Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MCSCarney
    MCSCarney Posts: 45 Member
    HI, I'd like to lose 100 pounds and have 2 towards that goal. so I'll jump in here every now and then. I was in a group for losing 60 pounds but it looks like it has gone dormant - tonight I was talking to myself in there :))) I've made a point of tracking food every day for the past 10 days, even when i have to go back and catch up. Some tracking is better than none.
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    OK so I've been pretty busy and was to tired last night to come on.

    Thursday truth.....hhmmm...I haven't done any homework so far and I've had two days of classes now. Ok so not fitness or food related but still. I also have had like a soda a day for the past few days. I really need it on Thursday after only getting 4 hours of sleep. I needed the caffeine pick me up.

    Friday fitness.... I've been slacking a little on my exercise due to the fact that I am now more busy. But I am doing things like walking around campus and also when I'm working I am moving around the whole time so I am moving I'm just not doing like a specific set exercise solely for doing the exercise.

    *skinnyjeanz~ like the new pic, Aribella is a beautiful name!
    *LAmypie~ Congrats on the jogging. All it takes is the willingness to try and sometimes we can amaze ourselves.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I almost forgot! Two good things today:

    1. My NoOodles I ordered with my groupon arrived today! I sure hope I like them b/c I have 24 servings worth and they expire Nov. 15th.

    2. Got my blood-work results: cholesterol is 222 (down from 247 last summer). Doctor says it's still borderline, but I can stay off my meds b/c she's convinced it will continue to improve as I lose more weight. Also, triglycerides were down a bit (though they've never been bad). One thing that really surprised me is my sodium is way down over the past few years. The website has an option to compare current results with past test results in a line graph. When I did that with my sodium result, I could see a sharp decline over the past few years. Doc has never mentioned sodium levels (probably b/c my BP is so good), but it was nice to see that my nutrition changes have had an impact even though I'm rarely under the 2500mg MFP recommends. Apparently, I was much higher before and never realized it. My only issue is low vitamin D levels, so I need to take a supplement. I bought a calcium/D combo and will try to take it daily--I'm pretty bad at taking vitamins (or any pills for that matter)--I just forget.

    Great news!!! :drinker:

    Do you take magnesium as well? I am also deficient in vitamin D, and my doc said to be sure I take my magnesium so I am better absorbing the D and calcium. Magnesium is such a big deal - I was amazed at how different I felt when I started taking it. Lower stress levels, better quality sleep, fewer migraines.

    A good article, if you are interested...

    Thanks for recommending that article, my trainer has been trying to get me to start taking a calcium/magnesium supplement since I quit eating dairy products. I already take so many vitamins/supplements, what's one more. :)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    Well, my cat had me up super early this morning - she sure hates to be up alone. We're getting some rain here this morning, something we really need. I love to watch it rain.

    Saturday Success~I'm right back to to it after vacation, I got right back on plan and have lost 2 of the 3# I gained while on vacation. I've been back in the gym every day since I got back as well, so I mark that down as a successful week. And speaking of the gym, time to hit the pool...
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    Quick question. I need to lose 200 pounds. Does that mean I need to join twice? Should I start another MFP account for my second hundred pounds?
  • sexynatasha
    I'm looking to lose 100 lbs by October 2013 for a cruise with my hubby first one without the children so as we didn't have a honeymoon 14 years ago i want to be back to the weight I was when we met I startled Monday and I'm down 4 lbs :-)
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @scottr35 ~ I read your profile, and you crack me up! :laugh:

    Saturday success: Well, I managed to exercise every day (walking) and stayed under my calorie goal. Oh, and I also drank more water this week! \o/ This was my first full week back to school with students, and I was a little anxious about how I would manage my diet and exercise. I've been packing a lunch with snacks, and this seems to be working for me. Although I would love to have ridden my bike every day, it just didn't happen. Too late getting home every night this week due to school related stuff. It's raining today, so unless it lets up, looks like that won't happen again! :grumble: We do need the rain, though! :happy: I might go to the Turttle pool or ride the stationery downstairs. Wait! I WILL go to the Turttle pool or ride the stationery bike downstairs! Today was my weigh-in day, and I lost another 2 pounds! :bigsmile: I think I've discovered a correlation between not losing/gaining and salt intake. Have a good weekend! Good luck to us!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Happiest of Saturdays to Everyone :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    @naceto – love the new picture! I liked your musings about whether to purchase the Tae bo. I’m there with you, always mulling things over, overthinking….. But I agree that perhaps that might be something to save for later on but if you want the DVD on hand, I’d understand that. I’ve tried Zumba a few times and I cannot do it regularly yet but I got DVDs so I can do a bit of it whenever I have a day when I feel I can take it on!

    @Christine – glad you’re feeling better. You are showing so much dedication.

    @Susan – good for you—your successes and your wonderful attitude.

    @MyM0wM0w – all right----that is great. You ordered a bathing suit. Way to go.

    @nicholsvj – the shoes sound wonderful. I’ve never tried Ryka. And I hope your NoOodles work out well for you. RINSE THEM
    WELL. I eat a whole package at once when I’m really starving. I also keep the extra packages in my quite cool basement and I’ve had no problem with them going bad or anything.

    @Lana – Getting in a workout is great. It takes so so so much effort when you’re not feeling well. Stick with it whenever you can and hope you have a lovely weekend with your BF.

    @Jana – wonderful workout. That must be so uplifting for you.

    @skinnyjeanz – I hope you have an excellent weekend. Your dog is lucky to have a faithful owner. They love to walk don’t they? Mine use to love to run but I could never go fast enough for them!

    @LaurieK70 – hope your arms are feeling better today. You’ll get back into it. Changing of schedules is always difficult.

    @Annie – looking forward to hearing about the 5K!

    @kah68 – Excellent. My doctor recommended some vitamins and supplements so I take them just like I was taking a prescription.

    @CathEsh – woo-hoo. Excellent. A loss!!! Super.

    @GrammyWhammy – hope things look up soon.

    @Lizmil – happy Saturday to you. Hope you get to do everything you’d like to do!

    @LAMypie – happy jogging. Whatever speed, however long, JOGGING. Super good.

    @regojess – you have lots to do---do the best you can everyday. That’s all any of us can do. We’re pulling for you to make those healthy choices (and to study of course)!

    @Robin – you’re on a roll. Keep on swimming!!!

    Best wishes to everyone. Sorry for anyone I’ve missed. Love to hear everyone’s updates.


    :drinker: :drinker:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    skinny & naceto - very nice pictures !!

    lizmil - hope the swimming helps you out of your depression - BIG HUGS to you! :flowerforyou:

    Lamypie - WOOT for jogging - way to go, girl! Makes that C25K seem doable!

    MCSCarney - welcome! Try to track your food every day - it is so important to success....

    Scott25 - welcome - and thanks for the laugh :laugh:

    sexynatasha - welcome!

    CathEsh - congrats on your 2 Lb. loss - and figuring out your sodium dilemna - sounds like you got your finger on the problem. Way to go!

    My Sat. Success - I'm feeling good about the week. Have been below calories all week, had good work-outs and have stuck to my August challenges pretty well.
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Saturday Success:

    I successfully avoided eating any Gooey Brownie Butter Bars last night, even though I had to be the one to cook them. They smelled so good, but then I looked at my cals and remembered I was in the red and it just wasn't worth it. My steak dinner was though...LOL!

    I successfully ran 2 10 minute spurts yesterday without stopping! My 5K is two weeks away, so I'm taking that as a good sign. I also found that if I cover the numbers on the treadmill with a towel, I'm less inclined to freak myself out with how far left I have. I make a deal with myself like "After four songs, you can check the time". Then I listen to four and check. It's amazing how far you run during 4songs. :)

    This week has NOT been successful with weight loss. I've been busting my butt trying to work out and eat below my calories, BUT I'm not seeing any changes. I think I need to start chugging more water to flush out anything that is stopping me. I'm also preparing for TOM, so perhaps that is part of the problem.

    @Skinny and Naceto- I absolutely LOVE the new profile pics! Beautimus! :) Perhaps I need to put a new one up.

    @Annie- Let me know how your 5k goes. Mine is in two weeks and I'm super nervous. I'd be glad for any tips you have!

    @Robin- Great job on losing those 2lbs and for swimming! That's awesome!

    @Scott- I almost spit my water on my computer screen when I read your comment. Too funny.

    @Christine- So happy you are on the mend. :)

    @Cath- I pack my lunchbox with some snacks too and try to spread it out throughout the day. I also find that packing a liter of water in it helps me to remember that if I haven't finished drinking what I've started with, how much more I should get in before I leave for the day. That gets me to chugging more water.

    I'd do more personals, but this is all I can remember without going back to look. I hope everyone has a SUPER SATURDAY!

    ~ Jana
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    @Skinnyjeanz - Congrat's on the Cholesterol! I'm so glad it's coming down for you! If you're ok sharing, I'm curious what your sodium levels are. I don't think your interpretation of them coming down means what you are thinking it means. Our bodies have a narrow level of normal, and anywhere in that range is good. But if you get to high or low, your doctor would have said and done something about it...if it was really high or low you would have been in the hospital.

    @Andrea - The width is great for me. I have wider feet than "average" I have always thought, but I never need to buy shoe with the "w" size added to them. I think they have those sizes though. I tried on 2 different pairs - a regular running and then a trail running. I don't really see the difference in them (i'm guessing the traction on the bottom) but the trail running shoes were also specific for over pronation and the regular running shoes were for normal or under-pronators. I am an under-pronator and never really understood how much of a difference a shoe could make. WOW I could totally feel a difference in the way I walked in the over-pronation protector shoe compared to the regular protection. I'm sure that sports stores have more variety, but I was at DSW and trying to be cheap :)

    I have a picnic today for work. I'm bring hummus, veggies and dip. Not sure what else will be there - but I'm not too worried!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hiya! Happy Saturday!

    I am really excited because today I get to go hang out with one of my best gal pals. She is super aware of healthy choices and supports my goals, so I should have no problem with temptation today.

    Thanks for all of the feedback on the Tae Bo vs my own exercises! I am going to wait on the Tae Bo, at least until I can do leg lifts without shaking.

    Success - hmmm - My hip hasn't been bothering me at all the last few days. This in itself is terrific. I am down 18 pounds since 30 June, and I feel terrific! My biggest success is that I am still here. I am still making (mostly) healthy choices, logging all of my food, drinking the water, and smiling about it. I think this is the first time I have stuck consistently to my health goals, without beating myself up and quitting because of a lapse in judgement here or there. I am feeling that my inner lioness coming out to stay!

    I hope you all have a wonderful Saturday. Be confident in your choices.

    “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @nichols--I don't mind sharing. My values have all fallen within the "normal" range--I just thought it was interesting that they've gone down steadily within that range. Not sure if that means I'm consuming less though--maybe you can clarify that:

    Standard Range133-145 MEQ/L

    12/28/2007 140
    12/29/2008 139
    6/14/2010 138
    8/20/2012 136

    @nace & jana--love your new profile pics!

    @nace--glad you have friends who support your efforts--have fun on your day out today!

    @jana--great job with the 10 minute runs!!! :drinker:

    @robin--I'm so proud of you for sticking with your goals this month!! I've been on here with you for over a year, and you've always stuck it out, but this is the most consistently motivated I've seen you in quite awhile!! :flowerforyou: Oh, and I think I have more like 80 days to eat my 24 servings of NoOodles--they don't expire until Nov. 15th. thank goodness!

    @lin--thanks for the tips about the NoOodles (I think you confused me and nichols--unless she bought some too and I missed that post). Anyway, it's good to know they've never gone bad on you--I will find a suitable storage spot for them.

    @cath--great job making it through your 1st full week. Mine is next week and I have the same plan as you--pack my lunch (perhaps some NoOodles :laugh: ) and lots of healthy snacks. Honestly, I'm not so concerned with my nutrition. If anything, being in school helps me regulate that better than over the summer. It's the exercise I'm worried about. The battle between spending time grading vs. spending time at the gym begins today. :grumble:

    Welcome marian, scott & natasha! :flowerforyou:

    @kah--glad you got right back to your healthy routine!

    @jess--That pop can be a killer to your calories. Have you tried coffee or tea for your caffeine boost? I switched from diet coke to green iced tea several years ago and haven't looked back. However, my new addiction is starbucks :blushing: . I'm thoroughly hooked on their mocha light fraps, but I figure it's still better than regular soda. The frap has 130 calories in a grande, but at least there's some protein and it's much more filling than a pop would be.

    @lamypie--congrats on the running!! You can always try c25k and just modify it for you. If 60 seconds is too much, start with 30 and work your way up. I'm glad you had an NSV to help lift your mood--you were due. :smile:

    I'm going to grade (at starbucks :blushing: )--I will post my success when I finish some of my grading:
    1. x/48 AP quizzes
    2. x/58 universal screeners for writing for my juniors
  • nicheven
    nicheven Posts: 77 Member
    Saturday Success - On top of my 2lbs loss (WHOOHOO!) I am down 13lbs total, from my starting on MFP. In 4 more lbs I will be back at the weight I was before I fell off the wagon. Also, im finding the elliptical easier and easier, and my knee isn't hurting on it at all!
  • moonschild
    Hi. Just getting started here. Excuse my ignorance but what is phalarope? I need to lose about 80 pounds and need any help I can get!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Sorry, I am totally ashamed for messing up on my replies.............

    Hanging head.

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon friends, hope you are having a great Saturday. We had a little rain this morning, not as much as we need, but praise God for what we got. My Saturday success is that I am getting faster at Belle and my walk and it only took me 20 minutes this morning so I am going to increase how far I go. Don't have any way to measure the distance yet, but just adjusting to make it a 30 minute walk. Have 5 trays of apple slices in the dehydrator and am going to clean a melon before getting ready for church tonight. I am thankful for the ability to do more things than I have been able to in a long time. Thank you all for your support and motivation.

    I have a question, I have just started tracking sugar in my nutrients and got the shock of my life. I am always under calorie-wise but usually over on sugar sometimes by as much as 50. Do others have difficulty to sticking to staying under? I mean do green beans really have sugar?

    @skinnyjeanz - You are so awesome you can conquer that stair-step machine love your new pic!
    @Laurie - I have a fear of falling on stairs too. Must have been from all the falls I have taken over the years, I'm such a klutz!!!
    @Annie - Good luck on the 5K, looking forward to here how you did.
    @CathEsh - I know I really have to watch the sodium due to edema. Hope you get your ride in.
    @Grammy - No matter what we weigh, we all go through those times of feeling down. I used to think if only I was skinny I would be happy all the time. I know now that isn't true at all. Praying your looking up soon.
    @naceto - Thanks for info on magnesium. I take prescribed Vit. D and doc. office didn't mention the need for magnesium. Roar away lioness, you have much to roar about and I like the new pic.
    @Robin - Your going to grow fins soon. Great job on your swimming and motivation. It is paying off, and thank you for being here for us. If it weren't for you I wouldn't know what a phalrope (sp) was.
    @Liz, sorry you are feeling down. I think the decreasing sunlight starts me feeling low at times. Hope your headache is totally gone by now.
    @Lamypie - Great NSV
    @Marian - Welcome, this is a fantastic group who is supportive, non-judgemental and motivating.
    @regojess - Any amount of moving is important, it doesn't have to be labeled exercise to count.
    @kah68 - Great week of losing the 2lbs and all the exercise you did. WTG
    @Scott - We need another guy with a sense of humor, welcome.
    @Sexynatasha - Congrats on losing 4lbs, awesome!
    @mcscarney - I talk to myself a lot, but when you are looking for feedback, motivation and support that doesn't help much. Glad you joined us.
    @janak - My body has to take a break every few weeks from losing and then the next week it will start in again. It makes me feel ok when I hit that week, I know it is just temporary.
    @nicholsvj - Have a great time at the picnic and make wise selections on what you really want to eat.
    @micheven - Fantastic success. Glad knee isn't hurting.
    @Moonschild - Welcome and that word is a kind of bird.

    Praying you all have a blessed Sunday.

  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    sorry I've been a little MIA folks - heat/work/depression really kicking my *kitten* this week.
    @nicheven – 30 min on the elliptical… wow. My knees and back scream at me after 5-10. Way to go!
    @aug - *hugs* family can be sooo much drama
    @naceto – holding off on Tae Bo sounds like a plan – something like that would kick you off a plateau (sounds right to me), so building up to it slowly makes a lot of sense
    @skinnyjeanz – love the new pic – what a beautifully baby! Good luck with the new school year.
    MyMowmow, Liz, Robin – wonder if it’s something about this time of year – several of us seem to be having the same low point right now… including me
    @kah & others – magnesium is also really important if you have respiratory problems such as COPD or asthma, particularly if you are prone to attacks initiated by exercise. One of the first things an ER physician may try (along with breathing treatments) to keep from needing to intubate a severe asthma attack is a bolus of magnesium – it helps relax smooth muscles (like the bronchial tubes).
    @scottr35 – welcome to the crowd! Big Aug better be on his toes with another joker in our midst.

    love ya all...
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Sorry, I am totally ashamed for messing up on my replies.............

    Hanging head.


    Lin, if that is the only thing you have to be ashamed of you must be a saint!!! I forgot to include you in my long post so doing it now. You are an inspiration and love having you as a friend.

  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    sorry I've been a little MIA folks - heat/work/depression really kicking my *kitten* this week.
    @nicheven – 30 min on the elliptical… wow. My knees and back scream at me after 5-10. Way to go!
    @aug - *hugs* family can be sooo much drama
    @naceto – holding off on Tae Bo sounds like a plan – something like that would kick you off a plateau (sounds right to me), so building up to it slowly makes a lot of sense
    @skinnyjeanz – love the new pic – what a beautifully baby! Good luck with the new school year.
    MyMowmow, Liz, Robin – wonder if it’s something about this time of year – several of us seem to be having the same low point right now… including me
    @kah & others – magnesium is also really important if you have respiratory problems such as COPD or asthma, particularly if you are prone to attacks initiated by exercise. One of the first things an ER physician may try (along with breathing treatments) to keep from needing to intubate a severe asthma attack is a bolus of magnesium – it helps relax smooth muscles (like the bronchial tubes).
    @scottr35 – welcome to the crowd! Big Aug better be on his toes with another joker in our midst.

    love ya all...

    Vicky, just read about what you said about magnesium and COPD since I have both COPD and asthma. Thanks for the info, will get some for sure now.
