SAHM --1/4/2010-1/10/2010



  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Thanks ladies. I cannot find our jumper cables, and when I opened the hood, the coolant tank is empty so that may be contributing to the problem. I plowed through our front yard to run errands. I'm leaving in 3 days for Oregon to visit my sister, so I'm hoping a neighbor will help me push it up the driveway and I can work on the problem when I get home. I'm pretty sure it's the battery; it wouldn't even turn over.

    Trish you'd be proud...I'm down 24 oz! Not much for a pro like you, but it's pretty good for me. :wink:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm everyone! Stacey! YEAH!!!!!!! you hit your goal for yesterday!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Trish- What is a hawaiian haystack? It sounds yummy!

    Hopey...I hope you get your car figured out! That can be so frustrating! Where are you going to be in Oregon? I live in Oregon!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Hopey...I hope you get your car figured out! That can be so frustrating! Where are you going to be in Oregon? I live in Oregon!

    Flying into portland then we're taking a train to Eugene where my sister lives. I think we'll be driving to the coast (weather permitting) while there because I've never seen the Pacific. I've never been to Oregon before, and Georgia's never flown before, so this will be a fun and interesting trip! Where do you live in OR?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hopey, great going on the water! Keep it up :)

    Nicole, a Hawaiian Haystack is chicken in cream of mushroom soup over rice with pineapples, cheese, and la choy crunchy noodles. Surely, you've had this or a variation at some point in your life? Maybe they call it something different in Oregon?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hopey- I live 1 1/2 hours south of Eugene. We actually just move here 7 months ago from Pennsylvania. We stayed on the coast over the summer...I love it!

    Trish- I have never heard of the hawaiian haystack in any fashion...but it sure sounds yummy! i think I will have to make it sometime.

    My water is kinda slow today...gotta get movin!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hopey--good luck with all that travel. bring extra clothes for grace on the plane and an extra shirt for you.

    trish--never heard of a hawaiian haystack or any variation. your family sure gets a lot of variety in your food! (envious girl here)

    ok. i've worked on menus for the next 2 weeks. i could probably use a cpl more lunch ideas. i don't eat fish or shellfish.

    here are my ideas
    turk, lett, tom, w/ or w/o bread/tortilla w/ or w/o cheese
    pb & j on 2 ww bread
    2 eggs with 2 slices ww toast, 1/2 cup applesauce
    2 eggs, 1/6 cup shr cheese, tortilla
    frozen meal

    any other ideas? quick and easy and maybe portable?

    also, snack ideas are slim--b/c i can't have much in the way of nuts as i'm coming to accept.
    so far i have homemade smoothie or yog and graham crackers or low fat granola bars
    i would love to do cereal or oatmeal--but i get carried away
    i never have hummus. cd do carrots and dip.
    what do you have??

    gotta go. will chk in later--
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Stacey no nuts of any kind? Peanut butter ok? I do pb and banana quesadillas for lunch about 1-2x a week. Yummy, full of protein, and has 3 food groups taken care of in 1 meal.

    chicken/lett/tom wrap in ww tortilla (I put low fat cheese and light ranch in mine)
    oatmeal is always good
    south beach diet protein bars are usually a meal supplement for me once a day. good nutrients, good taste, and are awesome at holding me over.
    greek yogurt with granola and honey...maybe a diced pear in there too.

    I'll keep thinking....
  • MrsSandra
    MrsSandra Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, my name is Sandra. Im a stay at home mom. We home school. But I only have one left to school, she is going to be 12 next month. My oldest is 23 and my son is 18 on Sunday.

    I take care of my grandmother....and it seems everyone else in the world (exaggeration) . But havent taken care of myself. Im always on the go and eat too much fast food. I havent taken time to exercise. But I want to!

    I just started yesterday. It's basically my first time counting calories. I like this website and look forward to meeting others doing the same.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm floored you guys have never had Hawaiian Haystacks. HOW HAVE YOU LIVED?! LOL
    It only takes about 1/2 hour to make (from chopping to serving)
    We are all about easily prepared, fast meals here, as my cooking skills are limited & I have no patience. If you do make it, elect to purchase reduced sodium cream of mushroom soup! Also, select a low sodium cheese.

    Sandra, welcome to the group. We have a great bunch of ladies! Try to make counting your calories a game, and you'll soon become addicted to MFP! We are here when you need us ;)

    Stacey, spring for a couple Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers-- especially the Asian inspired ones. They are low sodium, low cal, and DELICIOUS! I eat Healthy Choice almost every day for lunch... which is probably why I'm maybe a little too excited for a tuna fish sandwich today, LOL. Another easy portable lunch is Ensure. 1 bottle will probably hold you over till your next meal, or at least snack.

    EDIT: Stacey & Nicole, please tell me you've at least heard of funeral potatoes!
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    Funeral potatoes?? What are those??
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Now you're just yankin' my chain! Right? RIGHT?!

    they're those wonderful cheesy hashbrowns people serve at funerals. Am I living in an alternate universe here?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Funeral Potatoes????!!!!!!! WHAT????:noway: :laugh: :laugh: What other stuff is up your sleeves!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    OH MY GOSH!! I'm living in an alternate universe! I grew up on Hawaiian Haystacks & Funeral Potatoes!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Trish...I grew up with food I am sure you have never heard of!!! How about Lepp cookies, Whoopie Pies, Schnitz and Knepp....HA!!!:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    i know what whoopie pies are--and schnitz--like veal schnitzel? or chicken schnitzel--my german heritage friend (from PA). hehe

    and trish, hate to break it to you--and you must know I LOVE UTAH, but it IS an alternate universe. espec its food customs are very different from anywhere else i've lived/visited. now, remember, i say this with all the love of a former transplant to ut who is pining to make a return VERY soon. ahhhhhh.....

    in jewish tradition--people don't much bring food to the shivah house (house of mourning). rather, groups of ppl get together and order in trays of food/large take out meals for the grieving family--for lunches and dinners for a week. it's so that the family dsn't have to think about cooking and can just do that very intense grieving that is a natural part of the process. sometimes ppl will bring a dessert tray or cookies or a coffee cake or something along those lines--but never sides or other such homemade casseroles. (but my understanding of all this cd be b/c i grew up in a hoity-toity part of jewish land--northern suburbs of chicago.)

    also, we don't do viewings and such (generally speaking). and upon returning from the cemetery, people ritualistically wash their hands outside the shivah house. and hard boiled eggs and other "dairy"ish things are served that first meal. like tuna salad, herring, bagels etc. NOT meat. (i'm sure you can all see the symbolism there.)

    ok...time to sign off. i'm avoiding taking the 3 kids to the grocery store. it's beautiful out--so maybe they can just play on the street (quiet cul de sac).

    thanks for the ideas too. i do eat pnut butter but probably just 1 per day. i need to get me some bananas! they're so easy to take places, and i just might get some ensure too. that would help speed up my day. thank you!!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Wow you ladies have been talkative. I have never heard of pineapple haystacks or funeral potatoes. I've only ever been to 2 funerals.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    LOL, yeah, I guess "Happy Valley" as it's called, IS an alternate universe. Hey, Stacey, do you like chocolate? Have you tried NUTELLA? If chocolate & peanut butter had a love child, Nutella would be it! Try a peanut butter & nutella piece of toast some time, with bananas (in a checkerboard pattern). I bet that would be mind blowing!

    So a big breakthrough for me today. I did my Wii workout, but lately I've been getting kinda fed up with boxing. It's just not FAST enough for me anymore. It's like my body is rebelling. My scores are totally sucking. It took an entire 10 mins to get my heart rate up to my target zone. After round 2, I said "screw it" and started looking for alternative exercises. The Free Run looked like it burned a lot of calories, but it was a 10 minute run. I had tried it before and was done after 3 mins. I did it again today. It said I ran just over a mile & a quarter in 10 mins. I DID THE WHOLE 10 MINS!! I can't believe it. It burned 100 cals, too. Man, do I miss the days when boxing torched 100 cals!
    Now, I know the Wii isn't the most accurate critter in the world, but it got me kind of excited. I've never been a runner, yet now I'm curious if I really CAN run a mile, and if so, how long it would take me. Maybe if Andy has the day off tomorrow, he can watch Grace while I go find a running track & find out!

    And you know what else? After that 10 minute run... I did MORE running. I think I went through 300 cals in 20 mins. I ALMOST feel like Superman!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Way to go Trish!! :flowerforyou:

    I hadn't heard of Hawaiian Haystacks or Funeral Potatoes either, but then I drink Cheerwine, which is something you probably never heard of. It's sort of like a cherry soda. It's a North Carolina thing. When I lived in KY, I got hooked on Big Red. I can't get Big Red here, but it has finally made it to the mtns of Virginia. I pick up about 3 cases of it to bring home whenever we go to mil's cabin.
  • Hopey1994
    Hopey1994 Posts: 307
    trish I've never heard of the haystacks or funeral potatoes. The funeral potatoes we call covered and smothered potatoes. This makes me wonder what foods we eat in the south that y'all have never heard of....
    Oh and WTG on your workout! It sounds like you've mastered the boxing game on the Fit.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    LOL, yeah, I guess "Happy Valley" as it's called, IS an alternate universe. Hey, Stacey, do you like chocolate? Have you tried NUTELLA? If chocolate & peanut butter had a love child, Nutella would be it! Try a peanut butter & nutella piece of toast some time, with bananas (in a checkerboard pattern). I bet that would be mind blowing!

    So a big breakthrough for me today. I did my Wii workout, but lately I've been getting kinda fed up with boxing. It's just not FAST enough for me anymore. It's like my body is rebelling. My scores are totally sucking. It took an entire 10 mins to get my heart rate up to my target zone. After round 2, I said "screw it" and started looking for alternative exercises. The Free Run looked like it burned a lot of calories, but it was a 10 minute run. I had tried it before and was done after 3 mins. I did it again today. It said I ran just over a mile & a quarter in 10 mins. I DID THE WHOLE 10 MINS!! I can't believe it. It burned 100 cals, too. Man, do I miss the days when boxing torched 100 cals!
    Now, I know the Wii isn't the most accurate critter in the world, but it got me kind of excited. I've never been a runner, yet now I'm curious if I really CAN run a mile, and if so, how long it would take me. Maybe if Andy has the day off tomorrow, he can watch Grace while I go find a running track & find out!

    And you know what else? After that 10 minute run... I did MORE running. I think I went through 300 cals in 20 mins. I ALMOST feel like Superman!

    Trish...if you re really interested in starting to run...there is a program called couch to 5k, or c25k. I believe you find it on the website careful may become addicted like me!