pregnant smokers



  • delaney056
    delaney056 Posts: 475
    Her body, her baby. If I were pregnant, though, I would do everything in my power to make sure I have a healthy baby. My mom was a heavy, long time smoker when she found out she was pregnant with me. She quit cold turkey as soon as she found out.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member

    To the person who said 'some doctors will advise women not to quit smoking because of nicotine withdraw'... Well that doctor is a moron. Although in some high risk pregnancies it would be risky giving up nicotine cold turkey, no mentally sound doctor will suggest depleting your blood O2 levels by inhaling any sort of smoke! They might suggest something like a nicotine patch to slowly wean yourself off nicotine completely, but no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy.

    You are incorrect.

    Actually, I am not. I stated an opinion. No doctor I would trust my unborn baby with would ever suggest to me (or anyone) to go ahead and keep smoking while pregnant. Wean themselves? Absolutely. But to continue smoking throughout the entire pregnancy? You better believe I would not ever go see a doctor who believed that to be the right thing to do.

    You said "no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy." But they do actually give the go ahead... and most Dr.s do this... Do you smoke? Do you have children? Have you been pregnant while being a smoker? Probably not... so I don't see where you can say that "no doctor would give the go ahead". You really don't know what Dr.s are doing for their patients. You are assuming, and yes stating an opinion, about a Dr. you would have, but you do not know whether or not doctors give the go ahead or not. Just sayin'.

    You have to continue reading.. I said no doctor I would see. I wouldn't say *most* doctors do this, though. With a healthy pregnancy and no other risk factors, I can't imagine any doctor would tell someone to keep smoking.

    BUT you are right, 100%. I have not been a smoker, ever. And it is unfair for me to judge individuals who smoke while pregnant or have to deal with having withdraws while pregnant. I cannot imagine the struggle they must have to deal with. If you go back and read anything else I've posted you'd see I do say I would never tell ANY pregnant woman what to do and what not to do with herself or her body. Especially considering I have had people tell ME what to do and it is so incredibly rude and thoughtless. I just have a general opinion on smoking during pregnancy.

    I don't mind your opinion. Everyone on the thread has an opinion ..including myself.
    But you are trying to mix your opinions and dislike of smoking while pregnant and mixing it in with facts.
    No mentally sound Dr would suggest this, Dr. is a moron, no Dr. would do this ...etc..
    You might not like it, but its being done. And it is the lesser of 2 evils for some people to continue smoking.. even if you disagree. So, you shouldn't be insinuating that Dr.s are wrong, or the DR and patient are morons for doing so. I tend to believe my OB/GYN... I mean, they spent their life in medical school... and their number one job is to protect my fetus. So... I'm going to listen to them over any persons opinion ... or thread. I don't feel you are educated enough to make so many assumptions/ opinions... Not trying to be mean.. just saying how I feel.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Also, I would like to add... UK and US practices are different. (From what I was told from the Dr. I don't know... never lived in the UK)
    When I had my last child, I specifically asked for patches to help me quit smoking while pregnant.. and was told, that the UK will give patches, US medicine will not allow it. The risks of the patches hasn't been studied enough and is considered a greater risk than the risk of what smoking does to a fetus.. so our country does not do that.
    Again, I do not know the science and medicine behind it..... just saying what I experienced.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I don't mind your opinion. Everyone on the thread has an opinion ..including myself.
    But you are trying to mix your opinions and dislike of smoking while pregnant and mixing it in with facts.
    No mentally sound Dr would suggest this, Dr. is a moron, no Dr. would do this ...etc..
    You might not like it, but its being done. And it is the lesser of 2 evils for some people to continue smoking.. even if you disagree. So, you shouldn't be insinuating that Dr.s are wrong, or the DR and patient are morons for doing so. I tend to believe my OB/GYN... I mean, they spent their life in medical school... and their number one job is to protect my fetus. So... I'm going to listen to them over any persons opinion ... or thread. I don't feel you are educated enough to make so many assumptions/ opinions... Not trying to be mean.. just saying how I feel.

    Not mean at all. I am NOT educated enough on this subject for MY words to be taken as fact. The initial feeling most people get when they see someone who is pregnant and smoking is a negative one. When I first read the OP's post, I responded with my initial feelings (especially since I am pregnant right now so it is hard for me to understand). But you're right, it is absolutely between her doctor and herself. And I didn't word my original opinion as eloquently as I would have liked, either.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Maybe she is just fat.

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    To those who say "well at least it's not ALCOHOL"... Studies have shown that a small amount of alcohol (even upwards of a glass of wine a week) has no effect on a developing fetus. But I dare you to try to find one pregnant woman who isn't afraid of what people would think if she had even a SIP of champagne on New Year's Eve. It's possible that this chick's smoking is not the norm for her, but she's having a really tough day.

    Society needs to create these "no-tolerance" rules because people can't be trusted to regulate themselves.
  • Sweetdistraction
    Sweetdistraction Posts: 12 Member
    There will always be something to b**** about when it comes to pregnant woman. With both my pregnancies I took anti-depressants, which can cause birth defects. But not wanting to harm or kill myself while pregnant out weighs the possibility of my children being born with defects. I'd love them anyways and take care of them to the best of my ability. As for smoking, talk to you dr and find out what would be a good way to handle the situation, if quitting could lead to a miscarriage then don't quit. My friend's doctor told her that there is no reason she couldn't have the occasional cigarette and/or glass of wine every so often, and that a pack a day smoker could easily benefit her baby just by cutting down to a half pack. Everybody is going to have their opinion on what a pregnant woman should and shouldn't be doing. It isn't any of your business and if there is a serious problem hopefully those around her and know her can help her out.
  • Found where are all the psychos are arguing....
  • Found where are all the psychos are arguing....

  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member

    To the person who said 'some doctors will advise women not to quit smoking because of nicotine withdraw'... Well that doctor is a moron. Although in some high risk pregnancies it would be risky giving up nicotine cold turkey, no mentally sound doctor will suggest depleting your blood O2 levels by inhaling any sort of smoke! They might suggest something like a nicotine patch to slowly wean yourself off nicotine completely, but no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy.

    You are incorrect.

    Actually, I am not. I stated an opinion. No doctor I would trust my unborn baby with would ever suggest to me (or anyone) to go ahead and keep smoking while pregnant. Wean themselves? Absolutely. But to continue smoking throughout the entire pregnancy? You better believe I would not ever go see a doctor who believed that to be the right thing to do.

    You said "no doctor is going to give the go ahead to continue smoking throughout pregnancy." But they do actually give the go ahead... and most Dr.s do this... Do you smoke? Do you have children? Have you been pregnant while being a smoker? Probably not... so I don't see where you can say that "no doctor would give the go ahead". You really don't know what Dr.s are doing for their patients. You are assuming, and yes stating an opinion, about a Dr. you would have, but you do not know whether or not doctors give the go ahead or not. Just sayin'.

    You have to continue reading.. I said no doctor I would see. I wouldn't say *most* doctors do this, though. With a healthy pregnancy and no other risk factors, I can't imagine any doctor would tell someone to keep smoking.

    BUT you are right, 100%. I have not been a smoker, ever. And it is unfair for me to judge individuals who smoke while pregnant or have to deal with having withdraws while pregnant. I cannot imagine the struggle they must have to deal with. If you go back and read anything else I've posted you'd see I do say I would never tell ANY pregnant woman what to do and what not to do with herself or her body. Especially considering I have had people tell ME what to do and it is so incredibly rude and thoughtless. I just have a general opinion on smoking during pregnancy.

    spoken like a true 22yr old who is pregnant with her first child, who does not even remember back when smoking in the waiting room while pregnant , was NORMAL
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    To those who say "well at least it's not ALCOHOL"... Studies have shown that a small amount of alcohol (even upwards of a glass of wine a week) has no effect on a developing fetus. But I dare you to try to find one pregnant woman who isn't afraid of what people would think if she had even a SIP of champagne on New Year's Eve. It's possible that this chick's smoking is not the norm for her, but she's having a really tough day.

    Society needs to create these "no-tolerance" rules because people can't be trusted to regulate themselves.

    I really like you ! :flowerforyou:
  • sbernardy
    sbernardy Posts: 188
    There are some doctors that recommend heavy smokers that are pregnant NOT quit, especially if it is a high-risk pregnancy. The effects of nicotine withdrawal could be too much for the fetus to handle and she could lose the baby.

    Just something to think about.

    ^^ Agree this is what the dr told me that it would be worse if I quit cold turkey.. he just advised that I cut down.. which I did :) and she was a beautiful healthy baby girl~ She is now 10 years old.. and has really never been sick beside the winter cold once in awhile.. and about every two years she will get the flu other than that she is completely healthy!
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    When I was pregnant, my doctor told me not to quit cold turkey because the added stress could trigger a miscarriage. I weened myself off cigarettes about a week after I found out I was pregnant.

    When I was pregnant and quitting, it was so simple. Quitting while not pregnant was a whole other story.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Ok, there is a girl ( young looking like under 20) outside my office window who is quite pregnant and smoking like a freight train. I want to go out there and thump her...
    I almost feel obligated to that baby to go out there and tell her this is a non smoking facility and that means the parking lot too. BUT as an employee I feel like I have to keep my mouth shut.

    You are not obligated to run someone's life for them.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I love how everybody instantly has an MD added to their name when these threads pop up.
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77
    Careless *****
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Her body. Her baby. Her business.

    guess if she had a needle hanging out of her arm that would be ok too....crazy feminist bulls**t
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77
    There will always be something to b**** about when it comes to pregnant woman. With both my pregnancies I took anti-depressants, which can cause birth defects. But not wanting to harm or kill myself while pregnant out weighs the possibility of my children being born with defects. I'd love them anyways and take care of them to the best of my ability.

    Its 9 f'n months. You are that selfish you cant be strong for 9 months

    Oh but its okay, you are willing to deal with the kids handicap. That must be so hard

    What about the kids dealing with their handicaps!?
  • jpipes17
    jpipes17 Posts: 41 Member
    There are some doctors that recommend heavy smokers that are pregnant NOT quit, especially if it is a high-risk pregnancy. The effects of nicotine withdrawal could be too much for the fetus to handle and she could lose the baby.

    Just something to think about.

    My doctor said the stress of trying to quit would be worse on the baby. Of course it was recommended that I cut back. FYI...I did quit at about 11 weeks.

    I still think you should go smack her!!! :devil:
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    no comment