Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for January



  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    hello again everyone. it has been a while. i had company here that just have left. it has really thrown my exercise time off for the last couple of weeks. (there is a limit to just how late i'm willing to stay up to get a turn with the tv!) the college age kids can usually out last me and my husband is up real early.

    anyway, no more excuses everyone has gone and i can refocus.My diet has been good, but i need work out time. i will get on wii fit + tonight. (get scolded by the little board) and get on with some work.

    have a healthy day- katie
  • I shouldn't say that I all out don't like Wii Fit, I mostly don't like that you have to pick each exercise individually and can't put together a routine that runs straight through sort of like in Active. If Plus can do that, I might have to pick it up because the first one is fun but it just isn't much of a workout for me. On another note, I got 30 min on Active last night and did a 200 calorie workout. Woohoo! Definitely a little sore today though...
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I shouldn't say that I all out don't like Wii Fit, I mostly don't like that you have to pick each exercise individually and can't put together a routine that runs straight through sort of like in Active. If Plus can do that, I might have to pick it up because the first one is fun but it just isn't much of a workout for me. On another note, I got 30 min on Active last night and did a 200 calorie workout. Woohoo! Definitely a little sore today though...

    With the Wii Fit + you can create your own workouts based on what you would like to work on. You can either chose your own or just the area you want to improve and then it will run straight through each one without having you pick the next activity, only with the little break while it goes to the next activity.

    I'm thinking about getting EA Active, but I have My Fitness Coach right now, and I think I will work on that for a while. MFC will continue straight for the desired time chosen except to ask if the segment was too hard or just right.
  • lslough
    lslough Posts: 32
    I am new to this site and to the wii.
    My goal is 30+ minutes at least 5 times a week!
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi. I'm up for this too. I don't really use my wii fit much except for the free step which I do when I'm watching TV.
    My goal is to do a workout on EA active & EA active more workouts at least 5 times a week. I will try to do a workout on both. If not one or the other.

    So far this week from Monday I had done 83 minutes on EA active and 91 minutes on EA Active more workouts finishing 4 workouts on each.
    I am doing the 30 day challenge on EA active and the 6 week challenge on the other so we'll see how I go!!!

    Good luck everyone with your goals.
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Try the hula hoop- it is pretty good!!
    Today was 22 mins on treadmill, then 45 mins with personal trainer workout, then to home and on the Wii for 16 minutes more of exercise..
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I shouldn't say that I all out don't like Wii Fit, I mostly don't like that you have to pick each exercise individually and can't put together a routine that runs straight through sort of like in Active. If Plus can do that, I might have to pick it up because the first one is fun but it just isn't much of a workout for me. On another note, I got 30 min on Active last night and did a 200 calorie workout. Woohoo! Definitely a little sore today though...

    With the Wii Fit + you can create your own workouts based on what you would like to work on. You can either chose your own or just the area you want to improve and then it will run straight through each one without having you pick the next activity, only with the little break while it goes to the next activity.

    I'm thinking about getting EA Active, but I have My Fitness Coach right now, and I think I will work on that for a while. MFC will continue straight for the desired time chosen except to ask if the segment was too hard or just right.

    I love my ea active (well kinda love hate relationship), i actually got it for 20.00 off. I have been doing it pretty good all week.
  • judithwelch
    judithwelch Posts: 33 Member
    Helo Everyone - I have been away for a week or two. I was sick and couldn't really work out much. I am back into the swing of things again. Last night I went to a meeting and they were raffling off copies of the Wii Active Personal Trainer game. I won one!!!! I used it tonight for the first time. I am sure I am going to be sore tomorrow. I worked out for 50 minutes with it.

    For those that have this game and HRM's do you find the calories burned on the game to accurate or even close to what your HRM says?
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Trish- Thanks for the review on the Wii games. I think I will go for the Wii Plus due to my two torn shoulders. If I step it up too much, I won’t be able to do it.

    Teetee - Good luck on your 3K run! Let us know how you do.

    Katie – Do you talk back to your Wii when it scolds you? I do.

    Welcome Islough! That’s a good starting goal.

    Welcome Eclairuk! Those are impressive goals. I hope you’re successful with them.

    Judithwelch – Glad to hear your feeling better. Wow! That’s pretty cool you won a new workout DVD.

    All of you are doing so great. Today is my rest day, but I have barely been making my 30 minute step a day. It’s just been one of those weeks.

    Good luck tomorrow!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    We are going out of town tomorrow and won't get to play on my wiii all weekend :(
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    For those that have this game and HRM's do you find the calories burned on the game to accurate or even close to what your HRM says?

    Every time I burn a lot more than what the game says, so I always make sure to weigh my HRM. To me, it's about 1/3 off if not more from my calories burned.

    JAM: My run was great, I actually ran/jogged the whole thing and completed in 21 mins. There is one for Valentines day, I want to improve my time just a little bit.
    Today, I plan to get in some time with MFC, then maybe Fit+. I'm thinking about getting another game, just can't decide which, right now.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    I just did 30 minutes on EA Active and those jump lunges were killers! I am definetly going to be feeling this tomorrow. On an even better note since I have started Wii I have lost 7 pounds:noway: which is nice. Wii helped melt away those holiday pounds I put on and more. I would like to set my EA Active to burn more calories per workout does anyone know how I might do that? Thanks in advance.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I just did 30 minutes on EA Active and those jump lunges were killers! I am definetly going to be feeling this tomorrow. On an even better note since I have started Wii I have lost 7 pounds:noway: which is nice. Wii helped melt away those holiday pounds I put on and more. I would like to set my EA Active to burn more calories per workout does anyone know how I might do that? Thanks in advance.

    Rachi20024 - WOW! 7 pounds! U ROCK!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I just did 30 minutes on EA Active and those jump lunges were killers! I am definetly going to be feeling this tomorrow. On an even better note since I have started Wii I have lost 7 pounds:noway: which is nice. Wii helped melt away those holiday pounds I put on and more. I would like to set my EA Active to burn more calories per workout does anyone know how I might do that? Thanks in advance.

    Rachi20024 - WOW! 7 pounds! U ROCK!

  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks for the welcome Jam. Fingers crossed I can meet them. I will be trying my best but sometimes life gets in the way :smile:

    Anyway update for today I did 20 minutes EA Active (96 cals) & 26 minutes EA Active more workouts (139 cals). I also did 30 minutes on the wii free step because I wanted to see something on TV :laugh: (108 cals). Not sure how accurate the calorie burn is on these things but that's what it said.

    Think I'll have a rest over the weekend and start again on Monday.

    Have a good weekend everyone :happy:
  • judithwelch
    judithwelch Posts: 33 Member
    Evening All - I just completed an hour on EA Active. Completed Day 2 of the 30 day challenge and completed a bunch of boxing afterwards.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Today I finally made 45 minutes on the Wii! Maybe I can keep it up the rest of the week.

    I hope everyone is having a nice evening.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Today I did 10 minutes expert boxing, Island Lap and 10 minutes expert boxing. It made me sweat.

    I hope everyone is having a good Saturday,

  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    Good Evening,
    This morning I woke up super early and my mind just wouldn't stop. So I decided to exercise with my EA Active even though it was a "rest" day. I am glad I conquered a consistant weeks worth of exercise. I hope to do the same next week. My toosh hurts from all of the squats and lunges but like they say "no pain no gain!" Good night.:yawn:
  • Hello all! I am new to My Fitness Pal and the Wii Fit Plus. I just received it about 4 days ago. The first and second days I burned 455 calories each day. The third day I didn't have time to get on the thing. Today I finally programed a routine for my strength days. I did 40 minutes and burned 208 calories. On my other days I try to do at least 30 minutes of cardio.

    I had not had time to completely go thru the whole game. I saw a game that said "free step". For some reason, in my mind that meant I could just go for a walk. I clicked on it, set the time for 20 minutes, then my little Mii started doing step aerobics! Ok, so I went with it. I mean how bad could it be? OMG!!! I thought I was going to die after 5 continuous minutes of up and down, up and down. But I kept with it and did the whole 20 minutes.

    Then I was so proud of myself I thought I would run a bit. (I have not run since 2006 when I had lost a few pounds and thought I was in better shape than I was, then promptly pulled a muscle in my butt! Gave up running after that! ) So, I set the timer for 10 minutes and did laps around my love seat. I did all 10 minutes!!

    So my goals for January are

    1. do cardio 3 times a week
    2. do strength training 2 times a week
    3. don't pull any muscles
    4. don't kill myself doing it!
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