Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hello Myth,

    I bought several shades of letuce leaves in the produce section of a super store. They had Romaine, spinich, red leaf, and 2 other leves that looked edible. Should make for a great salad. I like lots of different greens to make the salad look pleasant. Will use a little salsa as dressing.
  • aubreysgrammy
    aubreysgrammy Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks Myth, made it thru yesterday without doing much damage!! Darn if my son and grandaugter didn't stop in last night with Dairy Queen, but I shared mine with Aubrey and didn't each much of it at all, so that in itself is an accomplishment! Ate my salad last night for dinner and will have one for lunch tomorrow and may even be daring and have a third one some time this week!! My mother brougt over half of a cake I love called "Dr. Bird" cake, and I asked her to please take it back home with her......she did. So I made it thru yesterday without going over my calorie limit. Of course the scale didn't show any weight loss for this week but I feel thinner!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    All right Im in for the challenge!!!!

    I can now have mindless drinking today..

    and Im about to go vege store to get some lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, olives - Im going to make the yummiest salad tonight!!!!

  • chipgal-- "other kinds that looked edible" -- haha :)

    Had a salad last night with dinner :) . And another success today--at McDonald's. We had a block off and everyone decided to walk to the nearby McDonald's for lunch. Unfortunately, I had money in my pocket. Usually I try not to bring money to school so I don't spend it on fast food... but anyways. I also had a perfectly good packed lunch in my bag, but I didn't bring it to the McDonald's!

    My success was that I limited myself to buying a hot chocolate, AND resisted the tempation to eat people's fries when they got full. I call that a win! I returned to school and ate my packed lunch instead :) Hooray :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    u kill me, other kinds that look edible ROFL We have a friend from china who says they call us rabbits cause we eat raw veggies with out cooking them,lol. I could not use slasa for dressing atleast I dont htink so. I use wishbone vinegerette. I also use hard boiled egg, turkey, and 2% cheese. I can not eat iceburg lettuce I eat like earthbound mixture of a bunch of leaves! lol I did have a salad today when I was not expecting to, but hubby dragged me to Panera so I got salad! lol
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    WOW, Dairyqueen! Depending on the icecream I dont know tha it could have done that,lol. Although I am not much of a plain ince cream of cake person I need stuff like fudge and peanut butter etc,lol so ya I am bad,lol. Byt he way you can NOT just leave us hanging at Dr Bird cake rofl. What the heck is that?? As far as the weightloss, thispast week did not seem so good for a few of us so keep going! You did awsome!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Funny cause I cant put all that in my salad,lol. Salad, lettuce, hardboiled egg, turkey and cheese(2%) With a vinegeratte dressing. Have fun with the water, but yall dont yell at me when you have to wake up and pee in the night, my dh said the other day I swear you are like a alarm and you get up every night at 3am to pee, rofl. It sucks cause I knwo I get up atleast once a night to pee. UGH!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Ha not eating others french fries that is totally me with my kids! lol I eat theres. lol And yes congrats yes you won! Noting but hot chocolate that is awsome! Hey you saved money to! :)
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member

    Glad to keep you amused. Have not been home long enough to wash all the greens. Hopefully will get home earlier tonight.

  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member

    Keep up the good work. Seems like 4 years when you give up something you really enjoy.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    I am the same as you! I have weighed my self when I shouldnt and i am happy! I can not wait till friday I HOPE!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    I have had my 2 salads this week and will probably have another one tommorrow as well. I am def drinking a lot of water. I was proud of my self for the past 2 days.... When I went to panera with hubby I got salad today when I went to Fax and the hound I had a salad again. Also today when I went to starbucks with hubby cause I so wanted one, I only got a tall and I only drank half! I was like wow I Can do it! lol I am just worried about this weekend! I do not want to blow it! Ok off to do dishes and laundry :)
  • newbeginning--wow good for you :) i think you deserve it after having such a rough time of it !

    i've been fighting a cold all week, which means less activity than normal. i've been goingover my calories (i have 1410 for starters every day), but only by around 50-100, so it's not that bad.. it's just i'm used to having 300 extra calories or so from exercise!! hopefully once i get over this cold i'll be back on track... which i need to be if i want to be 130 by july!! i weighed myself today and was 145.8, which is not quite a pound off since last week (weighed myself as 146.4 last tues) but is still an improvement! however, i'm feeling really motivated now for some reason, haha!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    WOW EEK how did you manage to resist the temptation of Macca's. GOOD ON YOU!!!!

    I have to avoid fast food places like a plaque or I will end up ordering way too much.

    self control self control!!!!!!

    argh need to pee again.. Ive taken on mindless drinking and I keep wanting to go..
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member

    I love those times like your party. I can relate! The one thing that shocked me was my first time like that. I realized I was thinking abotu the food when this is about friends and fun NOT FOOD! It was liek a light bulb,lol. To bad those lightbulbs go out an dI have to keep replacing them but I do replace them! :)

    Hi Myth

    I was reading this message you posted the other day. I was out having lunch with my sister and her little boys. Usually I would just cram all the food in my mouth. But thinking about your post made me realise. Im here because I enjoy my sisters company. I get to spend time with my little nephews. So why focus on the food. I should focus on the company - it was a revelation!! I did eat but I wasn't solely focused on food. I didn't eat as much as I would have and I really enjoyed my family lunch outing!!! YEH!!!!! Hope I can keep this mindset up!!!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Congradulations on the family meal Jaymie. I took myth's advise as well and found I took a box home from the restruant because we visited more than ate. I think it was a great idea. keep posting.:bigsmile:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Still have yet to wash my greens, maybe tonight. I do not have anything planned.

  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks Chipgal!!

    Im going to have my second salad for either dinner or lunch today!!! this challenge is great!!!

    I feel like I have to behave now because Im being held accountable by everyone on this thread!!!

    its fantastic!!!! its hard but I need "big brother" to be watching over me!!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    I weighed my self this morning and I havn't budged!!! Ive been eating pretty well and I started exercising..

    even though the scale hasn't moved I actually feel better about myself and Im not so lethargic all the time!!

    just wish those scales would budge..
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