Add eachother for support?



  • I'm Jennie and I'm 26. I'm just looking to have a more healthy lifestyle and to get into shape. I have about 12lbs I want to lose so I can fit comfortably into my clothes this winter. I've tried this before last fall sometime and then kinda gave up at some point. I want to get into a regular exercise routine and good eating habits and this really helps me with that if I can remember everyday!
  • Hi, I'm Jennifer. I've been using this app for about a month and have lost 5 pounds so far. I could use encouragement and support from other people trying to get fit. At my highest, I weighed 245 pounds, but now I'm down to 233. I would like to get to 150 or lower for health reasons. I am a physical therapist assistant who used to be a veterinary technician. I don't have problems working out, but I do have problems not over-eating. Hope everyone is trying to get healthy!! :happy:
  • Hey everyone! Feel free to add me. My diary is public. I am a sci-fi/fantasy nerd who loves video games, nerdy boardgames, RPGs robots, mermaids, unicorns, singing, dancing and fun, happy people. :)

    Fitness-wise I love Turbo Fire, Zumba and strength training. I am here to lose weight, learn to eat clean, and to be able to do pull-ups and other feats of strength.

    So many of you continue to inspire me each day! We can do it!
  • stubbseyt
    stubbseyt Posts: 84 Member
    hi, Im Tracy and i am deffo up for making some new friends too, my diary is public i am following Atkins but i have previously done weight watchers, i did try slimming world but it wasn't for me the only one that i feel good on and suits me is the Atkins diet.

    i am quite new to this site and still learning, so far i have lost 4 stone, thats english and i am sorry i am not sure what it is in lbs maths was never my strongest subject or i would just convert it in my head for yu... oh well, i still have a way to go tho, i would say i am about halfway ish through my overall weight loss plan, so going to need all the encouragement and support i can get.

    hoping to be joining some fitness classes soon, going to try pilates, i used to go to the gym but i have a bad back at the mo and so have had to stop that.

    hope to hear from some of you xxx
  • 2S_1R
    2S_1R Posts: 171
    Could always use more friends... :)
  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
    hi! i'm 32 yrs old and want to lose 30 pounds. i need all of the help i can get!!! :)
  • kellyirisheyes
    kellyirisheyes Posts: 137 Member
    Also just joined. Not looking to lose too much more weight, just to feel healthier.
    Adds are most appreciated :)
  • Hi I'm Cheryl! I've lost 7 pounds so far and need to lose 50 more. I'm definitely interested in new friends on here so that we can support each other through this journey! :smile:
  • Hi I'm Kirstyn (23yo) and I need all of the support I can get :-) I started my diet and tracking my food & exercise with myfitnesspal 11 days ago, already making progress!!! Trying to get fit & healthy for me and my two baby girls (3yo&8mo).
    Starting weight 78kgs, current weight 73kgs, goal weight 54kgs!
  • Surecutie
    Surecutie Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Everyone. I'm Lashonda. I've lost 10 lbs over the past month and would love to lose 30 more. I'm 30 with three kids. :)
  • aww boohoo, no one wants to add me =( oh wells looks like I have to do the next best thing, add others! =D
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    just like an old school myspace friend train eh ?

    Read my quote before adding me and
    I'd appreciate it if your diary was open / friends only
  • tacormier
    tacormier Posts: 20 Member
    Hi, I am Tanya and am 41 years old. I have 2 children (an 11 year old girl and a 14 year old boy). I have been fighting with my weight for 20 years. I have yo-yo'd for many years. I would like to lose 30 pounds or more.

    Anyone reading this post, feel free to "friend me" .
  • Hi, I'm Michelle, 34YO.

    I Woke up one day a few weeks ago and realized how many excuses I was making that I hadn't lost the baby weight. As a mother of two young girls, a full time engineer, and a business owner, I just said that my lack of energy was stress related. But that's untrue. It's a lack of proper nutrition. So that day I quit drinking alcohol (I'm a wine snob), stopped eating all processed foods, and stocked up on healthy supplements. A few weeks later, I began logging my food on the mobile app. My original goal was to drop the last 10 lbs I needed to get to pre-baby #2 weight. Now that that's done, I'm headed toward my wedding date weight and into a bikini again by the time we take our second honeymoon in January.

    I'm looking for friends who share my crazy busy livestyle to trade tips and encouragement!
  • emmaamme2
    emmaamme2 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I'm Emma, 38yo. I have started this at a time when I have a house full 3 boys, myself (and now husband!) sick with the flu. Crazy time to start in some ways. However I am starting out slow and concentrating on being more conscious of what I eat. Yes, my diary still admits to some chocolate, but i'm keeping it within my goals. I will focus more on exercise later, but am nervous about pushing that as I have a back condition that gives me grief when I overdo this. I'm aiming to lose around 13kg (about 26 pounds I think). I am happy to do it steadily, but I want to be consistent and committed to improving my life and naturally, as a consequence, that of my family. I am really wanting to focus on health happiness & gaining back my energy. We live on a small property in regional Australia and also run our own businesses. Please add me if you have a positive approach and similar goals.
  • I'm Erica....

    I have four children: Jessica 25, Shayla 23, Andrea 20, and Deion 15. One grandchild: Josh 3
    Two dogs: Prince and Bandit (toy Australian Shepherds
    One bird: Sunshine (Sun Conure)

    I embarked on my healthy lifestyle plan on June 4, 2012 with the Insanity program. Today, I started the second phase with P90x for the next 90 days.

    Feel free to add me if you like to inspire and be inspired, motivate and be motivated. I'm all about positivity and encouragement and remaining drama-free and clear of distractions to my goal.
  • Hey everyone. My name is Christine. I have lost 42lbs and have a lot more to lose. I am a wife, mom, grandma, registered nurse, etc. I keep quite busy and lately I have been feeling better about making myself a priority. I am happy to be supportive and encouraging to those that would like it. Feel free to add me and we can help each other. My diary is not open, not to offend anyone but because I am not yet comfortable with that. Not sure why, but it is what it is. I have been successful with my weight loss journey and lifestyle change this time around so I am not sure what keeps my diary closed, maybe that will change in the time to come. Here's a quote that I saw on facebook (via the other day that I really liked:

    "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, I will try again tomorrow."
  • Hola! I am looking to lose about 10 pounds of fat :) I need some great motivation because i have started traing for a triatholon and need to stay on corse! I'm looking for anyone who wants to lose the weight with me and or help with my training :)
  • Olbol123
    Olbol123 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi My names Olivia, I've lost 33 pounds upto now and only have afew to go but need all the support i can get... Would love help with recipe ideas and diet plans that have worked for others? I have a major sweet tooth so low fat dessert recipes would be much appreciated :)
  • Hi! I am Daliah! I just heard about this website today and am new. I am 18 years old, hoping to lose about 19 lbs to reach my ideal weight. Never have I been successful in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and would love to do so as soon as possible.

    The stress of college (or maybe my love of food) has caused me to gain 10 lbs this past year alone. I want to get that off and then hopefully lose an additional 9 lbs!
