For all the committed folks... Do you schedule exercise?



  • FitBunnyEm
    FitBunnyEm Posts: 320
    Yes- I look at my workouts the same way I look at other things I prioritize in my life. Sleep, work, eat, workout- after those 4, everything else is secondary.

    as above ^^ i book my exersize classes and pay a week early so i have to go lol
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I have a strict schedule. I look at it the same as a doctor's appointment or a show up, no excuses (or there will be consequences).
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I WISH I could schedule a workout. I just try to workout as early as possible. When at least one of my kids is sleeping :tongue: .
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Yep. its on my calendar.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,618 Member
    I am still trying desperately to get into an exercise routine but I always seem to put it off or something comes up and I say, "Oh, well I will just get to the gym tomorrow." For those of you who have had success losing weight and keeping up an exercise routine, how do you view exercise? Do you schedule it in each day and look at it as an immovable appointment? Any suggestions/advice is MUCH appreciated. Thank you!!!
    Lol, I schedule other stuff around my workouts! When I can anyway. When it's important to you, you MAKE time. And that has to come from you.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I haven't read through all 5 pages, so if most of this is a repeat, I'm sorry.

    I schedule it like it's something really important that can't wait. Every day, Monday through Saturday. Sunday is the day that I spend with my grandpa. Every day I wake up, drink my coffee, and read for a bit. Then I go up stairs, get dressed, and leave for the gym. After the gym is any errands that I have to do. Then I go home and get ready for work.

    It took me a LONG time to get to this point. For about a month I was fighting it every day. Now it's just habit, and it's working. I feel bad if I don't go when I say that I will. I feel like I've forgotten something and I won't be happy until I go.

    It's about priorities. That's what it boils down to. Either you will do it or you won't. What works for me may not work for you. Make it a priority in your life. Make it just as important as being at work on time, or putting gas in the car. Until then you will ALWAYS find an excuse for it.
  • slb45
    slb45 Posts: 2 Member
    To quote my personal trainer...."sometimes life gets in the way". I schedule my workouts and treat them like an "unbreakable" appointment, but when something "gets in the way" I try to decide what's most important in my life. I believe you have to stick with those workouts long enough for them to become a habit. Its not always easy, but lots of things in life aren't easy. Good luck and i'm sure you will be on the right track in no time.:smile:
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Yup. Sunday nights I come up with a week plan for food and exercise while watching TV or movie with the boy. Sometimes I change it as I go, but it's SO NICE to have a default to fall back on if I'm not up to thinking or planning on the fly.
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 219 Member
    I work full-time and have 3 school age children who are all involved in at least 2 sports each as well, so I am very busy!

    Yes, I schedule exercise daily. In fact, I plan out what type of exercise and time of day for exercise probably at least a week in advance, usually for the entire month. I feel that if I did not do that then I would never exercise!

    I've also been doing some kind of race at least monthly if not a couple/few times per month. This includes; 5K, road cycling race, and triathlons. This has kept me motivated and accountable.
  • LeslieC1970
    I do schedule it. I also got a trainer to make sure I didn't cancel it either. For me I had to look at my reasons for not exercising and it really came down to where I could find the right time given my daily commute. I have now joined the gym close to my work and go there for my lunch hour. I used to eat at my desk and not take the time. Now I take the time and invest in exercise.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    there are 3 things mandatory in my schedul

    working out

    pretty much in that order

    making it non optional is the best thing you can do, sometimes it's great, sometimes it sucks, but you keep pushing forward
  • ellehcimyelhsa
    I have found this to be very difficult for me too. I have a very high needs baby who only wants her mama most of the time. I try to at the very least walk a mile every day. It has become part of our bed time routine since the baby usually falls asleep if I wear her. If she wakes up early, I take it as an opportunity to start my day with a walk too. It's not much and I do try to get to the gym or do DVDs too, but it's better than nothing.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Also (seeing now your request for advice!) when I was getting started, I started small. Running 3x a week for 1/2 hour. And the running was a Couch to 5k type program where i walked/ran until i could do a solid 1/2 hour. I built around that. and found it gave me an opportunity to *love* my workouts, which has been crucial for me.

    And, I think my best trick - I'm still not sure where I got it from- was to sleep in my workout clothes, with shoes, sneakers, phone, iPod, and keys all right together. I would get up, roll out of bed, and be out the door before I knew what was happening. My body got used to the hour (and going to bed earlier) with time, but I was so asleep for most of it, I barely noticed :laugh:
  • da1128
    da1128 Posts: 212 Member
    Early morning, every day, I run ten miles on the treadmill. If I don't do it, I feel out of sorts for the rest of the day. It makes me feel happy, energetic, and accomplished. The first thing I see when I walk into this room is the treadmill and my running clothes and shoes. I throw them on, take my vitamins, eat a very small breakfast, then hit it hard. Nothing else gets done until I hit that ten mile mark.

    Oh yeah, I crank up some good, loud rock music too!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Yes, I do! Schedule 3 days a week lifting and bit cardio, and rest I try and do 30 or more a day of reg moving stuff, bike, walk, garden,hike etc..I am a planner..If it is not on my 2 do's it gets lost in the day;-)
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    i think of it as a job. I have to be there at the same time every day. After 6 months of this, I feel guilty if I miss a day! :D
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Three days a week at the gym. I'm working on scheduling the rest of my days now that my son is about to start school. I expect the routine to take a few weeks to get used to!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I have my set exercise days and I only miss them if I'm still extremely sore from a previous workout or it's literally impossible (gym is closed).

    No excuses. Some days (like today) I have to get up at 2am for an early, 9hr shift at work. Afterwards, I go home, eat and relax a bit, and then I'm off to the gym, because it means that much to me. On those days I'm very tired and don't always "want" to go as my job is active and I've often not had much sleep the night before but I won't let life get in the way of what means that much to me.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I wake up knowing it is something I HAVE to do today. No excuses. Even if my day is busy I find a way to get some type of movement in. If you want to succeed you have to push yourself. Tomorrow turns into the day after, turns into never.
  • msbobbitx
    msbobbitx Posts: 66 Member
    Yes. It's the only way I can stick to it.