Fake Pictures...



  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    ... so why does it even matter if people chose to put real or "fake" photos of themselves on here?
    A. It's a violation of federal law.
    B. It's disturbing, misleading and generally creepy.

    Like I said, I understand not putting up any picture... or putting up an avatar, funny JPG, etc... but, your picture is clearly intended to lead people to believe you are a "hot-bikini-model-girl" of some nature.


    (Though, I did just notice the disclaimer on your profile stating that it's a "goal" picture. So, that makes a little more sense.)
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I think most of the internet is fake period. You never know who is really who behind a computer!!
    You mean, people online brag about things that aren't true and are completely fabricated?? That's just CRAZY talk!!

    I'm so upset can barely type this post while I drive my rocket-powered Ferrari to my supermodel-girlfriend's house for a three-way with her cyborg, nymphomaniac roommates. I doubt I'll even be able to curl my regular set of 1000 pound dumbbells tomorrow morning.

    True story.

    [DISCLAIMER: No nymphomaniac cyborgs were harmed nor injured, neither physically nor emotionally, during the drafting of this post.]

    (Yes, I did post that earlier)

    What about the super model girlfriend? Did she not fare as well as the nympho cyborgs???
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    What about the super model girlfriend? Did she not fare as well as the nympho cyborgs???
    They ate her.
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member
    A. It's a violation of federal law.
    B. It's disturbing, misleading and generally creepy.

    Like I said, I understand not putting up any picture... or putting up an avatar, funny JPG, etc... but, your picture is clearly intended to lead people to believe you are a "hot-bikini-model-girl" of some nature.


    Its actually not a violation of federal law unless the user is gaining some benefit from them, I suppose there are a few very weak arguments for benefits MFP users could be gaining but I'm quite confident none of them would stand up in court.

    My question was intended to ask why its "disturbing, misleading, and generally creepy" to you. If you'd checked my profile its very clear, in fact its in the first line and in all caps that this is a goal picture that is not of myself. There is also a ticker that appears below each of my posts indicating that I have 75 lbs. to loose, I don't think any reasonably minded person could believe the girl pictured has 75 lbs. to loose. IMO its actually quite clear its not me, I don't see how anyone who had given it any thought at all could have been mislead.
  • GorillaEsq
    GorillaEsq Posts: 2,198 Member
    Its actually not a violation of federal law unless the user is gaining some benefit from them, I suppose there are a few very weak arguments for benefits MFP users could be gaining but I'm quite confident none of them would stand up in court.
    Respectfully, you're very absolutely incorrect. I'm a copyright attorney. You'll just have to take my word on this one.
    My question was intended to ask why its "disturbing, misleading, and generally creepy" to you. If you'd checked my profile its very clear, in fact its in the first line and in all caps that this is a goal picture that is not of myself. There is also a ticker that appears below each of my posts indicating that I have 75 lbs. to loose, I don't think any reasonably minded person could believe the girl pictured has 75 lbs. to loose.
    It's creepy because there is a perception that profiles like yours are attempting to "lure" people in under a false pretense.

    For example, if I were using a random image of a guy kicking puppies as my one-and-only picture, yet disclosed somewhere in my profile that I'm protesting puppy-kickers with the graphic... the "overall message" would likely be lost... This is primarily because MFP members don't "dive" into profile text. They look at images, and move on.
    IMO its actually quite clear its not me, I don't see how anyone who had given it any thought at all could have been mislead.
    I would be willing to bet that virtually NO ONE would realize your picture is pirated at first glance.
  • If you'd checked my profile its very clear, in fact its in the first line and in all caps that this is a goal picture that is not of myself. There is also a ticker that appears below each of my posts indicating that I have 75 lbs. to loose, I don't think any reasonably minded person could believe the girl pictured has 75 lbs. to loose. IMO its actually quite clear its not me, I don't see how anyone who had given it any thought at all could have been mislead.

    Not my picture

    I realized pretty fast that most people do not take the time to read profiles. I have had multiple pictures that I thought would be obvious to all that they were not me. I also had a disclaimer in CAPS on my profile stating the pictures were not me. Still got endless friend requests from women loving my abs. I eventually just closed my profile to friends only and do not accept invites. My friends know what I look like. That is really all that matters to me.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    My picture is totally fake. All of them.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    could they have been joking?
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    No way mines fake, I'm about to chug that bottle of Old E.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    It's like this man:

    People are strange when you're a stranger
    Faces look ugly when you're alone
    Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
    Streets are uneven when you're down

    When you're strange
    Faces come out of the rain
    When you're strange
    No one remembers your name
    When you're strange
    When you're strange
    When you're strange

    People are strange dude, very very strange.
  • sunny16603
    sunny16603 Posts: 3 Member
    if i shave my belly hair to make it look like i have abs, does that count? :-p
    That just made me smile, Thanks.
  • I hate how I look. But mine is obviously fake, I wouldn't pretend it was real.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    does it count if it was a real picture of you, just 4 years ago? is that fake or real? it's a goal picture that i'd like to get back to but it really is me lol
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member

    Respectfully, you're very absolutely incorrect. I'm a copyright attorney. You'll just have to take my word on this one.

    I don't really care to get into a debate over the ins and outs of copyright with you, but I'm actually very familiar with the law myself. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree here.
    It's creepy because there is a perception that profiles like yours are attempting to "lure" people in under a false pretense.

    For example, if I were using a random image of a guy kicking puppies as my one-and-only picture, yet disclosed somewhere in my profile that I'm protesting puppy-kickers with the graphic... the "overall message" would likely be lost... This is primarily because MFP members don't "dive" into profile text. They look at images, and move on.

    Except I'm not attempting to lure anyone in...so that doesn't really make much sense. Anyway, there doesn't seem to be a consensus in either direction, personally I think everyone should create their profile how they like. I'm not that concerned with what anyone else thinks of my profile, if people don't like my picture they don't have to look at it.
  • does it count if it was a real picture of you, just 4 years ago? is that fake or real? it's a goal picture that i'd like to get back to but it really is me lol

    I would imagine that people with a foot fetish would consider a 4 year old picture of your feet to be fake unless you clearly state that the picture is old. Anyone with a foot fetish want to chime in on this one?
  • I am not ashamed to put my real pictures on here. I know I am not much to look at but I am working on that. WHY hide who I really am? You either like me or you don't. At the end of the day, when I lay down to go to sleep, your opinion means nothing to me.

    I do have to agree with the OP. I just don't see the reason behind it. But hey... whatever you want to be, go for it.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    I think most of the internet is fake period. You never know who is really who behind a computer!!
    You mean, people online brag about things that aren't true and are completely fabricated?? That's just CRAZY talk!!

    I'm so upset can barely type this post while I drive my rocket-powered Ferrari to my supermodel-girlfriend's house for a three-way with her cyborg, nymphomaniac roommates. I doubt I'll even be able to curl my regular set of 1000 pound dumbbells tomorrow morning.

    True story.

    [DISCLAIMER: No nymphomaniac cyborgs were harmed nor injured, neither physically nor emotionally, during the drafting of this post.]

    (Yes, I did post that earlier)

    This cracked me up!
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    My pic is really me. It is me at goal; where I was before getting sick. I don't hide this from anyone and don't pretend it is me at this very moment. It was me, 18 months ago though. I have this and many other photos of myself plastered all over my house, for motivational purposes.

    I guess my take on this subject is that I'm not here to gain any friends by the way they look. I could care less. Really. I have friends here and IRL of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities, genders and gender preferences as well. If someone thinks I am their friend (and I absolutely do NOT think this to be the case with any of MFP friends) because of how they look, well, the nicest thing I can say is that they're dead wrong.

    Put what ever photo you want to in your avi I suppose. It isn't hurting me so why do I care?
  • Defintily support if its a goal pic, but not if its some one just hyping a fake profile, and I was curious about some of the 'success stories' with a long post about a huge 100lb+ weightloss but they just joined 3 months ago. I would have thought the success stores would be from people using MFP to as a tool towards their goals.
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    I agree!!! I've seen one girl posting what appears to be body parts of many different women and oddly enough her face is NEVER in any of the hot parts pics, but only face shots. ....SMH

    Lol I have body shots without my face, but it's clearly me.... No one would choose to fake such a messy bathroom/house :/ lol. Plus I'd probably choose someone extremely fit.

    Anywho you can also see my tattoos clearly in both the face and body ones. I think that's a big one cuz I've seen people who have a tattoo in their "before" pic but in their "after" it's not there mysteriously, or all the fit ones look like a completely different body, big boobs, small boobs, tan as crap, white as light....