Forced flu shot at work



  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    You can't sue an employer for placing immunization restrictions on employment. No one is forcing you to get the flu shot--they're saying if you want to keep working there, you need to get the flu shot. If you want to find employment elsewhere, then do so, and you don't need to get the flu shot. I expect that if you decide to work at Staples, or McDonalds, or etc etc. you won't have to get a flu shot. No one is forcing you to work in healthcare.

    If you want to continue working in a hospital, it seems reasonable to get a vaccine that has been found in study after study to lessen the number and severity of cases of the flu. Seems a bit selfish to object to something that can protect those you care for--even if you are far from patients, you still make your paycheck from an institution that cares for patients, therefore you should be immunized.

    The flu shot can't make you sick--it's a DEAD virus. To say "I got the flu shot and got the worst flu of my life from it" means you lack a basic understanding of the science of vaccinations.

    ^^ This.

    1. There have been no studies that show that having nursing staff get the flu shot will reduce the number of patients getting the flu. The only studies done are those that show the effectiveness of the flu shot, which is not all that effective in those who need it most. You must have a good immune system in order to develop the antibody reaction to the vaccine in order for the person to be protected.

    2. There are many legal cases that set precedent on what happens when a change is made in the contractual agreement between employer and employee. In the majority of cases, the employee wins when the employer changes something, thereby enforcing a previously absent rule. I look forward to seeing hospitals being sued over this. It will be a crap shoot, but without a concrete study showing the effectiveness of requiring staff to receive flu shots on patients' health, I would say that the employee would win.
  • WesKate
    WesKate Posts: 8 Member
    I work in a hospital & they are thinking about maiking it mandatory. I think that is absolutly against my right. I don't want the flu shot for the possible repercussions of getting it. I have seen some effects it can possibly have. Of course its only a percentage that can be affected but they are serious enough that I will refuse. I think its completely unlawful also to fire an employee for it. I will wear a mask if needed but I will not get a vaccine for the flu.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    You can't sue an employer for placing immunization restrictions on employment. No one is forcing you to get the flu shot--they're saying if you want to keep working there, you need to get the flu shot. If you want to find employment elsewhere, then do so, and you don't need to get the flu shot. I expect that if you decide to work at Staples, or McDonalds, or etc etc. you won't have to get a flu shot. No one is forcing you to work in healthcare.

    If you want to continue working in a hospital, it seems reasonable to get a vaccine that has been found in study after study to lessen the number and severity of cases of the flu. Seems a bit selfish to object to something that can protect those you care for--even if you are far from patients, you still make your paycheck from an institution that cares for patients, therefore you should be immunized.

    The flu shot can't make you sick--it's a DEAD virus. To say "I got the flu shot and got the worst flu of my life from it" means you lack a basic understanding of the science of vaccinations.

    ^^ This.

    1. There have been no studies that show that having nursing staff get the flu shot will reduce the number of patients getting the flu. The only studies done are those that show the effectiveness of the flu shot, which is not all that effective in those who need it most. You must have a good immune system in order to develop the antibody reaction to the vaccine in order for the person to be protected.

    2. There are many legal cases that set precedent on what happens when a change is made in the contractual agreement between employer and employee. In the majority of cases, the employee wins when the employer changes something, thereby enforcing a previously absent rule. I look forward to seeing hospitals being sued over this. It will be a crap shoot, but without a concrete study showing the effectiveness of requiring staff to receive flu shots on patients' health, I would say that the employee would win.

    There is no contractual agreement between a hospital and its staff that the hospital cannot require vaccines. I look forward to employees losing tons of money to lawyers because they all believe they have the right to a job on their terms.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    ...I took a survey who did and didnot not get the flu shot and what happened? everyone who recieve the flu shot GOT SICK AND lost work time. DO NOT TAKE THE FLU SHOT

    :laugh: Bahahahaha! Real scientific survey, huh? You should publish those results in a medical journal. I'm a teacher and I get a flu shot every year, because I hate getting the flu with a passion. My district offers the shot for free, but does not require it. I have not gotten the flu in all the years that I have taken the shot. It's a relief when everyone around you is puking out both ends and you're doing just fine. Of course, I could blame all the colds I've gotten on the flu shot, like so many people have done here, but I realize that my flu vaccine doesn't cause or prevent regular old colds. :flowerforyou:

    "Puking out both ends" is not what the flu shot covers. Your misconception is all too common. What you are describing is the stomach flu, for which there is no immunization. The 'flu' shot covers respiratory influenza, not the stomach flu.
  • seattlerain
    seattlerain Posts: 189 Member
    I have to get it done for the hospitial I am at...
  • Thank goodness my hospital isn't making it mandatory.
    I refuse to take the flu shot and I am the only one in the office that hasn't had the flu for 2 years...
    I've taken it before and was sick as hell for weeks. Never again.
  • My hospital started making us take it about 3 years ago... I think it is ridiculous... I've had the flu once in 38 years... and had the flu shot that year.. we come to work with sore throats, coughs, colds, sinus infections, pneumonia, n/v/d... and every other type of virus or bacterial infection... what is the difference? If they did a nasal swab on us, they would probably find that most of us had MRSA too!
  • I Have religious reasons why I would not, you might want to check and see if they give a provision for phylosical reasons why you don't want to,

    Personally I would rather go with out the job then let them violate my temple (In which I also deem my husbands Temple and Gods temple)
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    that depends, are you a right to work state?

    kids have to have shots to go to school, why not adults?

    Little known fact, in most states, children don't need all those shots to get in school. Ask for the exemption paper and you will see that I speak truth.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    1. There have been no studies that show that having nursing staff get the flu shot will reduce the number of patients getting the flu. The only studies done are those that show the effectiveness of the flu shot, which is not all that effective in those who need it most. You must have a good immune system in order to develop the antibody reaction to the vaccine in order for the person to be protected.

    THis is absolutely not true. Earlier in this thread I cited several studies that show it DOES reduce the number of patients getting the flu, and I could easily have kept on listing more studies. It was very easy to find them by googling.

    The legal stuff is another issue entirely and I'll let you guys fight that one out, lol.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Little known fact, in most states, children don't need all those shots to get in school. Ask for the exemption paper and you will see that I speak truth.

    Yes, and that's why we are seeing outbreaks of whooping cough all over the place now.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    you might want to check and see if they give a provision for phylosical reasons why you don't want to,
    What word is that supposed to be?
  • Little known fact, in most states, children don't need all those shots to get in school. Ask for the exemption paper and you will see that I speak truth.

    Yes, and that's why we are seeing outbreaks of whooping cough all over the place now.

    oh never mind the rise in Autusm
  • you might want to check and see if they give a provision for phylosical reasons why you don't want to,
    What word is that supposed to be?

    my spell check is out, I meant, phil li sophical reasons
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    Little known fact, in most states, children don't need all those shots to get in school. Ask for the exemption paper and you will see that I speak truth.

    Yes, and that's why we are seeing outbreaks of whooping cough all over the place now.

    oh never mind the rise in Autusm
    Are you freaking serious? No intelligent person believes there is a link between vaccines and autism. One FALSIFIED study found a link.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member

    oh never mind the rise in Autusm

    there is zero connection between vaccines and autism, sorry. The one study that showed it was a fraud.
  • Little known fact, in most states, children don't need all those shots to get in school. Ask for the exemption paper and you will see that I speak truth.

    Yes, and that's why we are seeing outbreaks of whooping cough all over the place now.

    oh never mind the rise in Autusm
    Are you freaking serious? No intelligent person believes there is a link between vaccines and autism. One FALSIFIED study found a link.

    Not ture there are plenty of drs and scentist who beleive it
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    you might want to check and see if they give a provision for phylosical reasons why you don't want to,
    What word is that supposed to be?

    my spell check is out, I meant, phil li sophical reasons
    Are you trying to say "philosophical"?
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Not ture there are plenty of drs and scentist who beleive it

    Like Mercola? He doesn't understand how the immune system works.
  • Not to mention the people who wnat to link SIDS with vaccines