Partner hates me using MFP :(



  • My boyfriend doesn't know about me using MFP. I know if he did, though, he would tell me I don't need it. He doesn't think I need to lose weight. Your boyfriend/fiancee/husband is horrible to start a fight over you choosing to use MFP, though. If you're not looking to lose weight, and just looking to eat healthier... then you don't need to use MFP if it's going to cause problems with your love (even though he's just having a tantrum over nothing). If you're wanting to lose weight, though... then MFP is great. It trains your dedication, self-discipline, and easily keeps you on track for healthy weight loss. MFP trains you to be able to not log everything and just live a healthy lifestyle without worrying about gaining weight... it just may take a year or so for you to be able to do that. If this is what you want... then your lover needs to support you. Stress is a reason many people put on pounds! He shouldn't be putting you through something like that. You're not harming anybody... MFP is better than you harming yourself by anorexia or bulimia! He's just being a brat. I'm sorry you have to put up with that. He shouldn't be so judgmental of something just because it's different than the way he lives his life. You should ask him why it bothers him... if he dislikes it for a good reason (I can't think of any good reasons!), then try to set up some sort of compromise. What he thinks should matter to an extent... but if you're not harming anybody then he needs to be supportive of you! Even if he doesn't agree with something, he should always support you if he loves you more than anything. I would like to know why it bothers him so much, though. He just seems like a complete jerk, but he may have a good point as to why he would dislike MFP so much... instead of getting angry, he should have more self-control (maybe HE should use MFP!) and talk to you about his thoughts and avoid fights with the one he loves!
  • I love MFP, it helps me stay on track and I know that without it I would over eat because I wouldn't be so conscious

    I think you answered your own question right there! By the way, there's nothing wrong with eating hamburgers - I enjoy lean beef and turkey burgers all the time and have met my goal. Hamburgers.....mmmmmmmmm :smile:
  • purebells
    purebells Posts: 83 Member
    I think at the beginning it can be obessive, and people dont seem to understand and think you are taking the 'diet' thing a bit too far.
    I say keep tracking and screw him!! :)
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    MFP is an education tool. ...

    the obsessive logging is just a part of the education process to living a overall long term healthy lifestyle.

    i like this way of thinking about it as education. If you were taking a course to learn how to do something well, it could take several months or more to master the task. It's like we are taking "Basic Nutrition Tracking 1" right now, and we have to study!
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    I think if you have a specific goal in mind, logging everything will help you get the most accurate reading possible although it'll never be 100%. If there is not specific goal in mind then i think you should just remember most of your food and do your logging in one big hit when your alone or not spending time with him. maybe logging everything every two minutes while your with him gets on his nerves. it annoys my GF!. lol.

    good luck.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    She is thinking she should leave MFP because he will take the joy out of it for her. I think my husband was more worried about the chat side of it. So one night I sat with him on couch n showed him friends etc...I even showed him a friend request from a male that I ignored with a polite message of good luck. Once he realised I was only sticking to women he's been fine and the fact that he steals the remote for the tv n am I really supposed to sit there watching fishing shows with him? Lol. I am obsessed but I've made rules..only when baby is being fed or when he is watching his shows or on his phone. I reward myself with it too...get this job done and only then log food.
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm 64 and have been dieting on and off for the last 50 years..... I choose whatever keeps me going and this is by far the best site I have EVER found. I'm in with a real chance of finishing what I started and I'd be real upset if my partner said what yours does. I guess all you can do is prove how much you need this by losing the weight. He won't moan then will he?? :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    My husband is a good guy and is supportive in many ways but initially I did get eye rolling and some minor talk of obsessiveness. It does take an amount of obsessiveness to really stick to doing it. But I kept doing it anyway because this is not about him. This is for ME. He spends a lot of time on video games and I might make some comments over the years but if it isn't interfering with our life, it doesn't really matter what I think. I can't imagine playing the exact same game for like 10 years. I think it is a bit nutty. But that is HIS hobby and his right to do so. Just because partners think or express an opinion doesn't mean they have any control over it. Ironically he now will set some stuff out, tell me what extra stuff he put in a meal, etc. if he happens to cook but if I drag it out and get say something obsessive like, especially in public (but not with friends), he will not refrain from eye rolling. Honestly, I'm secure enough not to really care that he does that. I just continue, laugh about it and tell him my results.

    Now months later, he is ready to lose weight. I don't have him on the MFP bandwagon but he'll listen to me if I consult my MFP and tell him what his options are. Go figure.

    Oh and I also have a heart rate monitor, fit bit (a fancy cool pedometer), attend the gym multiple times a week, and I even have and use a food scale. So what. I'm doing this...

    Let me repeat it again...

    FOR ME!

    You are doing this for YOU!
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    A lot of the time partners not understanding mfp has to do with user being on too much. That was my case in the beginning. I been on since January and have to admit that it's pretty addicting especially if you are new to the whole new social media scene as I was. After one disagreement I begin to take a look at how much time I was spending on mfp while my wife was there with me. I should have been spending quality time with her. After I made some major adjustment to my workout schedule and mfp use the stares ended. I usually just hop on and off at home unless she's looking at some girlie stuff on her laptop at the same time. Otherwise I'm usually on here while working graveyard.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    Tell your "partner" Impy say's they're being a bouchdag.

    A partner supports and at the least shows curiosity about your well being and the steps you are taking towards taking care of you.
    Relax on logging so obviously if that will shut ur "partner" up. Mine doesn't even know when i log as i dont make a big show or production of it. But if it's working for you do not QUIT logging.
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    This sounds like something you need to sit down and discuss calmly with your partner when the dust settles from your row.

    It is one thing that you are using this to log and for support on diet and fitness - that is something you need to do for yourself. It can be challenging for those close to us when we are focussing so closely on logging, and on participating in this site generally, particularly in the beginning.

    However in terms of your relationship, putting yourself in a position where you might receive relationship advice on here, when this is already a bone of contention between the two of you, might not necessarily be the best idea for many reasons. So speak to your partner - that is something you need to do for your relationship!

    Just saying.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Actually, Slinky is right. We can all say what we want or how we've handled things but it is not our relationship. I agree with a talk with your partner after the dust settles especially when it was a "big row."
  • Garywf
    Garywf Posts: 7 Member
    The main purpose of using MFP is to record and manage your calorie balance so that the net result is weight loss. I find that the hardest part is being totally honest and recording everything as accurately as possible. If you don't record accurately then forget about using MFP and do something else.

    I have been told more than once that I am "over the top" with my insistence to record everything (including recovering wrappers from the bin to scan the bar-code). Well, sorry but that's the way it is and I have lost 35kgs over the last twelve months so something is working. My critics just have to "suck it up". I have also been told I am looking skinny and drawn, this comes from others being well meaning but perhaps a little jealous. Now I simply laugh and say my health is more about how I feel rather than how I look.

    Being called "obsessive" is a tough way to describe your attention to detail and may be based on envy, best to laugh it off. The comments will go away after a while as you progress towards your goals. Yours is a very personal journey and it is best, though hard sometimes, to focus on what you need to achieve obtain your objective.

    Best wishes
  • Dont stop if you don't want to but maybe try it alone for a month i stopped coming on here at Christmas to have a go alone but it hasn't worked but every one is different. but make sure it is your decision! Good luck and i hope he understands if you choose to stay :) x
  • fittertanme
    fittertanme Posts: 259 Member
    sounds like he is insecure and that that you might someone on here when all you are doing is to keep fit and healthy and I think you are doing the right way just tell him again why you are doing it and maybe ask him if he would like to join and that way will see that this site is for those that want to keep healthy and fit and not dating sex site that he might think it is so good luck
  • Hi and please add me as a freind if you like? My husband is aware of how much I use this site. About as much as you by the sound of it. He hasn't commented yet but I'm waiting for it.....! I think if it helps you then carry on! I find it helpful not just to log food and exercise but the motivation and support from other like minded people also does it for me! I have thought its about finding the right balance. If you think you would be okay on your own, then try that. After all, what would we all have done before this site existed? I don't know about you but I myself was on here and Facebook until about 3 weeks ago! I found I was spending too much time on both so have deactivated my Facebook account. Okay, so I have logged on briefly for a few times but to be honest, this site is enough and I don't really miss it! Good luck on your continued weight loss journey whichever path you choose to take! :flowerforyou:
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I tend to agree with the posters who are questioning what he's really objecting to---is it MFP or is it that you are working to lose weight?

    Most people really work to avoid change and aren't very welcoming of change they didn't personally initiate. Even though you may not think that your efforts to get control of your health and weight don't affect him, they do.

    Also, many partners become insecure about the relationship when their partners start looking and feeling better. They worry that you're fixing yourself up to get back out on the market.

    And no, you can't out-exercise a poor diet. Weight loss is at least 80% diet.
  • I'm 64 and have been dieting on and off for the last 50 years..... I choose whatever keeps me going and this is by far the best site I have EVER found. I'm in with a real chance of finishing what I started and I'd be real upset if my partner said what yours does. I guess all you can do is prove how much you need this by losing the weight. He won't moan then will he?? :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
    Couldn't agree more! :smile:
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Oh and in answer to your last question. Yes logging can take over your life and become obsessive. This is not a question of what you are doing not being "normal" - this is what is "normal" for you right now. Some people have the discipline to just exercise and eat sensibly, some of us don't. I accept that I do not have that discipline which is why, periodically, I feel the need to log my food intake.

    What could be helpful for you and for those around you is if you allow yourself a day when you don't log. I sometimes do this on a Sunday, when me and my husband and son all eat together. This doesn't mean you stuff your face with cakes, bread and pies. You simply continue to eat healthily but don't obsess over the numbers or the portions. This takes the edge off the whole dieting thing and also gives you practice for the future when you stop logging forever!
  • I am the same, my boyfriend doesn't like it either. I log EVERYTHING and scan foods in the supermarket to see if they are low calories. I just say to him... "This is what makes me happy and this is how I am achieving my goals" and things like "don't you want me to be hot?" hahaha.