Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Gosh you guys have been quiet! How's everyone doing? Still sticking to the plan?

    Doing great and feeling great! I am almost to the 8lb lost mark! I am crossing my fingers I can hit my 10lb mark by the end of the week.... then on to the next goal! I love how you say that you chug your water in about a minute.... a girl at work tried to tell me once that water is only good for you if you sip on it all throughout the day! LOL Water is water, just make sure you drink it!

    My water trick is taking it with me on my commute to and from work... I drive about 35miles, I take two 16oz bottles with me each way, if I do that anything else I get through the day is extra. When I work out I usually drink another 4 bottles.

    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    im doing great, thanks agen for the water tip drborkbork, im feelin alot fuller than i was at first - i hav been on target for my calories everyday so far but i tended to be going to bed hungry, drinking alot of water has really helped make it that bit easier :smile:

    hows everyone else doin btw x
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    That's great to hear, Pink! I'm so glad I was able to help you. Another trick is to chew gum. If you think you're going to go insane unless you have that ice cream/cake/cookie/whatever, then pop a stick of gum & chew like there's no tomorrow. The sweetness should take the edge off your craving and the chewing motion makes your brain think you're getting something worthwhile out of it!
    My favorite brand is 5 Gum, I love the Zing & Solstice flavors.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I'm doing great and feel great! But I'm a little hungry today because I used to many calories for lunch. I still have 97 calories to use. I have been trying to drink water so I will feel full. I'm tired I need to go to bed early. but everything is great besides that. :drinker:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I'm doing great and feel great! But I'm a little hungry today because I used to many calories for lunch. I still have 97 calories to use. I have been trying to drink water so I will feel full. I'm tired I need to go to bed early. but everything is great besides that. :drinker:
    Hi Lilmom im a little hungry too just had a salad for lunch which isnt enough for me..good luck on staying under your limit! evenings are a little dangerous for me :ohwell:
  • I drink 90-120 oz of water a day. It's recommended one gets 3-4 quarts every day, not just the 64 oz you've heard. I have a 30 oz mug, and just guzzle a whole one of those at every meal, and don't move on to my next activity until it's gone. It's easiest, for me anyway, to fill it at the sink, and not move away until it's gone. Takes less than 1 minute to just chug it.

    This is a really good idea! At work I stop at the water cooler every time I pass it and get a cup now.
  • hsc5690
    hsc5690 Posts: 8 Member
    Taste of Home recipe that I ran across today that sounded good.

    Mediterranean Fettuccine

    4 ServingsPrep/Total Time: 30 min.
    · 1/2 cup vegetable broth
    · 8 sun-dried tomatoes (not packed in oil), halved
    · 6 ounces uncooked fettuccine
    · 1 medium sweet yellow pepper, thinly sliced
    · 1 medium sweet red pepper, thinly sliced
    · 1 cup chopped green onions
    · 2 garlic cloves, minced
    · 1 tablespoon Crisco® Pure Olive Oil
    · 10 Greek olives, pitted and coarsely chopped
    · 1/4 cup minced fresh basil
    · 1 tablespoon capers, drained
    · 1 teaspoon dried oregano
    · 1 package (4 ounces) crumbled feta cheese
    · In a small saucepan, bring broth to a boil. Remove from the heat; add
    · tomatoes. Let stand for 5-7 minutes. Cut tomatoes into thin slices
    · and return to broth; set aside.
    · Cook fettuccine according to package directions. Meanwhile, in a
    · large nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray, saute the peppers,
    · onions and garlic in oil for 3-4 minutes or until tender. Reduce
    · heat. Stir in the olives, basil, capers, oregano and reserved tomato
    · mixture; heat through.
    · Drain fettuccine; place in a large serving bowl. Add the feta cheese
    · and pepper mixture; toss to coat. Yield: 4 servings.
    Nutrition Facts: 1-1/2 cups equals 331 calories, 12 g fat (4 g saturated fat), 15 mg cholesterol, 854 mg sodium, 44 g carbohydrate, 6 g fiber, 14 g protein. Diabetic Exchanges: 2 starch, 2 vegetable, 1-1/2 fat, 1 lean meat.
    © Taste of Home 2009
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    Hi all!
    Too late to join? I started at 234 on Jan 1, and am now at 229lbs. Planning to get to the 120-130lb range...
  • embr
    embr Posts: 21
    Hi me too! I started at 240lb and would like to get to 130 or so, I don't ever remember being that weight so I can't wait to see what it looks like on me!
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    That looks great!! I'll try it this weekend--glad you posted the calories, carbs, etc. Have you added it to the data base? I am always on the look out for new vegetarian recipes!
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    I can actually remember being less than 130, and I loved my body then. Struggling now with body image issues, but trying to be patient with myself. I didn't just wake up one day at 230+ pounds, so I won't lose it over night either. Trying to decide on some fun, non-food rewards for meeting my goals, but I am having a tough time coming up with something I want enough to make it motivating...I am going to try to find a profile picture to post tomorrow, my profile feels naked...
  • Hi Everyone... I just realised it was weigh in day... and already done and getting ready to leave. OOPS! I will weigh tomorrow and post! I hope everyone had a good week :)
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    I had a pretty decent week! Yesterday I decided to set a short term goal for myself to be under 200 lbs by my birthday. I haven't been under 200 lbs in 18 years, since before I got pregnant with my son. I'm afraid it might be a little bit of an unrealistic goal since I will have to lose almost 3 lbs a week but I am going to really give it a try. I haven't been exercising as much as I should, but that changes starting today!

    This morning I weighed in at 239, down 4.5 lbs from last week...and 40 lbs to go until I reach my goal for April!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Drum roll please..........243.8.......... that is a 3.5 loss for the week! My first goal is in sight 240 by 2/14 I guess I might have to change it. Waiting to see how everyone else did this week! I hope everyone had a great week! Hugs! :flowerforyou:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Week 2: lost 2 pounds. I am surprised because my eating was terrible this week! Congratulations everyone. I'm heading out of town, so I'll be back in a few days.
  • hsc5690
    hsc5690 Posts: 8 Member
    I love this site and all the supportive people on it. I lost 4 lbs this week. Hope you all have had a great week also.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Just weighed in. Very unhappy. Lost less than a pound, despite staying in my calories, watching my sodium, drinking water, and working out. WTF?!

    Last week's weight: 227
    Today's Weigh In: 226.2

    I know I should be happy (at least I didn't gain week), but seriously... only .8 of a pound? COME ON!
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Just weighed in, I have reached my first goal of 10lbs gone! Wa-Hoo!!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Okay, went to the toilet and got the other 1/2 pound out. Ah, okay, now I feel better.

    Great job to all of you dropping big numbers! You're doing awesome! :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Great job folks!
    I lost 3 pounds this week from 226.8 to 223.8. See? It really is still possible to keep on truckin' with decent losses after 4 months. :wink:
    You may have some slow weeks from time to time, even when you feel like you've done everything right. That's okay and that's normal so don't let it discourage you!
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