May Day Challenge!



  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    At the end of the day, I am left with 388 cals. I'm thinking that I may have a second slice of cheese cake. Ok, maybe not:happy: Perhaps I'll go for some rice cakes with DCD peanut butter.

    Ok, so I went for the cheesecake.:ohwell: It was REALLY good though!

    Elle, WELCOME!!! We are so happy to have you join us! Just to catch you up quickly, we are putting forth challenges each week. You can choose to join in the challenge if it is something you're struggling with, or you can opt out. Our challenges that start tomorrow are 1) no sweets and 2) no eating out. If you'd like to participate in either one, just check in daily and let us know how you are faring.

    I'll admit that I did better on this week's challenge than I thought I would, but not as well as I'd have liked. I got in 5 days of exercise, but that is more than I had done previously. I am going to challenge myself to keep up that pace for the rest of the month. If I can get in 5 days out of every 7, I should keep the weight coming off!! I'll let you know how it goes. I will, however, have to figure out some ways on my Wii Fit+ to change up what I've been doing. There is a TON of stuff on there, but I find myself gravitating to the same stuff every day. I'll stick with the 30min of step that I do, but I'm going to have to reconsider the other things that I'm doing. (I'm sticking with the step because I'm hoping to build my glutes so that I'll look like I have a butt again:blushing: )

    Great job to everyone who's checked in so far this weekend! Even though there have been some minor changes, we all took them in stride with no problem. Having a plan always gives me more confidence. Then I can always deviate without stressing. If I don't have a plan, I spend so much time stressing about what I'm going to do next that I can't enjoy the "now."

    Keep up the good work!
  • Fayegill
    Fayegill Posts: 39 Member
    I'Starting Weight: 187
    Jan. 1: 187
    Jan. 8: 186
    Jan. 15:
    Jan. 22:
    Jan. 29:
    Feb. 5:
    Feb. 12:
    Feb. 19:
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 165

    d love to join in. May is my mid point challenge. I am going to run a 10k and be 20 lighter.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies and congratulations to everyone who participated in the mini challenge of posting your weekend meals and sticking as close to it as humanly possible. Weekends tend be difficult for many reasons so even though this challenge is behind us doesn't mean we can't revisit it later in the year.

    Today marks the beginning of two more challenges for anyone who would like to participate. The first challenge is "no sweets" for the week. Because everyone has there own struggles, YOU can decide what sweets are to you (but it should be something that you really crave or struggle to cut out of your healthy eating lifestyle or can't eat in moderation b/c one bite will make you over indulge. For example: applesauce may be seen as a sweet but if eating just one cup of applesauce is not difficult for you then I wouldn't worry about it. Generally speaking sweets would be considered cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, candy bars, candy and things of that sort). The second challenge is no fast food which another member suggested so I'm not exactly sure of the definition but YOU define it for yourself.

    I suggested we keep a tally this week so we'll not how each of us are doing.

    For example: Chocolickkyss: 1 Sweets: 0
    Chocolickkyss: 1 Fast food: 0

    and if anyone wants to continue to aim for working out 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes then let's do it again and keep score.

    Hope everyone had a great Friday and Saturday and I look forward to the week ahead.

  • yharmon
    yharmon Posts: 68
    Ok, I'm with you on the NO SWEETS challenge. That will be really hard for me. I am addicted to chocolate!!!!! I can do this. I will just have to aim all of my stubborness toward staying away from sweets. Thanks for the welcome!!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    I just wanted to say that I am so happy that I can eat healthy and still have very small portions of things I really love! I don't feel like I've been deprived much at all doing this... now there are times during the day where I'm watching the clock, and maybe those should be clues that i should be fueling my body then and not 30 minutes from then, but I'm still trying to work things out. ; )
    So glad you guys are here!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Since I'm about to call it a night I am reporting success for today:

    Chocolickkyss: 1 Sweets: 0

    Chocolickkyss: 1 Fast Foods: 0

    Since I didn't leave the house today it was real easy to achieve success today b/c I don't really have any sweets in the house and I had to cook. Now tomorrow may be a different story b/c I have to briefly go into the office tomorrow. I going prepared though. I'm packing a lunch and I feel confident I won't get sucked into the fast food/sweets world.

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    Alrighty...I'm gonna do the no sweets & no eating out! So as of today....I"ve done good,lol :happy: After church today...I got the munchies really bad while watching I had a stick of cheese & feel better. :bigsmile:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Alrighty...I'm gonna do the no sweets & no eating out! So as of today....I"ve done good,lol :happy: After church today...I got the munchies really bad while watching I had a stick of cheese & feel better. :bigsmile:

    Great job! I recommend Laughing Cow cheeses. Yummm! They are around 35 calories per wedge. I pair that with Walmart brand's Baked Vegetable Crisps. (Lower in sodium than a lot of the crackers on the shelf!) Yummy. Great job on sticking with it.
  • elle77
    elle77 Posts: 150 Member
    OooOOooo Thanks Lisa....that sounds yummy & low in cals!! I am gonna go buy that tomorrow, after my workout :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Hi everyone I didn't log in yesterday was to tired when I got home and frozen. I stayed under my calories yesterday but didn't get them logged and got my exersise cleaning the stalls. Drank my 8 glasses of water. Today we got the horses moved my 2 and my daughters 3 Spent some time walking them before stabling them.One of them hit her face on the side of the trailor trying to get back in and put a pretty good gash on her head but she will be ok just have to keep it doctored. I logged my food stayed under 1200 calories. I drank 8 glasses of water. Helped clean 2 other stalls today and put those horses out in the pasture.I also walked my 2 horses before putting them in their stalls. Hope to go riding soon now that I have somewhere to ride them. Road was to busy where they were. Thanks for listing. Good Night!
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks so much for the support Chocolickkyss! :smile:

    Today was a traveling day for me, 8 hours worth. I had to have McDonald's for lunch but it kinda healthy which means I can eat there for under 500 calories. I will be doing to no fast food challenge for this week because I think the no sweets will be too much.
  • twt1999brd
    So, I forgot to log in my weight on Friday. I weighed in at 159.4. Only about a pound but hopefully it is the first of many. My pants are lose today though. I feel good about that. I can't wait to watch Biggest Lose tomorrow. That alwasy keeps me motivated.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Start weight: 281.2
    Jan. 3: 281.2
    Jan. 8:
    Jan. 15:
    Jan. 22:
    Jan. 29:
    Feb. 5:
    Feb. 12:
    Feb. 19:
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: Goal 250

    OK, true confessions time. Last week, when I got on the scales, I had gained 8 pounds over the holidays. Eight! Can you believe it?? Anyway, I gave myself until today to get it off, or I would have to put it on my ticker. I found that to be very motivating this week, and I worked my tail off. Oops, just looked. That may be an exaggeration - I do still have a tail. Anyway, as of this morning, my ticker is right! I lost them all! Here's to the new year! (But I'm wondering what I use for motivation this week!) :wink:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Today is the first day of my no fast food challange. I am packing my lunch and not stopping in the morning for breakfast. This is going to be a tought challange for me but I am hoping it will help me lose more weight because I have been at a stand still for a while.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    I didn't log yesterday, but I still eat what we had planned and stayed under my cal count, So why was I up today?????:huh:

    Oh well, I have all week to get below the 220 mark, and I am gonna do it.
    I'm in with both challenges Yesterday 0 sweets and 0 fast food... The fast food will be easy, and the sweets won't be too hard. I usually always want something chocolate or sweet after I eat lunch, but I think I can make it happen with gum and mints:smile:

    I must say this is the first weekend I wasn't up like 5 lbs.... got our basement cleaned out and spent time with the Family!!!!

    I'm still shotting for 5 hours of exercise this week. I got 4.5 hours in last week... and I have 1 hours so far this week...
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in on the no sweets challenge! I am SOO bad about eating a piece of candy here and a piece all adds up! I love love love chocolate (well, anything sweet really) so this will be a tough one, but I'm up for it. I really would like to be under 170 this week!
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Hello! I'm just stopping in to see how everyone was doing.

    Great job Mary!! I know how frustrated you were. Hopefully the weight will continue to come off!

    I am at home with a sick kiddo. He has a "bad cold" and pink eye. Uggg. Yesterday AM he woke up with his eye matted closed. When we got it cleaned up, his eye wasn't red, so we figured it was just from his cold. Last night our daycare lady called to say that she was going to be closed today. Apparently another child at daycare had pink all last week, but mom forgot to mention it!:noway: So she needed an extra day to sanitize everything (she has been with her mother who had surgery Friday) and get her own daughter to the Dr since it appeared she also got it. Well, in light of THAT little discovery, I decided it was a good opportunity to take Ray in and get him looked at, too. Doc gave him drops for his eyes, and recommended a humidifier with Vick's in it for the cold. We had already brought up our old humidifier, but apparently it didn't get cleaned out as well as it should have last winter:grumble: , so rather than try to get every bit of mold out of it (and probably miss some, thus giving Ray an allergy attack on top of the cold) I just went and bought a new one. *sigh* Good news is that I wasn't feeling too spiffy myself, so I get a day at home to nap and relax so that I will hopefully feel better tomorrow.

    All that has pretty much NOTHING to do with weight loss, but that's my life today. That, and after logging in my breakfast lunch and dinner for today, I'm still about 600 calories shy of my daily alotment without any exercise calories! I may end up having seconds at dinner:laugh: (I really love tonight's dinner. It's enchilada casserole aka Mexican lasagna, but we made it with low fat cheese, low fat tortillas, extra lean beef, fresh tomatoes, and now it's pretty low cal!)

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • alymarphi
    alymarphi Posts: 90 Member
    Start weight: 158
    Dec. 25: 164
    Jan. 1: 160
    Jan. 8: 157
    Jan. 15:
    Jan. 22:
    Jan. 29:
    Feb. 5:
    Feb. 12:
    Feb. 19:
    Feb. 26:
    March 5:
    March 12:
    March 19:
    March 26:
    April 2:
    April 9:
    April 16:
    April 23:
    April 30: 132
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hello! I'm just stopping in to see how everyone was doing.

    Great job Mary!! I know how frustrated you were. Hopefully the weight will continue to come off!

    I am at home with a sick kiddo. He has a "bad cold" and pink eye. Uggg. Yesterday AM he woke up with his eye matted closed. When we got it cleaned up, his eye wasn't red, so we figured it was just from his cold. Last night our daycare lady called to say that she was going to be closed today. Apparently another child at daycare had pink all last week, but mom forgot to mention it!:noway: So she needed an extra day to sanitize everything (she has been with her mother who had surgery Friday) and get her own daughter to the Dr since it appeared she also got it. Well, in light of THAT little discovery, I decided it was a good opportunity to take Ray in and get him looked at, too. Doc gave him drops for his eyes, and recommended a humidifier with Vick's in it for the cold. We had already brought up our old humidifier, but apparently it didn't get cleaned out as well as it should have last winter:grumble: , so rather than try to get every bit of mold out of it (and probably miss some, thus giving Ray an allergy attack on top of the cold) I just went and bought a new one. *sigh* Good news is that I wasn't feeling too spiffy myself, so I get a day at home to nap and relax so that I will hopefully feel better tomorrow.

    All that has pretty much NOTHING to do with weight loss, but that's my life today. That, and after logging in my breakfast lunch and dinner for today, I'm still about 600 calories shy of my daily alotment without any exercise calories! I may end up having seconds at dinner:laugh: (I really love tonight's dinner. It's enchilada casserole aka Mexican lasagna, but we made it with low fat cheese, low fat tortillas, extra lean beef, fresh tomatoes, and now it's pretty low cal!)

    Keep up the good work everyone!

    I sure would like to know how you're able to log food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and be 600 calories shy of your daily allottment (not including exercise) b/c 600 seems like a pretty big number. Please share your secret :flowerforyou:

    I'm late logging in today b/c I actually had to leave my house to head in to the office for a little bit BUT today's workout is complete. I did 50 minutes of Jillian's "No More Trouble Zones" dvd and will probably tackle it again on Friday. I was able to burn close to 400 calories, so, I'm satisfied.

    Since I made it to the house successfully w/o eating any sweets or fast food I'm feeling pretty good that today will also be a success w/this week's challenge.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    I sure would like to know how you're able to log food for breakfast, lunch and dinner and be 600 calories shy of your daily allottment (not including exercise) b/c 600 seems like a pretty big number. Please share your secret :flowerforyou:

    Not a good secret I'm afraid. Since I was dealing with trying to get BOTH kids out the door this morning (usually I get one and DH gets one, MUCH easier), and one of those children was cranky because he was up half the night coughing, I kinda forgot to get myself breakfast:grumble: I keep a few granola bars in the car in case I'm out and one of the kids or I get hungry. So I had one of those for breakfast (100 cal). A LOT less than what I usually eat! Then I was at the dr office when I usually have my AM snack, so THAT got skipped also.:ohwell: Don't worry, I am well on my way to making up those calories:bigsmile: I think I've snacked my way to about 300 left over. Lately I've found myself in a place I NEVER thought I'd be, struggling to hit my calorie number! Mostly it can be chalked up to crazy life and I forget to eat until I'm starving, but because we've done such a good job shopping, all my snack options are light on the calories! Although I'm pretty sure that eating almost an entire pound of baby carrots per day isn't QUITE what I had in mind for snacks!:laugh: Well, I'm off to preheat the oven for our casserole (which I prepared yesterday while Ray was sleeping and DH and Ruth were at a friend's house:bigsmile: ).

    I'll check in later! (I have discovered that I'm slightly addicted to MFP:blushing: but it's more fun that FB for me!)