
I got some....

i used to go to places when they go 2 meals for a cheaper price deals and buy both, eat them both, I was past caring what anyone thinks!

Basically in general i lost any shame of peopleseeing what a pig I was, i wasnt able to hie it so i learnt to blank it.

I used to hide my food packets in my room!!

I used to eat KFC bucket by myself!

I get really upset if people mention my weight, i try to get the conversation away from that if it ever goes- I DONT LIKE PEOPLE TO EVEN NOTICE MY WEIGHT bu i fear they DO!

I sometimes felt weirdly proud of how much I can eat, like it is a skill.I still do in many ways. is that really bad?

Do you have them?


  • I totally understand! Sometimes I felt proud of how much dessert I could pack in!

    When I went out to eat with friends, I would ask if they will finish her dessert so that I could have it and they would watch in amazement! But thats over. I want my new talentto be saying no and looking great in my news clothes!
  • jg627
    jg627 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Body by BK right here. I had a secret love affair with triple whoppers.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I have a lot . Just working in the courage to post them.
  • sugarbomb83
    sugarbomb83 Posts: 67 Member
    I used to eat whole family sized bags of chips that my boyfriend bought for himself from Sam's Club. I'd hide the empty bags in the bathroom trash can so he wouldn't find them! I was like a bottomless pit!
  • I've eaten a whole medium pizza before. :/
    I try not to order pizza anymore.

    Also, when it comes to ordering Chinese food, I know that what I ordered is really meant to serve more than one person, but I would still eat it all.
    So now I just try not to order out. Period.
  • sixlegs
    sixlegs Posts: 10 Member
    i used to eat two containers of fried rice three times a week, every week >.> each container had like four servings....
  • I bought the drumstick ice cream pack from Costco and ate over half the box in one sitting

    Sometimes for dinner I would get the family size bag of chips with a jar of cheese dip and eat the entire thing

    I'm not sure how many Jack in the Box tacos I can eat, but so far 12 is the most I've ordered at one time

    I've eaten so much, I have literally felt skin stretch

    And the list goes on....
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Several times I have eaten a box of chicken wings by myself.....

    I smoked for over 20 years.....

    I have learned beer is not my friend.....
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    I used to buy a family sized box of Cocopops and eat the lot in one go (with skimmed milk of course!) :wink:
  • floridachikk
    floridachikk Posts: 41 Member
    I ate a whole half-gallon of Blue Bell Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough in 1 week! O.o That was the week before I started MFP, when I realized I could probably use some help watching what I eat. lol
  • I think the reason why I started gaining weight was because I was actually proud of how much I could eat...

    family size LEmon Lays and Hot CHeetos with cream cheese all in one sitting at least 2 a month
    cheesy gordita crunch with a quesdilla and a taco every day after work 5 times a week
    two hamburgers when ever I would go out and eat burgers with french fries

    I'm emarrased to even continue.

    One of my biggest confessions is that I'm scared to make this life style change. It seems so unrealistic for me.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I'm so ashamed of how much I weigh that I still haven't told anyone. Not a soul.

    I'm so terrified of failing that sOmetimes I know im not eating enough by I justify it to myself by it being better than eating tO much and I know I have plenty if far stores to sustain me
  • atxdee
    atxdee Posts: 613 Member
    I miss eating KFC!
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    I could eat an entire container of Pringles in one sitting, alone :blushing: :sad:
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    I think the reason why I started gaining weight was because I was actually proud of how much I could eat...

    family size LEmon Lays and Hot CHeetos with cream cheese all in one sitting at least 2 a month
    cheesy gordita crunch with a quesdilla and a taco every day after work 5 times a week
    two hamburgers when ever I would go out and eat burgers with french fries

    I'm emarrased to even continue.

    One of my biggest confessions is that I'm scared to make this life style change. It seems so unrealistic for me.
    We are all scared of this. I have lost a total of 42 lbs before MFP and 29 since joining. I quit smoking, the doctor has taken me off both blood pressure and cholesterol medication and the list goes on and on. I love myself now. I will never go back to the old me. Never!
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    Oh yes. I have them. I once ate a whole box of donuts. I used to buy king size candy bars and hide them in my dresser. Then eat them when no one was home and hide the trash. It has been years since I have had that behaviour but I think all of us here on this site have at least one confession.
  • milzu
    milzu Posts: 40 Member
    If I'm alone with a large bag of potato chips, only one of us will come out alive and very thirsty.
  • I was so humiliated at one point I wouldn't go into Mcdonalds to eat with my family. I won't eat food in public, and if I do I feel like an animal in a zoo.

    Whenever I'm in public I constantly adjust my shirt because my insecurity of my manboobs.


    I exaggerate these ideas in my head for no reason, probably because I'm not somebody meant to be this size. I will never feel accepted as this.
  • sometimes if I binge, I buy stuff in several different shops so the cashiers won't judge me! as if being judged by a cashier is worse than eating a large chocolate bar and enough bags of crisps and full-sugar fizzy drinks to feed a family for a day :(
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    The biggest challenge to me eating healthier is the fact that my boyfriend is, too. I feel like, the better he gets at cutting out added sugar, the more compelled I feel to have sugar when no one is watching.

    I also love the feeling of being completely stuffed, as opposed to just sated.

    I ate an entire loaf of bread on Friday night. Because it was tasty and I was hungry.