Does anyone HATE water as much as i do?



  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    Totally hate plain water . I can drink like 3 glasses a day bit i prefer to add oranges / lemons or sugar free water enhansers
  • cvthatcher
    cvthatcher Posts: 47 Member
    i used to hate drinking water. i went thru a phase where i would only drink ice cold water, with actual ice cubes in it. if the ice melted, but it was still cold, i didn't want it. sounds silly! but try adding ice? definitely not a diuretic :smile:

    make a goal to drink one or two glasses a day for a week or two, then up it to 3, 4...and so on.

    also, your tap water may also taste like crap, which is the case at my house. invest in a brita or similar water filter. problem solved!
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I really don't understand why people "hate" water. Naturally, that is what we should be drinking...

    However, try drinking it cold. I know a lot of people who hate drinking lukewarm water...

    The only reason I ever used to hate water was it was tap water and it had strange chemical flavors, depending on where it came from. I know I went on a trip to somewhere in Mississippi once and we were forced to drink 1 glass of water for every soda we had and the water tasted like it had a rubber boot soaking in it. Even some bottled water tastes funny to me.

    But when I got a filter for my kitchen sink, I started drinking water instead of everything. (though I do make cups of tea, but they're not sweetened with anything) After having water that doesn't really have a taste, I couldn't find a reason to avoid it.

    I guess in general some people are so used to drinking something with flavors like soda or juice that they get to water and it's not really palate-pleasing even if it still satisfies thirst and so they shun it.
  • melly7171
    melly7171 Posts: 54 Member
    I am with you on this i hate drinking plain water. I now in the mornings have a cup of warm water with lemon juice then the only other time i drink plain water is at the gym other than that i have my water with diet cordial...thats the only way i get my water in
  • tifalva
    tifalva Posts: 220 Member
    I am another water dislike person. I really struggle with drinking it. What works for me is ICE COLD, almost to the point of frozen. If I can't do that, as cold as possible with Crystal Light packets. My favorites are the lemonade and Fruit Punch. Tastes enough like Kool-Aid I can trick my mind into thinking its sugary. Good luck to you :-)
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Try drinking it ice cold with ice . It helps the taste . like anything else in life one must acquire a taste for it, especially when
    It is good for you .
  • vegas711
    vegas711 Posts: 88 Member
    64 ozs a day. P90x is working and that's part of it. I don't drink tap, just bottled. to the person who says the need to drink that much water is myth need only look at the bottom of their food diary. Why log it if it's a myth? That and every major successful diet preaches 64ozs a day. Don't want to really get in flame war but to equate coke etc as a substitute is truly an amazingly wrong statement. but hey it does take rust off a bumper.

    success to all on whatever health path you're on
  • AnnaMC1977
    AnnaMC1977 Posts: 241
    Crystal Light makes a lot of little packets that make water more tasty. My favorite is pink lemonade. I like water by itself though...I like it flavored every once in a while. According to Weight Watchers, you can technically count coffee and various other caffinated drinks as water.
  • chwinfi
    chwinfi Posts: 1
    One thing I do is to get good old fashioned cranberry juice (not cocktail, of course) and do about 50/50 with water. Add a splash of lemon, and it's frickin awesome. Promise. Also, you could just eat a bunch of celery, watermelon and blackberries. Watermelon only has about 9 calories per oz, while celery has about 10. Blackberries are just awesome, and go in every smoothie I make. But they hydrate the crap out of you...
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Honestly... :noway: I :heart: water.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Well I hate it too, so I don't drink it plain. Simple. You don't "need" plain water to be healthy.

    Think of those big 1L bottles you can buy juice (the kind you dilute) in. I buy those, the no added sugar kind. Once it's empty I use that bottle and that's what I drink out of. Add some juice to it, usually around 3/4 inch, and the rest with water (that's a lot of water in a 1L bottle)

    I love it, for some reason it quenches my thirst tons more than plain water. I can guzzle it down, about 3 litres a day on average (12 glasses) whereas plain water leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. Plus I worked out that even if I drink a ton of the stuff, it works out at no more than around 50 cals a day max! (I don't measure/log it, there's no point)
  • Sheckypie
    honestly it's an american thing... haha i hate to say it but it is because third world countries LOVE water.... I don't mind the tastelessness of water i mind the fact that I'm like a chihuahua and i have to pee and often haha... I mean i used to not like drinking water but i just had to find my peace with the fact that it's helpful not hurtful
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Best place to drink water is the kitchen. Whilst you are cooking every time you want to pick have a gulp of ice cold water. I don't treat it like a refreshing drink but an anti nibble strategy. I polish off three pints a day just by standing in the kitchen and nibble much much less!!!!!!!

    This is such a great idea! Thanks! I will definitely start doing this - nibbling while I'm cooking is a huge problem for me!
  • elv1ra
    elv1ra Posts: 146 Member
    ive been using crystal light and its helped me SO much. and i vote aainst ice cold water. its easier for me to down a big glass at once then sip on it over a length of time and ice cold water hurts my sensitive teeth and gives brain freezes.
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    I make myself chug a bottle of water (without taking a breath) before I bike or run. Then I WANT another one when I'm done. The biggest reason I do this is to keep my muscles from being sore the next day. If I added Crystal Light to it, it wouldn't go down as smoothly. I think of it as my oxygen and Tylenol. Crazy, I know, but it has become a good habit.
  • CurlyGurlie88
    I hate drinking water, and I can't drink it without it being icy ice cold or with lemon in it or both! Don't feel bad about putting lemon in your water. :) It's good for you!
  • Brenda_1965
    Brenda_1965 Posts: 314 Member
    ive been using crystal light and its helped me SO much. and i vote aainst ice cold water. its easier for me to down a big glass at once then sip on it over a length of time and ice cold water hurts my sensitive teeth and gives brain freezes.

    I even drink my pop at room temperature. You made me think... Try downing it from a plastic bottle. It goes down so much more neatly and quickly. Less has to cross my tongue this way too.
  • mrsains
    mrsains Posts: 104 Member
    As a couple others have mentioned, have you tried drinking carbonated water? I use a SodaStream to carbonate my tap water and I really prefer it over still water. Or you can buy bottled carbonated water, but it would be best to steer clear of club soda, as it has added sodium.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I would rather drink plain green tea than water and I hate plain green tea ;( The only plain water I seem to be able to drink is the bottled kind. I guess I like things in a bottle?

    Know what I hate more than water? Cold water! I like almost all of my drinks at room temp and without ice in them. I am kinda wierd that way too. I don't even like my other beverages watered down with melted ice?

    I was going to start a post asking if it is really that much easier losing weight if you drink a lot of water? Is that a fact? I kinda hope not.
  • RobinH0416
    Drinking water sometimes makes my stomach feel queazy, which is a terrible feeling. I get plenty of fluid everyday other ways and I'm satisafied with that. The harder and more stressful changes in nutrition are, the less likely I am to be successful. I will keep my diet drinks and unsweetened tea and focus on breaking my habits with foods that are bad for me. This journey is very individual.