Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • kaytbognar
    Mandi, I am ALWAYS up for a vacay. Hahaha, I've lived on vacay for the past year--first in the rockies and now here :P As for seafood ideas, I like to chuck some shrimp into salads. A good way to cook them, though it is kind of high sugar, is to add a spoonful or two of orange juice concentrate, some balsamic vinegar and a little tiny bit of butter and cook! Popping that on a salad, the OJ/Balsamic/Butter mix cooks into a glaze that is great for a dressing substitute, and shrimp are lot in fat anyway so you don't need to feel guilty about the butter inclusion :)

    Jenn, I guess it all dependson what you call a resort...I don't call it that, because I worked at a REAL resort in Lake Louise (I was at the Fairmont chateau, and we would always go party at the Banff Springs for super cheap becuase of our discounts too--now THAT is a friggin awesome resort hotel!) We're kind of a jungle retreat kind of thing. It used to be a coffee plantation before it was a hotel. You can take a look here: or look at some of the photos I've taken here:

    How's your GI diet going? You've been at it for, what, a month now? Are you finding yourself well adjusted to it?

    Keri, I'm a baby when it comes to cold weather too, that's why i fled south for the winter! (well, in actuality, it's more the 9 months of monumental snow I was looking at if I stayed in the rockies)

    Chera325, if you're finding yourself ravenous, go to your tools and check your BMR. If you're well under, that might be why you're so hungry. I found that, while Iw asn't HUNGRY, I was SUPER CRANKY and really moody/depressed when I was aiming for only 1200cals. I've upped to 1400 and feel a lot better. If you're not eating your exercise calories, maybe try starting to do that, too. Don't beat yourself up for going over. Remeber that 1lb = 3500cal so going over by 200 isn't going to have your progress grinding to a halt. The advice my moms is always giving me when I'm feeling down and discouraged is this: Health, fitness and weight loss takes years, not days. Be patient and persistent, and you'll get there. <3

    Greetings newbies! I'm wowed at how many fresh faces we keep getting, it's great!
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks for the support guys! I'm just going to keep trying to stay as close as possible to my daily goals as possible, but I refuse to let myself starve all day long.

    @justsalad--I drink green tea ALL day long! But you're right, I probably should try to drink more water!

    @kaytbognar--Thanks! And you're right. I guess I need to keep reminding myself of just how many calories it takes to gain a pound.

    Day 2--Gona keep pushin through :)
  • pattitricia85
    Good Morning everyone!! Yay it's Friday!!! This morning didn't get off to the greatest start... my cousin had her baby this morning and he is very sick :( The delivery went great, but he came out blue, they couldn't get him to take a breath. They found out its not his lungs, its his heart. A team from Mary Bridge Childrend Hopsital is coming down to get him and bring him up to Tacoma close to where I live, my fam lives about 2 hours south. So... the whole family is completely terrified, I still don't know the whole story, I am just getting bits and pieces from my Mom. I guess his heartrate is WAY too high, and oxygen level bery low, I don't know what all that means.
    Mandijo- An HRM is a heartrate monitor. Its monitors your heartrate and can give a more accurate estimate of the calories you are burning. The best kind come w/ a comfortable chest strap, and a stop watch that you can enter all of your info in and it wil record all the info... very cool if you are tired of guessing how many caloies you burned from exercise (most machines are very off, so is the MFP database I noticed) Also, I love cooking seafood, its my fave. Do you like salmon? A lot of people think they don't b/c in a lot of parts of the country 'farm raised' is the norm. Wild caught may be hard to come by in the midwest. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so there is an abundance year round! YAY!! Never ever buy farm raised!!! The taste is horrible and the fish are diseased and yucky swimming in those fish farms. BUT if you do come across wild caught salmon I live to mix some fat free sour cream w/ some fresh topped dil and few squeezes of fresh lemon, just spread it on the fish. Then bake in the oven. VERY yummy, or if you want a more simple approach squeeze lemon then season as you like. Most seafood counters have some spices on the counter that are special for whatever kind of dish you are preparing. Also, you can try this w/ halibut! Halibut is delicious, and has a more hearty less-fishy than most flavor. Here is a great shrimp recipe my husband and I made last week, it was really yummy, we added more shrimp though :) FYI I have heard shrimp and crab are pretty high in cholesterol so if that is something you are concerned about then you may not want to have it more than once a week...
    Shrimp in Tomato Sauce over Pasta
    *Prep time- 15 minutes Serves 4

    1 tbls olive oil
    1 small bunch scallions
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    1 can (28 oz) crushed tomatoes
    3/4 cup dry white wine ( I only had red wine and it turned out great, if you don't have any wine at all that’s fine too)
    1 tbls sugar
    3/4 cup chopped flat leaf pasta or basil
    12 fresh or frozen shrimp, peeled and deveined (I used a lot more than this, I used a whole frozen bag from the store)
    8 oz whole wheat pasta (your choice!)
    1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese

    1. Warm oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add scallions and garlic. Cook until scallions begin to turn golden
    2. Add tomatoes, wine, sugar, and parsley or basil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer 20-25 minutes, or until sauce is slightly thickened.
    3. Add shrimp and return to simmer. Cook until shrimp are cooked (and opaque in color)
    4. Cook pasta according to instructions. When done drain and add sauce to pasta.
    5. Sprinkle w/ parmesan cheese. Enjoy!

    Nutritional Information
    1 Serving: Calories 380 (Calories from Fat 60); Total Fat 7g (Saturated Fat 2g, Trans Fat 0g); Cholesterol 65mg; Sodium 650mg; Total Carbohydrate 59g (Dietary Fiber 6g, Sugars 10g); Protein 19g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 30%; Vitamin C 30%; Calcium 20%; Iron 35% Exchanges: 2 1/2 Starch; 1 Other Carbohydrate; 2 Vegetable; 1 Very Lean Meat; 1 Fat Carbohydrate Choices: 4
    *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

    Chera325- I wouldn't worry about 186 calories! That is actually REALLY good for a beginner, trust me it gets easier. And MFP already created a 500 calorie deficit for you, so you didn't gain, you are still losing at that rate!
    Ashmarie- you are welcome to join... there aren't any rules or challenges on this thread we just chat it up. Some of us make monthly goals ( i think its monthly) but we don't 'check in' or anything we just support eachother. :)
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    About how much to those heart rate monitors cost? And are they uncomfortable?
  • pattitricia85
    I paid about $120 for my polar F6... you can get it cheaper if you shop around on ebay or amazon. I think they are comfortable, I forget the chest strap is on sometimes when i get home. Totally worth it if you have the extra cash
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    What retail stores sell them?
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    HAHA! I just realized that the site put stars because it thought I was using profanity! I was asking if D i c k s Sporting Goods carried the monitors!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    chera325- I agree with kayt and also suggest that you eat more frequently throughout the day. I've started eating a small breakfast, have a 90 calorie pack of something when my morning class eats snack. I have a decent lunch but I don't go overboard. Another snack with my afternoon class, a good size dinner and something small around 7. It sounds like a lot, but I always stay within my calories. I try to add some high fiber foods with my snacks when I know it will be awhile before my next meal. It has really started to help me not have the "shakes"

    Thanks for the recipe and the tips pattitricia! I'll definitely use them. Yes we definitely don't have the "good stuff" when it comes to seafood here. It's a bummer, but what do you do?? I'll have to look into getting an HRM when I have some extra money!! They sound very accurate! Well ladies, I hope you have a great afternoon! I'm gonna take a stroll around the gym for a little while and them back to the preschool!

  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    Mandi--I actually do eat quite often throughout the day. I read in one of my fitness magazines that a fairly large breakfast is best for weight loss (balanced of course). I snack throughout the day on healthy little snacks as well, and I try to eat a lot of fiber. I still find myself getting hungry though, and today, I noticed that even though I am working out and getting plenty of sleep, I am still quite tired. I really feel that I may not be consuming enough calories throughout the day to energize me. I am going to keep trying to get as close as possible to my goal calories for the day for about another week (hoping that my body adjusts), but if it doesn't get any easier, I may have to reconsider my daily caloric intake.
  • karensphotography
    I am 25 5'2 and weigh 225. I way more Now then I ever have. Just a little over 4 years ago I was 140. When me and my boyfriend got together I started to gain so much weight. It didn't take very long at all. But a little over a week ago I decided it was time to change. Iv lost 5 pounds so for and got a lot more to go but it's a start!!!
  • pattitricia85
    Chera- I stated out at 1200 calories per day. That was waaaaaaaay to hard for me and I didn't lose any weight. I think its because i would be so hungry and then go to Burger King... so I changed it, now i am at 1330. Its only 130 more, but what a difference! I don't know why but its MUCH more managable!
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    Morning everyone. I've been having a little issue with my calorie intake lately. My recommended has been 1200 (which increases when I workout) but I cannot eat more than 900-1000 in a day, I've tried to eat more but I just feel sick when I do. Is anyone else having this issue? I don't want my body to go into "starvation mode" but I don't want to eat myself sick either.
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    MRobbins--that is a very small amount of calories! I'm having the exact opposite problem. Can you share what one of your days look like as far as meals go? Like, what do you eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks?
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    I don't have time for breakfast in the morning so I usually take a gala apple or special k bars with me, sometimes with small bottle of orange juice. Lean pocket, tilapia with shrimp or tuna sandwich for lunch. A small portion of dinner, last night it was spaghetti with turkey meat, the night before pork sandwiches and sometimes more fish and shrimp. I take a couple of special K bars to work with me to snack on and I drink a lot of ice cold water throughout the day.
  • chera325
    chera325 Posts: 38 Member
    The issue may be that you're not eating a proper, balanced breakfast! That could be why you're feeling sick. I know it sucks, but I try to wake up a little earlier to make sure I can get a good breakfast in before I have to get ready for work! Just a suggestion :)
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    Yeah that could be it but it's hard to get ready in the morning when you have 6 people (I have 4 kids) sharing 1 bathroom. lol I'm not usually hungry in the morning so I try to grab something light just to get breakfast in. The only time I feel sick is when I try to force myself to eat more.
    My day usually consists of everyone getting ready in the morning-work-home to make dinner- spend some time with everyone-get a 30-60 min workout done-get the older kids in bed-hang out with the younger ones until they fall asleep. It's hard to keep the younger ones on a bed time schedule when my babysitter, who is my mother in law, sometimes gives them naps right before we get off work. 4 kids is a lot to deal with so i'm ok with that if it makes it easier on her.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Chera- Well it sounds like you have a great idea to try! I hope it makes the difference for you! Like Pattitricia said, even 130 calories made the difference so hopefully it will for you too!

    MRobbins- I too have the same problem with eating breakfast. I just don't have the time and I'm not very good at sacrificing sleep to get up on time. I would try to incorporate a certain amount of calories to each of your biggest meals. You are only short about 300 not including your exercise calories so even just having peanut butter on whole grain toast would be a start for breakfast. I usually have 2 slices of Sara Lee's Delightful bread and the peanut butter will give you some great protein but also some more of those calories. I don't know. Just a thought!!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Keri, still loving it! I went to my fifth day today for the first time and of course it was the owner who is like the Karate Kid himself! Haha, man I am wooped! Feels good though, and I burned about 4500 calories this week in exercise, woah! Crazy! :bigsmile:
    Kayt that place is beautiful!! Looks a lot like Guatemala, I went there a few years back, love it! Pretty sweet that you're mentioned on the web site, good for you girl!! Have you guys felt any of the earthquake aftershocks there? I know that you're pretty close and I think on the same fault line, but I could be wrong! I hope you're not!
    I am exhausted! Going to watch a movie and veg out!
  • jana1124
    jana1124 Posts: 39 Member
    I try to take a drink or two of water between bites.. and I get full without eating the WHOLE plate.
  • kaytbognar
    Jenn-- Isn't it gorgeous? I definitely lucked out with my working vacation in paradise (and, definitely love that I'm advertised on the site! Get to show off to all my friends :P) I've never been to guatemala, but if it's like it is here, I would go any day!
    We've been lucky, no earthquakes or aftershocks, but you're right, we are close! Other parts of the island might have gotten some, but nothing here in the mountains.

    I got to eat my coconut today! OMNOMNOM. I am officially obsessed. I think it's nature's perfect food! The water inside is a like a natural gatorade (so full of electrolytes and natural goodness for you!) and is fantastic mixed with scotch. Plus, it's all full of fibre and all the nutrients you need for life. Our resident survivor/jungleman Jose showed me how to open them really easy, so now if I'm ever stranded in the jungle, I'll be ok! Apparently, you can even fish with them!