgery ... but NOW he has nose bleeds at the drop of a hat.

    So - back to MFP... I'm really going to try the 8 glasses of water, 30 minutes and daily diarying for January. I really want to turn this weight/health thing around. A little something for the fellow procrastinators in the group. I was listening to my iProcrastinate podcast and like this quote: "Mood does NOT have to match the task at hand, the truth is - once we get started, then our feelings will follow". So I'm not going to ask myself if I want to take my walk w/ Leslie (Sansone, the DVD) ... I'm just going to start and see how I feel ... will my feelings follow?

    Have a great day everyone.... Hazard (Mary Ann...)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thank you all for the welcomes! I just found my way back in here! I"m still learning my way around this site too! I was trying to post remarks in the old topic and finally realized that it was locked! I had a momment of "well, duh!" Any way, I've been logging into several different groups, but it's almost too much to keep up with. I would like to make this my group so that I can actually keep up with your postings and get acquainted. I'm 56 years old, I have about 70 pounds to lose. Last year I topped out at 225, managed to get down to 208 by healthier eating, and that's where I started out here with this site. I work a sedentary job and it has made getting exercise a challenge, but I am committed and yesterday, I had some great luck! I found a treadmill at a thrift store which I purchased really cheap! And, I also found a quality bike. So I have all the tools and I'm looking forward to this challenge. Hope to get to know you all better. I am feeding off your successes! :drinker:

    We will be delighted to have you in our group. You can help us as much as we can help you. By the way we have a birthday list I would like to add your name to it. Just the month and day. We do like to celebrate our birthdays, Post often so we can get better accquanited [ sp ] with you. Marie
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    hi all, a quick hello and goodbye for now. Marie, hope you are ok this morning, swelling makes you feel bad all over, but running to the bathroom is not a picnic either, have you tried drinking lots more water?
    Beth, hope your ear is better now, no I would not even consider running anywhere with a bad earache.. you are a real 'trooper' !
    do you really mean that about the college first, then the military? We were advising our niece to try a military career, maybe air force would suit her. She wants to travel, and she is getting restless in college. With the economy as it is, we have discouraged her from pursuing the airlines right now. They just aren't what they used to be, benefits wise, and she is a bit starstruck on the idea of being a flight attendant.. I told her my cousins say it is a glorified watress job for them, and they get tired of it, just like any job. We kind of hoped the military would 'save' her from making mistakes like quitting school... oh well enough now,
    Hi to hazard and getnhealthy, good to meet you, take care all of you, have a great week.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Mary ann, I like to watch Brett play too. I think he is a fantatstic guy. And 40 is not old. And he is proving that.
    hey Mary ann I need your birthday so I can add it to ours. We like to clebarate Birthdays. without the cake and iceceam. I post them at the beginning of each month. We love having all you new members here. So if you are not on the list let me know and we will get you there.
  • getnhealthy101
    My Birthday is April 16.:tongue:
  • getnhealthy101
    I'll keep coming back! I'm looking forward to getting acquainted too! This is what I've been missing! Oh yeah! I have a cat! Her name is Cassie and I am whole-heartedly a critter lover. My husband and I had a dog named Sam for 11 years. We've never stopped missing him. I had a lot of birds a few years back. I had a pair of canaries, a pair of parakeets, 3 different varieties of finches. Loved them all. I had too many though, it wasn't easy keeping up with cleaning cages. Anyway, now I have a cat. She is calico and "one of a kind" I think. Her favorite thing is to have a paper or plastic bag on the floor. She lays on it, climbs in on it, just seems totally fascinated with it. Can't immagine why. Her favorite toy is a laser flashlight. She loves to chase the little red light around.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everybody, I keep waiting for the "perfect time" to post and it never comes so I am going to stop aiming for perfection and "just do it" which is probably a pretty good motto for most of life.

    We went out to lunch today and I had my favorite
    curry chicken with brown rice----we went to a different restaurant where the portions are normal size so I cleaned my plate. :bigsmile: but still overshot my calories by a mile

    :flowerforyou: If anyone wants to look at my food diary, it is public......all you have to do is click on my name above my picture and there's a box on my profile that says "view diary"......I think you can view the food and exercise if you want to see if I'm drinking water, logging my food, and logging my exercise, you can..........I'm not suggesting that anyone else do that, I just thought of it because several people mentioned that their goals were to log their food and water and exercise every day.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I know what you mean about those days when you can't exercise.....we have a weekend like that coming up
    driving long distance in the car, long meetings, and restaurant meals.......I am expecting to go over my calories no matter how hard I try to avoid it.:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :flowerforyou: getnhealthy, I loved hearing about your cat and the lasar beam......when our older cat, Haifa, needed to lose weight the vet suggested getting one of those to encourage him to exercise......I borrowed one from my neighbor to try before buying one........Haifa lay in one place and followed the light with his head and eyes but never moved a muscle to chase it.......needless to say, we didn't buy one:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Beth, I'm sorry your race didn't turn out the way you wanted......I wouldn't want to race with an earache and cold are a lot more hearty than I am :bigsmile:

    Now that Jake has fed the critters, it's time for him to feed me :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • viliberty
    My birthday is September 18.:smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    [quote:flowerforyou: ]
    My birthday is September 18

    Thanks viliberty, I just sent you a Pm . But you beat me to it. Thanks so much.
  • getnhealthy101
    Barbiecat, sorry your Haifa didn't want to chase the little red light! Guess his eyes got some exercise! We adopted Cassie when she was only 6 weeks old and we got out that flashlight the first couple of days we had her! That little kitten ran so fast, she made me laugh so hard my belly hurt! I almost rolled off the couch! She's not that fast anymore, but she likes to jump on it like it's a firefly or something. Heh, can someone educate me about blogging? I'm new to blogging. Am I supposed to add to it everyday, like how the day went or what I was feeling?
  • getnhealthy101
    Viliberty, What state do you live in? I'm in Colorado.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Barbiecat, sorry your Haifa didn't want to chase the little red light! Guess his eyes got some exercise! We adopted Cassie when she was only 6 weeks old and we got out that flashlight the first couple of days we had her! That little kitten ran so fast, she made me laugh so hard my belly hurt! I almost rolled off the couch! She's not that fast anymore, but she likes to jump on it like it's a firefly or something. Heh, can someone educate me about blogging? I'm new to blogging. Am I supposed to add to it everyday, like how the day went or what I was feeling?

    Do whatever works for you and whatever makes you happy. I am blogging daily as I think it keeps me focused (as focused as I can be). Some people just blog when they have a story to tell. I use it as a place to record my gratitudes. I like that it makes me think about what I really have been grateful for each day and then pick a few to share.
    I will watch for your blog.
    Gayla :smile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I wish I had time to respond to everyone but I am pooped! The day went fine until the evening nurse decided she had to follow protocol and put in an IV line in case he had uncontrollable seizures. He was NOT impressed to put it mildly. Neither was Dave, I understood the reasoning but didn't think it was neceassary in this case but decided it wasn't a big enough deal to argue. Usually people are taken off their meds while doing the continuous EEG monitoring. Because Neil had so much trouble the last time they did this (15 or more seizures a day for months after no matter what the Docs. did with drugs, he spent 3 weeks in hospital and testy is very mild to describe his mood). So, it is highly unlikely that something major will happen but, of course, if I said it wouldn't, it would!! So we left and I called back later, the line is in and Neil did fine.
    Mary Ann, You asked about diagnosis. Neil does not have a diagnosis although he as been thoroughly investigated by several Dr.'s across Canada from British Columbia to Quebec. They have settled that he has some kind of syndrome but what it is we don't know. He is classic William's Syndrome personality but not the physical traits. That is the closest of a few diagnosis that have been thrown around. I am a nurse and my DIL is a psychologist so you can imagine how much research we have done! His seizures are as unique as the rest of him. He is an interesting and very lovable package although he can drive me to distraction at times.
    Beth -- Sorry about the ear infection, my husband has been dealing with one the last couple of weeks so I know what you are saying! He, unfortunately, is deaf as a post in that ear. I hope the hearing improves when the infection completely clears. I am beginning to doubt it. We are at the stage where if he doesn't hear, it is my fault because I didn't talk loud enough!!
    Marie -- I hope you are getting rid of the fluid, that really gets a girl down!!

    I must run, I really am thinking about you all and one day I will do a better post. One that is not quite so self absorbed!!

    Take care and keep smiling. gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • deedeehawaii
    deedeehawaii Posts: 279 Member
    Hi All. I want to thank you for my welcome a couple a days ago. I was able to take the info given and fix my "age" on my profile to reflect my actual age ... 57 proud years. I have done well the past two days on watching what I eat. And today a friend shared some fresh fish which I pan fried. I'm not at all a big fan of fried food, but nothing is tastier than a few bit2s of freshly caught fish, coated with whole wheat flour and corn meal, and pan fried to a crispy outside and tender moist inside. Of course, portion control is the key here .(... unless you are going to grill or broil fish) , you really have to be careful how much fried fish you eat.

    Bad Bad Me still has not started exercising. I am lazy. I miss the old days of access to exercise clubs and exercise classes. Where I live now is very limited, and I am not good about just doing exercise "on my own". For those who asked, yes I do live in Hawaii. I've been here for most my adult life. I do not live in a big city, thus the limited access to group exercise opportunities. But again, I know I am lazy and am not using the country life as an excuse.

    I've done pretty good figuring out the food log. I am trying to remember to recognized the difference between appitite and true hunger. Controlling appitite is great, but it isn't so good to allow myself to get really hungry. Too hungry and I overeat once I get started.

    Thanks again for the warm welcome. I now need to get more familiar with the site and who all is part of this group so I can get to know you better. DeeDee

    PS, I am editing this to say that although it "says" I posted at 1:47 am, it is actually only 11:47 pm here.
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    Things are rather cold here in Virginia for the last few days... about killed me to get out of bed and go run knowing my lungs would hurt and I so could have retired from active duty in August. (OK can and should two separate animals)

    Barbie - The race kind of sucked it took me a full 9 minutes longer to run the race than it should have.... I blame that on Lack-A-Wanna-Be-There :) I am sure I could have just sucked it up and dealt with the ear infection better but I just was too tired and whiney to want to.

    Birdie - I hope you don't get over worked, I know its tax season but be careful you don't over due and make yourself sick

    Mary Ann - Have you ever hear the motivational speaker who refers to her husband as right brain? She is a southern woman who is absolutely fantastic as a motivational speaker and you can take walks around the neighborhood laughing to yourself because she is so hilariously funny... I will see if I can find her name.

    Sandy - At this point and time my son is 18 years old and can do what he wishes. He told me that he wanted to be enlisted and get his degree while on active duty the problem I have with him being in right now is that yes it scares me been there done that. But it is also very hard to go to school while you’re out patrolling the Anabar province...He was not too happy to get the real world version of what its like to get bounced out of your bed at 0200 and know that someone died thanks to that rocket attack. I want him to go in through an ROTC program IF he does go into the military... right now I worry that he is going in to get away from his dad and that bothers me.

    Phoebe - I love my job...Why in the world would I have stayed 20 years punishing my body and going to some of the world’s most backward land mined countries?? but I wouldn't recommend something like that to someone who is not sure what they want out of life... that 4 year commitment can seem like a life sentence if you’re not happy. There are a lot of rules you need to follow and beyond that you are not even afforded the same rights guaranteed by constitution, yet you can put your life on the line to uphold them. I would suggest she takes a good hard look at what she wants... maybe try ROTC in college first. I am not saying don’t talk to her about going into the military but be sure that is something she wants and can live with. I would also suggest she look into the Coast Guard and the Navy as well. Don't think I am against the Army and the Marines I am so not... I love those guys... but I also know that the highest quality of life will be with the AF Coast Guard and Navy...probably in that order. BUT I have friends in all branches and the best travel seems to be with the Coast Guard and the Navy. If she wants someone to talk to about it I can send you my email for her I will be more than happy to talk to her. Like I said I love my career and I love the AF but I caution people into pressuring one way or the other.

    Gayla - How is Neil? I hope he is doing well and they can figure out if it’s possible to control his seizures. He is very lucky to have such a dedicated mom who is willing to look for solutions and advocate for his health. Tell your husband I can understand the pain of the ear infection... I am one who rarely gets sick but it seems when I do it’s a doozy...I probably shouldn't have run the other day but it was a memorial run for cancer so I figured a lot of people are worse off in life than I am the least I can do is run.

    Dee Dee - Have you tried playing Wii? I have a friend who works in an assisted living Center and they swear by it... they have actually had to make the communities residents stop playing... they love it and have a lot of fun... My daughter got one for Christmas and has a blast with it...she goes bowling without leaving the house.

    Marie - I heard Wichita Falls got over 10" of snow during Christmas I hope y'all fared better and didn’t get as much if any...I miss Texas a lot.

    Anyone I missed sorry...I will get back with you I didn’t mean to forget but I didn’t write things down AGAIN!!!

    Have a wonderful fun filled week...I have to take my PT test next week so I will be a running fool till Wednesday :)
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    .....PS, I am editing this to say that although it "says" I posted at 1:47 am, it is actually only 11:47 pm here.

    DeeDee--:flowerforyou: The reason for the difference in time is all posts are recorded as of the Pacific Time zone, since that is where the location of the MFP servers are. People on the East Coast experience the same thing, when they post at 11:47pm their time, it will show as 8:47pm on the website. You will get used to it.:flowerforyou:

    Beth,:flowerforyou: I hope you make a rapid recovery from your ear infection. It sounds like you have had a very interesting and challenging career. I hope your son makes the decision that is right for him. You made a compelling reasons for feeling as you do. I wish you both well in dealing with it.

    Well, I did manage to post another pound gone, so that is a good thing. Unfortunately, after being off work for several weeks, today I have to return, so time to get to it.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good Grief! miss a few days and there are pages and pages to read!!!!!!!! Happy New Year everyone!

    Welcome to all the new members! Great to have you on board! Getnhealthy - I live in Colorado as well - about 3 hours north of you (well, 2 1/2 hours if my kids drive it i guess.......) My older boy and his wife live down in Springs!

    Sandy - i love the picture of little granddaughter with Daisy! Too cute! You did great over the holidays - no weight gain! I like your idea of committing to at least 30 minutes a day and 8 glasses of water. I'm on board with that. Oh - Dexter?!?!? I'm totally addicted. I don't get Showtime, so i rent the seasons - i've seen them all. I know - SO twisted but he's so interesting! I mean - i WANT to hate him because of how twisted he is but i just can't! And the more i get to "know" him the more i actually like him!

    Gayla - thank you for the picture of Neil! It's so good to have a face to go with my thoughts of him. Hope the seizures are getting more under control. I can't even imagine - i think you could pretty much be my hero.

    Hazard - i love movies (as well as animals) also. So far i've seen Up in the Air and Avatar 3-D in the theatres. I'm waiting for my Dad to get here to see It's Complicated. I agree - Up in the Air was NOT a comedy! I didn't like the ending so resolution! Avatar was amazing. Anyway - welcome to the group!

    DeeDee - i have to agree with the people who are a little jealous right now! I've been to Hawaii twice and really love it. In March of 2007 my younger boy and his g/f and i made a trip to Kauai - it was really the best vacation ever! Welcome to the group!

    Hey Beth - sorry the race didn't go how you'd hoped - i don't think you were running under ideal conditions for sure tho! It's interesting to me you were talking about the different branches of the military. My dil said she would have gone in the coast guard and my son said (i think.....) he would have gone in the AF - to be a medic who jumps out of planes? does that make sense to you? But they both, of course, say they love the Army. Hopefully your son will take your advice. After all - you clearly have a pretty good feel for what goes on! Good luck on your PT test. My son is waiting to hear about the CID - they're still interviewing his people. The thing i really know about the Army is that i know NOTHING until it happens! lol

    Sorry - I know i left some of you out....not on purpose! There's just SO much to read and think about after a few days!

    My dil is doing well - thank you all for your concern. She got over her stomach flu and is now just dealing with morning (afternoon and evening) sickness. She had another us yesterday and now along with the heartbeat they saw little arm and leg buds so we're all feeling very positive about this pregnancy! yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I WILL be a grandma!!!!!!!!!

    I'm back on track with food - the bad news is i went from only having 3 pounds left back up to 11. Oh well - no use crying over spilled milk (or ingested food........)and just jump right back on. I'm back to walking the dogs - found a pair of boots that works for me in the muck and the mud. I made it to the gym yesterday as! here i go yet again! Thank you all for your support - i fear it could have been way worse without you all! The good news is i had a fabulous Christmas and New Years with all the kids in the new i've undecorated and cleaned and ready to get on with 2010! My resolutions are: 1)take better care of my business 2) get more exercise 3) have more fun! 4) pay more attention to my 2 outside dogs!

    Happy Tuesday! elli
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,117 Member
    Beth, in reading your post it made me think about my two boys and the Navy. The only reason the first one joined was because we made him, he got into some serious trouble and it was either he joined the service or go to jail. He tried to join the Air Force first but he got a letter of rejection (a letter that I opened) because of testing positive for pot. :angry: It seems the Navy takes anyone so that is where he ended. He was an aircrew ordnance man and he traveled over a dozen countries in the West Pacific.
    He ended up getting married to a girl he hardly knew, but they figured you get more money as a married couple so they thought it was a good idea. :noway: He had a breakdown in the Navy and was diagnosed as bi-polar and got a medical discharge. After coming back to Chicago with his new wife (she was from New Jersey and she got out of the Navy early somehow) they had a daughter. ( the dancer). During all this time he was using drugs and I was so naive I didn't even know. He did go to college though thanks to the Navy and on December 27 he is two years clean and sober. :bigsmile: I know this is probably TMI but I am grateful for the Navy in his case. :happy: The other son who is year younger was talked into it by his brother. He was a flag man on the ship but he really didn't like the Navy and couldn't wait to be done. It makes a difference as far as benefits for one and not the other. The one who was medically discharged receives disability from the Navy, found it easy to go to school and was able to use the VA for medicine and doctors. (He much prefers his own now that he has good insurance). The other son doesn't get much in the way of benefits, he wanted to go to college also but the Navy wasn't as good to him as his brother. :angry: I know this is TMI but I wanted to share my son's story so others don't make the mistake of joining for the wrong reasons. As an added note, when my son was in boot camp the Golf War broke out and I remember being in a car and heard it on the radio, I got to my friends house and I was hysterical. It took her a few minutes to figure out why I was crying and re-issured me since he was in boot camp they wouldn't be deploying him any time soon. :laugh:
    We mothers can be so silly!!

    I did ride my stationary bike for an hour today and gained some calories. :drinker:

    And lastly, Daisy was in my yard today and when my cleaning lady came, she had Daisy in tow. We were shocked and couldn't believe she was out of the yard. I immediately ran to check all three gates and they were all closed. Can anyone tell me how she got out? It is a 5 foot fence, I really don't think she jumped. It is a mystery. :laugh:

    Will be back later, time to help my husband shower.
