What do you eat for breakfast?



  • I mix 0% greek yogurt with a tablespoon of peanut butter and 1/2 to 1 packet of stevia in the raw. It's delicious, filling, and quick. You can even make it ahead of time, and just grab it out of the fridge.

    I'm also a big fan of smoothies, and eggs in the AM.

    Never once did adding PB to yogurt cross my mind, but it sounds great. I'm trying that asap. Thx! :wink:
  • I usually have two cups of tea first, then an hour or so later I have breakfast. Today I made a smoothie of kiwi, raspberries, blueberries, banana, whey powder and water. I then had a slice of sourdough bread with 1 tbsp of butter.
  • I usually just eat 2 egg whites with a little bit of cheese. Sometimes I will also have an apple with peanut butter. It's better to start your day out with protein because it sustains you for longer. You are less likely to feel hungry a couple hours later. I made the switch from cereal and I have noticed that I have less cravings throughout the day.
  • Baked oatmeal.

    1/2 cup oats
    1/4 liquid
    bit of vanilla
    cocoa powder
    put in ramekin, bake 20 mins at 350. usually put more PB on top or plain greek yogurt and fruit on top.

    Greek yogurt parfaits

    8 oz plain greek yogurt
    10 almonds

    Layer banana slices at the bottom of a glass and then a layer of yogurt, then banana, then yogurt until it's gone. then put almonds on top with some blueberries

    Poached eggs in the microwave

    I have a microwave egg poacher thing-a-mabob, you can easily use a bowl.
    I crack an egg in it ( sometime's just the white and I have a egg white patty! )
    and have some carrots and hummus with it.

    Strawberry banana smoothie and egg whites with carrots and hummus

    Pureed sweet potato mixed with 1 tbsp dark chocolate cocoa powder
    and homemade kefir raspberry smoothie
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    Nothing. Eating breakfast makes me hungry.
  • Proper toast - 100% rye sourdough, white sourdough or an artisan wholegrain topped with a poached egg, or tahini, or smoked salmon. Or oatmeal with skimmed milk & muscovado sudar; or a smoothie made with frozen berries, cherry juice and fat-free yoghurt.
    If eating bread - I only eat good quality, organic breads for a lower GI and better nutrition.
  • kshiraakshara
    kshiraakshara Posts: 119 Member
    2 eggs scrambled with some grape tomatoes and spinach.

    When I know I'm going to be really busy, I make egg muffins on Sunday night and eat 2 of those for breakfast throughout the week (put whatever fillings you want in the bottom of the tin, then pour in eggs until it's 3/4 full or so, then bake). Keep them in plastic baggies or other containers and then reheat for 30 seconds or so when you're ready to eat them.
  • For those who say they don't eat breakfast at all, that is one of the worst things you can do. Breakfast gets your metabolism going for the day. I personally have a greek yogurt (chobani) and then bring a banana or some other fruit to work to have as a morning snack. Also if you workout in the mornings (like I do) I have a protein shake right after my workout.
  • greek yogurt, fresh fruit and granola, its great!
  • ravenrxx
    ravenrxx Posts: 455 Member
    Oatmeal, or eggs with some toast...but I really love leftovers for breakfast. Nothing better than heated up curry and rice at 5:30 am!!

    Ahh now your talkin! Me ah jamaican to mon. Well half jamaican half white hah(:
  • NobodyInParticular
    NobodyInParticular Posts: 352 Member
    3 eggs, 2 turkey bacon slices
    sometimes I add 2 whole grain waffles, sliced strawberries with lite cool whip on top.
    (Sometimes I'll swap out the eggs and bacon with plain oatmeal with cinnamon, bananas or almonds)
  • OMG, my mouth is watering....that is a great idea...especially with fall approaching. Thanks for the idea. I am tired of cold cereal and I dont like eggs.
  • aggri
    aggri Posts: 6 Member
    Overnight refrigerator oatmeal from 'The Yummy Life' blog. Delicious and lots of flavor options.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    It depends.

    Workout days I make a fruit smoothie with protein.

    Non-workout days I'll make 2 scrambled eggs, 3 TB of liquid egg whites, 1 oz ham, 1/2 oz cheese and I'll either just eat that or put it on a flat bread for a breakfast sandwich.

    lol. I'm glad at least one person laughed.
  • Egg Beaters topped with pico de gallo
    A slice of toast with jam
    A cup of 2% milk

    Though I normally try to stay away from processed foods, I use Egg Beaters for the lower calories. Three eggs is 240 calories, while an equivalent amount of Egg Beaters is 75. The pico de gallo and bread are homemade, and the jam is from the farmers market.

  • 1 cup of Egg Beaters (scrambled)
    4 oz of Gimme Lean Sausage (veggie sausage)
    Melinda's Habenero hot sauce to taste
    Total around 300 calories

    I'm on a 50/30/20 (Prot./Carb./Fat) diet at the moment. If you are more carb and calorie heavy you can add in some whole wheat bread.
  • 2 eggs scrambled with 2 tbsp pico de gallo that I make before hand
    2 slices of Sara Lee 45 cal whole grain toast
    1 wedge of Laughing Cow Garden Vegetable cream cheese on the toast

    How do u make pico de Gallo??
  • Scrambled Eggs, sometime Omelette. My trick is pre-chopping the vegetables/onions - etc, and putting them into containers, so I can wake up - whip out the pan, and cook away as I get ready. Example of my Omelette this morning:


    Calories: 410.
    Egg White Omelette with all the fixings:
    Egg Whites
    Light Swiss Cheese
    Jalapeños, Chopped
    Peppers, Chopped
    A Mushroom, Sliced
    Sweet Onion, Chopped
    Can of Clover Leaf Garlic & Hot Pepper, heated through
    Chilli Hot Sauce
    Mrs Dash, Garlic & Herb Blend


    Calories: 410
    Carbs: 6g
    Fat: 14g
    Protein: 60g!
    Sugar: 2g

    You can omit here and there though - omit the cheese and save about 100, but @50 cals a slice, and protein, eh, I like it.

    Oomg:: looks devilishly yummy ...maybe on a cheat dayy
  • jdscott4
    jdscott4 Posts: 5 Member
    Breakfast Sandwich:

    Thomas' Triple Heath English Muffin (100 cal)
    1large fried egg, cooked with Pam Spray (80 cal)
    Laughing Cow Light Queso Fresco & Chipotle (35 cal)
    8 oz V-8 Low Sodium (50 cal)

    Total: 265 calores.
    Really tasty!

    It's not good old bacon and eggs, but this and other better choices= 25 pounds down since mid May