

  • lxsfox
    lxsfox Posts: 1
    I don't think that telling him he's fat and lazy is going to help your cause....

    I'll be honest, when I was married before and my ex said to me I was fat...we never had sex again after that.
    No one is going to want to have sex with someone who makes them feel bad about themselves. It's good that you're working on your weight/health.
    Making him feel bad about himself is NOT going to help you.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    My husband used to turn me down for sex at the end of our marriage because he was having sex with someone else.

    I think maybe you need to have a talk with your husband and tell him that you want to be intimate with him and also do things and you've noticed a change since he's gotten out of the army, that he doesn't seem interested in doing anything anymore, including YOU! maybe he's depressed and doesn't know how to tell you something is wrong. Who knows but I would sit him down and talk to him about it.
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Just jump him.

    If you're that horny and he's not doing anything then jump him. Strip off his pants, suck him hard and hop on and ride until you're happy. Yeah sure you're missing out on whatever foreplay y'all might do but when you need a ****, you need a **** and his is probably the most readily available. And if he doesn't get off then it's too damn bad for him for not being more willing to help you out. Haha

    I've done this with my husband except for he always gets off. And it's not so much that he doesn't want it, but it's just more I want it that BAD that I pretty much attack him. :D I've yet to hear any complaints.
  • 55AngelH55
    55AngelH55 Posts: 117
    What you have to do is say that it's cuddle time.
    It's not actually cuddle time.
    Then you shush him and tell him that it will all be over soon.

  • wjewell
    wjewell Posts: 282 Member
    Unzip his pants and go to town. I'm sure he's not going to push your mouth away from his...*mhmm..."you know"*. Sorry if it seems vulgar...But it's true. Just DO IT! Haha.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    Put a sexy video on the TV.
  • kimberly130
    hmmm. maybe hes feeling self conscious, and since you look amazing and hes feeling like a couch potato... Or hes just a man. When My husband gets like that I start going out with my girlfriends. I find time for myself and go shopping, dinners as a girls night... eventually he starts to notice and he does a 180 and is like " I miss you I never see you" than you've got him!!
    Its all in the game my dear! Good luck!
  • icanhaztp
    icanhaztp Posts: 23 Member
    He may be depressed or otherwise have serious self-esteem issues that need to be resolved. It would be a good idea for him to bring up his low sex drive + motivation to his doctor.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Ok seriously what guy in the world turns down sex when there wife is basically begging for it! WTF I understand "sex" is not what makes a marriage, BUT since I dropped the 10 lbs Still have a ways to go (45) and been working out 5x a week its all that is on my mind. All my husband wants to do is sit on the damn couch be boring and eat chips. I do not get it in any way, been married to the man since I was 17 WTF. He has just gotten so damn lazy since he got out of the ARMY i mean god I think he has gained atleast 40lbs I have pointed it out to him! Like everyone already knows until he wants to change it, its not gonna change!

    Anyways sorry just had to get it out GRRR. Please no negativity its not like that at all.
    Anyone feel free to add me!

    Something is wrong with that man. Very rarely am I too tired for sex.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Unzip his pants and go to town. I'm sure he's not going to push your mouth away from his...*mhmm..."you know"*. Sorry if it seems vulgar...But it's true. Just DO IT! Haha.

  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    I will honestly never understand what is so magical about sex to the point people just feel like they're about to DIE without it. maybe it's because I'm a virgin, I don't know. I get it's important to a relationship and it apparently feels good but jesus...

    also look the people complaining about their SO not putting out for sex..thats so disgusting I can't stand it. I would NEVER complain about my boyfriend or parents to random people. especially not on a public forum. it's unbelieveably disrespectful. Unless they're actually abusing you and it's a cry for help then stop.

    Once you are no longer a virgin, and you are with someone you care about, you will understand. And then look back at this comment and then laugh at yourself.

    It's not good posting on a topic you have no experience with.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,591 Member
    Does he have any fantasies you could try and make happen? Like a place or situation? Just a thought.
    I like role playing though.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    TESTOSTERONE!!! Have him get it checked. Both total, and "free" levels. I was your hubby just three months ago. Since I started therapy it has gone form 2-4 times a month (just because I felt obligated), to 2-4 times every weekend, and a little in between. If your husband has no desire, its not because of you, its because of him. The HUGEST mistake a woman can make, is to make it all about her. No offense, but women tend to do that. Also remember that guys have fragile ego's. It's a delicate situation. My wife told me to make sure I thank my Doctor, for her (several times)..
  • scottg1024
    scottg1024 Posts: 224
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Girl, if he doesn't pay attention to you, you need to start leaving the house all dressed up and looking good. Even if it's going out to the store, let other men compliment you and make you feel good. You can let him know about it when you get home. Start going out without him and make him wonder what you're up to. It might take some time, so yeah, maybe you'll need some of what the others suggested.... In fact, that might get him interested. Stop doing the things you do for him on an every day basis (whether it be cooking dinner or washing his clothes, etc.) and let him know if he's not gonna take care of your needs, you're not going to take care of his. In fact, (thank God my husband doesn't like sports) but I'd go stand in front of him with a pair of scissors, walk over to the TV cord, and threaten to make sure he won't have the choice to pick the tv over you anymore. You probably need to tell him what you told us, and tell him seriously. Let him know exactly how he's making you feel.

    Did you seriously just suggest she make her husband jealous? Seriously. You seriously suggested that she go get attention from other men on purpose? You really think that's gonna fix something?
  • cunninjd
    cunninjd Posts: 17
    Glad to know I am not the only one! I think it is because they have gained weight and their libido goes down. Just gotta keep at it. No good answer for this one.
  • brendaschmitt1
    What you have to do is say that it's cuddle time.
    It's not actually cuddle time.
    Then you shush him and tell him that it will all be over soon.

    Nice, similar to what I do. Except the shush all over soon thing. lol
  • TexasRattlesnake
    TexasRattlesnake Posts: 375 Member
    Anyone feel free to add me!

    Yeah, I'll get right on that...
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I will honestly never understand what is so magical about sex to the point people just feel like they're about to DIE without it. maybe it's because I'm a virgin, I don't know.

    Well look at that, you've asked and answered your own question. But you know... just because you can live without it doesn't mean that others should.

    Stay a virgin as long as you can until you're married. Why? Sex is like pizza. Even when it's bad it's pretty good, and when it's good you want it all the time. Plus, if say for whatever reason you want to abstain, your downstairs starts heating up like an angry boxer. Then there is the energy drain. How many hours a week having, thinking about and recovering from and obsessing about the one your doing it with - its like a part time job. Oh yeah, then there are those where it actually is a part time job.
  • brendaschmitt1
    Unzip his pants and go to town. I'm sure he's not going to push your mouth away from his...*mhmm..."you know"*. Sorry if it seems vulgar...But it's true. Just DO IT! Haha.


    Good Idea