

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good Morning ladies, I'm having my tea with you this morning, before breakfast, reading all the posts.
    Robin- glad you got your fitbit back.
    Amanda-Hope you feel better
    Flo- can't wait to see that scale go down for you.
    Kathy-once you are healed and mobile again, the pain will be a memory and you will be glad that you had it done.
    Well, breakfast calls, be healthy all. I'll be back later -Tigress
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    Quickly marking my spot . I have Bible Study this morning and have an hour to eat and shower before I need to leave.

    Got in 226 exercise calories so I feel accomplished. I upped the max on the elliptical and added an extra 11 minutes. It takes 11 minutes for me to go a little over 1/2 mile. I used could do it in 10 and that will be my next goal.

    Well I hope everyone has a good day. I'll check back later to read all the posts.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello again ladies

    I've got a couple of spare minutes before my next meeting, so here I am!

    Robin - Hooray for the return of your fitbit!

    Donna - oh the woes of older skin! I have screwed up brown paper bags which look better than me! I made the mistake of bending down to put on my shoes in fornt of the mirror the other day - who on earth was the woman with the baggy face and neck looking back at me??

    Cindy - it's good to see you and how lovely that your son is getting married on your folks wedding anniversary!

    Jane - good luck with the construction work. I hate the whole process, but always love the finished results.

    Speaking of which - Michelle - your pool is almost done! We want to hear all about the first time you spashdown.

    Meg - the school hols are about half way through. Most schools in England start back at the beginning of September. (Cue an upturn in the weather as soon as the children go back).

    Mimi - I hear you about the joints! Mine spent so much time struggling under the stress of so much extra weight, they are never going to forgive me and, they certainly don't let me forget!

    Laura - how is your little pixie of a new grand doing?

    To everyone else, I've read and encouraged you in my head - unfortunately I don't have the time to respond to each of you.

    I had an 'aha' moment just now regarding why I was so sick yesterday. On Tuesday I bought myself a yoghurt which had cranberries in it and after eating some of it I said to my DH that I had some blisters at the back of my throat, just like I get when I eat or touch strawberries. Anyway, I think there must have been some stray strawberry contamination in the yoghurt, beause my symptoms were just like my strawb allergy. No more deli yoghurt for me!

    Time to work again.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    I have caught up on the posts yay! All of you are so inspiring. I was in bed last night before 9:30 and slept all the way to 5am this morning when the alarm goes off. Its been a long time since I have done that. Feel great other than a little stiff this morning.
    @Meg glad to hear that your DH is off crutches. With you on meetings.
    @Michelle I really like Richard Simmons too. For many of the reasons you have stated.
    @Dee glad you are feeling better.
    @Lin thanks for your support
    @Linda Sundance wow a day at the beach sounds heavenly.
    @schoolmom I have over a 100lbs too. So understand.
    @Robin glad you got your fitbit back.

    There are so many more that I want to respond to but running into work now for a meeting.
    Thank you all
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, took a nap and feeling perkier.:smile: I realized, when I was trying to fall asleep and my knee was throbbing, that I forgot to take my prescription anti-inflamatory for 2 days now! Guess it does help more than I realized, which is a good thing.

    Amanda-Glad you are feeling better.

    Robin-I'm glad that you did get your Fitbit returned.

    Tigress-I'm sure you're right, that in the end I'll be glad I had the surgery. I had my right rotator cuff and bicep repaired a few years back and that wasn't a picnic recoverywise. Now however I don't regret it because I it's as good as new!:bigsmile:

    Time for my chair exercises!

    Toodles, Kathy

    “A difficult time can be more readily endured if we retain the conviction that our existence holds a purpose – a cause to pursue, a person to love, a goal to achieve.”

    - John Maxwell (Psycho-Cybernetics)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Well the service call was successful yesterday. He found a rusted signal connector outside my house and replaced it and all the other cable connections and placed them inside a box. (Before they were out subject more to the weather---blazing afternoon sunshine and potentially buried in the snow in the winter which is probably why one of them rusted out.) So yes, I have Internet again but there’s always a downside right? I lost one digital TV channel but only on the TV in my family room where I spend most of my time AND they’ve decided I’ve been getting too much signal so they are throttling me back. Someone is coming out to reduce the input sometime in the next several days. I’m hoping and praying I have enough signal left to stream video and my connection doesn’t slow too much.

    :wink: Lizmil – glad to hear you got some sleep. That is so good for us and essential to health!

    :wink: Amanda – I’m celiac and live in horror of contaminated food in restaurants. I don’t eat out much and realize I could be sick when the experience is over. Hope you are feeling better.

    :wink: Cindy – I don’t think I could push an elliptical that hard. I have the little cheater type where you just sit and pedal. I can handle that!

    :wink: Tigress – I haven’t gotten to breakfast yet either. I hear some Greek yogurt calling my name again. I’m hooked on it and have it almost every morning now.

    :wink: Flo – it is great that you have a group of ladies for support both here on the thread and in person. That must feel so great. Now, if only the scale is good to you right?

    :wink: Kathy – don’t know exactly what is up but I hope your toe heals up soon and whatever is wrong is straightened out.

    :wink: DeeDee – oh boy, shopping for SMALLER clothing. Great, great, and great! Hope you find things you like.

    :wink: Mimi – I totally agree, I got into this to be healthier. But I do need to lose as much weight as I possibly can since there is every expectation that I will have to be in the market for health insurance. I’m retired and my former employer has indicated they will like discontinue medical coverage by 2014. I’m not 65 and won’t be at the point so I’ll be in the marketplace. I need a normal, or as close to normal BMI as I can get. I know it really counts against you to be obese.

    :wink: Barbie – doggies do keep you moving don’t they? I got up at 4:30am for years to walk my 2 Siberian Huskies. Weather didn’t matter, day of the week didn’t matter. Seven days a week we were out there walking. I miss the dogs very much, I love them both sooooooo much, but I must admit I do not miss the 4:30am walks. But I do need to walk lots more.

    :wink: Micki – hope you got some rest and your foot is feeling better. Like your name! That was my mom’s nickname.

    :wink: Robin – I’ll add to the chorus. YEAH, you got your Fitbit back. Wonderful.

    :wink: Michele – glad the electrical inspection was not a problem although that was really quick!

    :wink: Jen – tennis sounds like fun. Do you get to play often?

    :wink: Meg AKA Becky – ha, I’m still smiling about that story. Meetings, meetings, meetings. Wow, sounds so tedious!! Glad you were able to eat healthy!

    :wink: Lila – sorry you hate peanut butter. Unfortunately I love it----and nuts, almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and sunflower seeds and pepitas. I have to be careful to have small servings (and always unsalted) or I can blow the day pretty quickly. Hope the addition of cheese to your eating plan will work out well.

    :wink: Gini – sorry about the 10,000 steps per day. I’m right there with you. I recently have started to try to get that many steps in each day but OMG it is so difficult for me. Yesterday I ended up crying for a bit when I realized I was so far from my goal it looked impossible. I did grit my teeth and kept at it and finally limped over the 10,000 step finish line about 6:30pm.

    :wink: Jan – if you need more exercise, stop by and help me get started on some cleaning out. I got most of my upstairs closets cleaned out and then lost motivation to get back down to the basement to work on it. I have taken donations to both Goodwill and the local library. Lots more to sort through.

    :wink: Laura – I agree with you, any lose is a good. Congrats! And hoping the house sale goes through.

    I don’t even want to talk about skin!! Happy days to all.:drinker: :drinker:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: A much cooler Thursday,

    wessecg- I try to follow everyone that I can since my last post...sometimes I'm able to respond...and sometimes not:wink: I just get so much encouragement here reading how everyone is doing that sometimes I forget that I really haven't met everyone face to face but since I have been on here I feel like I do KNOW everyone:blushing: and when I'm talking with my hubby and telling him about someone from here and what they said or did or where they live he gives me that look that says when did you meet this person and WHO are you talking about:laugh: I think we all understand the rambling and the ups and downs of the weight of the past. I too joined and lost with Jenny Craig years ago...and the one thing I learned from it was drink plenty of water:drinker:

    janie- do hope that the new medication works for you, it's so frustrating when you have to keep trying different things to find the right fit for what's ailing you.:flowerforyou:

    jane- your girls day sounded wonderful:drinker: I really can't remember the last time I had a girls day...maybe I'll get one when we got to Vegas to visit Son #1 & DIL and the two of us can leave the guys and go play somewhere:huh:

    Cindy- did you have prior nursing experience before you did your CNA? When I was lining up care for my parents the end of 2007 I used Home Instead and when I have gone to their web site it says they will train and no experience necessary. I've thought that if I'm ever able to semi retire and get a part time job I would love to do what those ladies did for my parents. They came every morning and helped them get their day started, dressing, breakfast, laundry, etc. I do love older people and miss my parents terriably, and I would love to spend time around some.:ohwell: How motivated you are to get that exercise in first thing before you head out the door for the day:drinker:

    Kathyszoo- hoping that your driving on Friday goes without any problems:flowerforyou: I'm sure you are beyond ready to get mobile again.

    Jan- how industrious you are:drinker: there is nothing like closet shopping to inspire you to keep going on this journey:happy: I really need to take a page from your book and head to the basement and start cleaning the "stuff" but sometimes it's so overwhelming when I look at it:blushing:

    Gini-I agreee with you that there is a reason that at our age we don't have children...my grandsons truly wear me out when they are over running circles around us and we just take a deep breath when it's their bed time:bigsmile:

    Lila- you are right the name seniors does take up a large age group...maybe one of the teachers here can give us a better name ??? Well Teachers???:huh: Yep I look in the mirror and wonder where that person came from...my hubby carries my High School Senior picture in his wallet and I told him he needed a new one and he said NO he likes this one:noway:

    mommie55- yep eating out can be a challenge:noway: When heading out I try to look up the place on their web site and see what is lower in calories so that I know ahead of time what would be best to eat...sometimes it works and other times I do fall off the wagon:blushing:

    Meg- Great job of surviving those "food filled meetings":drinker: Years ago our church shared the building with an Ethopian Church and they had a thank you dinner where they cooked the meal....it was a bit spicy for me but hubby loved it:happy:

    Tigress- the good thing about losing that Fitbit info for one day is that tomorrow is always a fresh beginning and you can see from then on how you are doing:wink:

    HisPixie- drink plenty of water, keep a glass close at hand to give you something for the hand to mouth movement then you won't be munching on what you know you really don't want to:drinker: I'm sure the wedding will be wonderful and with your new hubby by your side you can face anything:flowerforyou:

    Robin- So glad you got your fitbit back:flowerforyou: maybe the person that had it tried it out to see if it's something they would like to have....watch for someone else in your office wearing one in the near future:huh: Happy Birthday to your DH:flowerforyou:

    Jen- you could be right in that you are the evening entertainment...good for both of you doing your exercise together:drinker:

    Michele- glad your electrical inspection was quick and painless:flowerforyou: When we build a cover over our deck and the inspector came out he was there for 45 min and kept saying the builder knew not to finish this or that before he'd inspected it so it took another inspection a week later before he passed our cover:grumble:

    Esther- sounds like you have a full life right now and we are here for you while your hubby is away:flowerforyou:

    Micki- hoping the foot is better today:flowerforyou:

    jeanniebeanie-:laugh: yep it sure is time to do some cleaning when it's been two years ago when the other one has left the family.

    Mimi- :laugh: fresh frozen:laugh: I remember being raised on those too. Only remember the occasional asparagus and artichoke that was fresh everything else came from the freezer. I do agree with you that eating healthier is truly the goal and the benefit is the weight loss:drinker:

    Amanda- so sorry to hear you are under the weather:flowerforyou: hoping you are feeling better today.

    DeeDee- I'm looking forward to saying "I'm done for the week" but that won't be until tomorrow sometime. So did you go shopping? Find anything that you just had to buy?:huh:

    Flo- hoping your WI gives you positive results...it's always good to have support close by. I love your pic with your dog:flowerforyou:

    Liz- I have read that a good nights sleep is one of the things that helps weight loss so good for you getting a solid night of sleep:flowerforyou:

    Lin- :drinker: glad you got your cable repaired and have internet service again...amazing how we get used to things we never thought of 25 years ago:noway:

    Barbie-glad to see you are keeping busy doing your line dancing classes. :happy: When will your hubby get to stay home from his pet sitting?

    Grandson #3 (Andrew James) is just the best baby. If DIL had had him first she would have had too many issues dealing with the first two. Grandson #1 wasn't a good eater and had lost so much weight when he was born that she had to weight him before she fed him then nurse him & bottle feed him then weight him again. Grandson #2 was going to the Doctor's every two days the frist three weeks after he was born due to eating issues and jaundice. NOW this grandson is just perfect no eating issues and no jaundice. They told her she doesn't need to bring him back for two weeks and she is over the moon happy about that:bigsmile:

    Last night we went to do a bike ride after work and it was so windy we wound up doing a walk on a wetland nature trail instead. Don't burn near the calories but still feels good to get out and walk:happy:

    The wild fires in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah and California are causing our air quality here in Colorado to be less than good for us:sick: . You can't see the mountains and that's not a good thing, but the weather people have said we should have better air quality tomorrow...I can hope:happy:

    Have any of you found that when you eat a certain food you have a tendancy to lose after you have eaten it? I have found that when I eat salmon the next weigh in I've lost...so I'm thinking tonight we will have salmon:wink:

    Everyone have a good day. Let's keep moving, drinking and eating the healthy foods:drinker:

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all!
    Today is a beautiful day in CNY. We have had so many 90+ days this summer that I have been struggling to get in the workouts I had planned to do. I really do not like the heat! It is cooler today and much more comfortable so no excuses for me!!

    I was down 1.5 overall at my last weighin. Doc says I am down 5.5 in fat:love::love: , up in both muscle and water.

    I have had to go in to work for the last few days to brainstorm ways to use the ipad with my students. I have been close to panic about this-okay with technology, but not confident. I feel better now. At least I feel like I have a starting point. Should be an exciting year!! I know many of my students will be helping me.

    Between going to work, taking out our new-used camper, kayaking, and getting ready for the school year to start, I haven't had the time to respond individually. I do read all the posts and get encouragement and giggles from them. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you who are experiencing challenges. Congrats to all of you with victories!

    Deb A
  • Comfortableme
    Comfortableme Posts: 33 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Finally able to post and catch up with everyone. Sorry for my absence, I take my grandson to college tomorrow and it has been two weeks of shop till you drop almost every day.

    As I have seen others post, I love reading everyone's post and I still get confused trying to keep everyone straight.

    Congrats to Laura8011 on her new grandson. It is always fun to have new babies. I love salmon and am making that a regular weekly meal. I have spaghetti squash with the salmon. I can have 5 ounces of salmon and 1 1/2 cups of spaghetti squash and that really fills me up.

    Deb A - great news from your Doc. What grade do you teach? I have some neat apps for grade school ages on the IPad.

    I am on vacation today an tomorrow and have two really busy days planned. My granddaughter turns 10 today so we have a family dinner tonight - I checked the restaurant menu and I know what I will order- so I am not stressed about this. Thanks to all the wonderful support and suggestions on how to handle these situations.

    Time to start loading my grandson's car for tomorrow. We will be taking two cars so we will split his belongings between both cars. We will use my car today and load it later tonight. We leave early in the morning but it is only a 3 hr drive and they have events planned for the families in the afternoon. Will be along day. Talk to you on Saturday.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning!

    Had a day off finally, caught up a bit on the housework, had a glass of wine with friends last night after picking apples and feeling a whole lot better today. The temperature dropped to 4 degrees Celsius overnight here in Alberta (39 degrees F), While it certainly cooled the house off for a better sleep, I am NOT ready for what that is trying to tell me! However the sun is shining now and the temperature is climbing, going to get back to summer.

    Miracle of miracles, I had to run for the bus this morning and I did!! Okay it was more of a 50 yard wheezy trot,..., but I didn't fall over, didn't break anything and didn't expire! Its a good day! I am back home after my appointment, I have an hour before heading to work so I am baking cookies for my guys, I have been a bit delinquent in that department in the heat wave we have had.

    I am so glad you are all on this journey with me,
    Enjoy your day,

    Sitting waiting for the bus to go work, I had a niggling feeling and called work. Good thing I did, I have the evening shift! LOL! Guess I am in too much of a rush today! Well, garden, here I come.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    :happy: Hi all. It’s nice and cool here in Omaha today. Took DH to the foot doc to have his bandage changed. He’s walking without crutches now, which is a nice improvement. Since he was a good boy and didn’t cry (much) I took him to Winchell’s to get a donut. :laugh: I need to work mine off now LOL

    I’m working from home today because by the time we got home it was already 11, so no point in driving all the way back to work for half a day. So I did accomplish the grocery shopping. I feel like I am always grocery shopping!

    I need some advice: how do you bring joy in to your lives? What do you do to ensure you are happy and get to laugh each day? I feel like I am missing that here.

    Tigress: De-nial is not just a river in Egypt! LOL :tongue:

    Hispixie: lots of weddings going on around here! I’m sure it is the stress causing the munching. I hope the wedding is beautiful and you look so grand your ex wonders how you got away! :flowerforyou:

    Robin: glad you got your fitbit back and at least the thief is an active person! Your dinner sounds marvelous. We had shrimp and pasta last night.

    Jen: I asked this of someone else here, too….where do you find the recumbent bikes? Believe it or not, no one here in Omaha seems to sell them!

    Michele: I had to wink reading about your animal meds. I feel like I’m running a nursing home here with all my animals (2 legged and 4 legged) that are on meds! It’s an all day thing! :wink:

    Micki: I hope your foot feels better today :flowerforyou:

    Jeaniebeanie: I love the coffee cup story. That’s hilarious! :laugh:

    Mimi: I agree that fresh veggies are so much better than the frozen ones! My fav lunch has become 2 containers of yoplait lite vanilla yogurt with a ¼ cup of Ann’s House energy blend granola on top! YUM

    Amanda: I agree with you. It’s much more accurate to go by how you look and how your clothes fit than what the scale says. I hope your allergy issue has cleared up.

    DeeDee: have fun on your shopping spree! I’m waiting for the day when I have lost enough that I have to do that. ****heavy sigh such a chore!

    Kathy: so sorry your foot has been so frustrating! I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you’re right…in the end it will have been worth it. :flowerforyou:

    Flo: walking on the beach….how nice. That sounds so relaxing and yet it’s such a good workout…that sand is hard to get through. Watch out for land sharks! :laugh:

    Cindy: good job on the elliptical!

    Lin: glad you got all those electrical/cable issues straightened out.

    Laura: Salmon causes you to lose? We eat salmon once a week here. I wish I could say the same. I have heard that putting lemon slices in your water does the same thing. Where in colorado are you?

    DebA: wonderful news on your weight and fat numbers! Good for you :flowerforyou:

    Debbie: good decision to check out the menu ahead of time and decide what you are ordering. Then there is no stress or panic over it. I always do that now, unless it’s my free day. I give myself 2 free days a month when I don’t count or even keep track. That’s my time for a big steak or some yummy appetizers! Maybe even a beer to two…or three LOL :drinker: :drinker:

    Katie: NSV! Running for the bus and not being winded. Good job! Funny about starting to go to work at the wrong time…I’ve done that several times too. Once I totally forgot to go in at all. I had traded a shift right before leaving on vacation. When I got back, I had a horrible sinus infection and was all drugged up and wanted only to sleep. The next morning the phone kept ringing but no one would leave a message, so I just kept ignoring it. I was really annoyed though. I went to work the next day and wasn’t supposed to be there because that was the trade day off, but boy did I get an earful from my boss. :cry: I kept protesting that they should have at least left a message so I would answer the phone. This was in the days before caller ID of course.

    Well I’m going to take advantage of this time and get some work done. DH is sleeping, the dog is sleeping, all 3 cats are sleeping, so I hope I can stay awake! Take care everyone! Meg
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    AHH time for hot tea and relaxing.

    Meg- You didn't say anything, I don't agree with.:laugh:

    Laura- One day I was talking to this women in line at the grocery store and when we left my DH was a little ticked off. He said Hey why didn't you introduce me to your friend and I told him I never met the lady before. DH always says women can make a best friends in line at the grocery store.

    Going to put my feet up and watch some TV.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Great day here in NC. I did an hour of Richard Simmons Totally Toning DVD (it's really 30 minutes so I did it twice). It's really mostly upper body work, but I do like the fact that he works the abs and then the lower back. So many classes work abs but neglect the opposing muscles. Tomorrow I'm going to attempt a water aerobics class. Of course, that depends on what time Jess is leaving to go back to VA. I do want to be here. So I may wind up just swimming laps.

    Have to leave around 10:30 to pick her up at the airport. We just got a call from the general contractor for the pool. Seems when the guy was here yesterday he didn't do a full bonding inspection, so they need to come back out. My UNDERSTANDING is that they'll be here today. Of course, with the nice weather, they just might take the day off, wouldn't surprise me. At this point, nothing surprises me. No wonder when Vince gave the guy the bonding information yesterday the guy looked quizzical!

    Exercised, then went to return the DVD's to the library (just put them in the drop box), bought gas, then went to Walgreens to get things I had coupons for. I didn't realize that they opened so late so I wound up taking a bit of a nap in the car. I don't know why, but I couldn't sleep. Was up at 4:45.

    mimi - lately I've gotten to where I fix myself a BIG salad, depending on the veges that I have in the refrig that I want to use up, last night I had okra, tomato and cuke. I'll get more tomatoes at the farmers market Sat so I want to use these up. Put a little vinegar on the veges, and it seems to really fill me up. I can't even be bothered to roast the veges. The other night I put two hard boiled egg whites in it (there's just something, I think it's the texture, but I don't care for the yolks hardboiled. Fried I like the yolks so I'm sure it's a texture thing

    My freezer is really getting full of fruits that I've frozen. Now I just added grapes, I already have strawberries (I like organic and they are not real easy to come by), cherries, blueberries and now grapes. Frozen grapes! Like an ice cream, only better

    Amanda - I'm so glad you're feeling a little bit better. Pretty soon you'll be back to normal. I WISH the pool ws almost done. The spa isn't even in yet, they haven't even started cutting out the ground for it. Oh well....I really don't care how long it takes. my understanding is that they're going to start leveling it today and finish tomorrow. Of course, that is dependent on this electrical inspector coming here today so after he does (and we hopefully pass) they can start filling in the trench around the pool with the backfill and then work on adding water. It's coming along and I really don't care how long it takes. I've waited to long to rush them. Update: something came up and they didn't get here today. Too bad...it was such a beautiful day. They should be here tomorrow and Saturday.

    When Vince was working and the kids would ask him what he does, he'd tell them "I talk on the phone and go to meetings".

    The other electrical inspector was here. Vince said that he just looked out the window and saw him, by the time Vince went out to the driveway to ask if he had any questions, the guy was pulling out! But according to the website, we were approved. I was picking Jessica up at the airport.

    Laura - I never noticed that after eating a certain food I'd lose weight. But then again, I never paid attention to that. I think I will. I do know that if I eat anything at night, I can be guaranteed of a gain, regardless of how many calories I have for the day or what it is I've eaten. I usually find that I will lose if I have a light dinner. Unfortunately, Vince likes his meat and potatoes at dinner. If I have some cereal, I usually have a loss the next day.

    Well, we're home. Jessica is sleeping right now. That's good -- she's probably physically and emotionally exhausted. Then she will be able to sleep tonight and be well rested to drive back tomorrow.

    Deb - that's great that you're down in the fat dept. and up in muscle and water. Congrats. Have a great day tomorrow! Exciting, that's for sure

    Kate - you're getting better and better all the time. Being able to "run" to the bus is certainly a NSV, that's something that you couldn't do before. It'll only be all uphill from here.

    I have this recipe that looks interesting, I'd like to try it. It's a lemon bread that you make in the crockpot. The only thing is that the recipe says to put the batter in a coffee can or a loaf pan. Neither one will fit in my crockpot! Anyone have any suggestions as to what kind of pan I can use?

    Well, off to finish that bookmark. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello All,
    I love reading about all your busy lives and families (and fur families). I miss both my daughters a lot, long distance phone is fine and we usually do it daily, but you can't reach out and hug them literally, only figuratively.

    Well, it's Thursday and all day long I've thought it was Friday. Very productive week workwise, especially because it's only Thursday and I've got a whole other day to get more done - lol.

    Michele - I've been doing the freezing too, only now my freezer is getting a little full (and my tomatoes are just starting to ripen). Fresh home frozen stuff is so much nicer than the store bought - sorry all of you who don't garden. It's one of my childhood pleasures that I now get to enjoy in my "senior" years. I am so glad my parents taught me those gardening and home canning and freezing skills. What is funny is that my oldest daughter (30) just started gardening last year and absolutely loves it. I never really had a chance to teach her much about it (too much running around with ballet performances) but she seems to have learned it from books and the internet and we get to chat about it and swap gardening tips.

    It sounds like everyone is finishing off the dog days of summer and gearing up for return to school and off to university/college etc. Hopefully by Christmas I will be down to where I am feeling like I can ski again without the "i've fallen and I can't get up" image running though my head.

    I managed to get out for lunch today, walked around town (my little town core can be done in 15-20 minutes) and then had a Sante Fe salad for lunch. I still struggle with breakfast. I either have to get up earlier so I feel like eating by 7 am, or find something that I can hardly wait to eat! I am sure the pundits are right when they say breakfast is really important to start your day, I just haven't managed to feel the desire to eat before 10:30 am.

    Time to go make dinner - nice salmon steak, corn on the cob and green and yellow snap beans from my garden. I hope you are right Laura and the salmon is a "special' food. I never checked out that before - will let you know tomorrow whether it has the same reducing effect on me.

    See (figuratively) you all tomorrow. Enjoy the evening ladies.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Wow, I really hate that bar that shows only one pound lost - did I mention that I actually have lost 18 since June..........
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening ladies--

    It's been quite a day. I had to go into work early today to open the vault for examiners at 7AM and I can't find my keys. (Still haven't found them). :grumble: :grumble: One of the other girls can't find her phone earpiece. Think there could be a gremlin in the office? :huh:

    Dee Dee, Lin, Meg & Laura-- Thanks for the well wishes for my foot.

    My foot still hurt this morning and between that and the 7AM start at work I didn't get my walk in this morning. Got home this evening and put in a Leslie Sansone 5-mile walk DVD. I did about 40 min. but there were some movements my foot wouldn't tolerate. So I just kept moving. Better that nothing. :bigsmile:

    I'm going to try walking again in the morning before work. Hopefully my foot with cooperate. :laugh: :laugh:

    Can someone tell me how to make my food dairy public? I thought I had it setup but it doesn't look like it is showing. :ohwell:

    Everyone have a great night and good nights sleep. We can all start all over again tomorrow. :heart:

    Keep on :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Micki - I think this is how you do it. Start from My Home, go to Account Settings, then select Diary, then select the option to make it public.

    Let me know if I've steered you wrong!


    And yes, tomorrow is another day.
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Shoot! Just ran up and down the stairs 5 times before I remembered that my fitbit was on the charger and not in my pocket. Oh, well. 5 more times.
  • GiseleEva
    GiseleEva Posts: 2 Member
    I am trying to post so I can be part of this group.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    I am trying to post so I can be part of this group.

    And you have posted!! Welcome aboard.
