What foods do you think made you fat?



  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
  • xsabrinalynn
    xsabrinalynn Posts: 146 Member
    Several obviously but my huge weakness used to be Kraft Macaroni and Cheese! I could eat the whole box! I have gone since
    January without it and I had it a few weeks ago it doesn't taste at all as good as I remember weird how our tastes change !

    UGH, macaroni and cheese.. one of my favorite weaknesses. I used to be able to eat a whole box as well! I won't completely give it up because it's my favorite thing in the world, so I have switched to buying single serving whole grain macaroni and cheese cups.
  • patkterry
    yes *kitten*!!!! That's what I say. All those damn commercials that everyone is happy because they have a Big Mac Value meal or any of the advertising that includes foods that make you fat and miserable. There is no disclaimer or warning that says- you will only be happy if you only eat this once every six months and eat healthy all the other times...

    Eating became my crutch.. but on to the question

    hamburgers, ff, cokes, chips, pastries, hostess ding dongs, little debbie snacks, fried chicken, mashed potatoes.
  • msstuard
    msstuard Posts: 131 Member
    Every thing. I loved everything that was pit in front of me. and enjoyed it all until it was gone.
  • katymcd81
    katymcd81 Posts: 73 Member
    Chocolate. Far far far far too much chocolate. Red wine. Matching my husband's portion sizes.

    That combined with a sudden massive drop in activity levels.

    I have upped the exercise levels, drastically cut down the chocolate and wine, and am not dishing out two equal plates for dinner any more...he's 6 inches taller than me and pretty much solid muscle...I should not be eating the same amount as him, lol.

    I hope it works...
  • BeanyFrog13
    BeanyFrog13 Posts: 161 Member
    Mine was never *what* I was eating, but the amount of it. I don't deprive myself of anything that I used to eat in bulk, I just make sure that I don't eat that amount of it lol!
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    CHINESE BUFFETS and pizza! Can't stop eating the stuff...
  • Jmstill300
    Jmstill300 Posts: 239 Member
    Looking back, I probably would've had more success answering the question, "Which foods DIDN'T make me fat?". :laugh:
    Probably my main culprits were fast food & soda.
  • rachelbethany
    rachelbethany Posts: 211 Member
    Of course the foods alone didn't "make me fat," but there definitely were some hidden calories/fats in things I was eating that I didn't know about. The biggest one would probably be olive oil. Now, I love EVOO and still consume it pretty regularly. But in the past I was cooking with it, and that was before I realized that the fats in olive oil turn "bad" when heated past a certain point. So, even though I was cooking homemade curries and pans of veggies, the olive oil was really making me gain weight last summer. When I stopped cooking with it and instead used it more like a dressing (though sparingly) AFTER cooking my food, I saw a huge difference. My face suddenly slimmed down and some pesky pounds came off. I guess I was never actually overweight by a doctor's standards, but I definitely had plenty of extra fat (and still do; working on it). Here's one article I found about the negative effects of cooking with olive oil, but there are plenty more: http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/why-olive-oil-is-bad-for-your-stir-fry-580576.html

    Other than that, it was the usual things: I was a nanny for the past year, so I got talked in to eating fast-food by the kid too much. Like Chik-fil-A, her favorite place to eat. I don't like ANY of their food. I'd be sitting there eating these soggy waffle fries just because I was so hungry (I worked 12 hour shifts with no break), only to not be satisfied nutritionally and to be fatter. Fast food is the devil! Sometimes I would opt for McDonald's salads, which I think taste pretty good, but I'm lactose-intolerant and the salads (except chicken) are ready-made and they can't leave off the cheese. And then if you get crispy chicken and use dressing . . . you're kidding yourself. Although I will say the salad at least didn't leave me feeling as sick as one of their cheeseburgers would.

    The other thing that "made me fat" is bread. I love to cook meals for my friends/little brother, who lives with me. Now, sometimes the meals I would make weren't low-calorie/fat, but if I just had a small portion, I could work it into my daily intake without going over the limit. The problem, though, is always bread. If I make a couple loaves of French bread with garlic and olive oil for everyone to munch on before/during the meal, I end up eating like half of a loaf to myself. Needless to say, I haven't purchased bread in months.
  • heddy90
    heddy90 Posts: 144 Member
    Crisps. I've never eaten a lot of fast food and other bad stuff, but I looove crisps. I'd have 3-4 big bags a week, which is just really not good. Now I only buy one bag on saturdays :) I never got to the point of being really fat, but over the last 3 years I've been steadily gaining weight, and can't fit into my old jeans anymore. This summer I started not eating crisps and sweets during the week, being a bit more active, and seeing good results already. Yeey :D
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    Pizza and all sweet baked goodies, i.e. cookies, cakes, cakes and cookies ;) and stuffing my face with them way too often!
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    French Fries and Chocolate (not at the same time but, salty/sweet does have its calling)
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I would go to the Chinese Buffet for lunch, then for dinner on the nights I was single... did that for years while in college and during the start of my career and marriage. There was a pizza shop in "my backyard"... litterally 20 steps outside my back gate... that didn't help things either. Couldn't eat like a high school kid while in my 30s anymore... until the doctor and a few friends gave me a wake up call. Having a few people die of a heart attack.... those YOUNGER and THINNER than you... also got me to "see the light!"
  • blinkiii
    blinkiii Posts: 90
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    There's no such thing as bad food, just people who eat badly!!


    I haven't given up any of my favorite foods, just the amount of it that I eat plus I workout longer if I want to eat more!!
  • funkylemur
    funkylemur Posts: 55 Member
    Crisps, chocolate and cooked breakfast! Me and my partner used to go for breakfast a few times a week, always had the large breakfast, didnt realise the total calorie intake off that was nearly 1500! Plus we used to eat lunch and dinner too, sometimes that would be dining out too, usually fast food plus snacking inbetween. Im surprised Im didnt have a heart attack through the sheer volume of fat I consumed each day!
  • mama78loosinWeight
    mama78loosinWeight Posts: 130 Member
    SODA! & processed fast food! French fries why did you have to taste so yummy?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Most snacks in a bag...chips of all kinds....and bags of popcorn. Chocolate, too....that was always on my shopping list. I figured I wasn't binging on it so I was ok. What a dope I was.
  • brandimacleod
    brandimacleod Posts: 368 Member
    fast food
  • c1better
    c1better Posts: 15 Member
    Baked sweets. I love to bake and eat all the good stuff! :) But now that I am mindful of what I eat, I do still indulge, but responsibly. I only eat the serving size and if it touches my lips, I write it down!