For you diet soda drinkers out there...



  • I agree that people shoudn't drink soda period but most people won't listen. Ever notice the warning on sweetners that says it gives cancer to laboratory rats? People don't want to face it but its not good for you. I'm trying to quit drinking soda period. I had a diet coke today and I'll try to not drink any tomorrow. IMO anything unnatural is not good for you. There's a reason its called fake sugar. Some people drink a gallon of it a day and then wonder years later why their health is failing or they get cancer.

    Processed sugar is unnatural. And when I say processed, I mean anything that's not the actual sugar cane plant.

    I don't have the energy to find the studies right now, but you realize that in these rat studies they were being fed at least half their body weight in aspartame? I'd have some health problems if I consumed half my body weight of ANYTHING.

    I drink a ton of diet coke. Obviously it would be healthier to only drink water, but I've cut a lot of things out of my diet and it's not something I see the need to give up yet.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Soda is bad, we know this. I quit drinking diet sodas because of the headaches I get from the fake sugar now. I used to drink it often, since cutting it out, had it twice in 2 months now and it made me sick and gave me a god awful headache. I still drink regular soda now though, if I want one, that is. Maybe once a week. I'm not going to deny myself =)
  • RuthSweetTooth
    RuthSweetTooth Posts: 461 Member
    I wish Bill Nye the science guy would get in here.
  • I drink approximately 1 diet soda per day. I've been losing weight at the recommended pace of about .5-2 lbs per week. :)
  • bump for later
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    For gosh sakes, drink it. Drink Diet Rite. It has Splenda in it, not aspartame. I quit for two years and started back up because Crystal Light was giving me heart burn!
  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    No sodas even diet. Caused too much damage. WATER WATER AND MORE H2O:drinker:
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    ...It might not have as many calories but your body still creates fat in response.
    I would LOVE to have someone explain to me how a zero-calorie (or virtually so) substance causes your body to "create fat". The body creates/stores fat from caloric/nutrient intake in excess of what can be metabolized. This is broscience and scare-mongering at its worst.

    [ETA:] If one is going to give up diet soda in the interest of being "healthier", don't feel too sanctimonious when you start drinking Crystal Light, Mio, etc. instead - those also contain artificial sweeteners and chemicals similar to those found in diet soda.

    I don't get it either

    "Energy cannot be created nor destroyed" - I must have missed the exception of diet soda? lol
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I drink approximately 1 diet soda per day. I've been losing weight at the recommended pace of about .5-2 lbs per week. :)

    Same here. I used to drink a lot of diet soda when I was at my thinnest
  • We know, we know ... drink water, eat boiled chicken without the skin and lettuce with lemon juice. ;- )

    One more on the pile: my brother-in-law lost 110 lbs to his ideal weight, using diet soda (a lot) and two scoops of ice cream nightly as his 'treats'. Kept the calories at the intended level and did plenty of cardio.

    But, yeah, getting lost in the mountains for a year, drinking creek water, eating rabbit meat and berries, that would be great.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    I don't drink diet soda because I don't like it. Period. End of story. I don't *normally* drink regular soda either. But as an occasional treat, I'd rather have a full flavored tasty root beer or cream soda instead of a nasty diet one. I used to love Mountain Dew, not so much anymore, tastes kind of nasty. I drink water, tea, coffee, almond milk, and wine.
  • I don't drink diet soda not because I'm afraid of the calories or the effect on weight gain. I don't drink diet sodas because I can't stand the taste.

    exactly that :D
    Also, I never was a big soda drinker anyway. I just drink sparkling water all the time. If I crave for something sweet I just add a lil bit of juice to it.

    I read somewhere, that diet soda will actually still cause a spike in blood glucose , leading to more insulin release and more of the calories you eat with the soda to go straight to your love handles.

    Not sure if that is true, but I will someday give it a test, and measure the blood glucose spike of diet soda :D

    As a Type 1 diabetic, I can tell you that's not the case--at least with me. My BG rises when I'm eating along WITH the diet soda, but if I have a diet soda on its own there's no effect on my BG.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    A little food for thought:

    The two main components of aspartame are found in chicken breast. In fact a typical 4 oz serving of chicken breast contains about 25 cans of diet soda worth of the stuff.

    The two components of table salt are deadly in on their own. Just because something is made out of something safe does not mean their combination is safe.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I have been type one diabetic for 26 years now on insulin shots. What you said is highly incorrect and I would study the situation before making a bunk *kitten* determination. Diet soda has no carbohydrates. A can of regular soda has about 30 carbohydrate grams which is equivalent to two pieces of bread!!!
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    Studies have found that bodies react to fake sugar in the same way as real sugar. It might not have as many calories but your body still creates fat in response.

    a direct quote from my doctor regarding artificial sweeteners

    no they are calorie free however they will all cause you to hungrier more and more often and you will eat more unless you are careful and watch what you're eating - sweeteners doent cause weight gain - eating more because they make you hungry does

    so - eat / use sweetners if you wish because they are 0 calories (most of them) just make sure you watch what you eat and move more -which we're all doing because we're here!
  • phoenyxneko
    phoenyxneko Posts: 3 Member
    There is no way my body creates fat in response to fake sugar--at least not in any way that matters. I drink way too much diet soda and have never been able to quit. The longest I have gone intentionally is 24 hours. It keeps me from eating or drinking something that would put more fat on.

    The reason that you're unable to quit is because the aspartame is more adictive then nicatine.

    Another good reason to not drink diet sodas is the fact that people with mental illnesses are effected badly. My mom has bipolar and she's worse after having a diet pop then if she were to drink water or something without aspartame. And it effects my adhd.
  • Sloth_TurtleGirl
    Sloth_TurtleGirl Posts: 79 Member
    I have been drinking diet pop since I was around 12. I actually hate the taste of non diet soda. I'd rather focus on the things that I KNOW are making me fat - like the fries I order with the soda. I've heard this warning before. I don't like sugared drinks and I really don't like crystal light or any of the flavored waters.

    I tend to get to focused on too many things and once and then my diet just becomes overwhelming. I'm going to stick to calories and exercise for now and worry about the other later.
  • I drink Diet soda have fake sweeteners eat foods that are not "healthy for me" take supplements and everything else that your not supposed to do to "lose weight" I have not stopped eating anything If I want it I get it. What I have done is watch what I eat taken responsibility for my eating. After saying all that I should still be 355 pounds but for some reason I don't know I have lost 110 pounds since Jan 26 (the day I started logging).

    Hmmmmmm not sure who is right all those paid researchers or my scale. I think I will stick with my scale and enjoy life and all my Unhealthy foods that keep me from losing weight.

    And I have never had it effect my ADD
  • I used to be addicted to Diet Mountain Dew...I never have drank regular pop because it's just too sweet for my tastes. I cut out diet pop about 5 years ago and drink water and Crystal Light- sometimes a gallon crystal light a day! I guess it counts as water though. The only good thing about pop for me was the carbonation really made me feel full and eating on top of that made me feel miserable.Needless to say, since I gave up pop, not that it's related, I'm at the heaviest weight of my life! Go figure.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    no they are calorie free however they will all cause you to hungrier more and more often and you will eat more unless you are careful and watch what you're eating - sweeteners doent cause weight gain - eating more because they make you hungry does

    Sweeteners don't make me hungry. Are they supposed to or something? Never heard of that.