

  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    My goodness we all chat a lot on here don't we and I love it! I've been a lazy thing this afternoon as I popped a ligament in my ankle. It's a little nuisance. It's kind of like when you sleep wrong and get a crick in your neck on in the ankle. I just follow the RICE plan (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and stay off it for a couple hours and I'm good as new again. It comes from having torn the Achilles tendon twice in the same ankle. I should be fully recovered tomorrow. It's all good :)

    Meg - so glad to hear your DH is feeling better and getting more mobile! We play a silly game at dinner to bring some laughter and joy into the day. It's "What's the weird thing you heard today?" Someone starts out with a statement of a weird thing heard and from there we all try to outdo each other, the laughter just spreads around the room, challenges to statements get made and we have a great time.

    Michelle - I miss access to a pool for water aerobics! I loved doing those routines. I hope you got to enjoy them!

    Sasha! - I know what you mean about the ticker I'm actually down 15 pounds since May, but 4 of them are since I joined MFP!!
    Lin - tell you what, I'll help you clean when I have mine done . . how does August 2015 sound?? LOL I cannot guarantee I'll be done by then but I might be close (joking)

    I'm going to settle in for the night and watch my shows.

    Happy eating everyone!

    Jan - 17 days and getting easier every day

    ps. I even missed a dose of my Chantix this morning and didn't notice it at all until I went to take my evening dose. Woohoo!!
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    Laura80111.....I have a friend who is an attorney for a state agency so she doesn't make a lot of money. She works for Home Instead on the weekends for extra cash. She had no experience.
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    what the heck I have been so busy a new link, I am enjoying the grandchildren and trying to get settled in with the new schedule at work and home, Trevor is fine at Grammies, Paisley is settling in.

    Just marking my spot
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member

    So my food dairy is showing on my Home Page but not on my Profile page. Any other thoughts?
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Only a quick note tonight....being bad, drinking wine, paying bills...they go hand in hand, right!?lol!

    Not sure who asked but my sister and I play tennis on Tuesday nights...we will see what happens when school starts...she is the teacher...I drive a desk at an insurance agency. We are supposed to be setting ul a doubles date with two of our brothers. We shall see...fran and I have fun ..the boys may want to be.more competitive ....

    Meg - my dh bought the recumbent bike from ****son sporting goods...MFP is editing..look on line...that is how I bought my rowing machine also...just watch the shipping charges because the bikes are heavy.

    I was up early this am and did ride 8 miles on the bike and did some strength training too..

    Tomorrow is TGIF..looking forward to it.

    Hugs, prayers and high fives!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member

    So my food dairy is showing on my Home Page but not on my Profile page. Any other thoughts?

    I am feeling somewhat confused by that. That's what I did when I had mine open (to my friends at least) for a while.

    Anyone else know what could be wrong?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member

    So my food dairy is showing on my Home Page but not on my Profile page. Any other thoughts?

    I am feeling somewhat confused by that. That's what I did when I had mine open (to my friends at least) for a while.

    Anyone else know what could be wrong?

    When I go to your profile page, I see a green button for your Diary.............I think it's there. Have someone else check.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Hello all - hope everyone had a great day. Worked late and decided not to go to the gym again today, then was regretting that choice when my neighbor showed up at our door with fresh tomatos and an invitation to go walking. So I got the exercise in after all - 2 miles, just in our neighborhood. We walked over in the 'new' area and I was pleasantly surprised at the number of new homes that have gone up. Surely a good sign for Georgia!
  • BoomerAngel
    I feel really stupid right now! Is this a group for women over 50? I just joined MFP, so forgive my ignorance. I am looking for people in my own category ......duh, over 50 women. Am I in the right place? Haha :love:
  • Dar1356
    Dar1356 Posts: 15
    Hi Ladies.... I have been M.I.A. since August 10:sad: That is the day that my daughter came home from her summer intern job working for Bank of America's Trust Division... needless to say, we had exactly 4 days to get everything done that she needed to get done before returning back to USC and her senior year.... and I have been crying on and off since she left on Tuesday. It's not that I am so sad but I am seeing her as the adult that she has suddenly blossomed into, and for that I am thankful:smile: AND, on top of that my son, my baby, is leaving for his first year of college, where he will be attending the University of Colorado, Boulder, on Monday. So now my emotions are really going to go into overdrive:cry: ... I know that as parents, this is what we are suppose to do, but why does it hurt so much? Yes, with both of them gone, it would be empty nest syndrome, BUT, my DH and I will be a host family for two foreign exchange students from China who will be attending our kids old high school..... so, wish me luck....once the shuttling to and from airports stop, I hope to start back on track with MFP.... hope all the rest of you are doing well..... thanks for listening:flowerforyou:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    you're in the right place BoomerAngel
    I'm new too but I can already tell you this ia an awesome group - welcome
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    you're in the right place BoomerAngel
    I'm new too but I can already tell you this ia an awesome group - welcome

    whoops posted 2x - can you tell I'm new?:blushing:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member

    So my food dairy is showing on my Home Page but not on my Profile page. Any other thoughts?

    when your diary is open it shows on your profile when other people look at it......there's no reason for it to show on your page because you can already look at your food diary.......I was confused about that, too, when I first opened my diary, but since my hubby has a MFP account, i went to his account and looked at my profile page to see if my diary was visible.

    I looked at your profile page and i can see your food diary.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: today was a lot like yesterday with dog walking and line dancing...Jake came over in the middle of the day to do laundry, visit the dogs, and have lunch with me before I had to dash over to line dance practice for the fair

    :flowerforyou: I am blessed to have finally found an eating plan that works for me...it only took me until I was was 62 years old. so once again I say, never, never, never give up

    :flowerforyou: we have had very hot weather in the high 80's......Brandy and Sasha want to go out but once they get there, they stay out less than 10 minutes and want to come back in to the air conditioned house :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie
  • mimi7grands
    I kinda wish we could have two tickers - one for total weight lost, on for weight lost since starting MFP. I don't know why it feels important but does. I'm glad to see I'm in good company. If it really bothers anyone, I think you can go in and edit your weight. Maybe you could put in an earlier date and weight??

    I'm jealous of those with cooling weather. (Barbie, 80 degrees is COOL! :love: ) We've been mostly in the 100s for the last couple of weeks. We try not to run the A/C much because of the cost. I'll feel perkier when it cools off, at least at night. I have to say the hot weather made for some nice swimming today though.

    Michele, you'll be swimming yourself pretty soon in your very own pool. How wonderful. I enjoy reading about the progress each day.

    Someone mentioned having forgotten to take their anti-inflammatory meds for a couple of days...I read an interesting article. A recent study showed that curcumin, a chemical in turmeric, was as effective as nsaids in relieving pain without any of the side effects. If you try it, it's important to take the type that has BioPerine in it (or something similar) to make it more available to your body. (I came across the article when I was looking for info for my sister who was recently diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. As so many of you know, it's hard to see someone you love struggling. Peggy goes to the rheumatologist on the 21st. She's had almost 2 months of pretty intense, off and on, pain but this was the first appointment she could get.:brokenheart: )

    I'm off to Graeagle in the morning to my sister and he DH's cabin (not a new place, but new to them). The town hosts a big craft fair this weekend. Graeagle is in the mountains northeast of here. I won't have Internet access so I won't be checking in for a couple of days. I'll miss you. I'll try hard to keep on track. Being away from home and out of my routine is my most difficult challenge.


    Mimi SVQ
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    It's definitely a little grey here today in London - not a day for hanging out the washing to dry (oh wait, I just did that!)

    Tonight I am babysitting my darling grandtwins. I can't wait for the huggles and snuggles. I'm going to get there mid afternoon actually, so that I can spend some time playing before there Mummy goes out. SOBSIL is in the States, returning step grandson.

    I too wish that we could have two tickers. I am rather proud of the fact that I have actually lost just under 200 pounds, but it only shows what has gone since I joined MFP.

    Oops, I'm going to have to go - just had a phone call to say that the are delivering the Olive tree that I bought as part of DH's 50th birthday - it wasn't supposed to arrive until the day before his birthday, which is the 25th, but they got confused. Drat it. I am going to ask if I can hide it in a neighbour's conservatory.

    Catch up with you all later.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • getninshape56
    getninshape56 Posts: 42 Member
    Struggling with motivation and discouragement. Have been at this since January and am losing only 1 pound a month. Clothes are fitting differently, but I have yet to see much change on the scale, none in the tape measure. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong.

    Question: when calculating calories for the day, why does MFP add calories to my day after activity? Doesn't that negate the purpose of weight loss?

    Plugging away regardless. I do deal with hypothyroidsim, menopause and insulin resistance...and try not to let it deter my efforts and use it as an excuse to give up.

    Have a great day!
  • skinnybinside
    skinnybinside Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning !

    Today is another rainy day her today...the whole week has been muggy and rainy!

    Last night weigh in saw me shed 4 lbs! I am very pleased with that loss and hope to continue the healthy eating this week....weekends are the toughest in summer because we live at a campground and there is always food going around!

    I am off to the pool this morning then many things to get done...blood tests..groceries etc...

    Have a great day everyone!

  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    For GetnShape - MFP adds calories back for exercise and activities because a deficit is already built in for you to lose when you set up your account. For instance, at light active level and my weight, MFP says It take 1710 calories a day to maintain my weight. So my goal is 1200 a day to lose one pound a week. If I go for a walk and burn 120 calories, then for that day my maintenance calories would be 1830 for the day and I'd need to eat 1330 in order to be 500 less for the day to maintain the one pound loss for the week.

    Now the thinking is you should eat back your exercise calories so that your body has the fuel it needs to work properly. Some days I eat nearly all mine back. But some days I don't, at least not all of them. For instance the day I actually did 3 different walks and did heavy cleaning, there is no way I was going to eat another 1000 calories of food. LOL One reason I don't eat it back is that the calories burned are average estimates and not precise measurements. so there is some error in both directions.I see it as overestimated a lot of the time.

    Aim for your calorie goal. If you have a light exercise day enjoy the extra 150 or so calories. if it's a heavy exercise day over 1000 in exercise) aim to get back another 400-500 even 600 or so. Eat if you are hungry, versus eat to eat the calories back.

    That is what I have learned to understand how MFP works it out.

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good Morning all, having a blast with my fitbit. I really like the sleep mode. I get up a lot in the night ( I drink lots of water, it has to go somewhere), but I don't get up as much as I thought. It is better since I exercise and eat right. When my sugars were higher I got up lots more. I don't eat my exercise calories back unless I am hungry. I have learned the difference between want and need where food is concerned. That has helped me too. Not eating wheat is the best thing for me, I'm no longer hungry ALL the time. I am watching my carbs closely. As a diabetic I have too.

    Jan- very good work on the smoking thing. I quit 5 years ago this month, best thing I ever did. I no longer wheez, cough all the time, or get short of breath climbing stairs. Keep up the good work. Well time to start the day, Later Tigress