Summer Challenge



  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    WEIGH IN TIME.....

    SW 214
    6/5 208
    6/12 207.9
    6/19 206.8
    6/26 205.9
    7/3 205.5
    7/10 203.9
    7/17 205
    7/24 204.1
    7/31 203.0
    8/07 201.7
    8/14 200.1

    8/21 199.5

    FINALLY BELOW 200!!! only one more week to go until the challenge is bittersweet! Cant wait until the next challenge! i'm hoping to do great this final week and really shoot to lose a couple more lbs! Best of luck everyone!!
  • kateva143
    kateva143 Posts: 46 Member
    208.6 for my weigh in this week.
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    137 no change
  • zerbe6982
    SW= 196 lbs

    Wi1= 193.6 lbs
    Wi2= 192.6 lbs
    Wi3= 189.4 lbs
    Wi4= 190.4 lbs
    Wi5= 187.8 lbs
    Wi6= 187.8 lbs
    Wi7= 186.0 lbs
    Wi8= 187.4 lbs
    Wi9= 186.6 lbs
    Wi10=183.2 lbs
    Wi11=182.0 lbs
    Wi12=182.8 lbs

    Gain this week = 0.8 lbs

    Total Loss so far = 13.2 lbs
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    I weighed in at 177.6 this morning.I know that is only a loss of .4 but I did really bad this week.Moving into my new apartment made it really difficult to eat right and exercise,so anything that wasn't a gain was welcomed!Aiming for better next week!
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    My Summer Challenge week 12 results:

    Challenge SW 5/29: 158
    Week 1 - 6/5: 157
    Week 2 - 6/12: 155.5
    Week 3 - 6/19: 153.5
    Week 4 - 6/26: 152.5
    Week 5 - 7/3: 151.5
    Week 6 - 7/10: 150.5
    Week 7 - 7/17: 149
    Week 8 - 7/24: 148
    Week 9 - 7/31: 146.5
    Week 10 - 8/7: 144.5
    Week 11 - 8/14: 144

    Week 12 - 8/21: 144.5 (0.5 pound gained since last week)

    Challenge GW:143 (total 13.5 lbs. lost toward goal since start of challenge, 1.5 lbs. to go!)

    I knew it was inevitable that I would gain this week. We were on vacation from 8/10 through 8/19, and spent 5 nights/5 days at Walt Disney World with meals on the Dining Plan, 4 of which were buffets. The rest of our vacation was spent on the road (we drove from NJ to FL and back) with stops at fast food places. I used my little pocket sized scale and weighed everything, even if I wasn't quite sure how to record most of it due to no nutrition info. I managed to keep up with exercise the whole time we were away which saved me from gaining 4 pounds like my husband and kids each did! All things considered, I think I did pretty good with only gaining 1/2 pound!

    Of course, coming down to the wire now -- can I lose 1.5 lbs. this last week of the challenge to meet my goal? I'm sure going to do my darnedest to make it!
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    200 Yay didn't think I lost any but for me 1 pound is good.
    6/26/2012....CW........199 Happy dance. Under 200. Hope it stays there.
    7/03/2012....CW........199 No happy dance this week. Hope to catch up next week. Darn it's slow.
    7/11/2012.....CW.......Same as last week. Stressful week. Stress is a real killer. I have to stop WORRYING about losing. It is counter productive. I didn't see a new challenge for this week, however just keeping on is a real challenge for me right now.
    7/17/2012.....CW.......200.1 Ok, enough is enough. I gained this week. Not sure why. I need to reevaluate my menu's. Hopefully there will be a loss next week.
    7/242012.....CW.......200.00 Big deal. 1/16 of a pound. Not giving up. Has to change soon.
    7/31/2012....CW........200.00 I can't believe that I didn't lose any and this am still shows 200. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I will never make it to my goal at this rate. I was in underland for one week and then.................... UGH. Ir's so depressing and frustrating.
    8/7/2012.........On vacation, forgot to check in.
    8/14/*2012.....CW......200.1 Back and Forth, Back and Forth. I guess this is what is a very frustrating plateau. Not giving up but sure would like to see some change. DOWN that is.
    8/21/2012.....CW......,200.. Ok here I go again. I measure everything. I count everything. Still haven't lost any real weight. Just go back and forth with the same 2 pounds. Going to keep on doing the measuring and weighing of food and stop stressing. See how next weigh in goes. At least I'm not gaining. The meds I take don't help either.
  • NYAngel1089
    NYAngel1089 Posts: 593 Member
    SW= 170 lbs
    Wi1= 168.6 lbs
    Wi2= 166 lbs
    Wi3= 164.6lbs
    Wi4= 163.5 lbs
    Wi5= 165 lbs
    Wi6= 163.2
    Wi7= 164.2
    Wi8= 163lbs
    Wi9= 161.5
    Wi10= 161.5
    Wi11= 161.2

    wi12= 163.2
    gained 2 lbs :(
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    get your weights in by Thursday!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Just got home from camping - been gone again since Friday. Weighed when I got home was 158.6. Going camping again on Friday for one day, then pulling the camper home. Will try to keep an eye on what goes in my mouth, and hope to get a walk in tomorrow.

    Definately will get back into the game in September - at least school will be back and we will have somewhat of a routine.

    Hope everyone is doing well
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    Oops, I took Monday off work and so I've been off a day this week.
    CW: 133.8 up .8 and same statement as last time. I have not been giving 100%, so what should I expect?!
    I'm really looking forward to our next challenge! I think it's easier in the fall to be more focus.

    Good luck to all! You're doing a great job!
  • bobby172
    bobby172 Posts: 22 Member
    cw 163
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,945 Member
    145 pounds.
    Maintained but just barely!
    Need to lose 5.3 pounds by the next weigh in to meet my goal so obviously that's not going to happen.
    I will be happy with any loss at all, especially since I am out of town with friends the day before the weigh in!
  • abby1176
    abby1176 Posts: 14 Member
    144 :(
  • meeaham
    meeaham Posts: 882 Member
    SW: 120 (5/29/12)
    GW: 110 (8/28/12)

    Weigh ins:

    6/5/12: 118.5 lbs
    6/12/12: 118.5 lbs
    6/19/12: 117.5 lbs
    6/26/12: 116.5 lbs
    7/3/12: 118 lbs
    7/10/12: 119 lbs
    7/17/12: 120 lbs
    7/24/12: 120 lbs
    7/31/12: 118 lbs
    8/7/12: 117.5 lbs
    8/14/12: 117.5 lbs
    8/21/12: 117 lbs

    Down 1/2 pound! So happy!
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    178.1. down .7
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Sorry for slacking. The spreadsheet will be up tomorrow :)
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Starting 30 day shred on Monday. The plan (and i am going to stick with it) is to do it M-F.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member

    Sorry I'm slacking you guys. School is being super crazy.
    There's no top losers this week, because if I try to do it I'll never get this posted.

    Congrats to kateva143 for hitting her goal this week!
  • MNJohn0
    MNJohn0 Posts: 144 Member
    191 today. No change.