Job interview. If I do wear a skirt, do I wear pantyhose?



  • RoxRae
    The variety of answers is so interesting! I've enjoyed reading all of them.

    I'm old school so I advocate pantyhose, just to complete the overall polished look. I mean you'll do beautiful neutral makeup, your hair will be appropriately styled, your suit will be impeccable, your shoes amazing. Why mess it up by NOT wearing a really nice fitting sheer hose?

    Good luck on your interview!
  • oJulia
    No one has ever been offended by an applicant that comes to an interview over dressed. People are frequently offended by an applicant that comes to an interview under dressed. When in doubt always err on the side of more dressy. Pantyhose = yes. Bare legs = no.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    All you pantyhose proponents are setting the women's rights movement back 50 years! :sad:

    I've been on Executive Leadership Teams at Fortune 15 companies for 20+ years. Pantyhose are OUT. Tights in the winter are a fashion statement.

    When in doubt, wear black slacks.

    This is not a women's rights issue, this is a professionalism issue. If I were a man, I would wear a tie to an interview, and no one would say I was setting men's rights back 50 years. Business attire isn't the most comfortable thing for either gender, but if you want to work in a certain type of environment (with its attendant privileges) you have to suck it up, especially for the interview.

    And as for slacks, I have a very hard time finding pants that fit me well (no matter what weight I am), so slacks tend to look funky on me. I feel more comfortable, mentally and physically, in a skirt. For times when I need to wear formal clothing, I have a nice suit (just below the knee skirt and jacket) that I wear, that I feel good in. What I'm saying is, black slacks, or a pants suit, may be a good solution for some women, but not all.

    ^^ This exactly. This isn't about woman's rights. If the office has a policy of no bare legs, that policy applies to men and women equally. Why would a woman believe she should be able to wear a skirt and bare her legs?

    A skirt with pantyhose is always appropriate even if it isn't always comfortable. When you're going to an interview and don't know the dress code, put on pantyhose.

    So long as women are allowed to wear pants, then I would be fine with that policy. I refuse to work somewhere that puts me in "gender-assigned" clothing.
  • laprovocateur
    laprovocateur Posts: 128 Member
    Only if the interviewer is the Queen of England and/or over 50. Otherwise, if you're anywhere south of the Mason Dixon line especially, nix the nylons.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Old people do interviews and therefore you should wear pantyhose. Better safe than sorry
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    All you pantyhose proponents are setting the women's rights movement back 50 years! :sad:

    I've been on Executive Leadership Teams at Fortune 15 companies for 20+ years. Pantyhose are OUT. Tights in the winter are a fashion statement.

    When in doubt, wear black slacks.

    This is not a women's rights issue, this is a professionalism issue. If I were a man, I would wear a tie to an interview, and no one would say I was setting men's rights back 50 years. Business attire isn't the most comfortable thing for either gender, but if you want to work in a certain type of environment (with its attendant privileges) you have to suck it up, especially for the interview.

    And as for slacks, I have a very hard time finding pants that fit me well (no matter what weight I am), so slacks tend to look funky on me. I feel more comfortable, mentally and physically, in a skirt. For times when I need to wear formal clothing, I have a nice suit (just below the knee skirt and jacket) that I wear, that I feel good in. What I'm saying is, black slacks, or a pants suit, may be a good solution for some women, but not all.

    ^^ This exactly. This isn't about woman's rights. If the office has a policy of no bare legs, that policy applies to men and women equally. Why would a woman believe she should be able to wear a skirt and bare her legs?

    A skirt with pantyhose is always appropriate even if it isn't always comfortable. When you're going to an interview and don't know the dress code, put on pantyhose.

    So long as women are allowed to wear pants, then I would be fine with that policy. I refuse to work somewhere that puts me in "gender-assigned" clothing.

    There is no company that would say that woman are not allowed to wear pants.
  • sdumma
    sdumma Posts: 126 Member
    Go naked with nipple tassels.
    This :wink:
  • takingnameskickingbutt
    Some industries ESPECIALLY LAW AND FINANCE, one always wears panty hose or tights with skirt suits. This has nothing to do with gender rights, just wear the damn panty hose or wear a clean-tailored pant suit.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    People still wear pantyhose????

    That was my thought exactly. Perhaps it's cultural/regional. I work in company with a fairly strict dress code (suits are preferred, men must always have jacket or tie, women can wear dresses or pants but must have dressy tops) and I don't think I've seen anyone wear pantyhose. Fashion tights when it's fall/winter, sure, but old fashioned panyhose? I didn't know anyone wore those anymore.

    I guess if you see people in your area wearing them, then I'd err on the side of conservative in an interview.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    As someone who used to do the interviewing and hiring my best advice is to look as professional as possible. First impressions really do matter.
  • Drunkadelic
    Drunkadelic Posts: 948 Member
    People still wear pantyhose????

    that was my reaction as well... *shudder*
  • serena569
    serena569 Posts: 427 Member
    Absolutely! Always err on the side of conservative.
  • bedoozled
    bedoozled Posts: 189 Member
    I've always ascribed to the idea that (within limits) it's best to dress in a way that you're most comfortable with, when you're on an interview - if you're uncomfortable, or are going to be fidgeting with your outfit, I think you're far less likely to make a natural, good impression. Now, if you're going in for a finance job, in a typical "finance" atmosphere, it probably DOES make sense to wear tights to the interview (and probably either an interesting top/no jewelry or a more streamlined top and an interesting necklace or bracelet or earrings), and from there - assuming you get the job - you can figure out what's typical from your coworkers : ) Good luck on the interview!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Generally, I like wearing pantyhose under a skirt for a business-type situation. I also don't advocate wearing any skirt that is too tight or too short. It just doesn't look professional to be in something too short or too tight or a blouse that is too low cut. If in doubt, a nice pantsuit always works, pantyhose or not.
  • Melolicious
    Melolicious Posts: 71 Member
    Corporate and finance - go conservative and wear the pantyhose for the interview. If you want personality, let it be in your blouse with a funky print or colour. I've been on the other side of the table and your dress does make a difference when you are after a professional position with the matching pay cheque. I'd also skip the more patterned pantyhose for the interview

    Nail the interview, get the job and feel it out from there. If it turns out to be more corporate casual and you have great skin, go bare if you want.
  • msjamartin
    In some ways it depends on where you live what will be professional. Florida/California might actually seem very old school and not as appropriate as in the financial districts of Boston and New York. Personally, I think not wearing hose with business attire to an interview is inappropriate. I'm in a business casual office and in a skirt today which I wore hose today ( but that is more to do with pasty white legs even after being out in the sun this summer than a requirement)

    If you are wearing skirt/blazer/suit then wear hose. Once in the office and you see the enviornment, you can adjust for the next interviews. Always dress your best and put foward a complete and professional appearnce from day one.

    Hose is not for old ladies and royalty only. Personal opinion, we have gotten WAY to slack in our appearance and appropriateness in many environments.
  • whitehairedguy64
    Let's hear for stockings and garters!!!! YEA!!!!!!!! And no panties!!
  • konswela
    konswela Posts: 137 Member
    People still wear pantyhose????

    hahah I was thinking the same thing! lol
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Suit for the first interview and if it is a skirt; yes hose. This is your first impression; make it the best! After that you can get a "feel" for the mode.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member