Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America?



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Wow.... I'm not sure what sort of 'hipsters' you have in the USA but here in Australia hipsters are just kids who have a certain hair cut and listen to certain types of music

    You make 'em sound like gansters or cultists 'forcing their beliefs on people' and forcing peopleout of neighbourhoods. Are you sure you're not taking their skinny jeans a bit too seriously?
    Have you not read the warning in newspapers. They're trying to take over.
  • ubuntufav
    Did get a chance to read the whole thing but I'll admit I'm not a fan of the stereotypical hipster type. There are tons of them in nyc and every single hipster that I have rented to has always given me a hard time. I could be biased though.

    Exactly, they give everyone a hard time.
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I saw this title and immediately knew you posted it LOL
  • homerjspartan
    homerjspartan Posts: 1,893 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    OMG. No way. How could you say such a thing? I could almost cry. You are so mean.

    I will comment more later, but Dancing with the Stars is coming on and I never miss a minute!!!!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    No. I think women have worn the pants in the past, people just weren't so open about it.

    I agree.
    But I do think a relationship should be 50-50.
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    there absolutely is.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    to have a man "allow" it is still a patriarchal ideal.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Wow.... I'm not sure what sort of 'hipsters' you have in the USA but here in Australia hipsters are just kids who have a certain hair cut and listen to certain types of music

    You make 'em sound like gansters or cultists 'forcing their beliefs on people' and forcing peopleout of neighbourhoods. Are you sure you're not taking their skinny jeans a bit too seriously?

    The hipsters in nyc are often the people claiming to be free spirited and independent but the majority of them live off their parents. They like to pretend to be broke so they never wash their clothes (saves water too). Also whenever I rent to a hipster it starts with two roommates then suddenly 5 people are living in the apt. My places are in the luxury rental market in too so the last thing I enjoy dealing with is when someone suddenly is late on their rent because roommate #4 is out somewhere planting trees for the environment or spending the week at the 99% rally. And forget even trying to evict a hipster. It takes a good 6 months and you lose tons of money in legal fees. Then they say you're taking advantage of the little guys by expecting them to pay what they owe. :huh:
  • justamyagain
    justamyagain Posts: 154 Member
    Yes, defiinitely. I think it's probably worse here on the West Coast. Idk though, I am pretty old school. Lol. My great loves are Sinatra and Dino, so I may be biased.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Women have always 'ran' the relationship, the good ones just know how to make a man think he does.. hahah

    Umm... yes.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Did get a chance to read the whole thing but I'll admit I'm not a fan of the stereotypical hipster type. There are tons of them in nyc and every single hipster that I have rented to has always given me a hard time. I could be biased though.

    Exactly, they give everyone a hard time.

    Oh yeah and I forgot to mention they never recycle and I always get tickets!
  • ubuntufav
    Wow.... I'm not sure what sort of 'hipsters' you have in the USA but here in Australia hipsters are just kids who have a certain hair cut and listen to certain types of music

    You make 'em sound like gansters or cultists 'forcing their beliefs on people' and forcing peopleout of neighbourhoods. Are you sure you're not taking their skinny jeans a bit too seriously?

    I thought they were going to be like that here but man, they are nothing like that here. I wish they were. We will be glad to trade. I know that hipsters in Canada are nicer and fun, maybe its Austin, Seattle, and NY trendy hipsters that are giving real hipsters a bad name. Its really trendy right now so maybe thats the problem. IDK. Here they are kids but also people in their 20s and 30s. Its not really about the clothes with me, its about the crap they give others. How would you like it if a group of people tried to force their beliefs on you and are rude to everyone that is not like you? I promise you man, they are not not that nice and are very snobbish. Its a different kind of snobbish that im used to. More snobbish than my 2 Doctor Ex girlfriends. Its weird. I tired but gave up.
  • ElayeRoss
    ElayeRoss Posts: 15 Member
    Don't you have some woman to make a sandwich for?

    know your place!

  • ubuntufav
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    There are only two situations when I find a take charge, 'manly' attitude appropriate. In the bedroom, and in any situation involving math (because I'm hopeless at it without a calculator handy).

    Oh wait, three. Sometimes I really can't get that damn jar of minced garlic open.

    Any other time a man gets assertive with me, there's likely to be more trouble than he wants.

    Edit: However, he best be able to boss his own self in most situations and not expect me to, because I only have so much energy and I'm not wasting it playing mommy to a grown man.
  • skinnybefore
    Yes, and what a sad thing that is for America... Home of the Brave???

    I'm married to a manly man... what a blessing! He provides for me, protects me, and treats me like a lady. Wouldn't have it any other way! That's how I know he loves me.

    Raising our son to be like his daddy, too! God bless the good 'ole boys!
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?

    to have a man "allow" it is still a patriarchal ideal.

    Well said!!!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    If they are it isn't just their fault. Don't get me started. I'm from the "old school" where men were men and the sheep are...wait, wrong story. Ok, so I am old-fashioned and grew up with the Holly'weird movies and fairytales. I can't say I don't try run the show but I respect a man that doesn't let me run over him. I don't want a caveman that drags me around by my hair, literally, but I do want a strong man that is secure in his own skin but remains a real gentleman.

    I think, to answer your question, yes, along with a weight crisis and many other problems. Many women are in complete control, and some, because they had to be. I think it should be a partnership, best friends. The man and woman each having their gifts/talents to bring to the table.

    Honestly: Do you think there's a masculinity crisis in America? Are more men allowing women to dominate relationships?
  • ashesfromfire
    ashesfromfire Posts: 867 Member
    So I'm 20 and I can say, looking at my generation, it really seems to be women taking on all the responsibilities. Like when I was in high school almost every girl I knew had a job and/or car they had purchased, They would drive their boyfriends around and pay for dates - yadda yadda. Now, what I find INTERESTING about this is, the boys seem to still view themselves in the same light as their more burdened forefathers. They expected women to swoon at their unmotivated, jobless behinds, and treat hard working girls the same as their foremothers has been treated.