Married and heavy flirting good or bad



  • NikkiCastagneto
    Bad. That attention should be focused on your spouse. Light friendly flirting is one thing, heavy flirting is not acceptible.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member

  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Checking out members of the opposite sex happens, but I'm gonna have to say heavy flirting is "bad."

    If someone else is on the receiving end of the flirting that should be coming MY way, then they should also have to deal with the dirty laundry on the floor, the messy kitchen, the stack of clean clothes spilling off of the dresser, the filthy bathroom, cleaning up vomit from a stomach bug, and the various health issues that I made a vow to be here for. Granted, I adore my other half, but I put up with too much stuff for his flirting to be going anywhere else but right here. If he thinks there's something else out there, he knows where the door is.

    Additionally, whoever's on the receiving end of the flirting I should be getting can send me a fat check each month for the money I pay so he can have health coverage, car insurance, and a cell phone. I didn't get married so that someone else could get any of the good perks while I'm left with the stuff that takes effort.

    If I wanted a roommate who could flirt with anyone he damn well pleased, I'd have a roommate, not a husband. :)
  • yummymummy65
    yummymummy65 Posts: 86 Member
    Why borrow trouble???
  • Delilah7
    Delilah7 Posts: 6 Member
    It is cheating and the other person in the relationship deserves someone better!!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    Whether you're married or in a relationship, I personally believe it is disrespectful. My ex flirted with a friend then slept with her, a while later I saw the texts, it didn't stop him, but something he said to a friend is true, I wouldn't have liked it if she did it to me, it would've hurt so much so basically if you wouldn't be happy with your partner flirting, etc with someone else, don't do it to them. Of course, some people won't agree with me, to each their own, it's just my take on it.
  • unJunk
    unJunk Posts: 29
    I don't flirt. I make E-babies.

    Got 99 problems, but child-support aint one!

    Is that like a Tamagotchi?
  • majikmiker
    majikmiker Posts: 291 Member
    Bad idea. If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence. WATER YOUR OWN DAMN YARD :)

    What if you have weathered crab grass and want to try some Kentucky Blue Grass?

    I just researched grass, here is a quote from the site
    "One of the reasons that this grass[Kentucky Blue] is popular is that, in addition to having beautiful blades, it can spread."

    That grass sounds goooooooooooood. ;)

    LMAO. I gotta stop drinking while reading posts......either that or i'll shrink wrap my computer monitor to protect it from me spraying liquids while laughing. :laugh:
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    effing disgusting and disrespectful to your spouse

  • monram34
    monram34 Posts: 17 Member
    I would have said go for it if not for the "heavy"
  • emotionalharlequin
    Horrible. My brother in-law does it and doesn't think anything bad about it. My sister absolutely hates it and has confront him about it, but he tries to justify it but it's not something worth justifying. My brother in-law also thinks that cheating on your wife after being married to them for a few years is okay. (They've been married for 13 months, and as far as we know, he hasn't cheated on her.) Good luck to him if he cheats on her and my dad and brother find out. Idiot.
  • Sweetpea472
    Sweetpea472 Posts: 229 Member
    Depending on your relationship, light flirting may be acceptable. Heavy flirting? Never.

    Tuesday was my 20th wedding anniversary; my husband is my one & only, and I would never behave in a way that might cause him to doubt that. I love and respect him too much.
  • CowgirlKimi
    CowgirlKimi Posts: 107 Member

  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    oh sweet jesus not again...
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    If all parties are ok with it, I don't see a problem. My husband and his buddies know I'm a flirt and we all know that nothing is going to happen. My being fat and plain also help.

    How you doin'? :love: :flowerforyou:
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    What the hell is 'heavy flirting'??? I feel like I'm in a classroom in the 1940s and we're about to watch one of those 'dating dos and don'ts' videos...

    Also, I'd be seriously annoyed if my man 'heavy flirted(?)' with anyone and I'm not a jealous person but he's going out with me and part of that means not pulling stuff like that.
  • CowgirlKimi
    CowgirlKimi Posts: 107 Member
    When faced with a question like this... I tend to want to know, what does God say about this? I mean, you want the average Joe to give you their opinion.,.. why not ask THE ONE? The One who made you? The One who you pray to when things go wrong or you are in a jam? Or The One you may just beg to get you out of the sticky mess that online flirting will almost certainly lead you into. I know, because I myself have done that in the past, and guess what... a divorce, and custody battle later, here I sit... encouraging you, my dear friend, to not ask us average Joes.. but ask God what HE thinks of it? GREAT NEWS! We just so happen to have a written document where God addresses the topic of thinking of other women: check out Matthew 5:28.
    I get that this is not the answer you want to hear. I get it. DUDE. I GET IT. But you know what... that woman you are married to.... she loves you, and you made a VOW TO HER, and she to you. PERIOD. A man doesnt back down on his word. EVER.

    Now you have to ask yourself, am I the guy that does the thing that "feels good" and is temporary? Or am I a MAN that does the RIGHT thing because I am a Man of God and I will stand for what is right in a world of wrong. I will choose to love and honor the woman I made a vow to before God. I will choose to love and honor my family with my commitments to myself and my home. I will choose to be faithful and not a louse!

    Truth can be painful. I know... but man, do I wish someone had loved ME enough to give me that kind of dose of truth about 80,000 dollars ago and before I lost custody of both of my children for getting involved in internet garbage. SAVE YOURSELF. LOVE YOUR MARRIAGE, SERVE YOUR GOD.

    <3 Now go give that wife of yours a hug!

    Have a great day!

    PS: grab a copy of the book: Every Man's Battle... SO GOOD!
  • Peter_Brady
    Peter_Brady Posts: 3,750 Member

  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
  • yusaku02
    yusaku02 Posts: 3,472 Member
