
  • My work outs are MY time. Therefor, I do them in the AM before anyone can bother me, which means at 5am.
    if everyone is around I get interrupted at least every two minutes, and as my 15 year old daughter will tell you,
    do NOT interrupt mom's work out. Or else.

    But seriously, if I wait until I get home from work, at 6, fix dinner, take the dogs out, do the dishes, I'm not working out.
    I'm sofa queen for the last hour of my day. And as you said, half the time I'm making two meals because everyone around
    balks at my healthy eating habits. But, I've learned almost everything I make can be made eatable to teenagers by adding cheese or gravy lol. One or the other, I am in the south!
    My daughter helps as much as she can, especially if all her friends are here, but she's an honor student with 2 hours of homework every night, ROTC, and now she's modeling on the weekends, which took up my entire weekend last week.
    This weekend I may actually clean my house. ;)
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    My daughter (first child) was due yesterday but she is still being stubborn and refusing to leave my warm belly! Interesting information from everyone on here, it is nice to see other's struggles and how they have learned to overcome them. Hopefully I will be a hot mom soon!
  • Hot mom reporting for duty.
  • asamuels85
    asamuels85 Posts: 170 Member
    I try.. but DAMN there are some hotties on here!! My babies are 7, 5 and 13 months.. they keep in busy but not in shape.. i crank out a 60 min workout during lunch, then try to be polite while i eat at my desk later on in the day.. :/
  • irishscorpio66
    irishscorpio66 Posts: 22 Member
    I got called a MILF for the first time ever, just a few days ago.

    Daddy likes!!! :love:
  • MissyBenj
    MissyBenj Posts: 186 Member
    My days are never the same, I work 4 days a week though my heart is always with my kids.. We love we laugh we run and we play. I work out on my lunch breaks and I run at night. It's my thing that I do for myself. I haven't had a whole lot of support or encouragement compared to the eye rolling and the "Why do you work out so much" or "Why do you eat like that" - but to each their own :)
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    Don't really fall into the "hot" category but I'm working on getting into shape. Hi there, I'm Leanne - I am married with 4 beautiful kids, 3 girls, 1 boy (ages 10, 7, 3 & 1). Life is hectic but I am having great success using MFP. My exercise is basically going for a walk/jog every morning before hubby goes to work & occasionally going for a swim (atm trying to teach my 4 year old to swim without her floaties!!) Will change my profile pic soon as I've lost 9kg since that pic was taken so I look a little different. :happy:
  • irishscorpio66
    irishscorpio66 Posts: 22 Member
    Checking in! I mean checking out! All the hot Moms! If your in Central Florida check out the "Leesburg Florida Group" We are just getting started but will be a fun group!!
  • berryjk
    berryjk Posts: 120
    this is me! 30 yr old married mother of 2. I run a child care out of my home which takes up 12 hours of my day! I use to work out in the evenings, but with the kids getting older and getting active themselves I had to switch from evening workouts to EARLY morning workouts!

    My daily schedule

    4am-wake up

    4:30am to 6am- work out

    6:30am to 6pm- run my home child care (12 kids)

    I am then left with 3 hours for dinner, cleaning and whatever activity the kids are signed up for so I can get to bed by 9pm and do it all over again the next day! :) but somehow it all works out!
  • irishscorpio66
    irishscorpio66 Posts: 22 Member
    My days are never the same, I work 4 days a week though my heart is always with my kids.. We love we laugh we run and we play. I work out on my lunch breaks and I run at night. It's my thing that I do for myself. I haven't had a whole lot of support or encouragement compared to the eye rolling and the "Why do you work out so much" or "Why do you eat like that" - but to each their own :)

    Looking Good Girl keep it up!!! :wink:
  • Hi, I'm Lawanda!

    And I am a hot mom hehe! I am a mom of three busy boys 8, 6 and 5! I started out at 240 and now I am 189. I don't have support in my husband, but he doesn't have to walk around in a fat suit and neither do i! I am learning how to love me all over again! Thank you for this forum. Many ppl on here don't have children so they don't know the sacrifice. It really makes me happy and motivates me to see other parents getting it in with no excuses!
  • roohill
    roohill Posts: 87 Member
    Hot?? Does hot at heart count? Mommy to two great kids, 8 and 3 years old. Also run my own home day care. So my day is up at 5 am. Straighten up the house before the kids wake/get here. Breakfast, then get my daughter on the bus. Then my 4 year old and 2 year old get here. 2, 3, and 4 year old till 2:30... then its 2, 3, 4, and three 8 year olds... yes... 6 kids till 6 pm... I get dinner going. Husband gets home, and works out while its cooking. Then I work out while he gets our kids ready for bed. Its hectic... but having a responsible parent as a partner helps.. lol Occasionally the moon and stars all line up just right, and the toddlers all nap at the same time.. at which point I usually try to do something active, either clean, or walk on treadmill. Determined to be a hot mom!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    My daughter (first child) was due yesterday but she is still being stubborn and refusing to leave my warm belly! Interesting information from everyone on here, it is nice to see other's struggles and how they have learned to overcome them. Hopefully I will be a hot mom soon!

    My second was 8 days late. My first was 3 weeks early.

    Try to include baby girl in your workouts, but take it easy for the first few weeks after having her. Best wishes, and congrats :smile:
  • fawndam
    fawndam Posts: 595 Member
    HECK YEA! !!! Mom of 3!!!
  • mrsimon302
    mrsimon302 Posts: 49 Member
    Uhh yea, hi.. I'm looking for the uncle check-in forum lol
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Can you be "hot" at almost 41? I made time for exercise by deciding my husband, son, and I would all learn Kung Fu together. Best decision I've made in a long time - we get crazy fit, spend time together, and learn something cool all at once.

    you can most definitely be hot at 41 :)
  • roohill
    roohill Posts: 87 Member
    Uhh yea, hi.. I'm looking for the uncle check-in forum lol

    lol Uncle's ROCK! :)
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member

    I am not a fancy writer or some fitness professional. I am a mother of two wonderful children that I love with all of my heart mixed with a woman who is driven to be in shape and feel great about myself.

    I want this forum to be open for all of those moms and dads out there that have to dig deep to find the time to lose weight!
    Moms, (and dads too) we all know that it can be so hard to find the time to work out and improve our health. Many times we have to cook two meals at dinner time and give up all of our spare time to some sort of workout routine just to be able to lose the weight that we want.

    If you are a HOT MOM or DAD CHECK-IN HERE!!! Tell me your stories; what is your day like? How do you find the time to lose weight? Do you have support or are you all on your own?

    My goal is to create a community forum that will allow parents to vent, share, and create new ideas on how to be a great parent and get (or Stay) in shape….

    Ok I gotta go the baby is SCREAMING!!!! LOL

    I have a 2 year old daughter...I have lost 42 pounds since March. It has always been tough, but the last 3 weeks has been easier as I am FINALLY getting into a routine that works for me. I wake up about 2 hours before I used to and workout then.

    **Edited to correct spelling, because my "o" key doesn't work well.
  • HisPixie
    HisPixie Posts: 55 Member
    Mother of 22-year-old triplet girls. Do I still count as they are, well, adults now?! (Two still in college though, one going for MBA, one derailed by health problems and had to start again.) And I'm 53. Sigh!
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    My days are never the same, I work 4 days a week though my heart is always with my kids.. We love we laugh we run and we play. I work out on my lunch breaks and I run at night. It's my thing that I do for myself. I haven't had a whole lot of support or encouragement compared to the eye rolling and the "Why do you work out so much" or "Why do you eat like that" - but to each their own :)

    You have my vote! :love: