Add eachother for support?



  • Caspiana
    Caspiana Posts: 15
    Hello. I'm Caspiana. I've been here for a month but don't have any friends yet. I just want to be healthy and I haven't been for a long time. I hope we can support each other!
  • Revampednest
    Revampednest Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm Val. I joined MFP a while back but only within the last week or so started logging my diary faithfully. A friend of mine lost 57 lbs. since November by counting calories and that inspired me to get back on track. I'm a candidate for knee replacement and am 50 lbs. overweight. I'm trying to lose weight before the surgery so my post recovery will be a little easier. I'm still learning my way around this site and enjoy reading everyone's posts for motivation and inspiration. No friends yet :o(
  • goofy14633
    goofy14633 Posts: 1 Member
    im new here and looking for support il try and help people and myself stay motivated to fitness anybody want to add me for support you can,
  • Davidgettinghealthy
    Feel free to add me. I have lost approximately 50 lbs and need to lose 70 more.
  • ComputerJunkie
    Please Add!! I am just beginning my 40 lb weight loss journey.
  • prostalker
    HI I'm Jason I just joined MFP and i'm looking to lose at least 100lb, support and motivation is so important when trying to take on this challenge. It's far to easy to fall off the wagon and say i'll do it tomorrow when really today is what matters... Looking for any and all supporters to help me stay on track !
  • jiannette
    I have over 100 lbs to lose so could definitely use all the support I can get!

    One and all...please add me. :)
  • Fat2FitProject
    I am 22 years old, 6'0" tall, 208lbs, Asian male looking to lose around 30+ pounds. Is there anyone else out there like me that would like to add me? Preferably living in the NYC area. If anyone else that want to add me, you are also welcomed to add me.
  • tanias001
    tanias001 Posts: 41 Member
    well i have just deleted a few so called friends, thy were so supportive NOT. Not one comment of encouragement.
    If you would like to add me then please do, but be warned as well from now on I will only comment on the friends that offer encouragement and suport as well as i would for them.
    I don't think tis is unreasonable. When i needed help and encouragement no one did that for me.

    I am almost at my second goal i have lost 21 kilos already and would like to lose another 2 so i have a buffer zone and 2 kilo's to play with.
    I feeel good and i am so much ahppier with my progress so far.
    tanias001 add if you wish.
  • Purple_Night
    Purple_Night Posts: 16 Member
    Hello! :)

    I am 22 and from Scotland. I have always been the type of person to say 'oh i want to lose this, eat healthy etc' but i am always too weak when it comes to certain foods. Anything cake related is my downfall - i love to bake so it can really take over your life when you are constantly trying out new baking recipes - and of course eating them.

    Enough is enough - i NEED to do this. I am graduating next year and will hopefully begin my life career, i want to travel and do so many different things. I lack confidence sometimes and i feel by changing my outside i will change my inside too. I am always the quiet one and i want this to change - it is a new healthy lifestyle for my mind and body.

    I am looking for people to share tasty snacks and recipes with, new fitness tips and everything in-between! I can be there to listen or rant to and hopefully we can all just motivate each other as we are all aiming for the same things more or less.

    I also LOVE animals!

    Talk soon,

    - Laura :)
  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Hi everyone! Feel free to add me! All my info is on my profile.

    I do my best to offer encouragement and offer support :flowerforyou:
  • dreagerl9
    dreagerl9 Posts: 1 Member
    I like this idea..^_^... Hi! My name is Anndrea but rather be called Drea, I'm 26 and I've lost 23lbs so far and need to lose 20 more. I have health problems that are in need for me to be skinny, and it is so hard to do. I live in North Carolina and would really like to have some friends to encourage and to be encouraged. I suck at working out but I've been eating healthy so I've lost a lot of weight but now I need to do the work to tone. I have two beautiful children and an awesome husband, who by the way can eat a whole box of doughnuts and not gain an ounce, I look at them and I gain weight. I hope you guys still continue this crazy hard journey and I wish you the best of luck!!!
  • AngelChini
    AngelChini Posts: 111 Member
    Great idea!
    I am Angelaca and I love to give positive and honest comments. I also love to give advice to people that are not dieting correctly and or just not motivated to exercise. I just love to motivate people and inspire them to get to the goal they want to, and let them know that they are NOT alone and that we are all on the train to weight loss city ahaha. My main goal is to achieve a well toned body by exercising and dieting correctly. I am always accepting friend request especially the ones that have the same goal as me.^^
  • MKLC
    MKLC Posts: 13
    Hey All,

    I'm Meaghan. 28 from Toronto. My goal is to lose between 40-50lbs. My diary is open to those to add me as a friend. Shoot me a message and introduce yourself :)

    "Sweat is fat crying" <--love that quote :)
  • missxjuicy
    missxjuicy Posts: 205 Member
    i'm 26. I started at 206 down to 161 & a goal of 150-145lbs. My diary is open. I'm not the biggest exercise freak lol. I prefer to do zumba. I did start the 30day shred. I got a lot of toning up to do. I hope to finish. Looking for ones similar to my weight & goal but, all "girls" are welcomed. I plan to stay on here even after I reach my gw to mantain.
  • m_suerte

    My name is Sarah and I am 31. I am looking to loose 20-25 pounds (I am currently 151, aiming for 130-135). Mostly I am hoping to regain the strength and energy that I lost as the weight crept on. Friends are welcome :)
  • slimmom2b
    Hi! I'm Kyla and I'm trying to lose 100lbs! I started in February of this year and have knocked out 39lbs of it and I'm struggling to get the rest of this crap off! Lol! Would love to have some supportive pals and not ones that are going to delete me because I've had a bad day (I've had that happen numerous times) -jerks- Anyway add me if you like cuz I'm ready to get this done!!!!!
  • ShannelHawkes
    Hey! I'm Shannel from Pa. Just joined and just started a weight loss program (again). I'm going to be trying things a bit different this time. Like setting short term goals. My first is to loose 25lbs. and be able to "stoop" and stand without pulling myself up. I really don't like to talk about myself too much, so this is it for now.
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Hi I'm Kate, 47 from Ontario, and I have 60 more lbs to lose. Looking for a healthy life style. And of course a new wardrobe.
  • NHLeah
    NHLeah Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, my name is Leah. I picked this app on my phone last week and so far I love it. I would like to lose 40-50lbs and get into better shape. It is so easy to enter items in the diary your food and exercise. I like the feedback that shows how much fat, carbs, protein, sugar etc that you are eating throughout the day. Although I feel I ate healthy before, I am eating healthier now and I am trying to take on the attitude on how I want to fuel my body vs just eating food because it tastes good. I'd like to be able to go to my annual physical exam with better numbers weight, lipid and blood pressure wise. My vitamin D levels have been low for the last 9 months and from what I have read, being overweight contributes to that.