Poll: Do You Wear Makeup to the Gym?



  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I wear makeup and cute clothes to the gym because when I feel sexy, I work out harder. I don't like going out in public feeling "frumpy", and that includes the gym.

    If this bothers people, then they clearly aren't working hard enough.

  • KellyS_86
    No! I will happily go in wearing the remnants of my day make-up but I don't put anymore on. Mascara doesn't look quite so sexy after a 45 minute spin class....
  • nataliexxxx
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    no point! id look like a hooker on heroin i sweat that much lol
  • schicksa
    schicksa Posts: 123 Member
    I do, but not on purpose. I workout on my lunch break at a gym around the corner from work. I normally wouldn't, though. I do like to wear cute workout clothes, definitely helps me feel better. I don't really care if others do though. To be honest I don't even pay attention. As long as you're there to actually work, WHO CARES! I get more irritated with the people that show up (male or female) and goof off or get in the way of others....whether they're wearing makeup or not!
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    Wow, I truly feel sorry to those of you who feel the need to wear makeup at the gym. Kinda sad.
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    Depends on when I go. If it's already on, it's on. If it's first thing of the day, then no. I also don't spend my time looking at anyone else's face to see if they wear make up. It's irrelevant to my workout. ;)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I don't but I like to wear cute clothes! I just hate having to take off makeup when I get home. If I'm doing something social I might take my makeup bag for putting some on after the gym.
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    I dont workout at a gym i workout at home.... but Ummm.... No! What would be the point you're gonna sweat like heck and come out looking like a raccoon! :) Then again i dont really wear much makeup but even when i go to church on sunday. .. mascara maybe if any. you're going to get fit not pick up right?
  • ShellyJKFIT
    I don't wear makeup to the gym because it's a waste of good makeup!

  • amallia921
    I dont wear make up to the gym. I'm not there to impress anyone. Either way, I dont wear alot of make up anyway. Firm beleiver in Natural Beauty!
  • mhouston2011
    I am there to sweat, sweat, sweat. If people aren't impressed by my dedication and my work ethic and are more impressed by the fact that I am wearing makeup then I probably don't need them in my life. I am focused on my health not if someone thinks I look cute. It maybe the Army girl in me (no makeup in boot camp, not even shiny lips) but I have always believed that I am only here to impress myself and better myself.

    This is pretty much why I dislike going to the gym because too many people use it for another stage for them to perform/show off. I have gotten dirty looks because I look like I rolled out of bed, and sometimes I have just rolled out of bed. I don't get it. Isn't that what bars and nightclubs are for? It is just another place for women to judge other women and it irritates me. Because I hate to tell you men DON'T care about your makeup/clothing/hair style. My husband fell in love with me the day I rolled out of bed in his boxers and an over sized sweatshirt with zero makeup and hair in a bun. He always tells me to put LESS makeup on. And those nights that I do I actually get hit on MORE, even with him standing there.

    This is just my opinion so please don't bash me if you are a make up wearer. But women need to be more worried about INTERNAL beauty than what is on the outside. When you are happy and confident and HEALTHY that's REAL BEAUTY. We put too much pressure on ourselves and others to be perfect.

    Amen sister! I agree 100%! Well said :happy:

    Very well said!!
  • laprovocateur
    laprovocateur Posts: 128 Member
    if i wear makeup to the gym, it's because i left a house that probably isn't my own and/or it's still on from the night before.

    I purposefully look like microwaved death when i go to they gym. why? because i do NOT want to be approached, recognized, or assailed. at the risk of sounding completely conceited, i spend 90% of my life looking absolutely perfect when i walk out of my house. always in matching outfits with heels and jewelry and hair just perfect. the gym is the ONE place where i am strictly there to get in, work out, and go the fuk home. that's why i ♥ it.
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    Not so much. I find the biggest problem is when my summer frock gets caught in the treadmill. If it happens one more time, I swear I will lose all control.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    I guess if I wore makeup I would wear it to the gym, I barely know how to put it on! :laugh: I just stick to my moisturizer in the morning and before bed :wink:
  • flyingcarbaccio
    flyingcarbaccio Posts: 92 Member
    I go to the gym at lunch, so yes.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I just try to wear the least amount possible to erase that "I'm so freaking tired cuz my kids won't let me SLEEP" look off my face. :laugh:
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    I wear make-up but mostly for the fact that I work out during lunch and already have make up on- or when I work out after work, and have my make up on for the day.

    If I am however, going to the gym on the weekend- no I don't put makeup on to go to the gym. It's all going to sweat off and make me look like a deranged raccoon.
  • katescurios
    katescurios Posts: 224 Member
    No. I forgot to take my mascara off the other day and ended up with panda eyes. I sweat in the gym. For me sweat and make up are not a good combo.