Meat eater, vegetarian or vegan?? Which are you?



  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Was a vegetarian for 4 years
    currently a meat eater
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    I eat meat,but I like veggies,too.So I eat both meat and veggies.
  • Nik0417
    Nik0417 Posts: 96 Member
    Meat Eater :)
  • hwheat_uk
    I'm a meat eater but my partner is vegetarian so I eat vegetarian most of the time. After six years of this I've found that I am not as keen on red meat and much prefer to eat chicken or fish when I'm not eating vegetarian.
    The main problem is that most mainstream recipe books only have a few vegetarian recipes so I have to be imaginative in order to convert them so we can both eat them.
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    vegan...that is all :drinker:
  • ashblonde1
    Lol. This is going to become a very dramatic board very soon...

    I'm a pescatarian. I eat fish, but otherwise vegetarian. And I only eat fish like 1-2x a week.

    I am not a doctor. But I feel better eating this way. It forces me to avoid certain unhealthy foods (I'm looking at you, Wendy's..) and it makes me eat a lot more fresh produce.

    And I don't care if people eat meat, as long as they don't care that I don't.

    I am exactly the same for the same reasons... people are always apologising for eating meat around me, I don't care, I cook it just not for me. My OH would be very grumpy without it.
  • nikilovesaxl
    I lost about 25-30 alone by just becoming meat free. Meat has so much fat in it, its ridiculous. Its disgusting to me when I cook it for my mom and brother to see all the 'juices' lingering in the pan. Like I said before, becoming meat free, best decision I ever made.

    To me its an ethical thing but I've found the benefits of just cutting that garbage out of my life is wonderful. I feel like a much better person. I feel happier. I just feel right.
  • brandilacey
    I am a flexitarian. I eat small amounts of meat and dairy when I want them. I really limit them bc I believe that is an optimal diet for me. I think meat and dairy can be healthy and necessary for optimal health when they are from CLEAN sources. Raw dairy from humane farms, grass fed meat, organic free range chicken and eggs. When we mistreat our animals, we pay for's karma. Their food is unhealthy to us when we do not treat them with respect. The commercial meat and dairy industry is disgusting and making americans so unhealthy. I think a healthy amount of meat for the average person is no more than 2-5 times a week, and in small amounts (think side items and not main entrees). Most people that are sensitive to dairy have no idea, we are so used to the bloating and gassiness that we think it's normal or blame it on something else. I think it's a good idea for most people to experiment with elimination diets to really see how different foods effect them. Americans eat way too meat and drink way too much milk and eat way too much cheese that is loaded with hormones, antibiotics, pus, blood, feces, pesticides, ect. And then wonder why they are so unhealthy.
  • brandilacey
    I lost about 25-30 alone by just becoming meat free. Meat has so much fat in it, its ridiculous. Its disgusting to me when I cook it for my mom and brother to see all the 'juices' lingering in the pan. Like I said before, becoming meat free, best decision I ever made.

    To me its an ethical thing but I've found the benefits of just cutting that garbage out of my life is wonderful. I feel like a much better person. I feel happier. I just feel right.

    I feel the same when I avoid meat, happier and just right, balanced and clear headed. I feel depressed, grumpy and sleepy when I eat crap meat. I strongly believe in the fear hormone theory, because I find the same results in myself. I have watched to see if I have the same results with clean, local meat that is humanely raised and supposedly not caused suffering during slaughtering, and I do not think I have the same results then. At times I have thought that feeling, depression, was just pms, but now that I chart my cycle, and watch my diet closely, I can always relate it to meat. I have nearly no pms symptoms when I completely avoid meat, clean or not.

    Stress, fear and pain when animals are being slaughtered or waiting to be slaughtered results in several disease processes in the humans which eat the meat. Most notable are cardiac problems, impotency and general fatigue. These adverse effects are most directly associated with consumption of dog meat.

    Experiments including laboratory dogs slaughtered in stressful conditions result in impotence of rats fed with the dog's meat. These results correlate with studies of humans in St. Georges, Utah.

    Studies made of domestic farm animals (cattle, pigs and poultry), and of laboratory animals (dogs and rats) show in all cases elevated levels of steroid hormones, generally associated with adrenocortical secretions. Primary substances include adrenalin, cortisone-like secretions, and steroids which stimulate fear pheromone production. All of these are known to result in poor health and poor vitality. This study confirms this link in food consumed by humans.
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    Meat eater but not a true bloody red meat carnivore. I don't have a lot of red meat in my diet. I love my chicken though!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    the problem with this topic is that it is impossible to debate the dietary benefits of eating meat ,or not, without people coming in with ulterior motives. with all due respect to vegans who choose the lifestyle for ethical and not primarily health reasons thats not what this thread was asking. I do respect your point of view but i don't share it. personally i am only interested in improving my health and living the healthiest way i can, and if i truly believed giving up meat would get me there i would do it, but i don't believe guys like vegasauras would care what way is healthiest ,because that doesn't come off as his main concern.He just uses the health argument as a weapon. listing to health arguments from someone so prejudiced agains meat consumption is like listening to Rush limbough to get you information on president Obama.

    You and a few others have made this into a pissing contest. Just like most diet, a vegan, vegetarian, or other diet can be healthy if done correctly. A vegan can be unhealthy eating lots of prepackaged vegan food and cookies and junk, and a meat-eater can have repeated heart attacks from eating unhealthy take out for every meal.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Meat Eater :)
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    the problem with this topic is that it is impossible to debate the dietary benefits of eating meat ,or not, without people coming in with ulterior motives. with all due respect to vegans who choose the lifestyle for ethical and not primarily health reasons thats not what this thread was asking. I do respect your point of view but i don't share it. personally i am only interested in improving my health and living the healthiest way i can, and if i truly believed giving up meat would get me there i would do it, but i don't believe guys like vegasauras would care what way is healthiest ,because that doesn't come off as his main concern.He just uses the health argument as a weapon. listing to health arguments from someone so prejudiced agains meat consumption is like listening to Rush limbough to get you information on president Obama.

    You and a few others have made this into a pissing contest. Just like most diet, a vegan, vegetarian, or other diet can be healthy if done correctly. A vegan can be unhealthy eating lots of prepackaged vegan food and cookies and junk, and a meat-eater can have repeated heart attacks from eating unhealthy take out for every meal.
    have i said a vegan or vegetarian diet can't be healthy?
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    the problem with this topic is that it is impossible to debate the dietary benefits of eating meat ,or not, without people coming in with ulterior motives. with all due respect to vegans who choose the lifestyle for ethical and not primarily health reasons thats not what this thread was asking. I do respect your point of view but i don't share it. personally i am only interested in improving my health and living the healthiest way i can, and if i truly believed giving up meat would get me there i would do it, but i don't believe guys like vegasauras would care what way is healthiest ,because that doesn't come off as his main concern.He just uses the health argument as a weapon. listing to health arguments from someone so prejudiced agains meat consumption is like listening to Rush limbough to get you information on president Obama.

    You and a few others have made this into a pissing contest. Just like most diet, a vegan, vegetarian, or other diet can be healthy if done correctly. A vegan can be unhealthy eating lots of prepackaged vegan food and cookies and junk, and a meat-eater can have repeated heart attacks from eating unhealthy take out for every meal.
    have i said a vegan or vegetarian diet can't be healthy?

    Probably. I haven't read everything you've written because most of it is pointless. But I have noticed you keep nitpicking veganism by telling vegans that there is still harm that comes from their diet in the way to bugs and animals dying in the process to get crops. It looks to me you just have a problem with veganism in general. Don't like it? No one is making you do it.
  • Need2bfit918
    Need2bfit918 Posts: 133 Member
    you are making an incorrect assumption. i have NO problem with vegans in fact i respect any person who will deny themselves for their values but when comment are made derogatory towards people who don't share that view 9like accusing us of promoting cruelty) i will defend my self. besides once again this discussion wasnt supposed to be about the morality of meat consumption, and im not the one who got that started. i simply pointed out we are all participating in lifestyles that harm wildlife after we was told we are promoting cruelty.
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    I've been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for over 26 years. I stopped eating meat for two reasons. First, I love animals and hate the thought of consuming their flesh. I was sick a lot as a child. I had/have a LOT of allergies to foods, medicines and environmental stuff. I read an article about people with antibiotic allergies getting sick from eating animals that had been treated with the antibiotics. It bothered me to eat meat anyway, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to be try being a vegetarian. For me, it made a huge impact on my health. I was no longer sick constantly.

    So I became a vegetarian for both ethical and health issues. It was the right decision for me as I felt better emotionally and physically. My husband is not a vegetarian, though, and that is his choice. However, I will not cook meat for him, so he only eats meat when we go out to eat or go to meat eating family/friend homes.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    you are making an incorrect assumption. i have NO problem with vegans in fact i respect any person who will deny themselves for their values but when comment are made derogatory towards people who don't share that view 9like accusing us of promoting cruelty) i will defend my self. besides once again this discussion wasnt supposed to be about the morality of meat consumption, and im not the one who got that started.

    But you continued it.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    I eat both meat, plants and seeds.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    I LOVVVVVVVVE MEAT! MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT! That's why a low carb lifestyle works best for me.
  • VegesaurusRex
    VegesaurusRex Posts: 1,018
    the problem with this topic is that it is impossible to debate the dietary benefits of eating meat ,or not, without people coming in with ulterior motives. with all due respect to vegans who choose the lifestyle for ethical and not primarily health reasons thats not what this thread was asking. I do respect your point of view but i don't share it. personally i am only interested in improving my health and living the healthiest way i can, and if i truly believed giving up meat would get me there i would do it, but i don't believe guys like vegasauras would care what way is healthiest ,because that doesn't come off as his main concern.He just uses the health argument as a weapon. listing to health arguments from someone so prejudiced agains meat consumption is like listening to Rush limbough to get you information on president Obama.

    You are 100% right, and I have said as much. I would not eat meat even if it decreased my lifespan 20 years (and at my age, that would be quite significant!) And yes, I do argue health benefits because arguing the ethics of meat to the average American would be, like you say trying to persuade Rush Limbough to become a liberal. This country is so far off base on so many things it is pathetic.

    However, do NOT make the mistake of thinking that just because I and others are in it for the ethics that veganism is not also extremely healthy. From my point of view, I would just say it is an issue of karma - we live right and are respectful of other sentient beings, and the universe rewards us with longer life. Yes, I know that is simplistic, but no more simplistic than most religions. In any event, that is why I constantly rely upon scientific studies to make my point. Science will never back my ideas on karma, and that is fine. But science will strongly show that the vegetarian lifestyle is the healthiest.