

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    H!Went to the ortho dr.Didn`t get the answer was hoping to hear.My quads are like jelly,no improvement in 1 month,so have to start pt again.Wantted to cry.
    Hope everyone is doing ok.
    Have a good night.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Thank you all for the suggestions on how to help my cold. I thought I had some Vicks around here somewhere but I can't find It :grumble: , I do have some pure peppermint oil, I've been sniffing on a cotton ball with a few drops on it and it seems to help me breath a bit better, I wonder how it would do on my feet???? I have been drinking hot decafe tea with lemon it makes my throat feel better. At my meeting this morning, one of the girls said "wow, not only do you sound bad, you look bad too"' I wanted to cough on her, of course I didn't but I did think about it:tongue: . I will get stocked up on some chicken broth and buy some more Vicks, and some Zinc lozenges to have on hand, great suggestions ladies, again thank you.

    Fitz:flowerforyou: Happy birthday!!!!

    Micki:smile: congrats on 50 pounds GONE!!!!!! Saying a prayer for your sister:flowerforyou: .

    I will try to get caught up on posting later this week. I am now going to go take another hot shower and curl up in my bed !!!

    Hope everyone has sweet dreams:yawn: . Until tomorrow......

  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Hi ladies, sorry haven't been here in a day or two. Was really trying to get a handle on eating workout calories and keeping my body fueled. I was doing some heavy duty research, reading and listening. I believe I got it now, but did figure out I have been way under eating and killing my progress.
    So making some adjustments and moving forward.
    I hope every one is doing fine. Don't let those troubling times get the best of you. Been helping a brother in law get thru a bad time in their families life. He was really feeling he failed his family and made himself sick over what wasn't true. But hopefully we got his head/mind back to thinking better. And will continue to get better.

    So everyone, life is a beautiful thing, there is no one in this world that can do everything by themselves, so when you are feeling the pressure, please seek help. Love you all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today we did an Isagenix cleanse day so there was a lot of sitting around watching TV along with dog walking, rearranging rocks in the yard, and laundry. Jake came over for awhile and cut his hair while he was here.
    Cindy, good luck on getting the job you applied for.....all of us who have known you through the time you cared for family members know how caring and qualified you are.

    :flowerforyou: sundance, your quinoa ideas sound great.

    :flowerforyou: Kate, going for a walk instead of munching is a great idea

    :flowerforyou: Laura, one of the foods at the county fair was barbecued chicken wings and they served them in paper bowls that looked like dog dishes....it feels like Jake and I are dating but when he called today and asked if I'd like to come for breakfast tomorrow and he'd fix steak and eggs with hash browns, I declined the invitation....one of the benefits of having separate households for a short time is that I can eat what I want.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I stopped eating bread when I found out how much sodium it had and how many calories.

    :flowerforyou: Salomesalone, your soup sounds delicious and healthy

    :flowerforyou: Gini, you are so right about health.....I put it on my gratitude list every morning.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Mimi, I'm glad you're back....you always have such great insights to share.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Fitz, happy birthday and welcome back.....your great attitude always encourages me.....keep coming back

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Micki, congratulations on your 50 pound loss.

    :sad: Jane, I'm so sorry that you have to go back to PT again

    :flowerforyou: Esther, it took me a long time to get a handle on healthy eating and finding the right number of calories and finding the food that provided the most fuel for the fewest calories and keeping sodium down to a healthy level....take baby steps and before you know it, you'll have a plan that works for you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    August Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses or squats a day
    *17,000 steps a day
    * finish the rock project in the yard
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Come from a place of love
    *Don’t take things personally
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @Laura yes I know that is the miltary motto!! My hubby has inform me. too :wink: I may get impatient with waiting but we have always been grateful for all and any of the services my husband has recieved from the VA . It is a Blessing.

    Best wishes everyone I am using my daughter's laptop and she wants it back so I must hurry. :tongue:
    I hope everyone who is sick or having a hard time will recover quickly. Feel better. So happy for everyone;s victories. I love reading everyone's posts.

    Today was ok stay under but I did not plan so well today ate something I regret right away. Lesson learn don;t get lazy on planning out my menu and sticking too it.

    Working on getting some of our family favorites (MEALS) to be healthier cutting out ground beef to lean ground turkey skipping the recipes that have cream of soups in them., But have made a couple with fat free soups. My family has been getting tired of eating my salads and meat dinners but I do better eating that way so I will try to add one of there family favs like 1 x a week but maybe I just need to learn new recipes lol :happy:

    Anyway wish you all of the best.
    Thank you for your friendship and encouragment!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all! :happy:

    Well, first day back at work in five months…it was a teacher professional development day, so I did not have to face children, but I did have to think! Whew! :ohwell: I am really looking forward to my school year.

    Amanda, I love the mental image of your grandtwins in their “nappies” all covered in paint!

    Good luck on your job application, Cindy. :drinker:

    I am experimenting with quinoa, looking forward to trying Linda’s (aka Sundance) recipe and reading for other good ideas.

    Jane – l am looking forward to hearing about your reunion with your son. :smile: What part of the middle east was he travelelling in?

    Following up on the conversation about salmon…I have it in my lunch salad almost every day at work, unless there's left over chicken breast to be used up. On Sundays I poach 4 portions with a drop or two of liquid smoke (adds a nice flavour) and then throw one in with a pile of greens & chopped raw veggies. Top with a splash of balsamic vinegar.

    Oh, Gini, I hope you get good news about work soon. So smart of you to burn off the frustration on the exercise bike. :flowerforyou:

    Mimi, I am going to try the onion trick on my grill. I cook everything on the grill at this time of year and mine is on it’s last legs. The right side burner knob is jammed and there’s no heat control left. I have to improvise! Must convince DH that we need a new BBQ as much as we needed a new power washer (which he bought last weekend while we were in Sandpoint!)

    Butter vs. margarine? Butter all the way.:love: Calories are about the same, really, and butter tastes better!

    Fitz, what a great plan for your 50th B’day. You have earned it.

    Hang on, Jane, it’s got to get better in the long run. :flowerforyou:

    Hasta pronto,

    Nancy – I have jumped ahead to setting goals for September, because August is almost over anyway.

    Plan what I eat - eat what I plan. Every day.
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Workout 4 x a week at the gym, walk on the off days.
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind. :heart:
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    :smile: :smile:
    Just checking in to say , KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! I am too tired to write as It was such an early day for me! :yawn: :yawn:

    Lack of sleep = the hungry monster coming out! This day was filled with feeling the need to sleep, so therefore I felt hungry all day!

    There is a acronym H.A.L.T we want to eat/over eat when we are
    H-ungry (not eating breakfast, or not soon enough, so you are over -hungry) .
    A-ngry :mad:
    But we need to HALT and not eat for these reasons, as we are feeding these reasons and not our body nutritionally!

    Time for this one to head to bed, Younger daughter has school in the am............... Cheers.
    Praying for all to get feeling better soon, and I also was missing Dixie on here . I am praying that she is staying strong during this difficult time.:cry:
    Hugs, Linda- Sundanceb :heart:
  • rediup
    rediup Posts: 16
    i'm not 50 either i am turning 60 in oct so if i joined this one i woudl be kicked off in a couple of months I joined on July 20 and have lost 20 lb so far but not the hard stuff starts. i would love to be friends with you Please repley
  • mommie55
    mommie55 Posts: 23
    Dee for a sore throat use chai tea and gargle with it warm....it kills the pain! :flowerforyou:
  • mommie55
    mommie55 Posts: 23
    Evening Ladies
    I was doing so good at hitting my calories for today....Even went to Culver's for supper.....A treat to eat out :happy: ...and then I blew it!:angry: .......I went for a bike ride after supper, and after I logged my exercise for the day I was waaaaaaaay under :sad: ....I do not want to slip into the habit of eating too little again and returning to starvation mode...:cry: .......I have to keep reminding myself......you need to eat whether you are hungry or not....you have to feed your body so it can survive....Seems strange to say something like that ....but I was literally starving myself before I joined MFP . I was averaging 600-700 calories a day and gaining a lot of weight :frown:
    no wonder I was so tired all the time.....I thought the less you eat and drink , the better off you are.......boy was I wrong! :embarassed:
    Since starting to eat 1200 calories a day I feel better....I have more energy ......I am more active and ...I got my life back!!!......
    Here's Kudoo's to all you ladies with all your advice....THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Coming on here everyday is keeping me going on my goal......you do not know how much you have all helped me with your words of advice and encouragement....and How much I appreciate IT!!! :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,379 Member
    Took my car for what originally was to be an oil change, which turned into the 90,000 mile check and then they had problems. Wound up being there for almost 4 hours! Anyway, while I was there I read in Health magazine something that makes a lot of sense. It says that salmon is high in omega 3 fats that help produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter that relaxes us so we sleep more deeply. We've all read that when we get a good night's sleep, we tend to lose weight. Could this be why salmon helps lose weight?

    Had bunco here tonight, now I'm on the computer. I'm up late which means that I'm having carb cravings. A new gal came to bunco tonight, I think she enjoyed it.

    They worked on the pool today. It's about 2/3 full of water right now. They put the bonding wire down around the pool and where the spa will be. We're on the schedule for a bonding inspection tomorrow. All the backfill around the pool is in. The PLAN is to place the water slide so that they'll know where the pipe for the water should go. Of course, that can't happen until we have the inspection. Hopefully, the inspection will be early in the day.

    Dar - how I remember when my son left for college! I think I cried my eyes out, but he had absolutely no problem. I guess that's just part of motherhood!

    I'm constantly amazed at how much you are charged for things at a craft fair that are really junk! Things that, to me, I would just put in the garbage, but people are charging a lot for. I don't mind paying a decent amount of money if the item is worth it -- but so many times it just isn't worth it. I must say, tho, that if I find something at a really decent price, many times I've been known to buy it even if I didn't need it.

    Lin - I forgot about the Greek yogurt and how high in protein it can be. What I do is take the unflavored yogurt and put some frozen fruit in it. By the time the fruit defrosts, there is extra juice, just enough for the yogurt. Yum!!! And if I don't have any fruit (which VERY rarely happens) then I use a tsp of honey in it. No, I'm not lactose intolerant, as a matter of fact, I love my cheese. Trying to think of some high protein snacks that don't require refrigeration. I was trying to think of some when I went to get my car taken care of today. I decided that I'd bring something to eat with me. I had some of these dried peas, were they ever good!

    Linda - thanks for the idea. I could make up some quinoa and use it for a snack. I don't think it would need refrigeration, do you? I can keep it in the refrigerator until I'm ready to use it.

    I made a sunomono salad for bunco tonight. Basically, it's quinoa with cucumbers marinated. The original recipe calls for crab to be added, but I'm thinking that perhaps since I'll need to bring something to Mexican Train next month, maybe I'll make it again but make more of the marinade.

    Kate - you have a husband who picks out all the veges, too, huh? That's exactly what mine does, reminds me of a 2 year old. Heaven forbid there be a pea (just one) in his veges. You'd think he was going to die if he ate it. The mini-food-processor is a godsend, not to mention the garlic press....lol I swear, the person who invented the mini-food-processor deserves a medal!

    Laura and anyone else - I'm just the ttype of person who can't do the same exercise all the time, I just get too bored. Hopefully, my doing different exercises will give others ideas of different things to try. I did an hour of speed intervals on the treadmill today -- 30 sec run and then 30 sec of fast walk. Tomorrow I'll do deep water aerobics. When we were in France last year, it was helpful that Vince spoke some French (he took it for 5 years in high school). We went to one store (a train store). Now to my understanding most merchants speak at least a little English. But when we asked him if he spoke English he said "no". Fortunately Vince could get his thoughts across to the guy.

    One time my father commented on the fact that there was dust on the mantle in my living room. At the time I had three small chidren and dust was the last thing on my mind. So I asked him if he'd like a rag to dust it. He never commented on it again!

    salomesalone - thank for telling me about how to know if the candy is at the right temp without a candy thermometer. I'm assuming that if the first time you can't make a soft ball, you can use the same water for another time -- is that correct or will the heat from the candy lower the water temp too much?

    Gini - many times the pay in a job might be lower, but when you figure in the benefits, it's not much at all (if any) of a paycut. I'm really sorry to read about that gal at your job. Life sucks sometimes.

    fitz - happy, happy birthday!!! Oh, to be 50 again!!!

    Micki - congrats on the weight loss!

    Bought a new watch today. My old one was getting condensation in it, there was mold growing on the cover for the face. So I bought a new one. Now the old one was getting to the point where it would turn over on my wrist, I have small wrists. Now was that band somewhat stretched out? That I don't know. Anyway, instead of a stretchy band this time I got a link one that you clasp. Wonder how easy it'll be to take off/put on. Right now it's not that easy, but that might very well be because it needs to "stretch out" some.

    CPS2CR - woo hoo on being able to wear the rings!

    barbie - thanks so much for giving me a good reason to tell people why many times I avoid breads. Because of the sodium. I felt sort-of funny saying "because of the calories", I guess I'm just afriad that I'd get the "oh, you don't need to worry about calories" bit, but the sodium (especially in summertime for me) is a real deal breaker.

    rediup - welcome! And congrats on the weight loss!

    Well, better get to bed.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to the new posters -

    Half way through the week already - it's astonishing how fast they go.

    I'm at the gallery today and have already had a row with one of the assistants. I really try not to have rows with people, it's so draining, especially in the work environment, but she's a lazy young so and so and she just isn't doing any work. She's either on her mobile talking to her friends or going off to the post office and not returning for an hour. Very frustrating when I'm having to do her work as well as my own!

    And take a breath .... let it go .... and move on. There, all better now, thank you for being a haven to vent.

    I'm desperately trying to get things sorted for DH's birthday this Saturday when he finally reaches fifty. I've got two more gifts to get him - I wanted to get him fifty gifts and I'm almost there. Still have a bit of wrapping up to do though.

    When we were walking down Bond Street this morning, we passed Faberge and I saw the most gorgeous ring which is rose gold with white and pink diamonds. I said to DH, look, there's my next Christmas present from you. His response was, I'll see what you get me for my birthday first!

    I'm another one who loves quinoa - I just wish I could pronounce it! It's one of those things that I add to anything and feel good about doing it. I don't remember (forgive my memory) who advised me to add chia seeds to counteract the .... erm ... side effects of painkillers, but I now add some to my morning shake every day. Fab stuff! The only problem is you really need to clean your teeth straight after eating them - nothing worse than little black blobs stuck between your teeth.

    Michelle, I'm a vegetarian so don't eat salmon, but would love something that would produce serotonin and help me sleep. If I get four hours a night I consider myself lucky, but I have always been like that. It was much worse when I had apnoea of course, so I can't really complain and most of the time I just get up early and do some exercise.

    I'd better get on with some work - it's unusual for me to work on a Wednesday as I have my regular appointment with my psychologist, but I changed my appointment to 7:30 this morning so that I could come into the gallery.

    Have a good day my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hello everyone :flowerforyou:
    I am sorry that I do not get to post as much as I would like to but life gets in the way sometimes. I have been working odd hours and exrta days so busy here at the hospital and then playing chach up at home, I did have a wonderful surprise this morning. I lost 1.6 pounds. I kind of knew I had lost some ,but didn't think it would be that much.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day , I had better get back to work.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    De-lurking today, I am 53 and read to see all the great news on this topic everyday!

    So I added a new 30 day challenge to my self, instead of wii fit yoga for 10-30 minutes I am doing mybarre3 each morning. it is only $15 a month and you choose from 10,30,40 and 60 minute videos. I have wanted to try real life classes, but the one class here in houston was $20 for one hour, and 45 minutes from my home. It combines yoga, pilates and no joint jerking activities. so far so good on day 3, and the 10 minute ones give me a pretty big rush of energy! I have confessed to wii that I am cheating, but have to keep my motivation up!

    The other big change in the last two weeks is incorporating more salmon in my diet. I have the luxury of eating all my lunches out on business, and so I try to incorporate as much fish as possible. I am forgoing the normal seared tuna or sashimi tuns and choosing salmon… and am even guilty of suggesting restaurants with know salmon on their menu!

    Hope everyone is having a great august and is as motivated by mfp as I am!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,130 Member
    Heading out to meet a friend this morning to catch up a bit snd then errands. Hope to get back later today to write something more. If not, stay strong, and take good care of yourself.

    @Amanda - the lady at the health food store told me to pronounce quinoa as KEEN-WAH. Don't know if that's proper but that's what I was told. And I think I may have mentioned chia seed to you but I've actually stopped using it---too much result if you know what I'm saying.

    Gotta run (so to speak).

    Love ya all.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi Ladies! Boy am I glad I lived through yesterday! Got done at 8:25 pm. Actually it wasn’t nearly as awful as I thought it would be. I usually hate checking students off on skills….it’s mind-numbing, but it went well and pretty quickly. But then I got home and had a wine cooler and fell into bed. I’m really tired today.

    Janehadji: I hope your son got home safe and sound!

    Salomesalone: I don’t think I have seen the food savers for jars or attachments for jars; the ones I have seen have bags that you seal. I’ll have to go look again. They were nearly $200 last time I looked, so I didn’t get one because of the price.

    Mommie55: I like to use Zycam when I start feeling a cold coming on, only problem is it gives me some GI upset! Take it with food!

    Gini: sometimes we all need to whine. That was me yesterday. I get so frustrated with my kids I can hardly see straight. I hope you figure your job situation out…that has to be stressful.

    Mimi: great insights! Your trip sounded great. I keep looking at recipes with Quinoa but have never tried it. I had no idea it would taste like soap if not rinsed. Thanks for that info….I’ll keep it in mind if I’m tempted again to try some…it’s hard to find here unless you go to specialty stores, which I don’t go to…way too expensive.

    Kathy: Your poor toe! It’s like the world is out to get it! Maybe you should start wearing steel boots LOL. I think your spirits will raise when your mobility returns. DH stayed at work yesterday til 1;30; today he’s trying for 3.

    Judy: I can not STAND hot flashes. I get them and they last for hours on end. They aren’t really bad in the sense that I don’t sweat (much), but they are endless.

    Carolyn: I think I combined a few of your thoughts and read “Take time for napping” and I said “Now there is a woman after my own heart.” I LOVE to nap LOL

    Fitz: you have a great time at the beach! And happy birthday! Take all the spoiling you can get!

    Micki: Congrats on your loss! That is fabulous. I sure hope sister is ok and I will send her and you good thoughts!

    DebbieD: a marathon? Wow…keep us up to date on your progress in training and how you do in the race

    PS2CR: Great news on the rings. Sometimes those NSV are better than a pound or two gone!

    Jane: HUGS to you! Hopefully pt will help you

    DeeDee: kawf kawf! I wanted to cough on your co-worker too! Hope you feel better soon!

    Barbie: what is an Isogenix cleanse day? Cute poodle!

    Linda: Love the acronym! I wrote it down and put it on my computer monitor!

    Well I am not going to get to everyone today; it’s already 10 and I haven’t actually started working yet! I’ve been reading posts, drinking coffee and generally being a lazy bum. *Heavy sigh* Time to get busy. Take care! Meg
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yeah for Hump Day (Wednesday)

    Meg- yep that sodium will get you every time, I find it's one of the hardest things to keep under control, I'm forever telling myself to drink more water to wash it out:drinker:

    Jane- hoping your son arrived safely. He traveled to the Middle East:noway: If any of my boys had done that I would have been over the top with worry. Belgium Chocolate:love: when we visited Son #2 & DIL when he was with NATO in Belgium going to the chocolate shops was soooo much fun and oh the smells:tongue: But we learned quickly that when you buy the fresh made at the shop it spoils quickly so we'd only buy what we could eat every few days...then we would have to go back again:wink: for more. Count down to the wedding is getting close...it's sure to be lovely:flowerforyou:

    Salomesalon- your soup sounds wonderful.:drinker: I've always heard that Salmon is good for you and that it's always something recommended for those trying to lose. It's just been this time around that I've noticed that when I eat it that the next day the scale is lower and last week I had it twice and the scale proved it once again:flowerforyou:

    mommie55- good for you getting in 8 hrs of sleep. I've read that sleep is another helpful way to lose weight, I'm always shooting for at least 7 during the work week and the weekends I seem to get in 8 or 9 probably because I don't have an alarm to wake me up:wink: I'm not sure how to make salmon not taste like salmon, I use Blacken & Creole Seasoning on mine but I know that BBQ'd it really tastes wonderful to me...since hubby doesn't like it I don't fix it for him, he gets cod instead...I'd try some different spices to see what works...buy one fillet and cut it up into bite size pieces and fix each piece with different spices to see what works for you:flowerforyou: One day under won't put you into starvation mode it takes a lot more than that.

    Gini- hope you get the job you want:flowerforyou: I just wish hubby would get any job now after 17mo of being a house hubby he's really ready to get back to work, but at our age it seems to be that much harder to get a job:grumble: When we got my bike a few years ago I was a bit afraid of the shifters on both handles too, but now that we ride 6-7 times a week I'm so glad for them, even the smallest of hills I'm able to make the peddling that much easier:wink: After you get use to it you will love it:love:

    Mimi- your time with your family sounded wonderful. I do miss being able to see the extended family all of hubbys brothers & sisters are in Oregon & California and they just don't come our way and with hubby not working we just can't afford to head west to see them. We will drive to Las Vegas over Labor Day to see #1 Son but that about it for us. I saw your ticker and decided to change mine to my family picture we did in December 2010 when we were all together over the holidays.

    Kathy- those #15 is a great loss and after you are healed up you will jump all over those calories and continue on the journey. Hang in there:flowerforyou:

    fitz- sounds like you have a wonderful birthday planned with family:flowerforyou: That's the best way to celebrate thos mile stones of life. You will see progress in no time:flowerforyou:

    Micki- Congrats on that loss:drinker: Keep it up. Will keep your sister in my prayers, she really has had a lot to deal with and I know that time does heal the hurt eventually or at least makes if less painful:flowerforyou:

    Debbie D- a marathon...good for you...don't know that I'd be able to do that...I'm not a runner and never have been ...but good for you:drinker:

    PS2CR- :flowerforyou: I know that feeling of having the rings back on and feeling like they are supposed to:flowerforyou: It's those NSV that do keep us going when the scale isn't cooperating.

    jane- it will come, I just guess it will take a bit more time than you thought. Look at your PT as a good exercise program that's helping keep your body in shape:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- you will be better in no time:flowerforyou: When you said you were sniffing a cotton ball with peppermint it reminded me of when we went to visit the Celestial Tea Company in Boulder, when they open the door to where they keep the mint tea they have you step in and tell you if you are at all stuffed up it will clear up in a couple of deep breaths....boy were they right:wink: they have to keep the door to that room closed as it's so powerful:laugh:

    Esther- it takes quite a bit of experimenting to find what works for your body to get this weight to go away, one thing I've found is what works for someone else won't necessarily work for me, glad you are researching what will work for you:drinker:

    Barbie- I do understand the idea of being able to eat what you want to, sometimes I just wish it was easier or that someone else would fix it at my house:wink:

    Liz- I hear you when you say the family is tired of the salad, veggie & meat meals...my hubby feels the same way so sometimes I throw in a baked potato for him:wink:

    Nancy- salmon on my salad would be wonderful, but everytime I put it in for my dinner I always am over on my protein, but I figure that's better than being over on sodium or fat:wink:

    Michele- I can tell that you give your exercise a lot of thought, can't say I do...I'm still at the point where I'm mentally telling myself that as I work out I'm burning fat...just to keep going:laugh:

    Amanda- isn't it amazing how the younger generation sees nothing wrong with being on their phone to friends when they should be working:grumble: Probably a good thing I'm in a one woman office:wink:

    rp-Congrats on the loss:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies, this is the best place for total encouragement:flowerforyou:

    Last night's bike ride was really hard so we will take a walk on one of the wetland trail tonight and give the legs a bit of a break. I think hubby would take a complete day off if I said okay, but there always seems to be something lurking that causes us to miss one day a week so I'd rather not plan a day off.

    I lost 1.2 from last week, so a week with two nights of salmon paid off:bigsmile: I always love seeing the scale move to confirm that I'm doing something right.

    Hope everyone has a great day, keep up the good work it's gonna pay off for all of us. Drink, Eat & Move then log it all:drinker:


    PS This post became wayyy toooo long:blushing: sorry about that.:blushing:
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Morning! Thanks for the encouraging words after yesterday's rant. Later in the day, the boss at my temp job came down and told me he needs me long term and wanted to know what my situation was with another position I have pending. (I'm up for a contract job, but the project has been put on hold). I told him that my problem with staying here is the money. The pending job will pay me more than twice what he does and it's only a mile from my house. Anyhow, the outcome is that I have a place here until I find something else.

    Didn't end up riding the exercise bike yesterday after all. Went over to help DS and DIL with some yard work to get ready for a house warming this weekend. While we were there, my other son dropped the shifter bike off at my house, so there will be a ride tonight for sure.

    So many comments about Salmon! I stocked up when Costco had Cooper River in May. They sell it for about $10 lb vs the grocery $20-25. I sprinkle it with a mixed herb seasoning and grill it on cedar planks that have been soaking in water. Put a few dollops of homemade pesto on top...YUM!

    Planned out my breakfast, lunch and snacks today, but no clue what I'll do for dinner. The tomatoes are finally coming on strong so I need to get going on freezing, canning, salsa...Think I'll take fresh salsa to the house warming.

    Didn't do well with the water the last few days, already on second bottle today. I agree that my skin looks better when I drink more H2O.

    Laura - the long post is wonderful! I love reading all the comments. I'm usually posting from work and can't go back to respond individually. We all appreciate the time you and so many of the other ladies take to notice what's going on in our lives.

    Well, back to work. This is going to be a better day!
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    My son made it home safely, along with 200 lbs. of luggage. I'm so relieved! It made me really nervous, because they don't recognize his US citizenship there. Their military is mandatory for his age, and I worried that they might put him in the army. He says that I'm silly, but it's a legitimate concern. He goes back to college next week. His trip was to visit my husband's extended family.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Wednesday Everyone,

    I tried to combine my Zookinesis, chair yoga and one other seated upper body workout all into one long workout this am. Good news - I got through all of it. Bad new - lots of body parts creaking during and soreness after. Think I forgot for a minute that I'm 52 not 20! :frown: Probably won't do this again! So now, as I'm back to elevating, I can do a longer post!

    Carolyn - Your last post, Tuesday, was worded beautifully! Very inspirational!

    Fitz1191 -Happy Birthday! Sounds like you have a wonderful weekend planned. I hope you have a great time!

    Micki- Congrats on your loss (weight that is) and keeping your sister in my prayers!

    Debbie D - That's fantastic that you are training for a marathon! Best of luck!

    PS2CR - Great NSV!

    Jane - Best of luck with your PT!

    Esther50 - Glad things are moving forward for you!

    DeeDee- Hope you are starting to feel better!

    Michele - Hope the pool inspections goes without a hitch! You must be getting very excited that it's all coming together!

    Amanda - That is such a neat idea-50 gifts for turning 50!! I can imagine wrapping would take quite awhile!

    RPhillips - Congrats on your loss!

    Pkw58 - Wecome-mybarre3 sounds like fun, I'll have to check it out when my foot is better!

    Laura 80111 - Thanks for the encouragement and congrats on your loss!

    Meg - Glad your DH is making progress!

    Take care everyone! :drinker:


    “Let us not be content to wait and see what will happen, but give us the determination to make the right things happen.”

    ~Horace Mann~