Tell something interesting / odd about your life.....



  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    At age 4 my mom saved me from being hit by a car. She was hit instead. My birthday is March 18, my dad died March 19. I miss him terribly. At age 20 I fell asleep at the wheel on the highway. Thank God I'm still here to tell you about it and I'm the most optimistic person you'll ever meet.
  • jf0311
    jf0311 Posts: 17
    I had a fantastic childhood growing up on a teeny, tiny island (3 miles long, 1/2 mile wide) called Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


    My dad served on the USS Kwajalein in WWII! I have a couple pictures of it that I found on the internet.

    I was there in the 70's, but usually the only people who have every heard of the place are vets who served in WWII. The island was retaken from the Japanese as the US stormed across the Pacific in WWII.

    And US Marines... :) Never been, but know of it thru history. Stationed in Okinawa, Phillippines, Iceland.
  • RadiantxReality
    RadiantxReality Posts: 27 Member
    When I was two, I sliced my big toe off on my right foot. It fell off in my mom's hand on our way to the ER. Doc's reattached it. That toe is now a bit smaller than the one on my left foot and the nail grows slanted.
  • Uuuhlexis
    Uuuhlexis Posts: 90 Member
    When I was 16 I danced on French TV for the International New Years Parade with UDA..the Eiffel Tower was our backdrop ;)
    ..and then at 17 I was in a 3 car collision (not my fault), and I have soft tissue damage..I don't dance anymore.

    Also, my boyfriend and I have 4 cats, 2 hedgehogs, and one dog..we call it a zoo :)
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I have had a brain tumor, bladder cancer and protate cancer. I am indestructable.

    Giddy up my friend...way to go!

    Thank you!
  • Janet9906
    Janet9906 Posts: 546 Member
    I have had a brain tumor, bladder cancer and protate cancer. I am indestructable.

    Hell ya!!! :heart: :heart:
  • LibLadyB
    I'm friends with David Newell (aka, Mr McFeely)
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    My mother named me after a girl she saw on a missing person's poster.

    My mother's maiden name is Holliday (we happen to be closest living descendants of Doc Holliday), and she was born on Christmas while I was born on Thanksgiving. If I had my mother's maiden name, you could guess my birthday from my name (Cheyenne Autumn Holliday).
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Wow is my life ever boring....I had my first broken bone when I was 47....hated it.
    I can't travel to the states......anymore for now...!
    I told a priest to f*&k off last night and get back in his f*&kin car....god I'm bad/ lol
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I survived 2 motorcycle accidents - and I still ride!
    I'm a 55 yr old female and a year ago I bought a new-to-me 1500cc motorcycle!

  • jf0311
    jf0311 Posts: 17
    My little brother and I saved each others' lives on the same day. Rogue wave came, I was able to lift him up an embankment but unable to climb it myself. He grabbed my arms and held on while the water washed up to my waist. We were 7 & 9.

    Watched Mt St Helens erupt on May 18th, 1980.

    Been thru enough typhoons & hurricanes to think they are kinda boring now.

    Have a hypermobile patella. That means I can slide it all over my knee. I'm used to it, but it grosses out most others.

    My USMC career can be described as "Missed it by 2 weeks". To include the Loma Prieta earthquake, invasion of Panama, Operation Desert Shield/Storm, and eruption of Mt Pinatubo.
  • jcriscuolo
    jcriscuolo Posts: 319 Member
    In spite of having acrophobia (fear of heights), aerophobia (fear of flying) and veloxrotaphobia (fear of roller coasters), I jumped out of an piper cub and parachuted from 3000 ft. using a static line (no tandem back in those days). My girlfriend (now my wife) jumped out right after I did. I knew then that she was special. :heart:
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm related to Pat Benetar, my hubby is related to Nicholas Cage and Francis Ford Coppola,

    AND the guy who played the fat kid pitcher on the original Bad News Bears is my husband's cousin :) We see him quite often.
  • _KatieKat
    _KatieKat Posts: 224
    I have a huge obsession with having clean feet, I never go barefoot, I wear socks even in the summer in the house. Everyone makes fun of me about it!
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    3 months after moving, my town got hit by an earthquake pretty bad. (89)
    4 months after another move, the house I lived in was destroyed in a hurricane (91)
    2 months after I moved in '02 my bedroom was completely flooded.

    My first winter in GA (95) and PA (02) we had a white Christmas
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    I can wrestle a 350 pound ostrich to a standstill. Used to raise them. Also did a lot of the veterinary car on them and performed autopsies when they died.
  • louisey112
    louisey112 Posts: 576 Member
    Wow - after reading some of these, I've learned that I have lived a boring life! But here's my contribution anyway: I was born on the Fourth of July, my mom was born on Christmas and my brother just missed New Year's by a day. My second toe is also longer than my big toe. I'm a blonde cleverly disguised as a brunette. My sis-in-law was murdered 5 years ago and the a$$hat is still on the loose, only person I waste energy on hating.
  • tiffanysew
    I once pissed in a cornfield somewhere in Ohio
  • trevpimp
    trevpimp Posts: 170 Member
    I love root beer floats and the smell of gasoline.
    I can also wiggle my ears
  • moonpieto
    moonpieto Posts: 76 Member