Cleavage, inappropriate or fine?



  • jsmith2377
    jsmith2377 Posts: 208 Member
    As a woman with a caved-in chest plate, I've always appeared to have tons of cleavage if my shirts aren't up to my neck. Even as a child. Now that I am breastfeeding, I have D's and cleavage is unavoidable. People will get over it.
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    You're probably showing a bit too much in this picture, not that it's not pretty. It would be fine for a date or party, (NOT for a family party) when you want to look really sexy.

    Do you really want to look sexy anytime, anywhere, for everyone? When you go to get ice cream, you never know who you will run into.

    If you really like showing things off, why not go to an art school and pose as a studio model?

    We older gals who don't have it anymore are indeed jealous when we see this, othertimes, it is not done in good taste and the girl looks like a slut rather than a sculpture, especially if her figure is not perfect. Sometimes the girls will even fall out of the clothing.

    I think it's good to be respected rather than drooled over. But that's probably because I'm old and fat. Fortunately my husband still likes what I have.

  • MsDivineM
    MsDivineM Posts: 48
    Being a 40H, I can say this. When i wear that low cut Sundress, which I do all the time, the bra it takes to hold my twins up is not going to budge and therefore stare all u want, you are not going to anything more then what I show in my bathing suit! Enjoy the show! I got them and I'm not scared to wear that plunging neckline, with the right supportive bra!
  • Jotell
    Jotell Posts: 139 Member
    I'm a 40DD and have never had issues. I mostly get stares but have never had anyone say it's inappropriate. I wear tanks to the gym that are low cut, I really don't care. I can't help that I have large breasts and I will do what I want with them, don't hate the player hate the game!
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77
    Cleavage isn't for the work place.
  • Queen_HBIC
    its fine
  • TheUglyFriend
    If you got em let em breathe. I'm a 36 D and always wear low cut shirts. Not so much at work... I work in the information technology field and bending down to help with computers with a low cut shirt is asking for trouble. ;) trouble I wouldn't mind in public but work no.
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77
    Don't like it, don't look!

    I get a kick out of girls who wear very low cut shirts who say this.

    If you don't want a guy to look, don't wear a slutty outfit. You don't wear those shirts for men to look at your shoes.
  • alovesopure
    alovesopure Posts: 610
    Don't like it, don't look!

    I get a kick out of girls who wear very low cut shirts who say this.

    If you don't want a guy to look, don't wear a slutty outfit. You don't wear those shirts for men to look at your shoes.

    HAHA! I agree with what deads99 says
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77

    Girls just won't admit they want the attention, its a bad quality and makes them look like a liar on top of a slutty girl
  • DrowningMermaid
    I'm all in favor of cleavage in most situations. Granted, if you're working at a day care or something, you're not going to want to show the funbags off to the kiddies, but if you've got them and you love them, show them off. My chest is one of my finer features and I will gladly wear a low cut shirt if it improves my self-esteem. If someone doesn't like it (or god help them if they actually confront me about it) they can have a glorious interaction with me and my middle finger.
  • DrowningMermaid
    Don't like it, don't look!

    I get a kick out of girls who wear very low cut shirts who say this.

    If you don't want a guy to look, don't wear a slutty outfit. You don't wear those shirts for men to look at your shoes.

    I think of it more as "don't like it? Don't look. But if you do, enjoy the view!"
    I feel complimented if I catch someone (male OR female) catching a glimpse.
  • deads99
    deads99 Posts: 77
    No problem with girls admitting that they wear those shirts because they want men to look

    Its the girls who get offended by it
  • XXemomattXX
    ^^exactly if you are gonna dress like that I am gonna look.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    When I was a D cup people seemed to have comments whenever I wore a tank top. Now that I'm an A no one seems to even notice. I say if it's hot out to hell with's hot out! Lets see how they'd feel about stuffing those puppies into a t-shirt when its 95 and humid if it were them.

    I agree!! I have DD's and it's awful, I hate boob sweat.
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 303 Member
    I would say that it is acceptable given you have proper support. As long as they aren't wobblin' around like two overly enthusiastic beachballs go for it! I will not say that women who are genetically endowed can fly sans support in the summer. Smaller chests can wear adorable tops with nothing but I would never leave home with out my 36 D girls being held close. Also there are just some cuts, even in tank tops that are designed for smaller frames. Pick a style that shows skin but still looks great on your rack.

    ^Ditto this.

    Show off the girls, but make sure they get the support they need! :wink:
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    with my boobs u get clevage whatever i wear as a 34 k lol x
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    <---- supports cleavage

    Are you a bra?
  • poll09
    poll09 Posts: 549
    bet he wishes lol x
  • BabyLeila23
    Mine are only C's but i went to a party this weekend and the only other girl there kept complaining about it until i finally put on a tshirt and sweat pants. (Which is what I normally wear anyway.)